How are you tonight you fucking faggots

How are you tonight you fucking faggots

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thinking of what thread to make

sad Yea Forumsro

Not bad, homosexual

trying to deal with the crushing soullessness and emptiness of my pathetic existence


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Feel like killing myself, that's normal though lel. Probably still better off than you though

im good how are you?

happy saturday user

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Fucking exhausted.
Just worked a 14 hour cuz some faggot called out. Drinking this Wendy's coke that's 50% rum, too tired to game. Might watch some TV. Zero desire to get out of bed tomorrow.

Alone one more time

I don't know anymore user.

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Lol you’re probably right

Pretty good! March madness is pretty whack

Hang in there Yea Forumsro

Bored, kinda tired on Yea Forums looking at shit. Might download some music to my phone. I want to fuck a 5/10 face but 8.9/10 body girl in my neighbourhood but shes playing hard to get and shes out of town. She already sent nudes, should've saved them. Anyways hope u Yea Forumsros are doing well.

You too, user. You too

thanks user. i will

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Listening to some zelda chill bits with a girl by my side. Life can be good anons don't give up

>still in college, living with parents
kill me

is she at least pretty?

better than not in college at all

well, i took a shower got ready and waited to go to a show for 7 hours only to be told never mind. bored af

High and bored, want to fuck up some Wendy’s but too couch locked and tired from work.

op i'm super fucking trashed but you're cool

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just got my pizza, probably gonna head to the gas station up the road and by a drink or two, then settle in with some vidya
life is good bros

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Kinda shitty. Gf keeps on telling me “tomorrow we definitely will” for sex. This has been going on for a few weeks. Kinda thinking about just walking away and moving to a new state. We’ve been together 4 years

Thinking about quitting school, I failed and wasted 4 years i feel like a failure. I failed life and wasted my youth. Also broke.
At least i have a gf i guess

Match with a girl on tinder. Been sitting on read on snap chat for 30 minutes now.

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I'm actually having a terrific night, OP. I ordered myself a pizza and am enjoying it while rewatching one of the best classic animes ever. I hope you're having a good night as well, and if not, that you can do something to make it better.

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I ate 2 pizzas and my stomach hates me

Otherwise I'm good

Holy fuck I thought it was Sunday

Fuck I'm retarded now

whats the show called?

She's a solid 8/10 matey

Why do you chat on snap? Why not just chat her up for a bit, get her number, and meet up?


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I went to the carnival with all my friends, and had an awesome time

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You're Under Arrest!
I highly recommend. Watch it for free on Kissanime or YouTube.

pics or you're lying faggot