The US cannot last another 5 maybe 6 years without socialism. Prove me wrong

The US cannot last another 5 maybe 6 years without socialism. Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just wait

The US cannot last another 5 maybe 6 years without capitalism. Prove me wrong.

Not an argument trumptard

Its has to be a mix of both like its always been

You need both for the other to be successful

In 3-5 years what are you gonna do when you’re wrong.

He used the exact same wording with 1 changed word.
Stop being retarded.

The US would collapse within the space of 5 or 6 years under socialism. As it is we can barely afford the welfare system we have.

Zero mixing. You literally have no concept of economic systems that surround you.

And he’s fucking stupid redneck

Too much sense for modern day half-tards.

Lol. This shitbaitpost is so good I have to commend you, op. You are not a faggot.

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We also couldn't afford 2 useless wars at the same time


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He might be, but that’s OP for you.

>The US cannot last another 5 maybe 6 years without socialism.
being this retarded

Ok so the welfare systems and tax breaks for the rich arent socialism

It's been riven that trickle down economics doesn't work and never has
Sounds like welfare for the rich to me

The country is a hybrid
Quit being so fucking blind and brainwashed


How about civil war and we get rid of all the socialists that are fucking it up?


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While that’s a nice dream, honestly I
A: wouldn’t want to fight in a war and
B: don’t like the idea of killing people over ideologies when currently they don’t have any power and really can’t do anything but huff and puff.
Socialists, progressives, etc, are mostly powerless thanks to current laws and the Constitution.
It would take them a century or more to dismantle all the safeties in place and even then, that’s with at least 51% of everyone agreeing with them.
They might have 5% as true socialists currently.

Ok retard sure thing hick

The US already has a lot of socialist policies and divisions in place. It could improve and streamline them, but altogether the marker should stay mostly free.

>if you’re pro capitalism, you’re a trumptard
>if you’re a trumptard you’re a redneck

Jim Morrison got it wrong. The west is the worst.

Social democracy

You sound butthurt. Still angry she lost?

>Prove me wrong.
Prove yourself "right" first.
>The US cannot last another 5 maybe 6 years without socialism.
Why do you believe this?

why do trumpshits always do this when their orange god is attacked?

I didn’t vote for Trump, but nice try.
Cry some more for me, libshit.

5 years ago the USA wasn't socialist, what could have possibly changed from 5 years ago until now? What could possibly change from now to 5 years into the future?

Every country that has gone full socialist has turned into a murderous hellhole. So yeah, you're wrong.

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the burden of proof is on you
stop trying to destroy America

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dude, the US will be over by morning.

Funny how you didn't vote for him but you agree with more than 75% of his positions.

Why can't you admit it?


>durr socialism is like a mouse getting killed in a trap
You're both dipshits.

The only position of his I agree on is tougher immigration laws, and removal of more illegals.
Cry some more for me, faggot. Keep being butthurt because the bad orange man hurts your fee fees.

Fuck off with your dumb ass straw men retard.

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>tougher immigration laws
you mean rounding up kids and putting them in cages

immigration is not a problem in this country user

fascism is becoming one

>the bad orange man hurts
again, user you simply sound like an enabler

You're a trumpshit

own it

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>full socialist
Good thing nobody's proposing that.


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We're already a welfare state.

And I'd rather die in 5 as something that resembles democracy than in 10 in the wake of it grasping at straws.

But Trump=just fine

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>big brother
you elected the Apprentice

You and your family are immigrants to the country....almost everyone is a generation of immigrant kek

user you literally believe the New Deal stylings of AOC, Warren and Sanders=North Korea.

That means shut up adults are talking.

I know right
None of them are actually from America almost none of them

I didn't click on that, it looks stupid. What is your ass throbbing about now?

> Using another non-argument in a row.
You are literally stupider than a donkey.

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I'm anti-Trump. I don't see you agreeing with me. Rather, you're siding with the far right's retarded impression of what democratic socialism is. And your replies simply keep proving my point.

Post your Bernie tattoo, faggot.

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adults are talking trumpshit

you're a troll, prove me wrong

cowardly fuck


> Is such a brainlet that he doesn't get the memo.

Stay mad bruv

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I've never seen a worse discussion/argument thread on Yea Forums.

Everyone is repeating each other with a few words substituted and then they call each other idiots.

