New Zealand has a 50 victim gun massacre with a semi auto rifle

>New Zealand has a 50 victim gun massacre with a semi auto rifle
>NZ hasnt had a gun massacre for over 20 years
>NZ bans semi auto rifles and high capacity mags a week later
>In the last 7 years over 2200 people died in mass shootings in the US alone
>US does fucking nothing in banning semi auto rifles and high capacity mags
Americans are so fucking retarded, doing nothing about the mass shooting problem by banning semi autos. Retarded muricans always going "b..bu muh guns" like as though it's a valid point. Gladly watching children getting massacred in schools, as long as their "precious" guns aren't taken away.

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weak and predictable

Cry some more

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you mad you dont have a chopper user? yeah youre mad..

Stfu bitch

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you sound like a real bitch.
why dont you go get some french crys and a wahh burger you little bitch

Discuss ok open for discussion yes lets talk opinion? Advice? Right/wrong? Lets discuss

Fuck you moron whatever look at your miserable life you fatshit. Try charcoal painless stressless death. Keep ignited charcoal in your airlocked room overnight and your misery ends

lol he jelus :))))

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>no gun massacre in 20 years
>bans high capacity mags and semi-autos a we K later
A black swan incident followed by a knee jerk response.

What is that quote about sacrificing freedom for safety...

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I take my kids to Universal Studios with the money you chodes waste on this shit.

I have guns and ammo too, but not an exuberant amount.

2200 dead is less people than have been killed by hippos just last year. Hippos are a larger world problem than gun control.

So you're saying for 20 years semi-autos were legal and there wasnt a single mass shooting?

>americans are fucking retarded

>because unlike new zealand,america is full of people with enough intelligence to realize laws only work with people who are willing to follow them

funny how dipshits like op badmouth trump but dont realize trump is as fucking liberal as he is

also,i would gladly watch children die in schools if it means less of them will turn out to be braindead left wing anti gun morons like op

Discuss? Bait? Yes? No?

Charcoal can painlessly end your suffering. Ignite charcoal in your airlocked room

dont take the guns or ill lose my chance of shotting itdiot republicans "but ma ma gin will protec me durrrr"

What a crybaby. And park those CNN numbers. Noone take a you seriously when you quote those garbage numbers

>I take my kids to Universal Studios
There's your first mistake faggot

Banning right after a massacre? Right, because the best discussions are always made in the face of absolute terror.

>hurr durr cnn

hey trumptard,you guys are the only manchildren who care about cnn.everybody else is mature enough to handle criticism of their shit president

learn how to fucking spell before you call other people idiots,dumbass

>like as though it's a valid point
It is a valid point. Our constitution protects a private citizen's right to keep and bear arms. NZ's does not.

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Americans are smart New Zealand is run by women

My husband and I do very well and can afford it.

This proposition has the underlying assumption that NZ is somehow more righteous or correct than the US without giving any reason as to why. Who gives a shit was NZ does? I certainly don't.

On the off chance this isn't just meant to stir the pot and OP actually believes this.

Making good people helpless, doesn’t make bad people harmless.

Our system of creating legislation is set up in such a way that we can't just rush through sweeping and ill thought out changes to the law when people become emotionally distressed at an horrific event. How much thought and discussion do you think the NZ government had about their change before doing it? my guess would be zero and that no other side was even considered during the construction of this hastily drawn up legislation.

It's rather frustrating to see the government of NZ itself state that having a firearm for self defense is not a valid reason to own one when that's exactly what would have halted the aggression and put them on an equal footing but instead he had the power of life and death in his hands alone and the government has the audacity to say that your not allowed to defend yourself from such aggression with equal force is short sighted and I think ignorant of human nature.

People want to believe if we just keep banning things and creating new laws to restrict peoples liberties we will finally end up in utopia when that couldn't be farther from the truth.

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Americans are a plague and the only cure is nuclear hellfire

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Mmm triggered liberal rage. Please continue

>hasn't had a gun massacre for over 20 years
And yet within that 20 years they have been accessible. You just answered your own sperglord statement. Unironically kys faggot.

That's not what OP meant you dumb faggot.


Weirdly most countries with strict gun laws have an exception for people who are under specific threat of attack. So leaders of Mosques could not potentially apply to own guns for self defense.

