Get fucked, libs. Two more years until four more years until eight years of Pence, and a lifetime of a fully conservative Supreme Court.
Get fucked, libs. Two more years until four more years until eight years of Pence...
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To answer your meme, it's because dems know that by promising gibs to the browns they have guaranteed votes, especially when they cart them in by the boatload under the auspices of "diversity", "inclusion", and "refuge"
It's rhetorical dipshit.
If that meme comes true it'll be the fascist states of America. I suppose you think you want that, but you really don't.
Remember, the majority of voters didn't vote for Trump. They won't next election either. Old conservatives are outnumbered by young liberal voters. This mistake will get fixed soon enough.
The majority of eligible voters didn't even show up.
The "muh popular vote" doesn't mean anything.
What the fuck do you think "Fascist" even means?
I'm not sure we are working on the same definition.
Now THERE'S some true derangement syndrome comrades!
go back to /pol/, Boris
I've always thought immigration should be similar to a job interview. What skills do you bring to the table? Can you support yourself? Can you fit in to our culture? What makes you better than the 15 other people who want this position?
I'm pretty sure a majority of countries have a merit based system. I honestly don't understand why it's such an issue.
Majority have blood only. Merit would be an easy sell to American voters (RAISE Act) however our businesses want under the table scab labor so we import neo-serfs.
First of all, go get an accurate electoral map that breaks it down by county. You'll like this one because it is in fact mostly red.
Now get a population density map, ideally one that's a black background with white dots. Now stay with me because this is the hard part: overlay the population density map onto the electoral map. If you do it correctly, with all the borders on both maps lined up, you'll see that all the blue areas are the ones with all the people in them, and a lot of the red areas are literally empty.
I know this is hard for your animalistic brain to grasp because the red part is so big and the blue part so small, but land doesn't vote. People vote. And people are not evenly distributed throughout the country. The ones that cluster together in the cities tend to be less bigoted and more inclusive of people who are different from them because you fucking have to to survive in a city. Being able to be a racist asshole and exclude anyone you don't like is the sole luxury of living out in bumfuck Nebraska or whatever.
I work in manufacturing and our head of HR says black people have the highest turnover (surprise). We have a lot of hispanic and asian immigrants. Other than the language barrier, they're fine to work with and are receptive to changes in how they do their job. Literally no company just hires whomever walks in the door.
Many immigrants are great people, but every society has subpar individuals. We don't want them here. We want the above average ones.
You could end a lot of racism if the only immigrants here are the best ones. "See that Guatemalan guy over there? He must have been impressive to come here."
This wasn't an electoral map. It's a joke about priorities.
Since I have you here though I got a serious question: How true is this?
Like, I'm an American now. A fellow workers like you. If Mexico declared war against us, would you fight by my side?
Because I honestly get the feeling their kids are more important than my kids to Dems. There are sanctuary cities that refuse to deport literal murderers. People are ODing on cartel fentanyl every day where I live. Businesses refuse to hire citizens because under the table scabs are cheaper.
I feel like your policies are all about getting Dems into office. Not helping people like us. Like, you gave up on convincing me, so you replaced me?
It's already happening. India is 10x worse than Mexico.
What's your first image of the average Indian vs average Mexican in America?
Doctor vs busboy? Why? Because it is what we see.
Becoming the world's homeless shelter CAUSES racism. Because people see patterns.
I heavily believe that democrats want illegals because it increases the population in democratic areas. The House of Representatives is based on population (legal or illegal). Trump had floated the idea that illegal population doesn't count towards the House, thus a citizenship question on the census.
Also the children of immigrants are guaranteed to be democrats.
Also if you only take in the best immigrants you can "brain drain" the other countries. This will reduce the economic output of them and keep the dollar strong compared to their country.
Economics isn't just about everyone doing well. It's about doing better compared to everyone else. On a smaller scale cost of living in different cities is a product of everyone's income. You live where you can compete with everyone else.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
You're attached to the job, not to a future for yourself.
You're more couch voter drone than you realize.
There's no such thing as nation, society, etc.
There's only who gets fucked and who does the fucking.
If instead you lifted up our visitors, you would raise the cost of bringing them over.
As long as you hate immigrants, their labor will remain cheaper.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
>scab labor
union retard detected
weak and predictable
>The fat controller laughed
You are wrong
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
Negroes are America's Bane. Remove that sub-human feral bestial cohort and the USA would be a far better place for civilized folks to dwell. Support the Back to Africa Movement.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
Western patriot forced by the traitor political leadership of New Zealand to use the only method available to him to repel the hostile invading barbarian Moslem horde. It is a shame he could not remove every Moslem beast from that Western land. He should have received a heroe's parade!!!