Y'all'd be better off both wearing "I'm with stupid t-shirts" and then posting a video of your "discussion" to prove to the rest of the country where the phrases "below average intelligence" and "uninformed voter" come from.

It's one thing to not care, then there is this. You guys are unknowingly making a satire of the US political system since all of you sound like 5-year-olds yelling

>>NO U

>>NO U

>>NO U

>>NO U

Yup. And punting them back out of the US to family wherever the fuck they came from.
Part of my family immigrated in 1685 the other part was already here.

>stupider than a donkey

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We already have lots of socialist things in place.

No government is 100% capitalist or 100% communist or 100% socialist.

>such a brainlet

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>literally votes in a russian puppet

What did conservatards mean by this?

>both sides bad
how does it feel knowing your attitude elected Trump?

So you openly support Trump's xenophobic fascist policies.


all roads lead to hillery
you'll see

>daily reminder

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> Doesn't even know his own language.
> Talks to a Dutchfag.

What's that nigger?

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>daily reminder
>gubbamint bad
>libs bad
>trump good

Actually taxing you to pay for a health care system is directly in line with the 16th Amendment, user. Please. Don't be a stupid teabagging faggot about this. You're dumb enough.

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user you're more than welcome to vote for some dipshit who will push for other dipshits to repeal the 16th Amendment.

Ain't happening, though. Hahaha. Ha ha ha ha.



>Capitalism is our Forefathers Charter
so much autism, so little cranial space

If you would stop crying about it, you would see it doesn't fucking matter.

The house and senate will always veto anything too extreme. He might not have a great image, but he knows almost as much as Obama did when he was elected and hasn't actually messed anything up.

Picking a side and following their platforms is the reason there even was this false dichotomy of Trump/Clinton anyway.

If people would stop acting like the people ITT (retards shouting at each other) and vote for what they ACTUALLY believe in instead of by party color, we might make some serious progress in this country.

But as long as your side is yelling
and their side is yelling

We will never progress, there will always be social unrest and we will devolve into violent revolutions that just put us back to where we were in the beginning anyway.

I've voted Libertarian since I was 18 because a moderate Libertarian (the ones on the ballot) would stop the stupid left-right back and forth swinging and push the country forward without all this
bull shit

Read this.

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>stop crying about it,
admit it first

admit you elected an incompetent racist who shouldn't be at the helm of a country but you fucking did it anyway.

When you do this, we'll talk.

old copypasta from the 2016 Election.

You on the other hand, would give billionaires tax cuts and jack up the deficit two trillion dollars to do it.

It's always funny how when I say most of you are immigrants you magically know your family lineage
Stop lying you dirty immigrant

super gay

Because they're American Nazis.

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user you're 12
stop posting these moldy memes from your mom's laptop

We already have it?
>nationalized highways
>federally limited healthcare
>food programs for the neediest
>social security
>compulsory education
I agree that if any one of those is removed there would be hell to pay, but the US is far from laissez faire.

Yeah, I'm done with Yea Forums for the day. The tranny discord is raiding anyway...


>but the US is far from laissez faire.
we sure give the billionaires a sweet deal tho

So you're admitting you're crying over something that doesn't matter AND that you're being unreasonable?

I'm not an referee by trade, but I think it's pretty clear I prevailed to be the more logical, grounded and well-worded verbal opponent in this discussion.

Let me know how your life doesn't change at all in the next 25 years because of who is in the white house but only by how hard you work. See you at the Yea Forums meet up in 2034.

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You still can't admit it. Awesome.

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They're itching for it...

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The US will last a lot longer than OP because he's a fag. Prove me wrong.

>I'm 12
we know

I'm sure it can last forever (give or take) without socialism.

Wherever anyone wants to live there or not is another question.

We have basically 12 years to address climate change. Do you think the Republicans are going to do that?

go back to /pol/ commietard

>People need to be fed clothed housed
>but don't you dare use government to do that


I can't. My mom's punishing me for calling someone a kike.

You have 60 seconds to address your homosexuality

A lay can only be exposed, if the stated "facts" can be verified.

So you're a homophobe and a flat-earther? Impressive.

>muh 12 years
>muh livin wage
>muh soshull justis

You would give billionaires tax cuts and jack up the deficit two trillion dollars to do it.

