So about that Russian collusion...

So about that Russian collusion. How can we take the liberal media and FBI serious after 2+ years of delusional conspiracy resulting in zero evidence?

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You don't have to, doesn't make him a good president


It's fucking obvious by now that there wasn't any collusion.

The only thing that will be found in the report will be that Trump likes it up the 'Arris.

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>delusional conspiracy

I'm not American or anything, but haven't Trump supporters been harping on about Seth Rich, Uranium One, Pizzagate and a bunch of complete nonsense for years?

Mueller's inquiry ended with the arrest of a dozen Russians and Trump's associates. Pretty clear that if Trump wasn't colluding, his associates like Roger Stone were. Regardless, the Mueller Report hasn't been released so watch out for that hubris it'd be an awful shame if the Libs were right about everything.

Did you even say he was a good president? No.
You just said "how do you take the liberal media and fbi seriously"
You don't have to take the liberal media or the fbi seriously to decide if someone is a good president. Be them liberal or conservative.

The contents of the report haven’t been released yet, dipshit. Stop spreading lies.

This just means Killarys sentencing will be severe in relation

Mueller will be buried alive

FBI will be parted out and internal investigation into the investigator

Clean house

My smile!


He sogned it over to the people already. The situation grants issue but you're thinking the laterals are over bench. That's statutory rape but it's not conglomerate so we at the DOJ got nothing to provide. Don't hold me on conference, though. Pal.


pizzagate was true though

>I'm not American
opinion irrelevant. back to slurping americum with you.

I can't get behind this candor. I'm White House before DOJ after all.

Mmmm, just another spammer. These things are pretty easy to tell because you can't follow a conversation. They just always react when someone posts.

not an argument

The same way the "liberal media" (fact-based) did not find any reason to put Clinton in jail despite him being impeached for lying to the supreme court for asking something completely unrelated to the JOB as POTUS and Nixon resigning and being pardoned for investigations into wrong-doing while also Ollie North absorbing all of the Reagon-Bush shit and being pardoned by Reagan for it. Trump is a retard. If he was as smart as he pretends to be, even half or a quarter as smart, he would have Reagan-Bush'd it and used Cohen as his Ollie North... paid all his legal fees, let him keep all his wealth, etc... and pardoned him after him getting all the heat.
But NO, Trump is a retard. The only person who is the biggest enemy against Trump is that Trumptard Trump.

>Ollie North absorbing all of the Reagon-Bush shit
and fox treats him like some kind of hero

Right. Proven criminal activity. 34 indictments. Prison terms for his buddies.

More investigations pending.

>what about all that stuff we got away with?

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>34 indictments
And not a single one related to any sort of “muh collusion”.

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You sound like an informed capitalist, so riddle me this. If I hired an exterminator to get rid of a rat living in my basement, but he found 34 mice instead, I wouldn't consider it a waste of anyone's time or money for him to have gone down there.

Fucking this, trumps business dealings in russia, his ties to felix sader, the trump tower meetings and communication and the obvious push by the russians to get trump elected all leads to trump or at least a great deal of people around him being involved which its doubtful to believe him being ignorant of it. This is why he goes through people he appoints so quickly, he basically wants to churn and burn people the second they catch on to the bullshit and create as much confusion and infighting as possible to try and make it to 2020 where hes hoping the craziness involved in the election will make the investigations just go away

You've provided none either, are you incapable of even thinking more than 4 words per minute?

The American perception is bought and paid for. Good luck getting any journalist to say anything positive about trump here in America and they'll be demonized to the point people will be looking for some stupid shit to try and call them a racist, sexist, apologist, whatever it might be

Donald trump can be shown to be either abhorrently incompetent as to surround himself with criminals unknowingly, or he is an accomplice in their crimes. Neither one is a very presidential quality is all I'm trying to say.


Are all of the rats and mice in the same position of power?

You're missing the point, and you're bad at metaphor. Mueller was paid to find evidence of criminal activity, and he did. The courts do their job, and try these cases based on this evidence. It's like you've never seen an episode of Law & Order before.

Friendly reminder that even if the special council doesnt indict any more people they can still hand off sealed indictments to the doj. Its far from over, even if the findings are stone walled it doesnt stop trump from being in deep shit the second he steps out of office, problem isnt that trump commited crimes its that they dont want to indict a president.

There are no more indictments coming from the report. It’s over.

So you're saying a long-term investigation resulting in zero charges at the top is an utter waste of time?

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>When you’re so far gone that you have to use riddles to justify breaking the law by abusing national institutions to go after your political opponents.
Say it with me faggot.
“No Collusion”

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Your right no more from the special council, doesnt stop other agencies from using its i formation

Watching jew media is for retards, only an idiot would continue to do so.

She didn’t mean it so we let her off the hook =/= No Charges
Oh don’t worry.
We’re taking another look at that sharade.

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>this thread

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On Feb 16 2018, Robert Mueller filed an indictment of a Kremlin-linked troll farm called the Internet Research Agency, accusing it of hacking American social media with a pervasive disinformation campaign in a “conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

On July 13, 2018, Mueller filed another indictment in US court, detailing an extensive Russian military operation against the United States, charging officers of the GRU — Russian military intelligence — with a series of cyberattacks on the Democratic Party.

And now we know that Trump was seeking a deal to build a Trump resort in Moscow, even after Trump was sworn in as president.

And we also know pretty much everyone in the Trump campaign lied about contacts they had with members of the Russian government.

While the details remain hidden, the who, what, and why of the crimes is known.

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You’re yanglet tier memes have no power here.
Everything you listed has been officially listed as a bag of nothing burgers.
What has come of those indictments?
Did a letter get sent user?
Did the Russians quiver in fear of said letter?
Maybe if you cry about more people will miraculously change their minds eh?

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Oh, you've read the report?

No, you haven't.

Is it not patently obvious by now, that the left tried to shift negative attention back to Russia, so that it would help their PR in flooding our countries with Muslims?



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