Be me

>be me
>18 years old
>have girlfriend and about to start college
>girlfriend says she wants to try weed
>ok why not, i had done it before like 4 times, it was ok
>got weed, decide to test it on my room alone first
>suddenly panic attack
>never had one before, i was like fucking dying
>after that day i started having a bunch of mental disorders
>despersonalization & desrealization 24/7
>can't even touch alcohol
>started to be afraid of things
>paranoia of being poisoned 24/7
>start losing all my friends
>lost my girlfriend
>failed college
>started having heavy brain fog
>can't focus on anything
>suicide ideas are everywhere
>almost 4 years have passed
>currently a NEET

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Go to bed, peter.

You need some Adderall and ambien bro

marijuanas. not even once

It's the personality, not the weed.
Hate to break it to you but drugs aren't for kids.

Can't wait for normie stoner chads to reply saying weed is ok and juuls are cool

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When I tried weed I felt like the Butler from the shining. Just be.


Eww. Up with hope- down with dope!

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I don't think personality has an affect on your risk for CIP

You're just a lil bitch with a weak mindset, go try some LSD

just drop some acid you'll be straight

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I'm fairly sure OP is trolling us but legit I get crazy anxiety every time I smoke weed. I think weed is a lot more potent then people give it credit for. I've done shrooms and LSD and I think the craziest trips I've ever had were on weed.

psychosis is for the weak

Get some therapy. Did you try smoking again? Also i know legitimately crazy people who smoke weed and do psychedelics they're fine. So it's not even a crazy people thing OP. It has everything to do with what you associate with the drug and yourself.

I know what you're talking about. Head games can be more intense because there aren't visuals to distract yourself with and your mind is less convinced it's just a trip since there aren't visuals.

sounds like you're just a gigantic pussy.

i started smoking weed scince i was 13 and i never had any sort of mental breakdown

Blazed since I was 13- now 23. For that whole decade I was completely fine. Just half a year ago, I started experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations.
Its honestly a weird thing. Its different for everybody. Some people go all their lives without having any abnormal symptoms- some people get it their first time.
It makes me sad. Miss having a nice bowl before bed- but at least I'm not schizophrenic anymore

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>black market weed always has a higher risk of having toxic residue, like pesticides or chemicals that make the product heavier to pad the profit margins

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