>If Mexico declared war against us, would you fight by my side?
I'm pretty confident our bloated military would curbstomp Mexico without me lifting a finger.
>There are sanctuary cities that refuse to deport literal murderers.
Yeah, no there aren't. That's not what that term means. 'Sanctuary cities' just refuse to Automatically deport people just for being deportable, so immigrants aren't afraid of calling police and going to hospitals and shit. People that break the law get put in jail regardless of where they're from. Perhaps you're upset that they're in one of our for-profit jails rather than in some shitty minimum security jobbie back home.
>People are ODing on cartel fentanyl every day...
You sure it's coming from the cartels and not our own pharmaceutical industry? Y'know, the ones who created the opioid crisis?
>Business refuse to hire citizens...
Gee, if only there were some kind of regulation in place that mandated a livable minimum wage so there would be no benefit to hiring a foreigner.
>I feel like your policies are all about getting Dems into office.
Which is the grandest example of the pot calling the kettle black. Conservatives calling liberals out on the tricks they themselves insist on using. Like all the bitching about voter fraud that doesn't actually exist to cover up their own actual election fraud.
You need to ask yourself what kind of world you want to build and stop being so hung up on whose team is winning.
There ARE minimum wage laws. Illegals don't get paid minimum wage. Will you report their employers?
Unions used to fight hiring scabs, now you openly side with the biggest corporations in world history against workers. What changed your mind?
I AM the immigrant. Legal, I might add.
I am absolutely in favor of making it more expensive to hire illegal Interlopers. Supply and demand effects workers too. Best ones get more cash, worst ones get replaced by poor Americans.
Workers are slaves
Everyone should profit on the ability to explore our world, our bodies, ourselves, our knowledge
Protecting everyone will scare off corporations
I'm going to reinvent economics soon
Reich wing Nazis and Limp wing Slavers will both have a massive wake up call
yeah cuz CNN had convinced everyone hillary was just going to win and donny was ready to start shit over his presumed loss
best example is the unionization of car washers in NYC.
they have no jobs now they can't work ilegally XD
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
What the hell are you idiots talking about. The systems are already in place to take care of citizens. Non citizens Don’t know about all the freebies that citizens already get
Oh yeah who interviewed your grandpa
so do you own a business or are you a fucking wagecuck
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
this is clearly written by some rus faggot who learmed english as a second language. kys ivancuckbitch
Your map is a fantasy. Nice try, Adolf
That’s the only American answer if you’re not happy go to war. How about use that thing on top of your shoulders that soft limp thing that you call a skull and use it intelligently.. Your Cuntree can’t afford more war.. What I want to know is why the fuck does the world bank keep lending America money. Let America fall and burn to ashes.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
there was no russian collusion
weak and predictable
30 out of 50 states voted Trump. In the normal world, that's a majority. Before you open that dick smoker and say but the popular vote...only in 20 states homey. The problem is you cant math correctly. 2 more years until 4 more years.
Пpивeтcтвyю, тoвapищ! Oтличнaя paбoтa, тpaвля этих кaпитaлиcтoв!
Majority of voters in crime filled, uneducated inner cities that rely on welfare to keep from falling apart.
So lets enforce immigration laws and keep business from profiting off cheap labor.
I feel the need to expose my lefty super liberal gfs nude pictures to conservatives and trump supporters. Kik youngegarsub
America and the world tends to progress socially over time. There are blips in history like Trump but the trend is there.
I care about people regardless of nationality and borders. A growing number of others do too.
Face it white boi you lost again.
Trannies, faggots, hookups, and drugs is not progress, it's degenracy
on one hand I hope you're right. on the other hand I think Id rather get the revolution over with while I'm young. The US will go through a second civil war and either liberty and personal responsibility will be restored or we'll be full on commie and collapse like every other example, looking at you venezuela, the socialist utopia
Your fantasies are dull.
This will cause a civil war
Honestly after all the shit he's been throwing at McCain, doubt he'll get reelected.
>I care about people regardless of nationality and borders. A growing number of others do too.
You do realize that that is the ideology of a failing society right?
It's decadent and eventually leads to the collapse of the society.
Watch some shit by Camille Paglia
It’s progress towards personal freedoms and understanding of others. This us vs the mentality of yours hurts people unlike you, which honestly is pretty normal human behavior. Over time, we need to, and indeed are transcending the shortcomings associated with being biological products of evolution and seek instead to understand each other and optimize for global quality of life.
