I fucking hate dogs, they are disgusting animals that should all be eradicated...

I fucking hate dogs, they are disgusting animals that should all be eradicated. The dog culture going around the internet is completely fucking nauseating and people that call them "chonkers" or "furbabies" are subhumans.

I swear to god if I ever obtain above average income I'll buy dogs from petshops or take them from shelters only to fucking kill them god damn I hate them so fucking much.

what are your opinions on dogs, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't hate animals like that because I'm not mentally ill

Nice b8 m8

Try harder next time edgelord

stop being so emo and stop getting angry at fucking dogs you enotional cunt

Kill yourself you sick fuck for posting that image

Why not just get a job at PETA

I'd kill you if you touched my dog in front of me.

OP is an edgy faggot

Yea you a weirdo even by Yea Forums's standards. Seems like you're just trying too hard to be edgy.

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it's too obvious, in my opinion, I give it a 6/10

Are you a faggot? Sure sound like one. Your solution is to not get a dog, it’s that simple you fucking psychotic fuck.

Lmao lonely faggots are evolving

lol gay ass dogs

hope this will slighty change your opinion on dogs

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Lmao this guy living in 3019

You know, suicide is a lot more fun than people make it out to be. Quit being edgy and drown yourself in the bathtub.

This seems like the kind of post you hear about in a serial killer documentary.
>"The troubled youth also seemed to have an irrational hatred towards animals, especially dogs. 'I fucking hate dogs,' he wrote in a post to an alt-right forum."

>opinion on dogs
>taste good

Fuck you dogs are cute as hell, see you in hell muslim freak !

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Who the fuck cares

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Take your meds kid

If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit.

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I hate dogs too. They are useless. But cows gives milk chicken gives egg. But dog is just eats

too bad soylent coffee is not a good weapon

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Herro im yerrow

dont give a shit about them OP, not a pet person. I think cats are better because theyre lower energy and dont require attention. Dont like dogs, dont hate them

Dogs are fucking retarded and their owners are even worse
Kill all baby talkers

What is wrong with you...

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I don't care about going out of my way to kill dogs, but they are soo fucking annoying and loud.

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Like I said, dogs arent my thing, but I hate niggers more. I'd prefer watching a dog eat a nigger

> calls other people edgy
> "drown yourself in the bathtub"
I shall, without a doubt, consider your intellectual advice tyvm

Its tail is wiggling, it'll be fine

I dont think you hate dogs you more likely hate their owners. I agree with you on that but if you wanna kill some then go for the owners who call their dogs furbabies


How about you fucking kill yourself

Another white incel on his way to being a mass murderer

I have to sit around and look at all your fucking cringy autism thats what


I love my dog way more than my wife.

why the fuck do they treat it like an individual human that cant be replaced? its a fucking animal not a child

I feel so bad for dogs. They gotta deal with humans that hate them, they gotta deal with humans that are fucking garbage at training them so they die. We don't deserve them.

Because girls are fucking retarded MUH FURBABY

I actually agree with you OP. I hate that everyone worships dogs today and it's all over the internet. All dogs should be wiped out

I bet the dog would kill you before you could get a boner from your secret death fetish edgelord kys

Perhaps suicide might suit you well fagot

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you need god...

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I think you're jealous of the fact that a furry mutt will probably receive more love in its short lifespan than you will for your entire life.

Either fix yourself or find a therapist you fucking psycho. I don't love dogs but I'm not about to start hurting them for no reason, degenerate.

thanks for your input ching chong

Because you're an idiot and don't know how to rub two brain cells together to figure it out

Dogs need to get stomped

I hope you get fucking mauled by a small yorkie you pussy nigger bitch fuck. Dogs are the best. Cats are the spawn of satan. the want scratches- no wait thats enough.... human, scratch me one more time and ill claw your ass.. tell ya what, I'm gonna claw the sofa. why is my foodbowl empty? im gonna shit in this box over in the corner... fuck you faggot

They are subhumans. But to outright kill an innocent dog is inhumane.

