So I see that NZ took away gun rights and free speech rights as well

So I see that NZ took away gun rights and free speech rights as well.

All of this while mandating that Adhan (islamic call to prayer) be played in loudspeakers in their cities and that women should wear hijab.

Good luck New Zealand you fucking cockswabs. You gave up your fucking guns and your free speech to let the muslims take over. You’re officially an Islamic state now

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's almost as if not having a right-wing terrorist shoot up a mosque and kill 50 innocent people would have prevented this. Huh. Who'da thunk it eh?

Everything is like Brenton predicted. Race war soon...

If one jackass drives drunk and kills a family in a van, should vans, alcohol and TV commercials from the automaker for vans be banned?

Good. Fuck everyone. Only the strong survive

The guy was left wing retard

>Only the whites will survive

he was left wing
and eco terrorist / socialist

and even used guns after listing a ton of other ways because he wanted guns to be blamed

Where can I get the banned words?

Oh, yeah, so terrorism works.

>free speech

There won't be a race war. Won't happen. In most countries the poor whites won't surrender their gibs anymore than the black man they hate. Socialized western society deserves everything that happens to it.

New Zealand doesn't have "gun rights". They didn't make the same mistake we did when writing their constitution. And I find it hilarious you seem to think religious ideologies are more detrimental than everyone having guns

Thank you, appreciate it.

Dildo...the difference here is guns were created to kill humans.

Don’t act on these words. They’re just words, just like the commie manifesto and mein kampf. If they only remain just words then it is okay to possess the words

Don’t do evil fucking things

Microwave ovens include technology created by the military to kill humans. Should we ban those as well?
>fucking moron

Yeah no shit sherlock.

spoken like a true cuck who's culture and way of life are being replaced out of fear of being called racist. But seeing how you aren't even self aware you deserve your coming fate.

Your nation and people are lost.

Coincidently cars kill more than guns every year. Abortion tops them all, and that’s definitely legal

Don’t fucking lecture me on guns. It’s just a piece of metal and you’re smarter than that

Yes they were. And relying on some police force that took 36 fucking minutes to respons means that the next guy who brings a gun to a cuck fight will have the same field day as mr manifesto did. All the laws on earth can't stop a determined criminal from getting what he wants. All it does it stop you from defending yourself. But you're a weakling who wouldn't stand up to a bag of wet noodles, so have fun getting shot without a fight.

Time for a war?

Time for a war.

And yet, we NEVER ban Islam when those sandniggers do this

Did you know only 35% of Americans during the Revolutionary War supported fighting Great Britain?


I can believe that. Most just wanted to be left alone, which I understand.

you won't do shit you little limp dicked faggot. you will just cry and whine on a chinese flyfishing board about how da joos and moolsims are bad without doing shit. I bet you probably would suck a muslims dick if your life depended on it.


So you’re the arbiter of who would do shit and who wouldn’t do shit now?

>not the user you replied to

im just stating a fact that none of u bitch boys on this site will do anything other than continue to be cucked.

What culture and way of life are you referring to specifically?

Makes me wanna do a falsefaggy shooting rampage on these delusional NZ liberals

The fag who shot up 2 mosques was on eightchan, it’s not that far away from here. There are definitely some extremists in here.

But I’m certainly not one of them

How about you just calm down

So is the flu vaccine, but you don't see them banning them.

>roughly same amount of people get vaccine since like 1990
>in 20 years there has been no change since the 20 years before it was introduced
>except deaths from injection complications
>haters gonna hate them bills.

Attached: 1552918011807.jpg (718x718, 104K)

>1930 Nazis burn and bans books representing different ideologies
>2019 NZ left wing government bans manifesto because "bad" ideology

it's simple
Jacinda Ardern = nazi whore

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Attached: download.png (500x733, 194K)

Pretty much this.

-Sincerely merica.

Attached: c131003be4553d5cc001db16de8d4cdf94a4797b765543fe721afd19be8b3e51.png (720x568, 243K)

It's OK to punch Jacinda Ardern

just remember YOU said it NOT ME.

I don't think you know what you're talking about

I can say that because I'm not in cuckzealand.

There should be a like, rebellion or mutiny or something.
I'd love to help but I'm busy.. not caring that much to be honest. You guys should really be more proactive.

Those who wore hijab did it out of free will, you fucking illiterate faggot.

Without religious ideologies there would rarely be any reason to use guns.

Every country has some manifestation of niggers, user.

Look up Stockholm Syndrome.

not religious ideologies
just different values

Yea fucking right.

What do they do to you if you get it tattooed on you?

Thanks . More pdfs like this ?

Why would I have more pdfs like that?

>t. pic related

Attached: Fucking Rage.gif (260x300, 386K)

Yeah, people being able to defend themselves is so 1800s.

The son should have shot the wife as well, then his dad , then himself , as the 4 of them are White trashes and needed to be eradicated from the the face of this earth as soon as possible without a slightest hint of delay .

Well at least when it all goes to shit; libtard bullshit like gun control and global warming will be out the window for America.

Guns prevent natural selection by allowing the weak to be able to defend themselves. They are the reason human evolution is stuck and will never move forward


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Ah yes; gun violence, the leading cause of death of weaker genes!

Thanks for playing.. on to the next adventure

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Damn it you got me too

Guns: the weapon of choice for those with weak genes

>they think New Zealand has the same constitutional rights as the US
>they unironically think that it's being taken over by muslims