But I bet zero of those hippo deaths were in America you fucking retard


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let the amerifags have their dick-extensions

I'm more worried about getting killed by someone operating a 3000lb vehicle while texting. This is a legitimate concern. Not worried about CNN's self definition of what a mass shooting is. That itself makes your argument invalid, check your sources

I bet you're one of those Disney loving niggers.

jews did 911

(Im Not american) i think americans have a much deeper problem then fuckin guns. What pushes a man to do something like shoot up a school in the first place thats what i wanna know

Humans killing humans = bad?

How? Why?

American society is just way more violent, you people are crazy

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Whatever dickhead. End your misery ignite charcoal in your airlocked room


The word you're looking for is exorbitant. Perhaps, rather than taking your kids to Universal Studios, you could go to night school.

Hey, guys, OP forgot that the second amendment exists and actually thinks that we don't care when children are slaughtered! What a king!

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I bet you your kids have been molested at least once when you weren't looking when you brought them there.

maybe it was in the bathroom. maybe it was during a show. maybe it was when they were hugging that guy in the costume.

I'd bet some 25% jew somewhere has pictures or video of your kids using the bathroom.

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It's a hobby, bruh

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>Retarded muricans always going "b..bu muh guns"
muh freedumbs
muh demockercy

suck my weewee

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*insert generic click bait political post with far leaning left and/or right commentary to instigate argument and division*

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>mass shooting problem
>last 7 years 2200 people died in mass shootings in the US alone

so there is no problem as cited by your own numbers. 2200 is a blip on the radar. more people drown in pools in 1 year alone.

it's literally a non issue. you're more likely to get struck by lightning than be caught in a mass shooting.

>In the last 7 years over 2200 people died in mass shooting
Correction, 2200 in GANG SHOOTINGS and DRIVE-BY'S...

> be me American, fuck yeah
> be on vacation in foreign country
> have to leave muh guns at home
> see OP`s mom getting gang raped by a gang of wild niggers
> Ask self what do?
> pull dick out and masturbate furiously because not at home or I would shoot niggers
> three days later see OP`s mom
> Oh shit she recognises me
> she smiles and winks at me
> pulls me into restroom and sucks and fucks me
> tells me when I leave Op is a very insecure edgy boy who pee`s to bed and is very, very jealous of American culture.

314 people per year, in the last 7 years, have died in mass shootings in the US according to the statistics. Those numbers justify confiscation and disarming the public. If it saves just 1 life a year, it’s worth millions of others giving up their inalienable rights.

You're right, now when mass shooting happens all tell the victims families "while, that's the risk you take going in public places, they knew the risks. Get over it."

314 people out of over 300 million

Come for my firearms with those weak numbers and we will have another civil war that is not going to end well for you liberals that only have water bongs and dildos to defend yourselves.

Come get it faggot. My life has been empty since I got out of the army. I just want to kill shit and die. Be my excuse

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You're just proving his point.

>comparing tiny, inbred country run by a Queen to massive 350 million democratic continent

What point is that?
He is a silly liberal faggot who sucks on water bongs, with a dildo shoved up his faggot ass.

Sorry you silly fucker my constitutional second amendment says "shall not be infringed" and if those silly brainwashed fucks infringe upon my rights I will defend them with everything I got......and that is the bottom fucking line you retarted the clocks keeps on ticking the time for talking and the pathetic arguments coming from the anti gun crowd full of lies and half truths and honoring themselves and their bullshit way of socialistic thinking is coming to an end. The louder and harder they scream signifies it.

If you kill anyone it will be YOUR fault, user.

YOUR fucking fault, OK? Let's just get that shit straight.

>the anti gun crowd
Guns are a right and a responsibility. That means you're going to have to shell out as much money as you would buying a new car, roughly 20-30K, and go through a complete background check.

I would love to see you defend those rights, you lying little faggot.

Look at this faggot, typical millennial, thinks he can do what ever the fuck they want with no consequences for their actions, and nothing, I mean nothing is ever their fault.
Did your mom give you a trophy for having the peach fuzz on your little nuts to post that?

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Your ignorance of gun laws in America is showing nigger.


YOUR fault user. YOU make the choice. You don't get to blame it on somebody else like your stupid President does.

