Why are 70% of Americans this weight?

Why are 70% of Americans this weight?

Attached: American Average Family.jpg (699x816, 97K)

Attached: fat hunger games.jpg (500x362, 167K)

Source of your claim?

American CDC

39% is now Obese of the 70%, 31% is Overweight to extremely overweight.

Because the majority of our country is poor, and fast food is the cheapest food out there.
Eat cheap food because we're all poor fags.

Attached: science_neil_degrasse_tyson.gif (400x224, 1.87M)

Take 2 minutes and go pay /ck/ a visit. it should tell you what you need to know.

Idk about the rest of the population but in my teens my weight problem stemmed from a variety of heavy medications I didn't need. Mood stabilizers, antidepressants, anxiety and ADHD medications. By my freshman year of high school I was 6'6 and 300 pounds. I stop taking everything except my anxiety medications when needed and dropped roughly 110 pounds in 6 or 7 months.

And what's Britain's?

It says on the American CDC site that 39% of American adults in the U.S are obese, and 18% of American kids are obese. Where did you get the 70% because I'm not seeing that anywhere.

I unno im a leaf and we got loads of fat people as well. so confusing as to why, foods not cheap. I'm 26 6'2 and about 180

Because our country has is so fucking good, most people can just sit back and eat all day.

60 pounds?

I think he was saying that 70% of the 39% are severely obese..

skinny fuck now aren't ya

Excess carbs, increasing portion sizes, cheap junk food versus overpriced fresh produce, epidemic depression and anxiety, and lack of education about metabolism. It's a perfect storm orchestrated by the people who make money off the many chronic illnesses associated with obesity.

No out of the 70% of overweight Americans, 39% are Obese (closer to 40% now).

Guess you don't know the difference between Obese and Overweight.

Or you are Obese and got triggered easily without reading. Either way nice way to show your ignorance.

26% Obese in the UK, about 58% Overweight (including the 26% of course)

Yeah, 6'6 and got that 23yo metabolism. Trust me all I do is eat.

The older kid probably weighs under 100 pounds. I would guess that 70% of Americans weigh more than that.

Well, looks like you're wrong then. You are showing a personal bias stating that 70% of the population of the United States are obese. Instead, you chose to insult me because you have nothing to prove, and failed to explain my question. Either way, it is not my fault that you were born with retardation, kid. Blame your ignorant parents.
I win.

I didn't say 70% are obese, not once. I even said 39% of Americans are Obese.

Insulted? Being called ignorant isn't an insult, it was a fact that you cannot read and triggered easily.

So much so you invented a situation in your head that you hypothetically win, when that isn't what has happened, and that is sad.

>Why are 70% of Americans this weight?
>image of obese children with the filename American_Average_Family.jpg
lol stay mad cuck saged

The kids aren't obese for their age or size.

But nice try there.


sure kid

Samefagging to give himself moral support


Attached: I is healfy.jpg (1024x689, 205K)

weak and predictable ahahahaha

we are not the same, idiot.
stay mad cuck

time to hang OP

Awww keep crying baby.

Attached: weeeeeeeewmart-1.jpg (1200x630, 156K)

Looks like I win again. Is that you? That's sad!

Calls Americans fat but uses pic of Euro/Slav trash

Attached: dont cry fag.jpg (480x190, 18K)

Attached: live to eat, eat to live.jpg (300x300, 22K)

>accuses others of being triggered
>crying on keyboard
>obviously a jew cuckboi


Attached: BUUUUUGAHHHH.jpg (658x370, 50K)

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"is that you?" Americans thinking everything outside America is like America's shit hole. A nation of butthurt soyboys

Dude you're obviously triggered and obsessed. Get a life.

thinking one post from me is OP guess they were right you are a snowflake

Attached: Keep crying Amerifats.jpg (450x503, 149K)

Attached: Snowflake Fairy Queen.jpg (618x404, 82K)

check out this fag

Attached: dis be you.jpg (480x360, 18K)