I still don't see you admitting this.

nobody said you were the smartest pencil in the box user

I don't fear fags
I just think they're icky

Have you been paying attention to the rhetoric of the current tantrum?
LibTards are plotting the death of the republic in public fora, expect them to get even shittier now that the Deep State Coup has fizzled...

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Fucking kek

I admit that my state wasn't within one vote of swinging from red to blue making my Libertarian vote null in the regards of which you speak.

I admit that your childishness will only stunt your personal growth.

I admit that replying to this thread is a waste of time because no one is here to think critically and solve any problems; they are just here to proudly wear their team colors and talk vapid shit about people in the other team's jerseys.

I admit that I am deeply disappointed that you aren't willing to have a reasonable discussion about fixing the perceived problems in this country, thus making Yea Forums even worse than it already was.

I also admit that I have been forgetting to sage with every post since it was clear from the start that this thread is fat neckbeards yelling at each other from their mommies' basements.

It's intense, actually. You're like two caged animals going at the throat. The orgasms are more intense too.

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Because socialism worked out so well for Venezuela, Russia, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, East Germany...

user you are literally incapable of expressing an original thought lol

thanks for dragging out Uncle Tom though
it's hilarious watching people of color defend this stupid unsustainable paradigm

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user I don't see you agreeing with me on anything. I am a staunch anti-Trump US citizen.
And anytime it gets brought up that this stupid administration would agree with all the bullshit in here about "socialism" you start throwing a shitfit. Now you're close to reaching meltdown once it's pointed out to you that by not choosing Clinton on the ballot, your efforts served to elect this shitstain.

Just own it and stop it with the fucking pissing match. Your dick is small and deflated, ok?

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You are shifting the burden of proof. You better proof why it can't.


>forgetting to sage with every post
you can't sage here any more you stupid dense fuck

being a faggot works out great for you

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I have been around for many decades. Other than waiting in gas lines in the late 70s, my life has never been really inconvenienced by any administration. The country survived both Ford and Carter thereby showing that the presidency doesn't require an exceptionally gifted leader to hold the fort. The system somehow works in spite of all its shortcomings. Trump can only wield minimum damage at best.

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It's a troll raging basically about the Green New Deal. Think about it. We have basically 12 years to fix the problems we've caused with our carbon emissions, OP is a faggot who thinks Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax, he hates AOC, he posts this shit.

Adults don't believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Clause anymore...

user if you've really been around that long and don't recognize the threat this administration is to this country, then you're either braindead or an enabler.

Yes, but sadly it wont happen

user you don't know what socialism even is. You think it's like some communist dictatorship.

That means shut up.

the left are attacking middle eastern countries while the right throw things at immigrants? I'm not sure I see your point...

Did somebody upperdecker a pound of sodium?

You could just raise taxes...

You are both right.

America has been a social democracy with a capitalist economy for ~250 years.
Taking this hybrid into a pure form would collapse our structure.

kill yourselves you polarised children.

he thinks Obama and Congress is "the left"

Yeah, get over your angsty 16 yo phase. The US has been a lost cause since 1965 and I blame boomers.

just counting all the conservatards falling for OPs b8

>pure socialism would collapse our structure
too bad nobody's proposing this

they're such petty childish people
it's fun to watch

enough to keep putting off my afternoon fap

The only people using Fascist tactics at the moment are with you...

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Go kys migatard

First, I would like to apologize for my strawman neckbeard remark.

It was low brow (though arguably higher than most of what you have been saying).

Secondly, given the fact that none of my posts have any typos, the fact that they have excellent word choice, and the fact that they are well constructed should be plenty of evidence for you to see I am not flustered at all.

I understand that you might not know which posts are mine, see below:
On agreeing with you, since you are seemingly blindly a "staunch anti-Trump US citizen", I don't believe we would have a lot to agree on.

I don't love the guy, but just like Hillary, he has his positives and negatives. Since you have been implying he doesn't have a single good thing about him, I can fairly accurately assume, you do not think critically about political issues.

It's okay. Many people allow their emotions to best their logical processing when talking about sensitive subjects within politics.

I simply ask that you take the heavy burden of blind hatred off your back and really look for one thing that isn't so bad about Trump being president.

I'll start by naming a positive about Clinton. She is well-versed in foreign affair.

Now you go.

If you find yourself unable to, I believe you might benefit more from personal reflection time to see the flaws within yourself before you try to talk publicly about issues it is clear you can not logically process.