If you choose to harm anybody, it would be you claiming the responsibility.

I would like to see how big of a hole my new .50 cal. muzzle loader with a 300 grain bullet and a charge of 150 grains of powder would punch through the chest of the feeble motherfucker dumb enough to try to infringe on my constitutional rights

Obviously we're going to change those laws. We're looking to the Firearms Act, only updating the permitting process to the current economy. Owning a firearm would have the same measure of responsibility as buying a house or car.

Fucking zionist shill

I see now I`m not a nigger hiding behind the BLM movement of violence and rioting, calling standing up for my rights, so I must burn in hell. Sorry for my misguided ways.

you really seem like you're into holes user

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So you're basically a white nationalist shitfuck

who knew?

Well fuck you. The majority of Americans know that guns more often protect people than kill people. Also banning guns would not solve the problem, you never hear about a semi auto rifle going into a school and shooting a bunch of kids. It is mental health that is the problem, and that is something that I believe that we need more support for. If you want to use your ignorant rhetoric to argue against guns, go to tumblr. You will fit in perfectly with the feminists and the cucks.

Found the jew

>New Zealand has had only one massacre in 20+ years despite being able to own semi auto rifles all this time

Just goes to show the guns aren't the problem

>The majority of Americans
don't own guns

you are the problem

Oh that`s nice user, so your saying I can get drunk and high take my firearms out and shoot up the neighborhood and all I get is some time in county lock up and can have my firearms back after I am off of probation for my offense just like a drunk fucking driver behind the wheel of a car killing some one else on our roadways getting his driving privileges back.
BTW you silly fuck owning a house or a fucking car is not a constitutional right, it is a privilege, gun ownership is a guaranteed constitutional right. so fuck off faggot.


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rights come with responsibilities user
and housing is a right

you'd also need to purchase a comprehensive gun insurance policy

That doesn't mean guns are free or no regulations

......found the nigger, lost the argument and now the name calling begins. I am surprised your reply was not simply muh dick

>name calling
like calling your opponents "nigger?"

Show me in writing that housing is a right> copy and paste that fucking shit right here loser

You will get a lot of likes in Twitter, Facebook Tumblr with such amazing progressive ideas
unfortunately we don't abide by your fagottry

facts are facts, if it smells like nigger, talks like a nigger, wants to rob you like a nigger, then it has got to be a fucking nigger.

It was adopted by the UN in 1948 user. Google "Universal Bill of Human Rights."

Owning a gun would cost you about 20-30K, a full background check, and gun insurance. For that, we leave you alone. You should take the deal.

Imagine being so poor you can't do both of these things. Yikes

user then you deserve to be outed as a pathetic white nationalist with a small penis. It's only fair.

The UN peace keepers blue helmets with those little white crosses make awesome targets, just have to aim a little low.

Are you gonna shoot at your own Army too?

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So fuck off to Kiwi land, faggot.

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Well then just call me the grand wizard of the KKK, I could care less nigger

Go to /pol/ faggot


actually you're getting triggered pretty hard

You bet, I got me a Barret 50 cal waiting for it happen and a itchy trigger finger

Weak b8

If you say so nigger

OK how do you bypass a block someone puts on a website? My mom blocked it.

>2200 people died in mass shootings

citation needed

There's a word for that: Treason.

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If you don't like it you can go be a subject in NZ. American citizens will continue waging unending war as the Lord intended.
>observed digits
>you made me reply, good show fucker

you're seething

I`m sorry faggot nigger your mom called and wants some dick I must go now

Banning firearms is a tactic used by fascists to disarm the proletariat. The real problem is the rise of white supremacy. Buy a gun, kill a fascist

