Big oof

>big oof
>huge yikes
>mega cringe

Attached: noooo.jpg (785x731, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1418348861745.jpg (500x500, 37K)

Attached: 1552264639087.jpg (125x125, 9K)

Hey dad

>have sex
Why are these two spammed on Yea Forums and Yea Forums so much?

Yea Forums started the have sex thing

upsets butthurt virgins here

holy finna bafed Yea Forumschads

>thats a yikes from me dawg
>big oof

Attached: yikesposters.png (661x821, 185K)

discord trannies and falseflaggers

it's low effort, high yield bait

>shows statistics about some unrelated issue

Attached: 1551638339167.jpg (239x249, 10K)


whenever i read "cringe" I picture an ugly pimple faced teenager with terrible fashion sense posting it

I post 'have sex' on threads where someone got btfo. 'Cringe' is reddit tier vocabulary and if you think it's based, you need to have sex.

big boi
good boi
*"ironic" dabbing*

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whenever i read "whenever i read "cringe" I picture an ugly pimple faced teenager with terrible fashion sense posting it" I picture an ugly pimple faced teenager with terrible fashion sense posting it

There was this guy I met who sounded like he just discovered Yea Forums for the first time because he just wouldn't stop saying:
>imagine doing ____
>[current year]
I wanted to fucking punch him. People who consistently use buzzwords and Yea Forums lingo in person need to wear a shock-collar.

Attached: 130719130758.jpg (425x412, 20K)

whenever I read "whenever i read "whenever i read "cringe" I picture an ugly pimple faced teenager with terrible fashion sense posting it" I picture an ugly pimple faced teenager with terrible fashion sense posting it" I picture an ugly pimple faced teenager with terrible fashion sense posting it

>frogfucker shit
>nujak garbage

Attached: 1550359787142.jpg (1920x1080, 110K)

Attached: Ouch.png (416x384, 5K)

mmmf, yes this thread is turning into quite the yikesy wikesy, cringey wingey, a major faux pas

Tell me who you are quoting.

Modern meme culture and internet culture is fucking terrible.

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Don't be fucking telling people kid.______________________

Your mom

I eat pussy

Attached: index.png (211x239, 7K)

so if people say these three key phrases you break out into soijak crying, op?

thanks for the heads up im gonna use them more lol

normalniggers obviously

uhm yikes incel virgin freak nerd, have sex /pol/ seething rent free literally btfo incel cringe

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Cowabunga dudes why do twerps these days have such bogus slang


All wojaks are propaganda.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who has affiliated soijaks with the people who post them.
When I picture an ugly big-mouthed faggot with unkept facial hair, I think of the faggots who post wojaks.



Attached: 18052018230630.jpg (640x360, 53K)

>so here's the thing
>sometimes I like to tell stories on Yea Forums
>I'll often include completely irrelevant points to pad it out and make it feel realler
>like how sloths climb down to shit on the forest floor leaving themselves exposed instead of just shitting from up in the branches and nobody knows why
>but near the end I get back on track
>the point is I tell stories on Yea Forums sometimes
>and I spoiler the ending as if that gives it more impact

Afterwards, I stop using green text to make it feel as if I'm taking a step back along with you and looking at everything that happened, usually giving one final opinion on the whole piece, which I think is all right.

This isn't videogames


I breathe

Attached: normalfags be like.png (213x241, 14K)

>wanting to talk about video game

Attached: 6.jpg (476x522, 51K)

Who the fuck started saying yikes? It feels like this shitty buzzword popped up overnight.

>another wojaknigger thread

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I don't think Yea Forums wants this trash mods.

These are going in my cringe compilation

Attached: Cringe Compilation.png (500x500, 221K)

and this, if you get upset, or something hurts your feelings on Yea Forums then dont browse Yea Forums go to /trash/ instead