Has anyone here ever been in a truly painful situation? Like having your arm cut off, or being set on fire?

Has anyone here ever been in a truly painful situation? Like having your arm cut off, or being set on fire?

I'm just curious if anyone can tell me exactly what that's like, having been through it and survived.

I watch a lot of fucked up torture videos, and the curiousity has gotten the better of me.

Any takers? I've had some pain in my life, but I know it must get much worse than what I experienced.

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a bullard fell on my foot i had to walk home for a while with a snapped foot that shit hurt

I had a pilonidal cyst. Before operation it was unbearable at times. I couldnt do nothing without excruciating pain.

is that lady ok?

Had my hand half way cut off at the wrist but they were able to reattach everything. Closet i came to i guess.

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Yeah she’s alright, she’s just got a bit of a burn that’s all. She’ll be alright.

I spazzed my back whilst working on a construction site carrying heavy stone shelves around. The pain was absolute. I can't describe it.

Had to work through the rest of the day as well as the job needed to be done.

not OP, but do tell your story user

>Had to work through the rest of the day as well as the job needed to be done.
atta boi,

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Shot in side rib cage while in Iraq

Shot in the rib cage while in Afghanistan

Gallstones without meds is the worst I've
experienced. Slow pain that grows and grows for hours on end.

Had a cut nearly as bad as this once. True story. My life changed that day.

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are you copying me?

thanks for your services
Does it hurt or is it like in the movies where they never feel pain after getting shot

Shot in the rib cage while in Syria

I shot a yank in the ribs in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

Shot in the rib cage while in WW2

Trigeminal neuralgia....
Before meds I was about to jump of the window a few times

Shot in the rib cage while in Vietnam

Shot in the rib cage while in WWI

Shot in the rib cage while in theFalklands

Shot in the ribcage in Chicago

Shot in the rib cage while in Yugoslavia

Yeah, I took an arrow in the knee. Hurt like a bitch.

I'd like to know whats the deal with broken bones sometimes causing pain that can't be touched by any pain meds, and other times being like w/e. You hear stories about these bloody curdling cries from people with broken bones in the ER

Shot in the ribcage while in prison for shooting a man in the ribcage in Reno

Vaginas who want pain meds

My worst is kidney stones. Left me asking more than once "when does the morphine start working?" which the answer is usually 5 minutes ago

Shot in the rib cage in Korea.

I've never had a broken bone that hurt before surgery. Usually hurts for a few days after they put the screws in.

Shot in the rib cage in Reno

in florida shot in the ribcage with cum while doing veteran gay porn.
Actually that part wasnt painful

No worries, it's just a major paper cut.

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Shot in rib cage while in civil war

Post scars user

Shot in a rib cage while in mosque

Almost cut my thumb off as a kid. It healed poorly and still hurts insanely if I put too much pressure on it.

shot in the ribcage while in a gay club

>when does the morphine start working
Pretty funny, asked the exact same thing first time I had a gallstone attack and was in the ER. Still remember that warm feel and pain just poff gone when it did kick in

I passed a kidney stone a couple of months ago. I puked, I screamed, I almost passed out, felt like my insides were being ripped open.

I'm not even from the States, but thanks for your services m8.

2010 patrolling through a shitty village in Urazgan province i got shot hit around the collarbone or shoulder area. Felt like being thumped hard as fuck with a sledgehammer

My spine broke after a fall of 4 meters, the most awful thing in my entire lifre

i had my leg broke off to where it was only skin and meat holding it on. tendons, ligaments, all ripped lose. i was standing on the bottom of my leg bone with my foot pointing 90 degrees out. i've still got 9 screws and titanium plate holding me together, plus whatever has intertwined with them. honestly, shock sets in a lot of times, and you don't feel anything until later. by then i was so morphined up i didn't care if the sun exploded.


Holy shit man, that doesn't sound good

said the man who's never broken a bone

Yeah dude I've had my legs beaten on with an iron rod.

K den

>"I spazzed my back whilst working"
>"I spazzed my back whilst"
Bane, is that you?

Post scars user


I took an arrow to the knee.

