You atheists are so cool. I strive to be cool like you. I mean like when you get into an argument about religion...

You atheists are so cool. I strive to be cool like you. I mean like when you get into an argument about religion, all you needs do is tell them you came from a whole lot of nothing. Tell the religious person that a whole lot of nothing came out of no where and created all of this. Tell them there was "nothing " before the big bang or the universe. If they get angry tell them "hurrrrrr there was no time before the universe " and that it just always was there and has called itself "infinite" If they get more mad then tell them "that's just the way it is bro, there was no time before the big bang. Try not to get angry when they attack back and say "well Jesus has always been here even before time" cuz that TOTALLY makes no sense how something can come from nothing.

In b4 "hurrrr hurrrrr I give you 1/10 hurrrrr for making me respond "


Hurrrr hurrrr u r troll, I got no argument so I r going to say hurrr troll harder hurrr


I so angry cuz I don't know what was before big bang so fuck you op hurrrr I'm just not going to reply to your thread whatsoever since I r atheist. and cool on da 4chanz hurrr

Fucking faggots.

Pic related. I live my life for god as it is, and What do i got to lose? At least i got an advantage over you atheist faggots..Even if I choose the wrong religion I didn't do it intentionally and god will see that when it's judgement day that I at least i tried to live my life for him..

Better then what you atheist faggots have....not living your life for god whatsoever..

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"There are no atheists in foxholes, they say, and I was a foxhole atheist for a long time. But after going through a midlife crisis and having many things change very quickly, it made me realize my mortality. And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere. I also can't believe that people like Stalin and Hitler are gonna go to the same place as Mother Teresa.

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Why are you religious people so obsessed with making atheists look like knowitall smartasses, just because im not religious doesnt mean that im a bad person, alot of religious people are knowitalls too, believe me.

Just because you acknowledge bait doesn't mean that this post is relinquished from being bad bait.

>be atheist
> hurrrr hurrr u n ur sky daddy r da funnies
>be 2019
>thousands of years have passed and atheists still don't kno how we got here lol


> hurrr we came from Big Bang

Yeah...nothing created nothing which then created nothing which then created stardust that formed us. Makes sense..

>but op I am right and I don't like it when you ask me that cause I don't got the answer and it gets me so angry inside cuz I'm an atheist and I want to look "unique and cool"

Stupid faggots don't got an explanation so they ignore such a question .

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Religious fags will always find new ways to make themselves appear unhinged

>hurrrrr durrrr atheists are so peaceful they don't fuck with anyone and respect peoples beliefs hurrrr

Because these atheists made this world a better place right?

Regardless of the above, I once too was an atheist. I found that through my research that there is no substantiated evidence that there is no god. I found that the "modern" carbon dating techniques are tremendously flawed etc.

And guess what? Holy shit! I'm a Christian and believe in evolution!?!?! The bible does not say anything about evolution not being real. Even if modern carbon dating techniques are accurate (which they are not), time is relative. The bible may state that the earth is "6000 years" old, but the bible also states that every day on earth is 1000 years in heaven.

Using simple maths the bible spits out an answer of the earth being some 2,190,000,000 years old - about the time scientists state that life existed on earth.

>your move fuckwad

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Youu can't measure something outside of our dimension with something within this dimension.

Have you ever been completely at peace? Ever stopped and wondered why everything works perfectly? Don't give me that evolution bullshit. The chances of cells developing into a human is 0. Let alone every creature plant etc in the world.

Neckbeards who don't understand that god is not within this plane of existence.

God has always been within his own dimension. He decided to create the dimensions in which we live. We have not the technology to peer beyond the constraints of our 3d world

You're all fucking nuts. All of you, both sides.

I STILL got a better chance then you . It's sort of like playing the lottery... If you don't play you have zero chances compared to someone who does play and may be wrong

Retarded faggot

That's the thing.. I do believe and always have believed .. Heaven is just a perk ...I don't believe just to get to heaven.. I have always believed..

You have no chance.


Get over it. Over 80% of this world believes in a god. You are a minority. We look at you and laugh at you for being the minority. Religion is here to stay as it has always been. Thousands of years have passed and you atheists still can't figure out where we come from right? "But but user we came from stardust :("
Walk outside.. What do you see ? Nothing but church's everywhere . Have fun being a minority and being laughed at in your attempt to look "cool " and "different"

Get with the fucking program already

Fucking retarded faggot

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Tries to make atheists look like smart ass intellectuals

At least i respect people regardless of their religion, i have even tried reading the bible.