Fuck your feelings

I apologize, I've been a regular on multiple boards for almost 15 years now.

>you are seemingly blindly a "staunch anti-Trump US citizen"
user are you even American?

Are you seriously finding fault in this?
That bastard is fucking up this country, ok?

It is possible to have a functioning capitalist system in a state with a robust social safety net and value for your tax dollars. We have simply choosen not too for short term gains for the boomer psychopath generation. Fuck You I Got Mine isn't a sound philosophy for a functioning society.

>really look for one thing that isn't so bad about Trump being president.
that's just it

there isn't one

isn't President

you're doing it again, refusing to take a hard look at what you elected.

>time to see the flaws within yourself before you try to talk publicly about issues

I don't care what you say socialism is or isn't. A faggot like you advocates for it and that's enough for me to dislike it.

That means your mom is a whore.

How much of an idiot do you have to be to think liberals/progressives want a the US to become a pure socialist state?

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Elizabeth Warren is proposing that Company Boards be required to have 40% made up of workers, so in that sense, we are pushing for more than just higher taxes and social programs.

Someone should show this to the Republicucks next time they say the poor deprived rich need even lower taxes and see if they get the irony.

That was communism faggot.

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still gay

the goal of stupid is you

It seems pretty obvious that you don't get the irony dumbass

Who replaced yet another incompetent racist who willingly and enthusiastically shilled for our national enemies.
Trump makes you bugfuck nuts, best reason ever to vote for him again...

I was born and raised and still reside within the borders of Iowa.

>that bastard is fucking up this country

I would like you to name something that has been affected by Trump being president that is personal to you. Not some un-sourced picture about something that a news network posted to stimulate emotional response, but something within your community or social circle that has been undoubtedly negatively affected by Trump's presidency.

I would love to discuss this.

>there isn't one
What about his exploitation of government loopholes to increase his personal wealth?

Many people might sight this as a negative, but if you look past your opinion on how he conducts business, you might find that it is clear he understands the capitalist (economic driving) side of our economy so intricately that he should have significantly more knowledge to bring to the office on that regard than any career politician.

Being a small business owner myself, I have seen first hand some of the ridiculous laws put in place by people who have never tried to make money on their own.

It is clear to most business owners that certain regulations need to repealed.

Do not forget that the majority of people working in this country are employed by a small business.

I understand Clinton isn't president. I'm trying to convey to you my reasonable demeanor and logical processing.

Reganomics and supply side economics has been shown repeatedly to not do the very thing the the Republicucks say it does. So instead of changing thier bad ideas they double down every chance they get because it is not thier intention to make good policy, it is thier intention to shovel as much loot up the ladder as they can.

>Obama was an incompetent racist
yes both sides are bad
you sound like a fucking parrot
>trump makes you bugfuck nuts
actually anyone opposed to fascism, racism and incompetent leadership are just people with brains user
>I'm going to be stupid again
go right ahead

I wanted to define for you a logically false tactic you have been employing throughout this thread.

It is called circular reasoning.

If it involves mass murder and totalitarian poverty for the 'lucky' survivors it is NOT a solution.
You're shilling for the common enemies of all mankind...

Fuck You, Got Mine

>I would like you to name something that has been affected by Trump being president that is personal to you.
I'm not going to waste a post on this.

You're literally this deep in denial about the shithead you elected user. I find it both hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

>What about his exploitation of government loopholes to increase his personal wealth
there are no positives in this.

Now you just admitted you support corruption.

>I understand Clinton isn't president.
no you really don't or you wouldn't have brought it up.

We left 2016 behind. You still can't. Because it's all you have to blame.

this thread could not have done more to highlight the fact that people who support socialism are intellectually indolent children

Admit that you elected an incompetent racist who shouldn't be at the helm of a country but you fucking did it anyway.

Once again, I did not vote for him nor was my state close to swinging blue.

I do not find his demeanor appealing nor his personal relationships attractive in any way.

I am not so dense, though, that I can't see what good he can do if he applies himself.

Actually it's pretty childish to be so insecure about your ignorance that you'd make post after post of cringing retarded stale memes about communism.

have you actually read anything by him other than "quotes"?
i'm gonna help you retard out and even pick you the chapter

There is no "good" in this Presidency, user. He cut taxes for billionaires, increased the deficit, violated the Constitution by wanting to ban Muslims, wanted to waste money on something equally stupid and xenophobic by building a wall.