>a lifetime of autism
>a lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism lifetime of autism
Thats wgat Hillary tried and it didnt net her as much as they thought. Obama has the highest black voters cause he shared a skin tone
>2 more years till 4 more years till 8 more years of ignorance and hate and corruption and mind control and idiocy and literally running the nation directly into the ground
Lol you're fucking delusional. Never going to happen shit head dems and recucklicans take turns. It's your turn now, it'll their turn again next. It's a game played by the bourgeois elite to keep plebs like you fighting and ignorant.
Just because it didnt work as intended doesn't mean they're going to throw up their arms and go "welp, guess we better stop being slimy bc it didnt work this time boys"
>promising gibs
Funny how you never complain how Trump just promised a bunch of gibs to the richest people in this country, and raised the deficit 2 trillion dollars to do it.
You right wingers are fucking stupid hypocrites.
Gibs? Letting people keep a little more of their own money is a gib? FUCK YOU!
>letting the richest people keep a little more
>a little more
(Lightly paraphrasing)
“There’s something weird about lots of young women wanting to be men and young men wanting to become women”
See I don’t think that’s really a good argument, and would tend to only confirm a person’s held beliefs. Describing something as ‘weird’ is a deliberate attempt to not understand it, and only be understanding an argument can you really argue against it.
I don’t think feeling extremely uncomfortable with the gender binary is weird at all, though I think if we relaxed our restrictive view on how we expect people to represent themselves perhaps fewer people would seek reassignment surgery.
Feeling forced into a role you don’t want to fill really sucks. A truly free society would let people fill whatever social role they want, right?
>eight years of Pence
>a lifetime of faggotry
You mean trumptards, right?
"Who trump represents"
Funny how you are diminished to sharing your opinions on a porn filled section of Yea Forums....whining like you are some sort of majority....ironic
be less poor, its gross.
weak and predictable
>I think if we relaxed our restrictive view on how we expect people to represent themselves perhaps fewer people would seek reassignment surgery
That leads to the death of a society overtime.
If your birthrate doesn't exceed your deathrate, your population dies.
If you allow people to become sexually decadent, if you maximize the number of people who transition because they felt just 1 single moment of gender dysphoria, if you do all these things, your society dies.
Most people who have gender dysphoria grow out of it, or it another psychological affliction caused it.
Also AGP is real and some transition because of their sexual fetish
That country in red is the united states, not israel, get it right
Fuck your gay ass boomer meme and the facebook page you stole it from
look at california, a democrat stronghold for many years, a large number of californians are homeless while democrats provide free housing, free schooling, free medical care for illegals,
What was the old tax average taxrate of the top 1% before trump tax cuts and after? Oh wait you do't know because the IRS hasn't published the data yet. Your just a faggot that thinks people that have more than you stole it.
richest people in high taxed democrats states have to pay more under Trump new tax law.
Go back to /pol/ faggot
Degeneracy doesn't exist
Starving because you're lazy and no one can count on you
Lol bait harder
to answer your picture, OP
- because non-citizens outnumber Americans
the world is becoming smaller and eventually you will have to face the fact you are the minority
So Pedos are degenerates? I'd like to believe that people are starving in America but we are the fattest nation on earth. Now people starving in Venezuala.. thats a different story.
The US will not go through a second civil war. It's not happening. The Republicans will stroke their dicks while Trump is in office, and the Democrats will complain about the harm that he's doing. Nobody is going to do shit. Everybody is lazy and comfortable.
Immigrants almost universally vote democrat for the first 3 generations.
It's time to choose mr freeman
The Demonrats only care about power. They know that Real Americans don't want what the Demonrats are peddeling, so they MUST import people from Shit-Hole countries who already expect gubbermints to gibs them stuff.
The Demonrats do NOT care about people, just power
Shut up boris
Such intellectual wisdom you be gibbsing out.
I should listen to you!
being a libtard is the worst kind of stupid. These idiots cant even realize they are prey. They welcome the ones hunting them with open arms. The russians call them "useful idiots". After they are used to overthrow there own country. They are the first ones the new commie masters kill off.
$1000 a month and a hot asian GF yang is then.
>The Demonrats
Why? You don't want that known?
>shhhh they might find out we are heartless power hungry fascists
Fr the, conservatives are as retarded as liberals. Both types of people blindly follow the media. The right has more correct about how this country should be ran, but the only way we actually have freedom, is a fundamental republic, with little laws on people and many laws on companies. And trumps stance on many things is good, and i agree with him, but as a leader he's an absolute tard.
>Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
>the worst kind of stupid
>both sides bad
>I voted for a far right Republican
conservatives are literally morons, saged
This is my point.
You think some dumbass chick who got her head chopped off. Is cool or woke or some other dumb shit.
You think a billionaire that fucks supermodels is lame. Plus his head is still attached to his body.