Anybody know what this is on my cheek. Please help

Anybody know what this is on my cheek. Please help

Attached: 20190323_213909.jpg (1715x2286, 1.8M)

>raised and irregular
Go see a fucking doctor.

Literally cancer


It's legit skin cancer. It's called melanoma just Google image that shit


You don't know what a wart looks like?

Melanoma Trump

What's the shit in your eyelashes?

Doesnt look like melanoma, isnt melanoma alot darker?

Just remove it with a cheese grater.

Not always


I dunno dandruff prob

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Yall really think this shit is skin cancer??? Pic taken just now

squeeze it with your fingers fagot

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i think it's warts

you're fine, as long as you're not vomiting or pooping blood, if it hasnt gone away with exfoliating, then go see a derma if it hurts

it's the triple gay

OP I'm a dermatology resident in SoCal. Yes, it is technically cancer, but it is easy to get removed and probably you won't even need chemo. Only thing is you need to deal with it soon, if you leave it too long it can spread to where it gets to be dangerous like regular cancer.

op needs to exfoliate

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I had exact same thing since middle school i am 25 now chill out

Actually, get that shit checked out. I doubt it's melanoma but it is irregular. Most skin cancers are highly treatable

No, it could literally be cancer. Learn the ABCs of cancer it fits them all and at the very least he should get it checked out

OP here, the darkened spots are part of a scar i got in middle school when this kid scrapped my face. I will get it checked and post an update. Thanks for the help user

no meme it can be skin cancer you should get it checked out

Attached: skin_cancers.png (651x328, 93K)

It's aids nigger. Shouldn't have gone inside the pool.

OP here, i read that melanoma spreads in as little as six weeks. I had this shit for years i think. Wtf does a wart look like

A wart looks like a raised bump