Bisexuality obviously isn't real

Bisexuality obviously isn't real.
Through years of study, I've identified 3 types of "bisexual:"
>1. closet gays
This type is a homosexual male who believes that he will gain a social advantage by feigning attraction to women. Prior to the rise of the internet and incel culture this type was the most common.
>2. lonely straight men
This type is a straight male who convinces himself that he is not "100% straight" as a result of loneliness, exposure to sexually confusing content, or porn addiction. Referred to by genuine homosexuals as "prison gays," this type doesn't truly feel an attraction to males and can be identified by their fixation on "traps" and "femboys."
>3. straight whores
Finally, the female "bisexual." This type is just wants to turn on men with erotic fantasies about lesbianism.

Other more niche varieties exist as well, but these three types comprise the majority of the "bisexual" population. History will prove defenders of bisexuality wrong.

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who cares?

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Seems pretty spot on.
But then again is correct too.
Who cares OP? What does it matter? This isn't a rhetorical question, I'd actually like to hear your thoughts on this.

Maybe he met one of the 3 type.

wow OP I cant believe u did us such a favor. Now I can own these libtards epic style !

What if dicks look better than vaginas, but I like tits. Then what?

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So what about women in relationships with women who identify as bi? Or are they just going for the long con straight dude fantasy

Epic post, OP.

the fact that you give a shit about this proves you're a closet fag. go suck a dick already, i'm tired of hearing you complain every day.

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>Who cares OP? What does it matter?
I just don't like when people lie and try to manipulate others into an identity that isn't valid.

Sounds like a type 2, stop watching porn.

What is to gain from not watching porn?

You might not be sexually confused afterwards.

I'm pretty mentally clear about my sexual preferences. I don't see how porn fits into this.

It sounds to me like you have a tranny fetish.

From what I've read, porn critics says that porn is like a drug, after a while whatever you jerked off stops being enough and you go deeper in order to stay horny.

You either want someone who's feminine or masculine, and thats what really defines who you find attractive. That's why straight guys will fuck traps. Cause they're excessively feminine.

I do like trannies, what's the big deal?

Now that boomers and Christianity aren't cool anymore, the "stop watching porn" guys and straight larpers are the new cools in town.

It's probably a porn induced fetish. Do you feel any attraction to actual males?
None of this "femboy" crap either.

That can very well be the case without porn too ya dingus.


How about attraction to females?


Are you sure?
Have you had sex with both?