Acts like a smart ass intelectual

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Because if you don’t believe they start to have doubts.
I’m not atheist, because I really don’t give a shit one way or the other. But you tell that to believer and holy shit do they get pissy about it.
I’ve had a multiple adulter tell me I’m a bad person because I was screwing my gf. I told him at least I didn’t make a vow before god and break it.
Then he tells me some shit about all have sinned but he was forgiven.
I asked him if his wife forgave him. He told me no, god did.
Believers are just fucking crazies.

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>We have not the technology to peer beyond the constraints of our 3d world
Not entirely true. Keep an eye on quantum physics. And how there is now evidence of quantum field effects on the 3D world.

And although I take your point about god being 'in his own dimension', try this, I think you'll like it: when you have a moment, see if you can let yourself settle into some of that peace you mention. Then, when you look at the world, allow the thought that the world isn't just the 3D solid stuff that we see, but it is perfused with spirit, every piece of solid matter you see, the air around us, is all being constantly refilled with the presence of god.

If you feel this, it kinda changes things. This is what the theologians over the last two thousand years have been hiding from you, why god is seen as some dude in the sky, why we have priests to intercede, why the church has held power over people, why most organised religion is a fraud, because it denies us our own appreciation of spirit.

Yeah we all came from stardust that came out of no where. You fucking retarded faggot

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I don't care.

A major problem with Pascal's Wager is that the religion might not be the right one. There's 1000's of religions. You have about the same chance as the atheist in obtain your imaginary heaven.

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It's so easy to destroy atheism all you would have to do is show proof of God.

But Religious people have a hard time doing that for some reason.

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Yeah, they weren’t atheists. They replaced god with themselves.
Then did all the shit religious wackjobs do in the name of the state. Which was personified in the “leader”.
That’s what they called it the cult of personality.

Dude chill, or else you’ll bust a testicle

Also, there’s no god

You have it all wrong OP, atheists don't give a fuck about what others think, because they're secure in their belief and don't need to force it on others.
If only religious people could do the same...

Earth is 4.5 billion yrs old
Life is 3.5 billion yrs old
Off by a billion when referencing some old tribes story book

>It's so easy to destroy atheism all you would have to do is show proof of God.
>But Religious people have a hard time doing that for some reason.
Umm, god is by definition, the creator, creation exists, therefore there must be a creator... the problem with atheists trying to argue against this point is that their notion of what god is is so limited and retarded that stuff existing all by itself starts to seem a reasonable proposition. But the concepts of 'creator' and 'nothing' are so far beyond the grasp of the human mind that this conversation, as it is usually held, is utterly meaningless.

Good Lord made us sir. Nothing cannot create something.

Demonstrate your knowledge on biochemistry and show math proving chances to be 0

You're making yourself look exactly as unintelligent as the people you're shitting on, you realize that, right?

At the end of the day, religious differences aren't that big of a deal, honestly. You're welcome to your beliefs, as much as I'm welcome to mine. If someone comes at you with the same energy you're displaying just ignore it and carry on with your day. Simple.

you made my reply for me

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*cough* Crusade *cough

surprising ppl still think pascals is a good argument

Hottest midget on the internet. I’ve cum buckets to her IG

Religion in general is just ridiculas. Stop making excuses and cherry picking to save this bullshit practice. Or don't, I actually don't care etherway..

All religious fags can do is muddy the waters.

Why is it so hard for you to provide proof?

Are you seriously going to insinuate that because humans have basic knowledge gaps that you are somehow above showing any evidence for your wild claims?

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It has never been demonstrated that reality at one point never existed. Until it has been proven that the universe in some form didnt exist prior to inflation, then there is no justification for labeling the universe as a creation

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There's always been something; there never was "nothing." There merely is never a beginning to when the universe forms. Beginning, middle and end are human constructs reflecting our life-cycle and perception of time, so we think it must apply to everything else. The Big Bang banged out form from existence, from the matter that was left over from the last universe (whatever it was). All the matter everywhere accumulates according to testable laws (like when you drop something it keeps going down) and it likely does this forever and ever,


There are gaps in every theory, including the Big Bang. However, there is a gaping void in the center of theology. This void is filled by faith.

well put

OP is right. 90% of atheists are low IQ cunts who want to feel smart.

