The face you make when you realize filing bankruptcy wont get you out of being a shit president

>the face you make when you realize filing bankruptcy wont get you out of being a shit president

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Just a reminder:

- Trump says the Middle East would gladly pay half their oil for the US' assistance, but charges nothing to Israel for support.

- Trump's government shut down has increased the US' federal debt over 2 trillion dollar.

- The wall is a stupid idea, its maintenance costs more than vetting and it will likely be abandoned the moment he steps out of office.

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Go to /pol/ with all this faggotry


Is this your new narrative now that the Mueller investigation turned out to be nothing but bullshit?

funny how republicans care more about immigration now then they do gun rights.gonna be funny when they get fucked in 2020 just like they did in the midterms,ill keep my keep your fear mongering about the scary brown people coming to america

Pretty much

i never cared about that liberal cuck's investigation in the first place.donald trump has did a good enough job himself at not getting re elected.regardless what the democrats do

More brown cock for you to suck eh?

This stupid bullshit needs to go back to plebbit and Facebook. Fucking NPC fucks.

>Biden will beat Donny
Pfttt we are stuck with the orange fuck for another term

Trump 2020! Fuck yeah!

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a sack of dog shit could beat trump in dont realize how many republicans you ignorant redneck's pissed off with donald trump

The only reason Trump won is because Hillary was the stupidest choice of the two


4 more years!!!! Not a chance he loses

>Trump says

He's a sad creature that can't even control lying anymore. The only thing more pathetic are the millions supporting him.

He's just one idiot with a big mouth. But together with the other idiots he's become a force to rekon with.

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>Not a chance he loses

That's what they said about Hillary Clinton.

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trump won because americans are fucking stupid and people like yourself thought a guy who shits in a golden toilet could relate to the trailer park meth addicted white boi's

>hurr durr lying

all politicians lie,the difference between trump and other politicians is that his supporters are so stupid they actually believe him

Who's lying you sack of shit?

Biden with Obama as VP on the ticket and Trump could run with Jesus and would still be toast.

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still trump, all the time, as much as possible because he's an insecure narcissist. sad

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It's actually the face you make when you have never filed for bankruptcy. You are too fucking stupid to understand what is personal and what is business. I was an investor in Boston Markets, so by your theory, I filed BK. You are so fucking dumb, you probably need to use navigation to get to work.

>all politicians lie

No they don't.

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>pretending democrats want you to keep your guns
Ok fagget.
>but muh meme bump stock
You obviously don’t own any guns.

yes they do. it's a political survival skill. your puritanical beliefs are laughable best.

>a sack of dogshit could beat Donald Trump
Hmm. We heard this somewhere before...

They do all lie, but not as much or as blatant as our current one does.

i dont think NPCs understand how the meme works

Sure kid. You’re welcome put up anther shit candidate and lose in 2020. How’s that Russian investigation going faggot?

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It wasn't bankruptcy he just got us back on trial. That is over, though. I killed the laws obama passed to die with and on. But he was telling me and mine about it so he's off reserve and dead to courts too. Even if he appears. It'll be fun to do what he couldn't.

this bich has tried forice

How much do you get paid? I want some passive income.

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Hows it feel to be so mad you don't make sense?

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yes they do,nice picture.let me guess,you fell for the "donald trump's not a politician,hes new and exciting" meme

bet you feel like an idiot now.your president is as much of a democrat as hillary clinton

no,actually you havent.trumptard,but sure the nra who are really big republican supporters,and the gun owners.who are really big republican supporters.sure do love cadet bone spur's gun far,your "republican"president has pissed off 3 groups of people who almost always vote republican,yet you morons still think hillary was worse

>he thinks im a democrat

someday that lump of shit you call a brain will realize that even republicans hate donald trump.thats why you idiots couldnt keep the house majority in the midterms


>>the face you make when you realize filing bankruptcy wont get you out of being a shit person
Fixed that for you.

well,i agree that donald trump is a shit person also.its just not the point of the post

That would ensure Trump's victory. It was the policies of O'nigga and creepy joe, that got trump elected in the first place.

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>policies of o'nigga

yeah,because you know.the bump stock ban and increased background checks is just so much better then the politicies of the the nigger you guys fear mongered americans into thinking he was going to take your guns

not to mention,republicans sucked so badly under the obama administration that it took them 8 years and a fake republican to attempt to repeal obamacare.and he couldnt even accomplish that

Is that what Bush and Obama never filed for bankruptcy?

>what Bush and Obama never filed
holy fuck you retard just end yourself as a human being that failed to reach even the lower rungs of where you should be

Muh Russians didn't work out, so now you're onto a worthless piece of crap that was a novelty anyway. As for O'bammy care, he removed the individual mandate, thus neutering it. That is good enough for now. ITT: NoGuns loser attempts a new narrative...

what did she mean by this?

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>libcucks switching the shill narrative as soon as their tiny brains finally comprehend the mueller investigation was a nothingburger

No. The fact that you think this warrants me not even having a discussion with you. You are totally clued out to reality if you honestly believe this.

That's also the face you make when you've spent the last week arguing with a dead guy.

The establishment repubs and dems want the same things. they are funded by the same entities. You're naive and ignorant to not understand this. Trump tries to act outside of what they want and they obstruct him. You would be able to observe this if you got your news from halfway decent sources and weren't a partisan child.

Your view of reality is crafted by corporate msm. It is tuned out.

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sjw here. i fap to this.

>the face you make when you realize he’s your president for the next six years


>The wall is a stupid idea
Darth Cheeto sent the army to Tijuana to improve the wall that's already there. He had them string "Cozanetine wire" on the existing barrier and the locals have since removed it in order to fortify the walls of their own homes. MAGA!

>The wall is a stupid idea, its maintenance costs more than vetting and it will likely be abandoned the moment he steps out of office.
We don't want vetting, you dumbass. We want a stop to mass immigration. America is one, giant bureaucracy, so you can bet your ass that wall will be kept no matter who gets into office next.

Cope harder.

>muh couldnt get rid of Obamacare narrative
>in current year+4
You do realize that Trump axed the mandate, right? What is Colbert teaching you morons at night?


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nice facebook meme, millenial

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scribd /document/402800029/Report-from-the-Special-Counsel-Investigation-into-Russian-Interference-During-and-Before-the-2016-Presidential-Election

>We want a stop to mass immigration.

PS You know nothing about immigration or the border. Nothing. You've been spoonfed horsetrump from Faux News and you don't even have enough intelligence to be ashamed of that.

Attached: immigration lalo.png (800x934, 925K)

This looks shopped.

>y-you're wrong
Imagine thinking this was an argument. Leftists are children who need to stereotype and strawman and bully people to have any relevance in the modern political sphere.

You're a moron.

You're a fucking moron.

>so BTFO she responds twice with no argument

libcucks in 2019 everyone

This is utterly retarded. He's speculating and you're retarded enough to take it as gospel.

>He's speculating
No he isn't. What he is saying is objectively true.