What's more, the only people who respect him worldwide are dictators. Nobody else wants his shit in office. They want another Obama or even something more liberal. So does the majority of this country.
You don't seem to understand this.

I admitted that the law-making process, when compounded, is it's own worst enemy.

We have commonly regarded how effective a legislature is by how many laws they create. Given the fact that these loopholes even exist should be evidence enough that we need to change the way we look at political effectiveness.

I clearly stated why it is a positive with no opinion involved whatsoever. Given your refusal to discuss points within my argument hints at the idea that you did not even read the rest of my post.

Once again, if we can't logically discuss an issue and open ourselves up to beliefs other than our own, we can never grow as people and thus never grow as a society.

Socialism = Communism

Go to Russia

in other words only in Marxism does "socialism" mean the lower stage of communism and thus has "communism" as its goal
social democracy is another branch out of socialism and not marxist, you inbred dumbfuck

Climate Change is an Elite hoax, just like Global Warming, and the looming Ice-age before it.
Your KoolAide drinking ass is shilling for Tyrant wannabees.

user, you are simply enabling a serious ethics violation. There is no debating this.

how does it feel to have your ideas so utterly and completely defeated that your only argument is to lie about someone being a racist

mad as fuck

Well aware of what Socialism is, too bad you don't yet have the jackbooted thugs to MAKE me shut up, isn't it?

Actually user and I (you?) have failed to progress past this point because he (you) still refuses to accept the criticism as valid.

good job proving my point

user you don't have to capitalize it either.

But you proved mine. Did you run out of memes, or did you mom need to use the computer?

I've heard the same basic arguments for years. Some monster is supposedly always lurking in the shadows ready to devour our way of life. I've lived through 10 administrations and not one has ever fundamentally affected my lifestyle. Trump's run will be no different.

I'm well aware of your contempt...

>this is fine
user you are literally defending the most authoritarian President in your lifetime.

>retard yelling at retards that they don't know what socialism is
>neither of them does
socialism has several branches and is in general defines by workers control over the means of production
anarchism, marxism and revisionist social democracy have very little in common with each other

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>people posted memes i dont like therefore my argument wins

"Fuck You I Got Mine isn't a sound philosophy for a functioning society"
Neither is Fuck Everybody so I can Virtue Signal Harder...

your arguments were pretty stupid actually
didn't have to make one

Nice troll thread, OP. I haven’t seen this many retarded comments in a long time!

[he's right you know.jpg]

wat cages

All you have to do is Pay Attention to what they've said and done since the '30s...

I believe the absurdity in this post does not warrant a response, but I wanted you to know I read it.

Technically, he has never done or said anything racist. While his opinion of immigrants is unsavory, I disagree with you on the notion that he is racist.

And once again, I did not vote for him.

>is no "good"
He has reduced unnecessary regulation to stimulate the national economy.

Obama cut taxes for the rich also.
The deficit was increasing regardless.
The constitution clearly state the president can ban classes of people for national security reasons. Obama and W Bush both did this legally.
The wall was obviously never going to get built. Yes, anti-immigration Americans did vote for Trump specifically for this piece but every one educated at all in the American political system understand the borders are not the problem when addressing illegal immigration.
Opining about something's level of xenophobia within a discussion/argument reduces your argument's legitimacy. To be taken more seriously in future debates, be sure to separate opinion from fact and argument.

Worldwide respect, sadly, is drawn along party lines just as the uneducated screeching that is done within this thread. This is a gray area to try debating when no one outside of the white house and CIA have any idea about it.

>nobody else wants
Sweeping generalizations also de-legitimize your argument. Obviously, people wanted him in office or he would not have been elected.

Obama, when assessed on his actions and not his words, was one of the best moderately conservative presidents we've ever had.

>the majority of this country
Remember that not everyone votes as they know which way their state will swing in the general election.

I wouldn't vote if I lived in California as I know the state will swing democrat, for example.

>know u

Youve at no point made an argument you just called people trumptards.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... on to the real question, what the FUCK happened to that toilet?

>the absurdity in this post
because it totally wasn't absurd before

Me: your President sucks
You: I'll say one witty bitty nice thing about Clinton.


There are serious ethics violations made every day.
I don't completely understand the point of this post. Please clarify.


