Ask an actual woman anything

Ask an actual woman anything.

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Prove it, brother.

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How yo puss smell?

How big is your dick?

WhY dOnT u HaVe A pP?

Will you be posting a timestamp with those tits?

Mature. That’s great.

Does dick size matter?

This. Or go away

Not OP but I got some time to kill so if she cant produce any sort of proof I'll do it

U makin fun of me? I like being a woman too


Why not both?

Not OP but if requested, I can post pics of my feminine penis to prove I'm a girl as well.

Since OP doesn't want to answer, how big is your dick?

How do we know you're not lying? Women don't browse this degenerate board often at all.

The questions already on here my god. Yea Forums has become such shit.

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I am OP.


Me too


Me too

I am also OP now, and to answer my own question about how big OP's dick is, 6inches


Dats a clit boi

What pain?

How does it feel to lose 6 pounds and consider your body completely transformed?

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We need to know if you're a trashy drugged up plastic whore like other degenerate femanons.

Love the LARP meme. Better than that Andy Sixx shit you've been forcing for years.

OP here.

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L O N D O N ?

There will be no tiddies in this thread, so here ya go.

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Why do you like Yea Forums?

>liberal detected

I have those same panties. Don't have those tiddies, though....

Will you dress up as the guildmarm for me?

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what is your favorite anime?

Tomo Hishi Ichi Salo Salo is hands down my favorite lol


welcome to Yea Forums, now leave

How long did your transition take you brave soul?

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Do these pants make my ass look fat?

Can I piss in your ass hole when we watch films together so I don't miss anything? FYI cant pause it my TV remotes in your pussy because I've been experimenting, eg, you pointing at the TV with your mouth open while I press on your stomach trying to turn it over

Yea Forumsro

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Nope no LARP

Eh this is OPs thread. I'll wait for her to deliver

I dont have a dick sorry


No. They all lie.

Damn that sucks what happened to your dick? I knew this guy who's penis fell off when he was taking a shit and he accidentally flushed it down the toilet.

I was born with a vagina hun

so your twin brother is a pussy huh? Give him a break maybe in a few years he will man up

It's a pretty good idea tbh