Are you a sociopath?

Are you a sociopath?

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you first

that guy was serious or he bled on me. either way it wasnt new, soda is good though.



Is it true that some professional musicians are high-functioning sociopaths?

Who cares if our leader is a sociopath.
The only thing that matters is what policies he is for.
And Trump is for the establishment, corporate policies. that's why he's weak not cuz sociopath.
if trump's sociopathy got us healthcare or incomes or clean air then we'd praise his sociopath tendencies

Although I don't have the intention to hurt anyone and have let others bully me in the past, I'm still pretty sure I am one. I don't have the inclination to cry when others get hurt. I want to feel the emotions, but it's like I'm not capable of it. And I don't really care.

What does a low-functioning sociopath look like? So coldly manipulative and adept at lying that he can't cook his meals or pay his bills or work a job?

I've never heard that in my life.
But many are depressed or ADHD or obsessive.

Same as any business.


If you're suggesting that Donald Trump is a sociopath, you're wrong.

Trump is absolutely a sociopath and has a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He exhibits EVERY last sign.

Attached: DSM - Narcissistic Personality Disorder.jpg (576x885, 126K)

If you can prove that these signs are related, I will recognize you as a human being.
Otherwise, fuck off.

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You're entitled to your opinion.


Yeah, so is literally the majority of people in politics. Most politicians fall under the category of sociopath, not a big surprise.

He has a right to be narcissistic, he's own sisters said they wouldn't play games with him because he always won, it's not a disorder if it's the truth.

He's also winning as president, just look at the economy and employment rate.

I am probably becoming one, I have barely any shock factor from looking at gore or any rekt threads, and I have sort of become numb to it. I still feel empathy however.

Attached: azhhafq.jpg (600x600, 53K)

I'm deeply empathetic. If someone stabbed me, I'd give them a hug.

I don’t feel anything at funerals even super close people

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i haven't cried in such a long time.

Of course he is. Watch him. Listen to him. Pay attention.

Why do you speak in third person? You egotistical narcissistic brat.

Have you tried seeking a professional opinion?

Only when I'm very drunk. I'll have demented thoughts I would never have when sober.

no we are not. at least not most of the time when one of us is dominant.

We, a singularity, only are when we are threatened. When all of us; we come together, a single ideology and values.


This test would suggest I probably am

Attached: Psych.gif (732x720, 65K)

Low functioning sociopaths have low impulse control and lose their temper much more easily then a high functioning one who may have sociopathic tendencies but hide it

The economy is stagnant in the exact same state Obama left it and its destabilizing thanks to his deregulation and the appointing of retards to government positions.

He's not a winner. He's pathetic and a criminal. Nothing more.

This is some of the saddest shit trying to defend Trump I've ever read.

Where can I take this test?

no I like animals,and not into torturing them

if you want to know why trump will be re-elected in 2020, consider this:

some EMT had a dream five years ago that God would put Trump in the White House. He wrote a book about it. Liberty University made a movie about it. It was on YouTube. By 2016, over 30 million evangelical Christians believed it because their pastors and churches told them about this "miracle", even though 90% of them hadn't read the book and most hadn't watched the movie either.

So yeah, with that kind of weaponized mass hypnosis, he will surely get re-elected.