>trump still isn't racist
not even going to argue with you on this

you enable racism, user

enable it

>trump has reduced unnecessary regulation
citation needed

This guy gets it

isn't President
neither is Clinton.
You keep doing this.

Ok so no socialism for 7 years.

That'll prove you wrong.

See you in 2026. Maybe you'll be able to drink legally by then.

>Opining about something's level of xenophobia within a discussion/argument reduces your argument's legitimacy.
Except that is the argument.

Trump is a xenophobic bigot who shut down the government to push for a highly unpopular policy. I don't see you admitting this, either. It's always the whiny liberals you keep attacking, though. You'll show us.


>The constitution clearly state the president can ban classes of people for national security reasons.
user, you're not even going to admit that Trump went on record stating he wanted a MUSLIM TRAVEL BAN. I can't discuss this with you in good faith. I've won this.
You won't admit Trump wanted to violate the Constitution.

You're right. The government should also stop appropriating my taxes for wars I don't want to fight, educating kids I never had, and paving roads that I drive far less than anyone else on average.

>Sweeping generalizations also de-legitimize your argument
Again, the only people who like this Presidency worldwide are dictators, user.

You also refuse to acknowledge this. But keep attacking us liberals! You'll show us!

'actually anyone opposed to fascism, racism and incompetent leadership are just people with brains user'
Which is why I'm still overjoyed that my protest vote against Shrillary helped Trump in...

He doesn't matter as much as you think. In time you'll understand how little power the presidency
actually has. You'll see.

user you literally said it's a "positive" to benefit financially from the Presidency as President.

Fuck you.

Karl Marx suggested that capitalist systems would collapse on their own accord, and this was back in 1848. He said capitalism was unsustainable due to ever-increasing income inequality creating a positive feedback loop. He may have predicted the collapse of regimes like Weimar Germany, but I would argue that other factors played a role, not simply capitalism.

Nobody can prove you wrong because nobody can predict the future. But send me your email address and mailing address so that I can get back to you in 6 years, and we can see who was right.

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It just means you forfeit that one. There are plenty of examples of Trump's racism, but you dismiss it as fake news the same way he would.

You enable racism.

It does matter. It means you're a useful idiot defending the most authoritarian President in modern history.

I made a positive assessment about Trump's presidency here
I also believe having someone who is perceived as a hot head in office makes our enemies less likely to attack us on our own soil.
As this is my opinion, please debate me at will.

The fact that Trump is proud means that he actually followed through with meeting with Kim Jong-un and will try to find common ground.

Since Trump has been in office, we have had better gains in the stock market. You can argue that the deficit reduction is not his fault, but a large factor in the stock market is investor confidence. This means that him being in office has given enough people enough confidence to buy more stocks and securities than under Obama.

Before you claim the rich only benefit, do not forget that most average citizen's retirement packages are dependent on the stock market.

Faggot redneck detected


>I also believe having someone who is perceived as a hot head in office makes our enemies less likely to attack us on our own soil.
In other words, you support careless leadership.

Goebbels has a lot to answer for.
Lie Big, Repeat it Often...

I think your right I mean after all a government has never been prone to abuse power, or screw up the handling of a large scale use of it's people's money.

>Since Trump has been in office, we have had better gains in the stock market. You can argue that the deficit reduction is not his fault, but a large factor in the stock market is investor confidence.
There is absolutely no correlation between this and the tax cuts user. And you still dodged the fact that a "fiscal" government just added two trillion dollars to the debt.

You're kind of a fuckwad.

You find the truth inconvenient?

If I were a redneck, I'd be supporting Trump's stupidity.

it wasnt a "muslim ban" it was ban on people coming in form certain dangerous war torn areas of the middle east, obama had also issued travel ban on certain areas, not that any of this matters to you considering you only argument rely soley on reductionism, strawmans and emotion appeals

Name a single sucessful socialist country anywhere at any time on earth and you might have a point.

Name a country that has open immigration - aka no laws.
I’ll wait.

take a look at his policy ffs

Every president has greatly benefited financially from being president.
I was saying that his own experience within the upper level laws of the country can benefit businesses. The businesses benefit and they hire more people and/or increase wages. They do this to increase profits.

I would need a list of all world leaders and if they approve or disapprove of Trump's presidency along with their official titles. Once again,
>>only dictators
is a sweeping generalization de-legitimizing your argument.