*salutes* thats a true american

A bullets got your name on it, commie scum

You know what I find really interesting about all these "mass shootings"? The majority of them are gang violence which are just serial murders, most of the time involving three people or less. Nobody ever takes into consideration the locations and cities of said gang violence, and the percentages of which these mass shootings occur. I'd like to see someone make an info graph detailing all of these, and I'm willing to bet most of them happen in bad areas of cities like LA, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, really any large crime ridden area. Obviously these people aren't going to follow the laws and purchase guns legally, so they end up shooting each other over retarded shit which probably makes up a pretty good portion of these. Another thing to consider are demographics such as race, income, age, and particularly previous convicts. Take all of this into consideration and you'd probably find all other cities have significantly lower numbers of these mass shootings, equal to that of other developed countries, and committed by a very small portion of people. That's why when it happens somewhere it isn't expected, everyone freaks the fuck out and news outlets push their agendas. All of it is bullshit meant to distract people from real problems like corruption of government, corporations paying off said governments and politicians, entertainment industries, and the media itself, social inequality, diminishing middle class, all the actual fucked up problems with society. It's all a big fucking joke to keep everyone fighting amongst themselves, and eating out of the palm of the hands of the rich bastards who control everyone like puppets. If people focused on the real issues and stopped being retards then shit may actually change. And we're on the brink of civil war for all the wrong reasons. It's sad, really. But that's just my two cents.

why would you ruin a mak like that

I don't think you understand
We like getting shot

It's like our rite of passage

you're triggered little man

Life's complicated isn't it? I'll keep my damn protection even while there is a fantasy created by the globalist that gun bans bring utopia.

Not 2200 in mass shootings, moron. Nice bait. I’ve seen the same reports and the majority are from things like triple homicides in drug deals. It reports all incidents of multiple fatalities in the same location as a mass shooting, which it technically is. You are trying to twist the facts to say public mass shootings of this style.


Shit happens, dude. I don't see how a mass shooting event is any different a random act than a tire flying off a truck on the interstate and taking out someone walking about a rest stop.

Shit happens.

Fuck off.

I don't like what you've done with the shoulder thing that goes up

This is probably the dumbest right wing conspiracy, period. And you've got a lot of them.

Main Argument:
>"These guys issued changes to their laws, that means you guys should give up your rights!"
>Proceeds to imply it's a gun problem and not a people problem
Can you do anything right

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"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Yah, let's see how this plays out. Surely it will back fire and there will be guns everywhere. You won't be able to swing a cast without hitting a gun in NZ now that they made this knee jerk reaction. Dumb fucking Americans.

Nazis get the wall

In addition the majority of mass shootings are carried out by hanguns, I think a mass shooting is only something like 3 killed. Which happens all the time in gang shootouts

Basically it's going to cost 20K to go through a full background check and purchasing gun insurance. Then we leave you alone. You really should take the deal.

You're a threat to my liberty though.

I should copy and paste this onto my Facebook page

Write your own where every first letter spells out a different gun.

Lol that will never, ever happen, you deluded fool.

Feel free. Everyone is too stupid to see the bigger picture, so maybe it'll get people thinking, and learn to fight the people who control us and not each other.

I have an underlying assumption that you're American. See, works sometimes.

America bans alcohol/prohibition, alcohol everywhere
America bans cocaine, cocaine on every street corner
America bans opioids, heroin in every neighborhood

Oh yeah , let's ban guns !

Australian weighing in here. I understand why you Murican's cling to your guns so feverishly but I gotta say I enjoy walking the streets with no fear knowing that 99% of the people around me are unarmed.

>gang shootouts
so it's ok if they happen in peaceful neighborhoods and threaten everyone's safety?

we just arent praying enough

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You say that as though it's alright

You really should take the deal. Otherwise, it's going to be a costly buyback program, and I don't mean money, but also lives.

Enjoy being stabbed to death by an aboriginal nigger

Hard drugs are currently illegal. Did that solve the problem? No! You see and hear about the problems everywhere. So why do you think banning guns will solve the problem?

Existing weapons being banned like AR-15s will be grandfathered in, but owners will need to go through a full background check and purchase gun insurance. It will still be in the 1000s of dollars.

It is quite nice knowing no one can just pull a gun a put a bullet in my head.
Knives at least you can run from

Guns aren't even as big of a problem as drugs. Tons of people are overdosing on prescription and illegal drugs.

Being made worthless by locking kids away in a school with a bunch of sadists. Being taunted that their being replaced on the internet, tv and so on

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Only if we are just atoms and molecules randomly bumping together. If you're a created being? There really exists an conspiracy, Driven by the globalist clamoring for the one world government.

Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Ok retard just don't source yourself on anything you say

so you're a dumb christfag too pointing to your book as justification to go totally nuts
who the fuck called that one?

