Italy is the Mexico of Europe

Italy is the Mexico of Europe.

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Except that's Spain, Satan you dumb fuck.

Spain is better than Italy in every aspect, except for the food

stfu cunt

italians have cuter feet than you

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I've heard Italians are very racist and trashy. Is it true?

I'll expose for conduit

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>very racist and trashy

so there the republicans of europe?

Portugal is the Greece of Europe

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at least it's not Greece. That country has a serious cultural problem that led to all their issues.

Granted Italy's not far behind in their lazy bullshit.

Very liberal governments can be functional but you need solid high quality citizens to pay for it. High equality helps too as people feel they get what they put into it.


Satan if you say so. But Rome is there it was once the greatest empire in the world

Spain has better food and a weaker smaller economy than Italy so literally everything thing you said is wrong.

Italians have food working hard drinking beer and hating white people. Pretty Mexican to me.

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Italy is a shit hole these days. France is better.

france also has 1000x times more niggers

what do you mean cultural problem? Please elaborate I'm actually curious

Have you seen Italian porn? Most of it is bad.

Their spending far outpaced their taxes. When everything came crashing down, they still couldn't implement austerity measures to control their debt.

That points to a serious cultural problem with how they regard responsibility and finance. Hell they protested pushing back the retirement age from 50 something.

Greece feels like that lazy family member you have to kick off the couch to go get a job. Unfortunately the massive income tax really disincentivizes getting a job.

Overall it's a shit show.

Everyone is jealous of Italy though.


idk about that migrant problem though. Italy gets all the shit people from africa and no other european country wants them. Thus they get stuck in Italy

I've always thought immigration should be similar to a job interview. Your company is fairly scrutinizing about the people they hire to make sure they're worth it. Why would you not be careful about who you choose to be your potential neighbors.

Italian Americans are still great.

You retard, portugal is in africa.

Urban France is a shit hole. The smaller towns away from Paris are better so they can maintain their culture much more easily.

Apparently northern Italy is pretty productive economically and shares a lot in common with Switzerland. Fewer migrants there too. Combine the productivity with the Italian culture and you have a pretty good place to live.

name one good spanish dish thats not seafood

Okay what about Germany.

Germany's better with the high expectations of the individual, but holy fuck I wonder if they can keep their identity of a country. Being the economic powerhouse, many people from other EU countries are moving there. Eventually it may become too much of a melting pot.


>Invented tacos I guess

>Invented Western Civilization
>Greatest art
>Greatest food
>Greatest empire
>Greatest language
etc etc

Mexico and Italy today are both poor and crime ridden.

Mexico had pyramids and under stood astronomy. Don’t count them out.

But we have blondes too...

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Well at least Italians have high iq’s.

Italian chicks have massive titties


non solum sed etiam

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And big dicks.

are you out of your goddamn mind son?

we have this

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