I'm not attacking anyone, I am trying to have a beneficial discussion for all parties.

Even the Russians don't want those fucks anymore.
I'm sure Kim the Lesser could use some more slave labor...

What "truth?" That you keep distorting New Deal type policies with Soviet Communism?
You don't have to keep proving that.

It all leads to tyranny and murder in the end whatever pretty dressing you put on it...

user, you keep trying to reinterpret what was actually said, on record.

You're a bootlicker.

I wonder if that person got their Bernie tat removed and now here he is running again

Attached: trump.png (742x960, 891K)

I’m paying attention. The only viable, immediate option they have left is open, violent warfare.
They won’t do that, because they know if they did, they’d get the shit kicked out of them and their way of life would end, permanently.
It’d throw this nation into a new Civil War mode the likes of which they couldn’t handle.

>durr they all did it

user, every President in modern history has divested themselves from their business holdings before getting into office. You are supporting an ethics violation. Admit it. Stop trying to sugarcoat it as something else.
This is something against you.

>I would need a list of all world leaders
no you wouldn't dickhead

it's hilarious watching you go to these extreme measures post after post to defend the shitstain you elected.

>I Have A Dream...

Attached: Capital (1).jpg (2000x1262, 283K)

Not a source. Let me show you a source: Obama authorized drone strikes against American citizens without trial.


Possibly a little indecorous, better neighbors than JigglyPuff and company...

Lineages and ancestry services are a thing now, faggot.
Go back to your soy latte.

>durr obama durr
you right wing dipshits always retreat there
like a turtle popping his head back into his shell

Attached: SjOAt8Sg.jpg (255x198, 11K)

Read the gulag archipelago.

>careless leadership
Read my posts closely as it is a pain to repeat myself.

I said "perceived as" not is. He obviously is not a huge hot head or he would not have matched the stock market in increasing his wealth without a large portion of his portfolio invested.

Every president adjusts taxation
I did not imply that the stock market and tax cuts were related.
The government will continue to add to the deficit until it reduces its size and increases it's efficiency. Obama added to the deficit, W added to the deficit, it's where modern US politics have gotten us stuck. This is not any president's fault.

Your opinion of me being a fuckwad reduces the legitimacy of your argument and makes the thread less beneficial to all involved. Please govern yourself better for the sake of our Yea Forumsrethren

>I said "perceived as" not is. He obviously is not a huge hot head or he would not have matched the stock market in increasing his wealth without a large portion of his portfolio invested.
The current President is actually a blustering idiot who threatens people user.

How low do you plan on stooping? How much more is even possible lol

Democratic socialism has only worked in countries with low diversity and tight borders. Would you be willing to homogenise America's cultural and racial identity in order to bring socialism to our country?

>durr Obama added to the deficit

again and again

and again

You can't criticize this President user! It's awesome.

Democratic socialism will work with full social diversity and a sensible border policy, user.

Also, it's "homogenize," Britbong.

Trump technically divested himself as well putting everything into a trust under his kids. It's US law that this must happen.

I'm not defending anyone. I am, however, defending logical discourse devoid of opinions such that we can solve problems within this society instead of fighting from party lines and creating social unrest.
opinions de-legitimize your arguments and make this thread less beneficial for all involved.
Please govern yourself better for the sake of our Yea Forumsrethren.

Once again, I did not vote for him nor was my state close to swinging.

Proof? I assume your model for this is Switzerland, you might want to check out the stats on their demographics, user.

America has some socialism, but not enough in my opinion.

That every Socialist state ever established is on a constant slide into absolutism?

>I'm not defending anyone. I am, however, defending logical discourse devoid of opinions such that we can solve problems within this society instead of fighting from party lines and creating social unrest.
>opinions de-legitimize your arguments and make this thread less beneficial for all involved.
>Please govern yourself better for the sake of our Yea Forumsrethren.
>Once again, I did not vote for him nor was my state close to swinging.
Not that guy but, motherfucker this is America. Civil discourse and critical thinking have been dead for years. We're not gonna get any better. Have you considered Canada or Australia? I hear they're not too whacked in the head yet...

>Trump technically divested his business interests to his kids
Trump is also more than technically a known liar, user. You really believe this?
Also his kids work for him. In the White House.