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shot in the rib cage while at school in parkland

oh look, we have an edgelord over her... grow up

Sciatic nerve pain is a bitch. Made me think about suicide more often than usual.

Whilst is a perfectly normal and legitimate word. What is wrong with whilst?

I was running to call my dad for lunch but I slided in grass freshly mowed and my foot entered the lawn mower tumbler and was cut in two.

I only felt anything again when the poured some iced disinfectant on the wound half an hour later at the hospital.

In case of major injury you go numb.

I was 6 too.


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shot in the ribcage at a mosque in new zealand

File size to large. Hold on

I was shot in the arm with a .45
it fucking hurts. luckily it went straight through without hitting bone

Any damage to the ribcage?

Shot it the mouth while in a bar.
absolutely unbearable - it was tequila.

I was shot in the ribs in a delicatessen in Jersey.

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Actually now you mention it it was directly in the rib cage in bosnia

Frankenstein, is that you?

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I once peed so hard my anus prolapsed

Being this homo

Been stabbed a few times, and broke both of my hands simultaneously.

Shot in the rib cage at Verdun

cumshot in the ass while in primary school

Shot in the ribcage in Islamabad.

Shot in the rib cage while in the Somme

Shot in the rib cage while in Juarez

Shot in the rib cage in Rwanda


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You may want to look up stories of people that have undergone mayor surgery where the anesthesia failed and they were conscious but paralized throughout the whole thing


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I'm an accident factory. I've fucked myself up more times than ten normal people combined. The more painful injuries include:

Burning my face with oil from the fry vats when I worked at Wendy's as a teenager

Stepping on a 2" nail. I also stepped on a 1 1/2" nail before, but that wasnt nearly as bad as the two incher

Bimalleolar fracture with three torn ligaments

Torn ACL with avulsion fracture of the tibia

Grade 4 concussion (I've had three concussions, but this one was the worst) with the resulting 48 hour migraine

Two broken fingers and one finger dislocated at two separate knuckles, basically the whole finger was pulled apart into three pieces

There's plenty more, like breaking each of my legs on different occasions, but the above were the worst of them all

had brain surgery almost a decade ago now. constant migraine and pulsating pain as the bone placed back in my skull try to fuse back together. lasted for a solid week before gradually subsiding, pain killers didn't do shit and just added their own problems. would never want to do again.

Shot. In the rib cage. In Uzbekistan.

are you retarded now?

that's no fucking joke dude. I know a guy it happened to. he shattered his leg and woke up with the dr pounding a metal rod into his leg with a hammer

imagine you had eye, heart or brain surgery and it failed and you could feel them tickling your hippocampus

did they manage to reattach it, assuming what went into the mower wasn't just completely destroyed, i guess.

"Whilst" is a trash word for trash people

Slammed face first into the pavement. Broke a tooth off halfway with the nerve ending ripped off half. The tooth next to it shattered completely and tore the nerve ending off. I then had to cycle home for 12 more kilometers. Was basically screaming in agony the first 20 minutes. Worst night of my life, even thinking about it gives me cold shivers

What aboutt Syria?

lost both my legs below the knees in a car crash as a teenager. was so unbearable i passed out... still have phantom pains but those aren't nearly as bad

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lol, no, luckily enough.

how are the prosthetics?


Did it change who you used to be?

Did you ever forget that you lost your legs, and you wake up in the morning and try to get out of bed and just fall on the floor because you tried to stand on legs you don't have anymore? I'm sorry for the difficulty you must experience in day-to-day life, but I gotta admit, it would be hilarious to watch you fall out of bed.