I Will fully support any and every gun law the left wants to pass so long as they also make it apply to voting rights.

Because if you are not responsible enough to own a shotgun till 21 then you should also not be voting in the leaders of the country till you are 21 either.

Background check to buy a gun? well we already have those but ok. They are fairly quick to run one wo lets have background checks on voting day as well!

Want gun people to pay $25 per gun per year? Well you can shell out $25 for every person you vote for then! Check off 10 names on that ballot? better have a check for $250 ready!

Its a fair deal. But im sure they will not think its fair because its only fair when they are stripping the rights of others away.

>Well you can shell out $25 for every person you vote for then!
Voting doesn't hurt people. Guns do.

What sort of theoretical bullshit are you spouting here, you commie scum?

Maybe, but an honest review of all known history and an honest understanding of the reality of the contentions times we live in the light of being created shows me Christ being right over, a clamoring to solve this chaos by humans.

1 Corinthians 1:18

18 For the [a]message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

>doing nothing about the mass shooting problem
Fuck off Euro, I'd rather have a very small risk of getting shot by a legally obtained firearm then end up getting shot by an illegal one under the promise that it wouldn't happen.

>voting doesn't hurt people

user.... I...

I'd take the deal, user.

You believe in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Christianity is basically a religion for soldiers. Soldiers do what you read about in Revelation--lay waste to civilizations.

OK so your feewings got hurt that your Republitarded candidate didn't win. Good.

>NZ hasnt had a gun massacre for over 20 years
>NZ hasnt had a gun massacre for over 20 years
>NZ hasnt had a gun massacre for over 20 years
fucking contradicting tard

Kek. With the way this place is this could be serious, it could be satire.

Either way it tickled my funny bone.

>it’s a hobby
Good thing cuz that shit is all meme and no combat.

They try to confiscate guns and 2/3 of the Army will defect to the other side. The American Army is 60% made up of rural backwoods boys from Alabama. You know, the types of fuckers who were given their first gun for their 7th birthday

>If it saves just 1 life a year, it’s worth millions of others giving up their inalienable rights.
Hmm. Well being cars kill three times the people that guns do and nobody is doing anything about the asswipe that drives a foot off my bumper on the interstate it makes you wonder.
>lives don’t matter unless it’s muh gun deaths

Guess how many times I can be wreckless with my firearm and lose my right to own one for life.

Now ask me the same question but replace gun with car.

2200 people over 7 years with a population of 300000000 is virtually nothing
>50 over 20 years with a population of some million kiwis is virtually nothing too of course
Government takes guns so government gains might, has nothing to do with people dying - they just see the shooting as chance to get the ban through

You will understand soon. Once the muslims and other 3rd worlders invading your home have nothing standing in their way, you will be thanking us after we have to come in and save your useless asses.


>Guns do.

You know its the weirdest thing. none of my guns have ever goon off and hurt anyone all on their own.

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>we need to cease citizens rights because of one nutcase
>no way that will back fire like say slowly becoming a Chinese colony
Fuck off Cheng, if a few of those Muzzies had even low caliber pistols they could have cut the massacre numbers down by half easily if not more. Enjoy being defenseless in a police state but hey at least you'll have 5G internet... Oh wait everything will be censored, have fun with that.

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this fucking retard doesn't actually understand basic law. You know that driving is not a right but a privilege?that means they cant take away your ability to drive. on the contrary owning a firearm is something that you have the right to have.

Ok. Well now tell me to get fucked when I used a firearm to repel the violent men who entered my house. I didn’t even have to fire.

Fuck me right?

>inb4 things that didn’t happen
Sure. This is a completely one sided issue. Guns never save lives and if they did the media would surely talk about like they do mass shootings right?

New Zealand's legislators haven't been bribed by the NRA.

It's not muh guns. It's my Bill of Rights. Guns are the difference between citizen and subject. Rights are the difference between a citizen and a slave.

>gun laws

>How much thought and discussion do you think the NZ government had about their change before doing it?
Many hours month's or years before the massacre

Ok then. If savings lives is your end game here then we should first start with getting rid of every single swimming pool in the country first. Then we can move on to baseball bats, hammers, cars and all the other things that kill more people every year then guns do.