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Love her tight little belly and camel toe. I’d shoot a 12 roper on her glasses

last universe? where's the evidence for that?

whats ur iq then

Atheism is moronic. Religion represents value structures. If you're trying to find scientific, physical answers through religion, then you're not understanding what religion is. It's like trying to scientifically analyze a poem or a song. You're a fucking retard autist if you're "but how did he walk on water"
anyone who spent 2 seconds reading the bible would know that it's metaphorical

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never took a test.

there isnt any, nobody has evidence for what came before inflation, thats just a hypothosis, hence why he also says(whatever it was). no point in assuming it was another universe tho in my opinion, seems like just a way to plugin what we know, rather than wait to discover something new entirely

Another Stockholm syndrome sheeple.

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what in the bible isnt metaphorical then?

Atheists are fucking retarded.

>anyone who spent 2 seconds reading the bible would know that it's metaphorical

so is it possible that you too are a low iq cunt?

>bat shit crazy
Most atheists are like that. Give them power they become genocidal maniacs - Lenin, Zedong, Churchill. Nietzsche wanted to fuck a horse if i remember correctly.

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Considering my academic achievements? Straight A's and B's? No.

She’s such a little attention white. Ever see the vid where she’s dry humping her car seat?

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No post it. Have you seen the mega thread with her actual pussy? Just saw it a while ago

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Show us the proof of your god.

The Jesus origin story is VERY unoriginal. It’s a rip off of WAY older religions. December 25th isn’t even his “birthday”. It was a high pagan holiday that Christians just appropriated to covert pagans. Whatever tho... no skin off my cock if you want to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster....

so you have evidence that supports your claim that 90% of atheists dont get the same marks as you correct?

Athiest wouldn't exist if would just show proof

I just did provide a 'proof'. A simple logical construct based on axioms leading to a proposition.

Now what you do next is attempt to disprove the proposition. I'll help you with this because you seem to be struggling a bit. You kind of make the point that humans have knowledge gaps. Lets try that. Let's see if we can apply that to my axioms. First, 'god is by definition, the creator'. Does your point disprove this? No. My statement is merely descriptive, axiomatic by virtue of the qualities we ascribe to god, creating being one of those. Next, 'creation exists'. Really, don't go there. "Therefore there must be a creator". Does your statement "humans have basic knowledge gaps" disprove this inference? Not that you are actually trying to disprove what I said, but as I did say, I'm trying to help you out here. No, it doesn't, because 'basic knowledge gaps' are not what I was talking about. You're looking at the wrong level of organisation. I'm talking about a complete and utter lack of ability for humans to even comprehend the true nature of the terms we are using here. So my statement "therefore there must be a creator" has simple logical meaning within the usual use of the terms but is utterly meaningless when applied to concepts or 'god' and 'nothing'. Which was my point. All of these conversations are just intellectual masturbation. Your request for 'evidence' exists at that level. There is nowhere for the human intellect to go with this exploration at that level. Are you getting it yet?

Hnnnnnnnnng! What a fucking little cock tease!!

>The belief that there was nothing
>Nothing happened to nothing.
>Nothing magically exploded.

Nothing can't exist.
It has to be something.

Because there is always something, no creator is needed.

Are you well? What makes you type up hateful posts on the web? Do you have some issues that manifests in these rants?
Provoking anger in someone would probably not be a kind act of any religion.

first line isnt atheism. Athiests dont believe in a god. Absence of a belief. youre attempting to state a positive belief, which isnt a tenant of athiesm.

Too long to read. Even if agree, scrolled right past. Please make points in meme form next time. Pro tip sonny boy!

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'Creation exists'. God is creator'. You mistakenly assume this implies something sequential. What if the process of creation is happening right now and is continual? Physicists tell us time doesn't actually exist as we know it anyway.

>However, there is a gaping void in the center of theology. This void is filled by faith.
Or transcendental or 'mystical' experience; a first hand appreciation of spirit.

prove reality at one point didnt exist. if it always existed in some form, a creator is meaningless

It’s noiceeeee

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The classical "Finalism" argument,
We are here right now, so this must be the ending stage of the journey. You literally be more wrong.
Also, religion is a joke created for people who cannot face the harsh reality out there.

>religious values


On the other hand reading the bible, page to page, start to finish, will probably make anyone an Atheist. (Unless your slave/master bond is too strong)

Nice, millennial ADHD energy drink abuser here.

This entire post consists of words thrown in randomly. It has no meaning whatsoever.
You try and give it meaning, which is sad,

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you got that link?

So, rational people dont need a book of Mumbo jumbo to keep their ass in line, BUT there is some DUMB mother fuckers out there. It’s gotta keep some inbreeds on the straight and narrow. Right? Can’t all bad? AMIRITE?