I'm not defending Trump, I didn't vote for him. Didn't vote for Hillary either. All I'm saying is he's not the fire-breathing dragon capable of destroying the status quo. The many checks and balances in place won't allow that to happen. If he was as powerful as you seem to think, his asshole wall would have been completed by now.

atleast hes not a stupid fucking commie

Attached: 2387409586.png (640x480, 223K)

>I'm not defending anyone.
You've done nothing but trot out example after example of how you're still defending this failure of a President while attacking anyone who criticizes him. At this point I'm just watching you do it.

I do not know Trump personally, but I have never heard anything about him threatening anyone.
Please expound on this.

The way he handled the shut-down was illogical, I don't believe that he should defend Israel as much as he does, but he is no worse than any other president we have had.

Your circular reasoning that is cemented in your straw man of me supporting Trump is stifling the progress of this discussion. Please refrain.

This President has done nothing but demonstrate he's an utter shit stain of a being. His own words and actions, not mine.

>I did not vote for him
If you did not choose the Democrat as a means of beating him by the widest possible margin, yes, you did. Further, your responses make you sound like a Trump supporter. Fuck off with this shit and own it.

I don't have to do anything. The people want it here in the US.

>a socialist state
Good thing nobody is arguing for one user.

Definitions of 'work' vary, sufficient barbed wire and pervasive secret police made the DDR 'work' after a fashion...

>critical thinking
>civil discourse
You think that user is engaging in either?

>I'm not defending Trump
Every fucking post you make defends some aspect of his policy, user, please. Stop this charade.

Every capitalist state that hasn't had occasional injections of socialist ideas has become corporatist hellholes

>he's not the fire-breathing dragon capable of destroying the status quo.
which is another bootlicking defense of the fascist policies we're seeing coming out of this administration.

MUh Feelz!!1!

>The many checks and balances in place won't allow that to happen.

You don't seem very interested in that happening, either. You can't even accept your own responsibility in the past election.

This thread is lousy with them.

Kek. thanks, user.

Most known people in politics have lied for personal gain at some point or another. Just because his are getting obsessed over does not change the facts.

I have been disassembling and disproving your illogical arguments. Had anyone posted any logical arguments against Trump, I would have agreed and then carried on.

Your opinion that he is a failure de-legitimizes your argument and reduces the quality of the thread. Please refrain.

I stand for logic, nothing more and nothing less. Given that Trump is being hopelessly attacked by illogical arguments ITT, I understand why you might believe that.

>cannot last
>without socialism

>but I have never heard anything about him threatening anyone.
Google it, dipshit.

>The way he handled the shut-down was illogical, I don't believe that he should defend Israel as much as he does, but he is no worse than any other president we have had.
Um, that kind of makes him worse right there.

>Your circular reasoning
No, it's more like facepalming at your blank slate mindset, that you haven't heard any of this criticism before. You should be discussing how we're going to remove him from office.

Link even one example.

>disproving your illogical arguments.
user you don't "disprove" an argument. You're literally sounding like a retard here.

>Most known people in politics have lied
ok so you're basically a sociopath

it sure took a while for that to become obvious for some reason

>Your opinion that he is a failure de-legitimizes your argument
you kind of sound like a retard reading off a card when you do this

Since tyranny is inevitable, why speed up the process?

>I stand for logic, nothing more and nothing less
And yet you support an incompetent illogical President. Curious.

The fact that you insisted on using the phrase "shit stain" hilariously disassembles your own post.
Top kek.

This ideology of dichotomy within the US political system is what is destroying America- not Trump, not Obama, not Putin, not the gays, not the pro-lifers- it's this 100% illogical peer pressure to pick some arbitrary side instead of standing up for what we truly believe in.
You can laugh with all your friends about your illogical thought that me not voting for Trump somehow elected him, but your ridiculous false-dichotomy line drawing is what is poison to America, significantly more so than any one election.

I appreciate your refusal to support your own argument. It de-legitimizes your argument to the point of being nullified.

I believe this is where the term "slacktivism" comes from.

Try the OP

that's it? You said they were everywhere.

You keep defending a bad President, user. And projecting that failure onto others.
You more than have enough in common.

>it's this 100% illogical peer pressure to pick some arbitrary side instead of standing up for what we truly believe in.
Sounds strawmanny.

>It de-legitimizes your argument to the point of being nullified.
or I'm just tired of your shit