Hunger Games

Hunger Games
24 tributes
code: Comic Book Store

a quick game

Attached: (You) vs. RNG.png (378x483, 107K)


Attached: BFB83483-EE16-4D7E-A5BA-4E9621781D1E.png (671x969, 436K)

Hat Goomba

Attached: Bandana Waddle Dee SA.png (1403x1584, 1.97M)

Sad Ceiling Cat

Attached: 1552875145035.jpg (1001x1002, 33K)


Attached: Cobra2.jpg (900x700, 328K)

Good old fashioned

Attached: Assstrong.png (1280x700, 565K)

Asstrong is best meme


Attached: Denton.png (320x276, 247K)

I forgot to make a new one if I'm gonna be honest

Its alright, its hard to make memes everyday


Attached: 1D6AFFBF-8A4F-4EFA-9C3D-57AE68467943.jpg (960x540, 156K)

Aus Straylian

Attached: 1552951714150.jpg (718x718, 104K)


Attached: 1552851215694.png (1360x1014, 364K)


Attached: 1553264872326.png (634x623, 943K)

thread is slow today
This moot I found on /i/

Attached: 1551637218562.jpg (1448x2048, 644K)

Dr Negro Cortex

Attached: Negro Cortex.jpg (184x184, 9K)


Attached: 1492487071835.png (400x640, 204K)

>This moot

Mattress Defenders

Attached: 93c7ce3d-de1e-4ae0-90bc-febe0cda88f6.jpg (536x960, 43K)

A Quick Baku

Attached: 266.jpg (544x544, 27K)


Attached: 1552617021016.gif (511x512, 105K)


Attached: photo0.jpg (720x1280, 184K)


Attached: Eggs.PNG.png (271x420, 5K)

Sam Hyde

Attached: Hyde Shotgun.png (649x608, 541K)


Attached: Nobbleberry.jpg (1080x1080, 736K)


Attached: 1553253717486.jpg (720x1280, 143K)


Attached: krillin.jpg (640x480, 28K)


Attached: Mike Squat.gif (422x425, 622K)


Attached: FO_robobrain.gif (67x61, 22K)


Attached: 1463395911477.jpg (600x735, 57K)

Suffering Android

Attached: 9s dbw6ie1-12ffbb3b-1ed9-4757-bab6-df011c345b8d.jpg (612x612, 48K)

first 24 tributes

Attached: tributes.png (1298x990, 471K)

mine fewrer i can't walk

i'll add you, one sec


Attached: 22E9C68B-CA66-47F5-A4EC-351DF076D455.jpg (640x640, 61K)

Hat Goomba got this.

Attached: bandana ritual.jpg (990x1200, 118K)

God shave the Queen.

Attached: Nobbleberrygstq.jpg (1920x1080, 646K)

Thx fren

Attached: 1.png (1298x2883, 595K)


Attached: 01251.gif (650x450, 370K)

Good luck Megumi:)

Attached: bc4cea4d2e90b2bdc6db5c69970d4c36.png (400x300, 54K)

Attached: 2.png (1298x2132, 519K)

Blue you need to stop this. F Hat Goomba.

Attached: sbd.png (367x385, 26K)

Asstron sounds like he's part ass part machine

Attached: 3 F.png (1298x1143, 162K)

Attached: 4.png (1298x1822, 455K)


Attached: 1550768652694.jpg (720x709, 47K)

F Eggs

Attached: 01315.gif (650x450, 152K)

Death for isreal donkeycopter

Attached: BB2FB8C0-0FAB-43ED-BD2C-4A9EA0D4F81D.jpg (1024x899, 108K)

Attached: 5.png (1298x1659, 448K)

is this Robert Muraine?

Attached: 6 F.png (1298x990, 112K)

Atleast this game will be fast.
F Gnome

Attached: 1C8FCA6D-DE3B-498A-B52E-AAEA5F6EBE53.jpg (444x250, 15K)

Attached: 7.png (1298x1496, 409K)

Attached: 8.png (1298x1512, 392K)

Thanks, RIP you though
Sorry, RIP

Attached: 1471703018451.png (1280x727, 456K)

Attached: 9.png (1298x1691, 398K)

Attached: 10 F.png (1298x1473, 201K)

Attached: 11.png (1298x990, 260K)


Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

Attached: 12.png (1298x990, 251K)

Attached: 13.png (1298x990, 203K)

Attached: 14 F.png (1298x990, 150K)

RIP you as well

Attached: 556.jpg (768x768, 56K)

Attached: 15.png (1298x990, 176K)

F Cobra

Attached: 16.png (1298x990, 179K)

Attached: 17 F.png (1298x990, 109K)

Attached: 18.png (1298x990, 162K)

Attached: 19.png (1298x990, 160K)

Attached: Krillin_died.gif (500x281, 561K)

Attached: 20 F.png (1298x990, 111K)

Betting on Nobbleberry

Attached: 21.png (1298x990, 140K)

>Krillin thinks about backstabbing the alliance
>Krillin is found dead


Attached: winner.png (1298x990, 121K)

and thanks for participating

Attached: placements.png (1298x990, 493K)

God damnit donnie.
new thread?
>inb4 diy

Attached: 92D0FD52-B664-4C70-BCB7-2C365E500DF9.jpg (700x654, 21K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: ClapDroll.gif (294x327, 15K)

Thanks for hosting.

Attached: Bandana Dee Had a Hard Life.jpg (768x906, 65K)

Thanks for hosting

Thanks for the quickie Reimu

Attached: b3c9d40ce192353b973703db07ca21c3.jpg (1600x2000, 258K)

Thanks for hosting.

Attached: Nobbleberried.jpg (1200x628, 261K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 1468378889531.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

It was fleeting, but good thread OP. RIP Assstrong

Thank for host

thanks for hosting

Attached: 1532531046058.jpg (480x480, 17K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: Thumb up.png (600x600, 126K)

LOL fuck moot

Attached: Hackerman 9S.jpg (1295x2220, 433K)

Fucking kiririn is a murderer

I LOVE moot.

Attached: 1335329179166.jpg (600x560, 60K)

>this moot I found on /i/ reminisces about the life he once had
Don't we all.

I hope someones strangles you in public
not giving you a (You), faggot.

>moot rests his head on a dakimakura and falls asleep

A nobble sacrifice, sleep tight little hacker droid.

GG thanks OP


KYS zoomer faggot, I'm not letting them scan all my personal files on my PC so they can sell the data to China and shady corporations.
Fucking Zoomers

Attached: 9S 38e6f319634de39911928a67c4baf022.jpg (707x1000, 98K)

If you smoke weed every day, you can save a lot of money by only smoking every other day

Attached: meow.jpg (720x832, 21K)