Fuck you faggot OP
Don't use us zoomers as political ammunition, I would gladly die in a school shooting if it meant preserving the second amendment
I really hope that accelerationism pans out so I can shoot you and default dance over your corpse (in Minecraft)
Suck a fat dick.

So you do realize both of those situations would not happen if they didn't have a gun?

I'm going to buy three more guns just to prove you wrong

I have never heard your TRUTH of history and the reality around us. I'll look into the validity and see if I am the one deceived.

Matthew 24:4
…3While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” 4Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you.

lmfao anons, keep up the good work, this thread if fucking hilarious

>Yes goy, why you don't you ban guns?

My god man. How on earth did people kill each other before guns were ever a thing!

Reminder that being a poorfag is not an excuse.

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When lobbyists are outlawed, only outlaws will have lobbyists.

take your time next time you post

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Pol Pot took the peoples guns to keep them safe
Then he killed 3 million of them
Pol Pot was trained in paris for 12 years
Save your libtard logic for cucks in coffee shops fag

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I got into Wild Bunch shootings (a smaller offshot of cowboy action) and i needed a 1911 that i did not mind banging around so i picked up a Rock Island milspec 1911 and holy balls that thing eats everything i feed it zero issues.

Have been going to matches for about 3 years now and not one single issue with a combo of RIA 1911 and Chip McCormick no frills standard mags.

The only downside i had was the massive company logo on the slide. so after a year i just bought a new slide marked "Property of US Government" with a matching finish. but now the factory slide has a much smaller logo.

When the electoral college is outlawed only the outlaws will be elected.

1 gun with 10 , 30 round clips or 20 hand guns with extended clips .. i dont know .. people are gonna find ways to kill each other .. maybe the next guy blows up a whole building in the middle of newyork or somthing ,, with a plane or somthing ..

There is absolutely no way America will ban guns. They couldnt afford a buy back scheme like NZ. The US will always be armed.

He should load two or three medium sized leather cannons filled with grape shot in the back of a pick up truck to fire into a large crowd and then suicide by charging the cops with a bayonet mounted to a flint lock.
like the founding fathers intended supposedly.

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And Fuck anyone who wants to deny you of arms. And they did mean ARMS, and not just "some guns".

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I know right! Banning drugs immediately ended all drug use. Robbery has been illegal since biblical times and ever since there hasn't been a single robbery worldwide. Thankfully not a single woman on earth fears rape because it's illegal. Why haven't we banned assault weapons? It's so simple.

Pressing ENTER now and then won't hurt you, I know you'll be accused of reddit spacing but that shit is unreadable as it stands.

When politicians are outlawed, only outlaws will have politicians.

It’s not that it’s alright. It’s different, and vastly so. The large majority of those killed in gang shootings (including the triples that constitute and inflate mass shooting numbers) are other criminals that have chosen to live a life of lawlessness. One involved crime against innocents, there other is criminals committing crimes against other criminals.

Let me also ask you...what’s the difference between the NZ mosque shootings and the thousands of innocent Muslims killed in US drone strikes? Because the US government has deemed it lawful.

That's copypasta, son.

So it looks like the NRA isn't as bankrupt as they said they were.

And it looks like ur mom's anus isn't as empty of semen as we thought she was
(She swallowed a billion of my children last night)

Who banned cars in the last 20 years?

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Source for your claim of thousands of innocents killed by drone strike?

That's fine. I don't use Reddit, and don't need to space shit out that makes it even harder to read because you're having to view many more lines which makes it appear longer than it really is. The people that give a shit (which is virtually nobody) will read the entire thing. Not that what I or anyone else says matters.

No, it isn't. Every time someone writes out something long and actually goes into detail, nobody wants to read it and just says "oh, that's copypasta." Good job proving my point.

Sorry, I mean multiple lines make it appear shorter. Regardless, I'm going to be ignored all the same.


terror is the best opportunity tho

Ok, so move to New Zealand.