Underrated POAST

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>not animating a proper layer mask where the leg passes in front of the face

not nearly as good as the real deal, but i can still do just about everything without too much trouble. if i lost my knees i'd probably be in a wheelchair so at least i've got those

that's what you think

I was harassed daily by this fat kid named D'Angelo Bailey
An eighth grader who acted obnoxious, 'cause his father boxes
So everyday he'd shove me in the lockers
One day he came in the bathroom while I was pissin'
And had me in the position to beat me into submission
He banged my head against the urinal 'til he broke my nose
Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat
I tried to plead and tell him, "We shouldn't beef"
But he just wouldn't leave, he kept chokin' me and I couldn't breathe
He looked at me and said, "You gonna die honky!"
The principal walked in and started helping him stomp me
I made them think they beat me to death
Holdin' my breath for like five minutes before they finally left
Then I got up and ran to the janitor's storage booth
Kicked the door hinge loose and ripped out the four inch screws
Grabbed some sharp objects, brooms, and foreign tools
"This is for every time you took my orange juice
Or stole my seat in the lunchroom and drank my chocolate milk
Every time you tipped my tray and it dropped and spilt
I'm gettin' you back bully! Now once and for good
I cocked the broomstick back and swung hard as I could
And beat him over the head with it 'til I broke the wood
Knocked him down, stood on his chest with one foot
Made it home later that same day
Started reading the comics, and suddenly everything became gray
I couldn't even see what I was trying to read
I went deaf, and my left ear started to bleed
My mother started screamin', "What are you on, drugs??
Look at you, you're gettin' blood all over my rug!"
She beat me over the head with the remote control
Opened a hole and my whole brain fell out of my skull
I picked it up and screamed, "Look bitch, what have you done?"
"Oh my God, I'm sorry son" "Shut up you cunt!"
I said, "Fuck it!" took it and stuck it back up in my head
Then I sewed it shut and put a couple of screws in my neck

>Hit with 250kv in 2009, melted gloves to my hands. Didnt hurt until a few seconds after it happened

>Caught myself on fire in 2005. Stop drop and roll doesnt help when you are covered in ether

Been in a lot of pain, including brain stem infection, double abcess in my jaw, and had a nail go through my tricep, but the top two were bad

that's happened more times than i like to admit lol. freaked me out the first couple times because it took me a sec to realize what just happened. doesn't happen very often anymore though

I broke my femur in 2005. I still have the metal in my leg from the surgery.

Also kidney stones twice.

On two occasions got tested for STDs and they had to stick a narrow plastic thing into my urethra. I remember the first time I said “is this gonna hurt?” And the doctor said “just don’t look while we do it....” probably the worst pain I’ve ever felt. During a later STD test I was expecting the same thing but the doctor at that place said “we can just test your urine...” Not sure if medical technology advanced during the time gap or if doctors in Florida are just sadistic (and maybe it’s cheaper, I dunno).

Also got a random skin infection of my stomach once, started out as just a painful mystery spot and grew into a scary disgusting smelly infection that was round and a little smaller than a beer coaster. That only kind of hurt, the real pain came when I took it to the doctor and they tried to cut it open and drain it. First they stuck a needle INTO the already open wound (it had popped itself and was leaking) in order to numb it. That was excruciating enough with the tech moving the needle around inside to spread the numbing agent, THEN the actual scalpel came out and they proceeded to slowly cut this already painful growth wound in order to get some puss out. I remember trying to keep it cool the whole time but when the injection/cutting was happening I couldn’t help but say “it’s hurts... it hurts.” The tech was like “I know, I know. I’m sorry I know.”

I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

Hello, keyboard warrior+trip dubs= god, suck the nut faggots

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I can vouch for this story, nothing worked, morphine doesn’t even come close

I lost

insert cartesian reference here, blah blah blah...

Fucked up while skiing.
Broke right foot and left ankle in 130 rating hardboots.
Tore my left kne to shreds.
Dislocated my left hip and fucked up my lower back.
Using my skis as makeshift crutches I suffered my way back to civilization and then the ER.
Removing my skiboots almost made me pass out from pain.

What does it feel like

Checked. Who's fault? Someone else? Did you sue?

yea, could always be worse. that way of thought always leaves a sour taste in my mouth, though. how do the ladies or dudes fare with it?

Whilst you are entitled to your own opinion, most English speaking people would be very much obliged if you would express that opinion in your own language, if you really don't like a perfectly normal and frequently used English word like "whilst".