If reality was never "Created" then the universe isnt a creation. Reality behaving in different ways is evolution, change over time, not creation.

Now I’d worship that ass

I thought only nu boomers consumed energy drinks brah????

You trippin balls or having your parietal lobe shutdown for a moment isnt proof of spirits

the idea that humans have figured out what a god wants is the most insanely narcissistic approach to life imaginable.

Ahaha... this is so true, even Dawkins starts with stating that if you want to make anyone an atheist, just force them to read the bible from start to finish.
It's total bullshit, and everything is just either taken out of context, or just grabbed directly for use in a totally unrelated set of events.
Nothing is more confusing misleading and directly against it self as the bible,


It’s fucking picking up as spam so I shortened the url.

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You did not provide proof. You just re-used the same tired argument; "god exists outside human comprehension so Na-na I don't have to prove shit.

Whenever a religious fag attempts to "prove" their claim they always fail to give you something measurable. Instead you guys always resort to practicing logic fallacies.

So your creator is so powerful that a mere human cannot fathom being shown evidence of his existence but he's not powerful enough to scale down to a form that humans can comprehend?

You should try collecting SSI for having such a retarded argument.

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No, you are missing the point. Swap the words exist and create. Imagine there is a verb exister, that existence needs something to make it happen on a moment by moment basis. You assume this isn't the case, and that talk of 'creation' implies a moment in time when it was created. We don't know this for sure. What we do know, what science tells us, is that what used to be considered the vacuum of space is actually teeming with new particles 'spontaneously' popping into existence. Creation is an ongoing process. We do not yet know is if the forces which hold particles together to form matter, are subject to the same continual need for the 'exister'/creator in the background to be generating them. This is physics, not theology.

whats worse is they think the greatest being in the universe totally digs them and alters reality if they pray enough lolol imagine telling an all-knowing being what to do lololol

You would like to believe that, but your belief doesn't make it true.

who really cares, no one really knows. it's like a big competition of who can say the biggest words and who can prove something that is currently pretty much not provable. if i believe in god or not doesn't change the fact that fact that the world will keep spinning. and frankly, literally no one cares about what you believe in.

TL;DR, religion is equally as stupid to debate over as big bang theories. No one cares.

Also majorities of people who hold 'faith' in God in third world countries and low socio-economic areas are generally very uneducated and they would believe that God is their dad's hairy ball bag if it were drilled into them and shoved down their throats for hundreds of years.

Agnostic checking in. Reality is all relative. What may or may not be real to you and I, may be real to someone else. Just like Plato and the story of the cave. The shadows on the wall was the only reality the chained people knew. So, in a sense, all religions are real. Anyways... why do people care what others believe? It COSTS you nothing!

That's quite funny, when thinking about that experiment with the guy dying of cancer and every religious person prayed for him to prove God exists.
He literally died precisely as the doctors had guessed he would.
I wonder why... Also - there was the chance to actually prove it once and for all - God could just have cures the guy and we would have believed.

>god works in mysterious ways

Are you so retarded you can't even read what I said? Or do you not understand the basic concepts of logic? I didn't say I provided proof, I said I provided "a proof" which is a statement inferring something, based on other statements. "A proof" in this context doesn't mean incontrovertible evidence, it means a proposition to be considered or disproved.

the action or process of bringing something into existence.

Im sorry you dont want words to mean what they mean, but thats the definition. that deff implies a moment in time. Virtual particles come out of a quantum state, a level of reality that exists, and it alters form and is expressed as popping in and out

Moar !

Costs lives bro, how many times has someone killed in the name of religion? planes flown into buildings, denying children of medical treatment, cross religion feuds. I used to call myself agnostic, but that has to do with knowledge, and sure i dont know, but im athiest because i recognize i dont believe in it

Let’s say the whole world gets their minds erased by the blinky Men in Black thing and all religion is erased. People would STILL kill each and cause mayhem. It’s in our nature...

I linked the album in a photo. Scroll up

That's what I thought.
After you typed until your face was blue this is all you came up with when you finally realized you couldn't provide a reasonable explanation for God.

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>Hur Durr I base my life on a fiction so I'm smarter than you....
Listen to yourself. That's like me saying 'well, Crocodile Dundee may be real so I had better believe in him just to be sure' even though you know he is just a character in a movie.

Well you're just saying what you said again without addressing what I said. Your semantics don't adequately explain the possibility behind the physics, is what I said. Duh.