IM DELETING YOU, DADDY! ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete..... ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete.... ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete.... ] 99% complete..... ERROR! True Daddies are irreplaceable I could never delete you Daddy! Send this to ten other Daddies who give you cummies Or never get called squishy again If you get 0 Back: no cummies for you 3 back: you're squishy 5 back: you're daddy's kitten 10+ back: Daddy

Clearly you live in the Socialist Republic of Aotearoa. The law change is not yet in place only an Order In Council. The change does nothing to address the true issues - many of which are not known and won't be until there is a Royal Commission of Enquiry. The NZ Police are being misleading and covering up they BOTCHED the original firearms license application of the offender. This is simply further erosion of the few privileges that New Zealanders have buy a staunch socialist (who basically believe that all people are stupid and government knows best).


Attached: Felix AR15 2.png (451x520, 287K)

is the joke here that it would take you 5 minutes to load it?

They didn't ban any guns you dumb cuck, they put it under a license restriction.

Fuck you you uneducated retard. Look at all the murders be Muslim refugees that NZ has as well as other countries in Europe and yet you cunts still bring in more. So go fuck yourself you Muslim cock sucking liberal.

>implying a conservative blames mass murderers
conservatives always worship and praise the mass murderer/shooter. so clearly you're not capable of judging what's best. take away guns and the dude in your example would have to fight the lion fair and square, which most people would be fine with. your /pol/ maymay is bunk.

>i'm a responsible gun owner
there's no such thing.

Attached: gun safety.png (640x640, 488K)

'cause of those high capacity mags

this is super easy: you can't fucking have the guns. no amount of "but this or this" is going to convince the US to give them up. so, fuck off.

that's it.

>inb4 "muh militia" or some other nonsequitur

So tobacco kills about 7.5 million world wide every year.... OP apparently think guns are a bigger issue. Not to mention Alcohol is leading the world in disease and death, not to mention the crime it contributes to, lets not forget about the sexual abuse it also attributes to as well. Alcohol is the worlds oldest date rape drug.

Attached: 38395e7a78c2a8e601ad1ba9780c9430c754def92dd3479a53d6a296605b6bf8.jpg (725x731, 108K)

Sure kid.

what do you do with those bullets?
or are you just feeding into NRA propaganda to "prop up" the gun industry?

Yeah, like starting an endless war in the middle east and all the other things that passed right after 9/11!

>death by car accidents were zero before cars were invented

New Zealand doesn't have a homegrown terrorist group (NRA) dedicated to the almighty gun and a large population of inbred redneck idiots.

Uninvent cars then, mister time traveller.

It wouldn't be endless if you libtards would stop pulling us out.


Attached: sure kid.jpg (225x126, 8K)

Calm down, flat-earther.


a good reason to become a marine

Sure kid.

Jesus Christ, are you a fucking cartoon character?!? I've never seen this level of delusion in real life, I sincerely hope this is a LARP. Please please please see a therapist ASAP.

Have watching your kids get raped and killed in CW2 when you don't have enough G&A to protect them. Fucking retard.

>60% of US population

Pick only one

If it was a Muslim who massacred 50 white New Zealanders they wouldn't have banned shit. And that's a fucking fact.

OP is Soyboy confirmed

Attached: 1407456191856.jpg (623x626, 114K)

america has a niggers with guns problem, not a gun problem.

It is a valid point.
And the point is not that kids (a statistically tiny percentage of them) get killed in schools.
It's that mine don't get killed when someone breaks into my house.
Hopefully they don't break into my house in the first place, because they know I have a gun can punch holes in them.

Check. Your fucking acusasions. Before you retort them. Stupid negro

Exactly. They would have insisted not all Muslims are violent and it would be old news in a couple days.

Most of America's gun violence and mass shootings is from handguns and in mostly in ethnic ghettos.

Attached: 1553309920982.png (908x1078, 1.47M)

A criminal can get a gun just like they can buy drugs. There’s no point in banning weapons, there’s going to be copy cat killers no matter what because they’re miserable people who have nothing but hate to live for.

Which they get the guns from unregulated gun sells from gun owners. Sounds like a vacious cycle

Not just with guns jew

The difference is that you will likely never need to defend yourself against a firearm. NZ isn't like the US, the government is the voice of the people not the lobbies and corporations.

1 incident in 20 years >bans guns. Pretty stupid of NZ i hope the muslims vote thereselfs into your shitty government and your stoning your woman in the streets and inbreeding in 50 years