Where do you live friend? Maybe we could meet, you know, chat up things. Just give me a hint.

Lol, what a waste of time this was. Ching dong OP is not serious... its just a kid or retard - relax mf's.

You're just a psycho dude, dogs are just animals. You on the other hand like to hurt animals and people and blame it all on them. That is of course, assuming you're not a troll.

what country do you live in? are you seriously that poor? God damn, you fucking loser, get a fucking job. Stop blaming your worthless life on others. It is all your fault, no one else's. Kill yourself if you can't improve your condition by yourself. You are fucking disgusting and a waste of carbon.

hmm, sounds like you have problems getting along with others in life.

I hate dogs. I live and volunteer on a dogfarm, and we have (currently) 12 dogs staying at the land. I don't understand how anyone could hold any love for these useless, barking, shitting, greedy wastes of space. Dogs are completely useless. I have recurring violent fantasies, as I lie awake at night listening to their incessant barking.

I just want to touch his pee pee.whos a good boy

Found the muslim.

you have some serious emotional issues. you should be on medication. eventually, you will do something stupid and society will respond. doesn't look good for you in the future.

That's really not the way life works, life is unfair and it's not all just because of being born with inferior genetics in a shitty situation. People also fuck with you sometimes and make your life even shittier. BTW, i'm not the guy you were just talking to.

Shut the fuck up you dumb whore, btw i'm not the guy you just responded to. But yeah, don't kill retards that talk to their dogs like babies, that's insane.

That's nonsense, dogs can be very useful. This thread is so dumb.

I value the asshole neighbor's dog's life far, far more than I value yours. You are a piece of shit and were raised poorly. Was your father not around? Lots of alcoholism in your family? If you left this earth, no one would miss you or even care.

my wolf pup hades

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umad bro? trololololol

my other wolf pup ares

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Dude, you're the one's who's clearly a piece of shit. Stop psychoanalyzing people you pretentious whore, you're a fucking retard.

Some dogs just need to be put down but some are alright

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Dog farm?you're doing it wrong

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I personally don't want to own a dog, but they don't bother me as long as they don't bark too much or try to bite me.

okay Mr. I Have Serious Anger Issues. Maybe you should get back on your meds too.

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Pitbulls suck, those things are dangerous.

sure kid

OMG so cute.id love to rape it

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Do you have any friends?

New, huh? Me too

Shut your stupid cunt mouth, whore. I want to put my dick in your mouth.

I hate those type of people that pamper/use disgusting baby language to treat their dogs. Mother fuckers need to die but i dont think its the dogs fault

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I'll make you eat my shit, you nasty cunt.

I would let you try if his big bro was in the room i think that would make a good red room video

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nice bait, going against popular opinion. I too fucking hate them. here a video of doggo getting rekt by a stonge snek

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OP is being edgy because he knows that his NEET life is leading nowhere.

>I swear to god if I ever obtain above average income I'll buy dogs from petshops or take them from shelters only to fucking kill them god damn I hate them so fucking much.

>I swear to god if I ever obtain above average income

>above average income

lol. As though even average income is an option on the table for you.

Yeah i guess

Dogs contribute to society more than you ever will

Sicc trips

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You've obviously never had either


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That's a good way for a cop to get gunned down.

So, you're a cat-person, huh?

I like your rational and completely normal outlook, OP.

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This is below low quality bait

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>lol. As though even average income is an option on the table for you.

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Filthy cockroaches. Op is pure bait

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KYS Muhammad.

I just let my parents dog out the front door because this guy right here. In North Dakota she aint making it through the night.