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I don't know about kidney stones, but when I was in the ER with a broken ankle that hurt like a motherfucker and they shot me with morphine...boy, that pain vanished in seconds. I felt the morphine go over my whole body like a wave, and I had no more pain. They gave me a percocet and a prescription for more percs on my way out, but they were nothing compared to the morphine. They just dulled the pain as long as I stayed still, but the morphine completely took the pain away.

got t boned, guy died and didn't have much to his name

Wtf. Think you have everyone beat

i'm wondering if the same was what happened to me. was in the hospital for several days and the pain wasn't nearly as bad as when i left and they put me on oxy.

poor baby

They're just projecting their own insecruities about their language skills. Don't let it get to you.

Is this from a horrormovie or real?
if so, what happened?

I stretched the inner ligament of the knee in a bowling accident. Foot got stuck in a dried sticky beer spill when i was trying throw the bowling ball as hard as i could.

Could not drive or ride a bicycle for 3 months, pain in the knee for a year.

That was the most pain i have ever felt.

Had an osteoid osteoma in my leg, which is a weird kind of benign bone tumor. woke up every night for months feeling like somebody was breaking my leg. I've broken bones before and this was just as bad. Pain vanished immediately after surgery.

Fug user. You gave me the feels.

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Someone squeezing your kidney as hard as they can, there is no escape from it, no comfortable place to lay down, best I found was bent down curled in a ball, on the day I went for it taken out it turned out I’d already passed it without noticing but yeah for 2 weeks it was like torture, weed helped but only in so much as letting me sleep and stopping the puke

My brother got bit in the dick by a chihuahua. Seriously. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. The dog was hanging off his crotch for a few seconds and doing that head jerking thing that dogs do when they're trying to rip a piece of meat off something they're eating. My brother finally got the dog off by holding its neck and smacking the shit out of it. Mom took him to the hospital because she "still wants grandkids one day", and he says he has a scar on his dick now. Fucking hilarious.

>morphine doesn’t even come close
Baloney! Morphine works like a charm.

I have an ungodly tolerance for some anastethics.
Only local one that have proven somewhat reliable is Xylocaine Adrenaline.
I've "cleaned out" an entire clinics worth of local anesthetics and still weren't numbed enough.
So I've gone through surgery where I've felt the cuts and drills and scrapings etc.

Same shit when I had some hand surgery.

I had my hips crushed in a vehicle accident.

It hurt, but my back going out hurt more. Back pain is the worst.

Is this a horrormovie or real?
If so, what happened?

Yeah, I guess the hospitals keep all the best shit for themselves. Maybe sending someone home with a syringe and a bottle of liquid morphine is a bad idea.

When I got the inside of my throat cut open with a scalpel, they gave me as much morphine as they could without it being an overdose danger. It did absolutely nothing for me, no pain relief, no opiate buzz feeling, nothing whatsoever

It's weird stuff, apparently

Shot a deer in the rib cage.

Damn. Do you know what caused it?

I had the stringy bit under my tongue cut without anaesthetic when I was 10. I was tongue tied. The surgeon asked if it was numb. I was a twat and said yes....it wasn't, not even a little bit. Felt everything. Bled like a bitch and the nurse fainted. My dad had to put her in recovery position. Lasted for about an hour.

“Whilst” is inbred islander english. The correct term is “while.”

My dad shot himself in the chest with a shotgun
He said that it wasnt feeling good
So i guess it was pretty painful
But i was never in a very painful situation myself, only from fighting but i like the pain mixed with the adrenaline, so i dont know

Worst I've had so far is an incarcerated umbilical hernia (right above the belly button) and kidney stones at the same time. Until surgery it was a stabbing pain in my gut. I've heard belly wounds are very painful. I needed emergency surgery for the hernia which was nothing compared to the recover from the kidney stone removal procedure.

Pissing blood for a week and it feels like getting punch in the kidney when you piss meanwhile all soft of crazy shit comes out when you do. There's a stint up your dick (keeps the piss tube from swelling shut) so I had a string hanging out of dick for about 6 weeks. FYI that string is like fishing line, you move wrong and it's like someone sticking a finger up your dick hole. (PS - wanna guess how you get that fucking stint outta your dick?)

Pretty miserable 2 months recovery mostly to the kidney stones, the hernia was like a ghost in comparison. Had ketamine and fentanyl for the hernia and got oral oxy for the kidneys.