You are truly stupid. My point was, nobody can provide a " reasonable explanation" as you put it. But the pseudo-intellectual masturbation which goes on here from people like yourself who really aren't very bright, is not going to get us any further.

When did the porn ads stop moving? I like the one with the dude fucking his GF’s friend with the grey-ish/blue hair.

If it make you guys feel any better, I think you’re both pretty stupid for arguing on a message board. Go fap and have breakfast.

7/10 bait.

I always thought that religious people knew deep down inside that it is all made up bullshit and just chose blissfull ignorance because they can't stand reality.

Malevolent and killing ways obviously...
I dare every religious person to just kill him or her self. Problem solved, you get taken care of in heaven...

Really? You say "Get with the program?" So, you are admitting that your religious institutions are programming you to be a mindless sheep? Well, at least your retarded ass is self-aware.

That’s probably part of it tbqh...

> being religious for self-centered reasons
> obviously angry and bitter
> probably no deep moral values on why to be good

I'm good cause I have emapthy and I don't want to be an asshole, even if there is a god, he's probably not some bureaucrat type that mathematically calculates your deeds without any meaning or depth... so yea, you probably lose in this AND in the next life

Religion sure as hell doesn't seem to be a solution to that problem.
Raising your children as empathetic people would probably get us some of the way.
The most judgemental and stuck up people I know are religious nutjobs.

Good point, well made. Breakfast certainly.

name? links?

Du you have to be this hateful to become a devout christian?

Also, you just went Agnostic - never go Agnostic.

Nah man, if there was a god like you christians think and I would be jugded at the end, god would say:

"man, you did a real good job down there. But you did never acknowledge my existence"

And I would reply "woops sorry god, looks like I was wrong, sorry bro, you rock. I'm sorry for my sin"

And then he would go: "S'all good man, you're good, come on in, forgiveness is what this is all about"

tru hero, true Yea Forumsro.

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>Consider this baseless point which allows me to move the goal post wherever I please.

You need to reconsider who the stupid one is here.

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The idea of an undead prophet, superiour being, alien micro-organism, or magical spirit is absurd to me. I have chosen to accept my own mortality and to not live in a lie.

But whatever floats your boat. I you need to believe you have to chop off a small part of your dick power to you.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted to another form.

The law of conservation of mass energy states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only converted to another form.

As such, 'nothing' can never exist as matter and energy will always be present in one form or another. As such, a 'creator' is unneeded for the formation of the universe as we know it. Our universe formed from a massive reaction of energy and matter that is known as the 'big bang'. In this reaction, large quantities of energy were converted to matter in the form of various elements that went on over the course of billions of years to form the universe we know today. This origin is the reason that Hydrogen, the simplest element in the periodic table, is the most common of all. It was the easiest to form in the reaction.

>when a religious tard tries to make you look bad but only ousts themselves as being stupid
the toppest of keks
christfags are really getting desperate as of lately

Quantum mechanics suggest that our perception directly influences the universe around us and on a sense, creates it as we percieve it. That being said. Just because I see a different truth than someone else, does not necessarily mean either are wrong.

This message wins

>mwf when there's a Christian tribe in columbia that fucks donkeys as a loophole because sex with girls is immoral and forbidden by god
>mwf christcucks constantly omit desert goat fuckers that pray to the same deity

Huh? I'm not a christian. I called him stupid because I just don't like dealing with people who resort to insults because they don't understand what they're reading.

>>Get over it. Over 80% of this world believes in a god.

Top fucking kek. The shitholes on this planet believe in a god because they are not educated. In first world countries only the old and a few fools believe in gods. People here realize that you are in this on your own and responisble for your life.
In Europe, about 50% of the people believe in gods, again, the biggest group of believers is 60+ years old.
In asia, less than 30% of the people believe in gods.

Americans are right there with the muslims shitholes, africa and south america.
Protip: You have the same developement coming to you, too. Religion is dying out in the US as well. You guys are just a little behind.

The more educated a country, the less people believe in gods.
The wealthier a country, the less people believe in gods.

Literally the only exception on the fucking planet is the US, but again, you are already on the right path.

Then what created God?

If you say God always existed, then why can't other things always have existed as well. For example, a multiverse that gave rise to our universe through natural processes.

I'm actually not an atheist. I believe God exists and that he's a malicious cunt.

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It's not 'baseless'. It is actually the 'base', the a priori assumptions which the theist vs. atheist arguments are based on.

>anyone who spent 2 seconds reading the bible would know that it's metaphorical
TL;DR, Jesus is just some metaphorical dude that had no powers whatsoever and thus not worthy of our worship.
Sometimes I wonder how you keep that cognitive dissonance going. Or is that something that doesn't even pop up when your IQ cools down your immediate area.

