Brutal WWYD

Brutal WWYD

Attached: 14A91466-CA8A-4BA1-9EBA-892A153A493D.jpg (640x960, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off with this social media cringe you lonely masturbating sperg

you're sitting at home alone yet again, posting pictures of girls who don't notice or care that you exist

so you can jerk off together with a bunch of other socially-stunted autists

seriously, you fucking losers

How hopeless do your chances with girls have to be before you reach this level? Fucking autism.

Attached: cude.jpg (400x320, 34K)

Worship her

Attached: _plsrespond.jpg (500x700, 307K)

Wwyd to her snuff preferred

Attached: 67DC7174-B85D-4268-88AC-1E8C6326F3F5.jpg (287x512, 38K)

Attached: 4chanschool.jpg (555x485, 74K)

I would do to

I'd probably let her know that some socially-stunted sperglet she's never really noticed is posting her facebook photos on the internet while furiously jerking his sad little dick off.

Attached: cringeintensifies.jpg (644x485, 68K)

aww, is babby's little fap thread ruined?

Attached: 4chanrage.jpg (768x480, 89K)