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Oh, Cluster headaches too in 2008. I've had cancer eat my shoulder away, had a fractured "face", plenty of shit but Cluster headaches piss over all of them. Everything else is a mere shadow of the pain of a Cluster attack.

Don't worry, most cripples are scum anyways

I had morphine for something else (Ludwig’s angina) and yes it worked a treat for the week I was in hospital, couldn’t get enough of it, not sure it was because it was oral morphine that it didn’t feel like it did anything but IV morphine was lovely stuff

Daily sciatic pain here. All the physical therapy in the world never did a lick of good. I've had some luck with the steroidal injections in my spine (my sciatica is caused by inflammation due to chronic herniated discs, but other things can cause sciatica), but it's definitely not a cure-all. At one point two years ago, it got so bad that I went to the ER thinking I had broken my leg somehow. I've joked before that I'd consider getting my legs amputated and replaced with prosthetics to get rid of the pain, but sometimes I'm only half joking

Too much fizzy stuff, they told me to lay off chicken, cheese, coffee and soda, all of life’s great stuff, said I need to drink 2-4 litre of water a day to reduce the risk of ever getting them again as they are normally only found in old men, I am at a heightened risk of another and fuck man I do not want another so it’s all water for me now

I'm searching for a whole new beginning
An endless void
This notion that I sense within me
You're still by my side
Oh, I feel your presence
You'll never leave here
But if I reach out there to hold you
Every part that's real disappears
As I become more present now
I can't see through the pain
A hollow cut through my veins
(the phantom takes his toll)
The days that just keep on coming
The stain that they leave
I wish I could break this casket
But I'm left here to grieve
In a world of my own design
As I become more present now
I can't see through the pain
A hollow cut through my veins
(the shadows takes their toll)
And did you leave me anything?
You're the phantom of my past...
Do you expect me to last, this way?
(a scar and a phantom pain)

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Had a hold my beer moment and caught my face on fire, not only was the whole experience brutally painful (being on fire then having a towel thrown over your head and being slapped out by 6 different people isn't fun...), it was also abruptly sobering, which given the conditions sucked equally bad. After I sobered up completely I cleaned and dressed the burns myself, as I was a no insurance poorfag at the time and American healthcare can cause a small empire to go bankrupt. All things considered everything healed really well, but I will never forget that sensation, the smell of burning hair and flesh, or the 4 weeks of having to meticulously clean wounds and change bandages. Frankly I deserved it for being a drunk twat at the time, but I have come to count it as a learning experience, as I knew what I was doing before, but I can probably dress a burn better than most medical professionals now.

I gave birth. Trust me that kind of pain is not possible for you to imagine.

Got cluster headache on the left side of my head while i was in the car. Pain lasted around 3 mins it was almost unbearable. What is causing this shit?

If this is no legs user that's a fucked up way to think. If not i hope you get anally raped by a nigger with aids.

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I felt into a empty pool, 1,6mts. I don't remember how i got out of there. The pain in my face was high. My skull survived i don't know how.


Chicagoan here. South side?


I'm not the dude with no legs lol. Genuinely would kill myself if i was crippled

Skull survived but brain didn't huh?

Probably a paroxysmal hemicrania. My clusters came at regular intervals. You could set your watch by them. I'd have about 6 attacks a day each lasting 45 mins. They'd build up in waves of intensity. They'd make you exhausted but sleeping made them worse. Seriously considered suicide. Suicide headaches is their nickname. I'm sure my body released tons of endorphins cos after an attack I'd feel "high" and full of love. Not worth it though, no fucking way!

Was a cop on the south side. Got popped at a stop light by a mossberg. Hit my left shoulder, side, and neck. Had to squeeze my subclavian artery to stop from bleeding out, whilst waiting 30 minutes for the ambulance. Never went into shock


I put a lit cigarette behind my ear once. I was smoking a cigarette, and a friend came over and gave me an unlit cigarette because I had bummed him a smoke earlier that night and he was giving me one back after he picked up a fresh pack. I don't know how I mixed the two up, but I ended up holding on to the unlit cigarette and putting the lit cigarette behind my ear to keep for later.