Quantum mechanic Deep Ax Chopper

Alahna Ly. She’s one of those IG/YouTube/musically attention sluts in the internet. She’s like 4’10” and makes my dick super hard. She’s hotbsome great stripper moves and hot little body. I want to drown her in my semen

Every other scenario, you believed in the wrong god.

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OMG atheism is so cool.
I literally can skip the Mass and tell myself I'm so edgy.
Also, I can fap to traps and tell me it's not gay, because if no God exists then everyone can define their own morals without consequences like "if you fap to traps then you're gay".

God was transgender 100% confirmed!

Link is real

Hurrrhurrrrdurrrrrdurrr GTFO retarded faggot

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Who farted?

Yuuuuuuup! You got it sport-o!

She should lose that head band thing. And her top.

To me it makes more sense that some natural phenomina like the big bang happened that some sky wizard created us with the sole purpose to worship him and giving him trubute that should be totally meaningless to a omipresant all powerful god

Religion was created from the first illuminati to control the masses. What better way than to spew lies and fear to the public by saying theres an imaginary figure that judges all before he enters his gates. You all are brainwashed sheeps. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth.

Maybe both happened? Sky wizard created a cosmic event?? I dunno... just throwing ideas out there. Maybe it’s a giant frog, or fuck an all knowing monolith!! Fuuuuuuck triiiiiippy brah...

>some natural phenomina like the big bang happened
pop! just like that. big bang, out of fucking nowhere. nobody made it happen. nobody provided the material for it to happen. nobody decided it was going to happen. nothing at all existed then *pop* there's your big bang. yup, sounds feasible.

It could of. Maybe. Who knows... why worry?

fake and gay.
the Gobekli Tepe site show that 12,000 years ago (yes, twelve fuckin thousand years ago) humans had rituals, cemeteries, creeds, deeds, literally a religion

Could have, not could of. Fuck, learn to English. Apologies only if English isn't your first language.

Anyway, it could have? Consider this. Nothing exists. Nothing at all. Not space, nor time. No other dimensions of the quantum world, nothing 'behind the scenes'. Nothing. Then something comes into existence. OK. Does that idea not twist your head a bit?

ITT: Kindergarden.

God is an unfalsifiable hypothesis: No evidence exists for or against it.

First prove god exists, then prove you know what it wants from you.

consider this: EVEN if there was some kind of god and this god created the universe as we now understand it - that still proves not the slightest tiny little bit of anything religions claim to know. Zero. Nada. Religion, the bible, christian god, allah whatever is STILL all horseshit made up by humans who tried to control other humans.

Thank you for the grammar correction user. I’m sure you’re English PERFECT all the time. Oh wait... you’re post is rifles with sentence fragments. K!

Abso-fuckin-lutely this

>you’re post is rifles
LOL you really should give up. I'm sorry if you're actually dyslexic, no offence.

If the big bang happens and there's no one around to hear it does it make a sound?

Well then here, lets put it this way. What or who created God then? Something cant exist from nothing right? So the almighty creator has to have a creator of his own right? You cant just create yourself. God cant come from nothing right? Put some thought into that one. To follow up, does that mean God just had Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet and "at the snap of a finger" he could create or destroy whatever he wanted? Sounds not only dangerous but a bit farfetched doesnt it? Youre telling me God has always existed for eternity, so even before he created humans or the universe, so what or where was he before hand? Hes just "existing" and doing nothing and fucking off until one day he gets a bright idea and decides to just all of a sudden make the world? If he created the universe and everything around it what universe or dimension did he exist in?

Darkness? Emptiness? Perhaps (((nothing))) ? But it cant be nothing right? Because you cant have just nothing exist?

Then as i said before who. Created. God. You cant create yourself. You cant exist from nothing. Everything has a creator. You cant have something from nothing. Yet hes just always existed? How long is always? What time frame are we talking about?

Tell me again the bible and religion in general isnt contradictive

^^ and this is just one general argument im ready for more

good night

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you are not going to get more. The religiousfags have chosen blissfull ignorance.. again.

How did you arrive at these figures?

I think you're missing the point. Christianity is about being glad to not live under the ancient Jewish laws, because they kind of sucked, and people were starting to see law as the end-all-be-all. In short, Christ tried to abolish cruel punishments and idolatry toward law. The qualities said to replace that were peaceful teaching and passive advice, not judgement.