Hurr durr,liberals are pussies and snowflakes.even though i get beat up and humiliated by them at every trump rally

>hurr durr,liberals are pussies and snowflakes.even though i get beat up and humiliated by them at every trump rally

the state of the "republican"party in 2019

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Was ist das?

Violent shit tossing nigger. We're civilized.

>we're civilized

you mean,pussy?

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I thought you learned your lessons already

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Did he fall over?
Was he drunk or epileptic?

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mob of 100 armed vs 1 unarmed
and you think your brave lol

beaten by antifa mob

[citation required]

so you think its manly to mace women and children?
what a little bitch

who is "you" i never said i was pro or anti trump,dumbass,have fun acting like republicans are the tough guys while they get the shit beat out of them everywhere they go

nice assumption there idiot,i bet you think its ok to shit on the 2nd ammendment as long as the republican president does it.same with golfing and vacations every other week,3 things trump does that you criticized obama for

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Haha not antifa idiot. Look things up once in a while

yea because unarmed people, being mobs by people with weapons sneak attacking and running away , or attacking one with a large mob is anything other then cowardly

sure kid

We don't want Trump "leading" this country.

It's basically the Electoral College that "elected" him and we want that shit out too.

Why was he not in his safe place?
He knows he is not allowed to wander out without his helmet.
Some people are too stupid for his own good.

He could have been hit by a car and killed - like that chick in Charlottesville

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Trumpshits are lucky they aren't beaten up on a daily basis.

Your. candidate. LOST. motherfucker.

Never before in American history has a political party threw a greater temper-tantrum over losing. You fucking idiots whipped yourselves up to unprecedented levels of hysteria about what a boogeyman Trump was, by spewing bullshit lies to one another in your little echo-chamber safe-spaces. Then when he won, you were so drunk on your own horseshit that you believed Hitler himself rose from the grave and took the presidency; you GENUINELY believe this.

I have no sympathy for you. Quite the opposite, in fact. Every morning when I awake - in Trump's America, mind you - I consider that you and the rest of the leftist filth out there are awaking into a nightmare of your own devising that you cannot escape. If my morning wood has faded by that point, it brings me right back up to full-mast.

Your suffering is delicious, and I particularly enjoy how these little delusional "we're finally gonna get him this time!" controversies invariably end up leaving your cause even more damaged than before... like a Chinese finger trap toy you're too stupid to stop struggling against.

If this "cold civil war" ever turns hot, it'll be amusing as fuck to see, given your side's propensity for shooting yourselves in the foot every chance you get.

They were as children - by their own family and girls - sometimes they just hit themselves for good measure.

Your candidate "won," though, and sucks shit.
This isn't about Clinton, it's about how fucking bad this country has sunk when idiots like you are in charge.

>if my cock cock ever has an erection

1. lose weight
2. get a job
3. move out of mommy's basement

do it faggot

Mmmmm... salty salt. Tell me more about how orange man bad, you "free thinker", you :)

I'm just surprised how civilized we are acting. They're so stupid and frustrating.

Trump works while golfing,
you cant bug a golf course dumb ass

Obama golfed through fucking national disasters and refused to cut his vacation even 1 day short while people er literary dieing. Got shamed into visiting because trump showed with semi truck of supplies paid out of his own pocket, while Hillary flew over

when he wasn't golfing he was partying with the stars on the tax payer dime flying hot dogs from Chicago for 65k stupid shit like that , lavish vacations, traveling on separate plane to the same place.. straight up burning money

as horrible as it was it was better then when he was working because when he was not fucking off he was destroying America

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Political Strife is not a 'Cold Civil War' that could turn hot dumbass.

There are actually a myriad of reasons why your Stupid President is bad without referring to his poor choice of spray-on suntanning.


whos the idiot lol fake fact checks
why not link the onion

Nice pasta.
Now try and think for yourself and then get back to us.
Submissions written in crayon will be accepted
Children: Ask a grown-up for help with the big words

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I am a free and critical thinker, yes, user.
And I reject your unsustainable outdated oppressive paradigm, along with tens of millions of others.

>we dont want trump "leading" this country

yeah,you want another spineless pussy like obama.its funny how the crowd who whines the loudest about stuff like the electoral college doesnt have a clue how the goverment works to begin with.hillary still isnt going to be your president


Work out 5 days a week - former Army infantryman.

Make well over 6 figures.

Live in a 3,200 sq ft. home.

Keep the salt coming big boy!

They can't "think for themselves." They elected an idiot and still defend him, three failure-ridden years later.

>You want to elect a NIGGER again
>NIGGERS can't be President

just say it and get it over with

well we just need voted ID
to weed out those illegal votes and fraud
but then Democrats will never win another election and you know it

between two states over 900,000 illegals voted
it you apply the same number to all 50 that 22.5 million illegal votes
and do not forget Obama told them to go out and vote

Sounds like a bunch of made-up shit to me

>my mom makes well over 6 chicken tendies

I was always taught to be kind to
people less fortunate than myself
and sometimes all of the above

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>He could have been hit by a car and killed - like that chick in Charlottesville

she threw her self on the car
then had a heart attack being massively obese and all

>hurr durr,trump works while golfing

no,he doesnt.unless you think sitting on social media all day is working.just fuck off,the republican party was better before you trumptards ruined it

>golfed through fucking national disasters

yeah,and what did trump do.give a bunch of hurricane victims rolls of paper towels.go figure when you put a guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in charge of something like natural disaster recovery he doesnt have a fucking clue how to help

Voting is a right, user. You want to make it more difficult for people to vote.
Fuck that shit.

You two are like those idiots that dont consider a properly cited wikipedia article evidence.

