Ambitious, sensitive and passionate

>Ambitious, sensitive and passionate

>Broke, no family, no friends, no job and no health

My life is like a fucking cage and I can't start nothing because I have nothing to start with.

Other than piss my life away or shoot myself in the head, what would user do?

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see a psychiatrist
get on welfare
save up for a bike to get around
get a job
save lots of money
build confidence
get a girlfriend
or not
just do whatever you want with the money

Life is hard.

Graduating jr high would be a good start

Shockingly, getting a job is hard, at least in the UK. Employers just don't reply and wouldn't even take me on as a toilet cleaner because I spent my years studying a degree. No experience=no job.

I would happily go abroad and work as a white monkey, or completely change cities, but welfare doesn't allow it.

Well you have welfare so you have all the time in the world. Just keep applying until someone hires you. Watch movies and stuff in the meantime

Then get off welfare nigger

What degree.

I'm a piece of shit for being on welfare

Dentistry. It's been 6 months and there's no job in the city. I'm now overqualified (yeah, they told me that) for the lowest paying jobs. It's a fucking scam

Not really. It's not like you're getting 20,000 euros a month or something like some real pieces of shit like politicians that pocket tax payer dollars. You're just having a hard time and that's why welfare exists. You could be robbing peoples homes or stores and then you would be a real piece of shit. You are alright

In the city?
Send applications absolutely everywhere.

Google dental clinics, check the map and make a list of every fucking clinic in the country.

Buy a trailer, take that shit to whatever city responds and get back on your feet.
You have a real degree. It's not going to be easy, but you're far better off than most.

Don't get on welfare unless you face homelessness it's a nightmare getting off of it

Why is it hard to get off of it?

Paying for rent or buying a trailer will mean eating out the trash can, squirrels and nettles. The big fear is ending up on the street and losing more than I already have. It's something only a pussy would say, but this frugal mindset has made me into a real penny pincher. Ironic, considering most (employed) dentists are well off. Taking the plunge to leave is just fucking scary.

Welfare is weird in the UK then.

Where I live you have to go to a bunch of meetings, provide bank printouts and sign a bunch of shit to start getting welfare.
And after that they pretty much have you by the balls and can tell you to pick up trash by the road to earn your keep.
You also have to attend meetings where they teach you to write CV's and you basically do fucking homework.

You're very much encouraged to get the fuck out of the system, because scrubbing toilets at McDonalds is better than welfare here.

So at least you don't have to deal with that.

work out and learn martial arts

>>Ambitious, sensitive and passionate

Whining on /b means you are none of those.

In the states there are limits to how much money you can save / how much you can make which makes it hard to get off as getting off means risking everything

learn to code

unlucky poor fag, if you started working at 17 like me, instead of going to shit University then, you too, could be earning £350 a day in the banking sector

Well I assume you have just a tiny bit saved up. If you're not working, have no car, no gf, no friends, you should have something saved up.
Unless you get even less in welfare than I thought.

I know you want to keep your head above water. And that might actually be smart.
But if you've exhausted the options in your area, you will have to expand your radius.

in a similar boat. i know that i have not properly applied myself though. why end it when i know i'm sand-baggin? just have to get a new routine and really actually apply my skills.

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erm... this is a good thing. get a fucking job or you can go to JSA meetings and attend the shit interviews they send you on

Making a game currently, but not worth its weight to sell.
Same shit here, but I've fallen into deep depression and got some weird ass skin condition that makes my hands look as if they've been put into a pressure cooker. I've got a note stating that I'm not allowed but work, but it's a joke when you have no money. Employers have right out rejected me for this reason, and these "job coaches" are a pain in the ass.

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See if you can get a job with the National Health doing dental work in some rural shithole. I bet they have plenty of places where no self-respecting dentist wants to be stuck. That's your in to the profession. Work there for a few years and you can move on to a nicer place.

Just FYI, I get £250 a month (maximum allowance).
Yeah I figured that too. At this point I'd go and star in a porno to get a couple of months rent out of it, but that'll just render my occupation useless and feel like a sack of shit in the process

To a certain extent I agree.
I think it would be better to make the torture incremental though. The longer you leech off the system the worse it gets.
And some cases where people know for certain they won't be in the system for long could be exempt.

But in the end the goal is for the person to get a job, so it can't be a free ride.

Looks an awful lot like GTA 1, or a flash game from 2008.
Not that that is a bad thing.

In UK you can't just park up a trailer, unless ur gypsy scum. You have to take it to a campsite often more expensive than renting a house

When I interview people I tell them they're overqualified when I don't like the cut of their jib