R8 my new look Yea Forums

r8 my new look Yea Forums

Attached: red beard.jpg (526x527, 31K)

I feel like watching 2 different persons at the same time, the beard is pretty cool though

I've never seen an amish ginger neckbeard. Beard is a lot thicker than mine, but I think it would look better if you grew a mustache with it.

I look at you and think ..Mormon

So you look like mose from the office

Attached: DUWEMVVXUAEM72O.jpg_large.jpg (323x405, 21K)

Solid 5/7

Attached: rusted steel wool.jpg (640x480, 60K)

You look like those retarded westerners who converts to islam

Oh sweetie.. Sweetie no..

How's the barn building coming?

Brother user

go to mosque and get shot

found a pic of your wife

Attached: goat7.jpg (612x406, 55K)

your wife*


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Attached: 20090403_mose_250x250.jpg (250x250, 16K)

You look like an autistic dildo

Masallah, soon brother

Attached: 85KLoz1.jpg (225x225, 20K)

you look like a disgusting terrorist