Helluva lotta new fags in this thread ‘ere boss


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If you're serious you genuinely may have a serious mental illness. Human beings have survived and thrived by developing a symbiotic relationship with canines as we evolved and adapted. To this day we use dogs as weapons and tools, and even medicine. Our best computer technology and weapons still can't compete with something as simple as a dogs powerful sense of smell and desire to work for our approval and gratitude. Our symbiosis with dogs is so engrained in our biology now that simply being in the presence of a dog triggers the same response in humans as when we see our own children. A strong case could be made that if either their species or ours suddenly vanished from the Earth that the other species would soon die out as well. They've placed dogs in MRI machines and studied their brain waves and they have shown that dogs actually experience outrageous feelings of love and compassion when in the presence of their human families. They have a greater bond with humans than they do with other dogs, even from their own litter. Science has proven that our species needs dogs. A dislike of the concept of having pets isn't totally unreasonable but a disgust and hatred of dogs nothing short of a clear sign of mania.

There's a reason we went to war with Korea.

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I find them annoying too
I have an airsoft gun.
When the neighbour dog starts barking like a crazy I light him up with the full mag and he stops.
Now he is barely barking.
I'll train him over time.

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Its a dog.id grab its back legs snap its spine.deposit a quart in it's ass just for you.red room lolololol

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love this meme hate your thread

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i'm not a dog person.

Some dogs can be cute, but would never want to own one.. some dogs i revile.

Going out of your way to kill them is kinds messed up and you should see someone about it. sounds like you have ptsd from one or something.


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>googles dead coyote
Bad b8 faggot try harder

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newfag does not know the story of how Yea Forums tracked this woman down, reported her to the police, got her arrested and sentenced to jail. the good old days.


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bait, if not... Then i dont believe hate dogs, you hate people for liking dogs so much. And you cant understand it because you're probably not very successful in any part of your life. You probably dont have a job, or a really shitty one, you have few/if any friends, you have no self esteem, perhaps never had a girlfriend and that triggers you because girls like dogs and guys with dogs. Maybe you even got a dog once thinking it could get you girls, but you never got more than a look, you're still to beta to actually talk to a girl. Shit the dog was probably more alpha than you. So you stuck your tiny cock inside of it until one day you realized what a lonely sick fuck you is so you killed it, or gave it away, and then blamed all the bad things in your life on dogs.


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imagine if your neighbor browsed Yea Forums and saw you admitting to this


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i will fucking rape your mom and burn your childrens with gasoline if you touched my dog

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Watch jojos then, you are gonna love it



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Ok, tough guy.

You've just proven me right.


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I bet you love people. Most fuckers that I know who hate animals are a typical human-loving pathetic fags. I hate people, I can't stand them, and of course I love dogs and animals in general.
So fuck you, go and suck some human cock you brainlet.

Fuck off edgelord. You sick emo motherfucker.

humans are cancer to our planet. humans deserve to go extinct

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i fucking hate the people behind the faggot internet dog culture,and i do t like dogs in.general..but buying dogs.so you can kill them? see a shrink bro

op got caught with peanut butter and the family dog so now he hates all dogs

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People like you are why humanity has gone to shit. Rot in hell faggot.


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Where do you live? Or are you a pussy? I think that you are because you are far too afraid to go over and talk to the owner. Means you are a little bitch. I would love to see someone point an airsoft at one of my dogs. I don't have a problem getting right up front and personal with stupid people like you.

do you wanna meetup?

Very poor quality bait, kill yourself faggot.

Dude, chill. The guy obviously has a small penis and is trying to be edgy to compensate. This is a person to be pitied, not threatened. I fell sad for his mother.

Best way to trigger newfags seems to be to post dog and cat gore. So I'm all for it. Also fuck rule zero.

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you need to be shot at sight if you think an animals life is worth more then a dogs life

go kill yourself

i hate dogs too. used to own them. loved them. but never want another. just grew to hate them over time.
dogs are the most selfish animals on the planet.

I think they're overrated crap machines.
But they're also living beings, and don't deserve the abuse that some assholes (probably like you) subject them to, and many people don't recognize how badly they love them to death.

hi araki

what the fuck is wrong with you? only serial killers and ascenders from the deepest depths of autism don't like dogs?

are you able to make human friends? are you able to hide your true identity from them?

Dogs are great when you don't own them