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>don't forget the NIGGER told illegals to vote
source: Fox News

Of course it has to seem that way to you, because to believe otherwise would leave you with nothing.

Which, I hate to tell you bruh, is all you really got.

still cant use a discredited
source as a valid source

what if i told you that i dont like barack obama or donald trump and his supporters.also,what if i told you donald trump is as much of a democrat as hillary is? his entire family are life long democrats yet you cant clean the shit out between your ears and see this

You can tell when argument fails them when they just

1. Make it harder for people to vote.

There are no other examples.

I'm still going with
1. You're fat
2. You're stupid
3. You live with mom

you've done nothing to dispel this impression

source was Obama's mouth
learn to fallow what going on in the world
outside CNN

It tells me you're exactly the kind of tool who got Trump elected.

No way Clinton would have enacted even one of Trump's stupid ass racist policies user lol

Obama didn't tell illegals to vote you fucking shit eating trumpfuck.


at least im old enough to vote,unlike your immature high school ass,dont you have some native americans in kentucky to bully

>racist policies

like what? im sorry but,being white and not sucking the cock of democrats doesnt mean your racist.ive met alot more racist democrats in my life then i have republicans

user you can't shake that you're literally a useful idiot who got Trump elected, so you attack the person delivering the news. Good job.

The original source is linked the article. Your bitching is unjustified, snowflake.

nothing hard about it
and the Democrats view of the problem is

also,former leaders of the kkk endorsed bad trump and his supporters get called the racists though

cant forget about the big democrat sympathizers antifa and black lives matter

>durr wut makes twump wacist
>pwoove hes wacist wib

user not going to suck your fucking cock ok?

Either you're OK with it or you aren't.

Sounds like you are. Which means fuck off.

>Make a post about leftists driving themselves insane by their self-inflicted delusions.

> Soyboy responds ad-hominem, trying to delude himself to believe he is superior by listing made-up traits about this offensive stranger

> Refute soyboy with same manner of facts in original post

> Soyboy clings to his delusions, completely oblivious to the fact he's proving the original point

complete bs, debunked multiple times

truth is, republicunts are engaging in voter suppression in many states, they don't want people to actually vote, refuse to let people vote on sunday like in every decent democracy on the planet and are scared af of the future ebcause their base is shrinking, the smaller it gets, the crazier.



>the dems are the real racists

user you elected one. Own it. Stop being such a childish cunt like your Stupid President.

Don't make me.

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>not going to suck your cock

good,im not a faggot like you democrats are.take your ignorant ass and leave now,cant even type right

oh you fucking snowflake

grow a sack

user you've got a weird fetish about hairy skinny men js

>debunked multiple times

really this is new like 2 days old

There is no "law" requiring ICE to raid and profile innocent people user.

You support racist and frankly fascist policies.

i have yet to see that liberals win any debate.

user you are in deep denial about your support of racism.


at Fox News, Breitbart, etc

go on

You don't "debate." You suck mushroom cock and claim victory.

lol, Democrat leaning independent celebrated for his work with and fighting for minorities well until he dared to run against shillary lol

your right,i forgot.democrats are just so not racist.even though democrats are the ones who created racist groups like antifa and black lives matter

the ones in deep denial are pieces of shit like go back to your poverty ridden,crack smoking democrat city and be useless to society like you were before donald trump got elected

nope judicial watch

look at ben shapiro
look at stevencrowder and change my mind..

liberals are always out of arguments.

If the onion source predates a fake post, it would at least invalidate that, Ivan.

What about Jarod's Whatsapps?
What about Ivanka's emails?

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the Whataps and emails that are missing"

Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!

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>ben shapiro

lol,another conservative sucking the cock of the jews

>durr shillary durr durr

still waiting for you to criticize the President you elected

it's basically the same shit repeated over and over, just like trump and his 5 million illegal votes. The right wing just makes up stuff, it doesn't matter if it's complete bs because their base is mentally retarded

>democrats are the ones who created racist groups like antifa and black lives matter

ok Captain Tinfoil step away from the computer

>criticize the president you elected

still waiting for you to criticize obama instead of blaming everything he was responsible for on bush

another right wing blog agrees with you


>captain tinfoil

so the left really thinks that black lives matter and antifa are republicans? LOL,they are dumber then i thought

Go on, debate me. Protip: you can't. You'll just start shitposting crap like this faggot:

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that you are no older than 12.

There's this wonderful tool to win an argument with someone you find annoying. I doubt your yuppie helicopter parents imparted this wisdom to you, but being GenX myself I was taught it at a very young age:

Ignore them and they go away.

All this takes is a measure of restraint and maturity. A realization that you don't *need* to convince the other person that you're right. In an odd way, when you do this, you "win".

This is why you can't stop replying. This is why you leftists can't win. Your fragile little egos need to convince each and every person that you're right. Mommy & daddy always told you that you were.

So pls reply! U mad bro?!

Actually given the reddit spacing and the overlong nature of this reply, I'm winning this.
You're triggered af :^)

Still waiting for you to criticize the President you elected.

Still waiting.

>both shit presidents
>one did sneaky shit
>other is a brain dead idiot
Trump and Obama are the same turd.

this post negates its argument

>both sides bad

you elected Trump user.

Own it.

inb4 durr copypasta etc

cowardly faggot lol

delusional trumptards actually believe this?

the right hates facts, theyve been conditioned to reject reality with a programmed response

>thinking the president really matters that much

people like yourself shouldnt be allowed to vote

You stupid motherfuckers.
Here’s video of the artist group putting the person up there. Get fucked

>the right hates facts

>because i truely believe trump and his supporters represent the right

Go back to /pol/ faggot

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if the president doesn't matter
then why do you keep trying to get out what you did: getting him elected?

Trump supporters are the political right, user. They think science is a hoax.