It's pretty funny how white women have been conditioned to hate white men and go after blacks and muslims lol

It's pretty funny how white women have been conditioned to hate white men and go after blacks and muslims lol

This is from Sweden btw.

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Who cares about Sweden? This happens in the US all the time. I went touring the US and so many white women threw themselves at me just begging for my BBC. White American women want any cock before they want tiny white dicks.

Do you think white men care? Look at all the fucking trap/sissy threads being posted all the time. Theyll only care if the traps start going after black guys


I truly don't give a shit. I've decided just to watch this world go up in flames.

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There aren't that many black people in Sweden. Are you sure this isn't from America? I've heard this whole white woman + black man thing is very common in the US

One of favorite things to laugh at is when Mudshark white girls put on their best ghetto accent trying to convince people that they didn't grow up in the suburbs.

Of course they're going to get wet over shredded, athletic black men and turn their noses up at the geeks in your webm.

Women haven't been conditioned other than hundreds of thousands of years of evolution programming them to be attracted to certain traits. Things like height, fitness and self confidence have always been attractive to women.

Anyone that thinks Jews are responsible for the way women are with men now are just incels trying to cope that natural selection has deemed them unworthy to breed.

Also I'm a muslim guy in a white country. There's an exotic factor playing as well. If youre 6' tall, reasonably fit and self confident then there just going to be women out there that are wanting to suck your cock for something different to try. It's the same reason many of you fags will lust over asians or the hijabi at some point. Women love fucking just as much as men do, the real conditioning here is that it's not good for them to be open about it. A lot of the girls I've fucked over the years also wanted to keep it secret from our mutual friends.

So I leave you with one more statistic which is going to hurt a lot of feelings. For every girl that makes it public that she's slept with a black or muslim there's probably that 10 more that have done it in secret. You will never know.

Great post, muslimbro.

It's jews and it's not even working.

Why do people assume white men are so hung up on white women lmao they’re fucking garbage. Every white guy here knows they would choose the true superior woman, Asian women. You can gladly keep the white women while we’re fucking the statistically tighter pussy. And you know what’s great? They hate niggers. White men do nothing but win kek

>blacks and muslims fucking your sisters
>"we're winning lol"
whites are such cucks

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I'll stick with my own, thanks.

What the heck...I am not black...I am not white....I am not muslim...maybe I am racist...but girls still want to take my big cock...what am I?

How are we cucks it’s 2019 and you’re acting like race mixing is some new thing and all white men are mad about it. I know being racist gets you off but while you’re jerking to BBC porn we’re actually out here getting pussy and spreading our seed in all other races as well. You realize we’re fucking black women too right genius? These threads are so unrealistic compared to real life you need to seriously get off pornhub and find a girlfriend.

I am curious, where was this recorded?

Dude posted a video of a dude Fucking a woman with 3 other dudes jerking it in the background but wanna act like we’re the degenerates lmaoooo you like gay cumshots as well?

Larper, troll, leftist, jew, scumbag and yes, racist.

Imagine being racist in 2019. Another L for niggers. How many more until we just exterminate them?

Hebeburg Studios. Prosthetic cocks provided by pic related.

Attached: TheyAreReal.png (1920x1080, 913K)

Try harder BritBot

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Yes, This one tiktok is a perfect representation of the general population in a country with 20mil+ people. Smart Yea Forums posts triumphs again.

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It's not being conditioned, it's going for the one that looks more masculine and attractive.

Where did the cuck nigger go lmao

coping hard lmaoooo

How so? The URL is right there, see for yourself.

this is such a cuck opinion, no wonder white men are seen as such pussies (coming from a white man). jesus fuck man