When I went to puff the unlit cigarette and it didn't pull, I assumed the thing had gone out. As I'm "re-lighting" my cigarette, I smelled what I swore was burnt hair. I ignored it at first, and a few seconds later something started stinging the side of my head. I didn't make the connection between the sting and the smell of burned hair. When the side of my head started burning, I instinctually reached up and rubbed it with my hand. Worst thing I coulda done. I rubbed ember all over the side of my head. I ended up burning off some hair, had a big blister for a while on the side of my head, and numerous small blisters shotgunned all over the back of my ear and down the side of my neck from parts of the ember settling on my neck and the top of my shoulder


i think the most pain ive ever experienced always is from being burned. some cuts i can just ignore, but coming into contact with something thats hundreds of degrees is always fucking nasty

That's what you get for putting a cigarette behind your ear you faggot

I had a really bad case of vole fever. I had a fever of around 41 C, hallucinations, my shit turned into dark green liquid... but the headache was the worst. I had this splitting headache that made me want to die, but the pain also completely incapacitated me so I couldn't anything else than scream in agony.

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Shot in the ribcage in Sweden

Crippled? How in the fuck is he crippled. People like you should neck yourself and broadcast it live. Fucking asshole.

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Ouch ! !

I heard it's almost as bad as stepping on a lego brick with bare feet.

I've legitimately died twice, once from drowning and once from a stone fish venom

Who puts a ciggy behind an ear?
Who in the fuck you think you are, a greaser from the 50's?
Go fuck yourself Freddy Kruger.

Did you see god?

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He's missing his fucking legs dipshit. How the fuck is he not crippled?

Broke my ulna in two while rollerskating when I was ten. Grinding bone against bone hurts like a motherfucker.

No, I saw no evidence of a higher power

are you blind or just pretending to be retarded?

This is crippled you dumb nigger. If you have prosthetic s you can do the same shit that other ppl can do.

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What was dying like? Did your life flash before your eyes? Did it feel good right before you passed out from the endorphins?

He's not crippled whilst he is still able to move around

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I've been through a lot but nothing ever compared to the pain of passing kidney stones. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my whole life, it was constant, ramped up in waves and the only pain that's ever made me puke and come close to passing out from it.

I'll try to find sauce on the following claims if you like, but here's some facts.

Years ago, doctors were able to make an objective, graded list of the most painful things a human being can experience without simply asking people to describe their pain. They used brain scans that monitored the parts of the brain that respond to pain, the amounts of the various chemicals that are released during episodes of pain, skin temperature, blood pressure, etc. While child birth certainly made the list of most painful experiences, science showed that there were more painful things a person can experience. Among them, being hit in the testicles. The male human body goes apeshit after a good shot to the balls. It was proven that virtually every system, organ and gland in the male body is effected by a hard hit to the testicles. Pain receptors, sweat glands, the heart, lungs, bladder, intestines, stomach, vision, hearing, blood pressure, body temperature, balance, almost everything in the male body.

It was agreed by the researchers and the subjects, though, that if there were no long-term or permanent injuries, getting hit in the balls was still preferable to giving birth because of the duration of the pain. Getting hit in the balls hurts for a lot less time than child birth. Basically, most people agreed it was better to rip the proverbial bandaid off in one shot and get the pain over with than to peel it off slowly and extend the pain, even if it's technically more painful to rip it off. At least it's over quicker, and more people felt that a lot of pain in a short period of time was better than less pain over an extended period of time


I’ve been stabbed twice
The largest wound caused me to lose intestines, part of my stomach and bladder.

Hands down the single most excruciating thing I’ve ever known, but the worst is the psychological effect of thinking you’re about to die. I just remember thinking that I would never have kids, marry etc etc

Shingles. Worst pain disease out there. Get's into your nerve endings.

An almost ripped leg muscle. Almost had an operation for that. Was like a 8,5 at it's height. And 7,5 average

You know the drill.

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Broke my ankle.

Bent so far inward the side of my foot touched my leg. Strangely didnt hurt as much as you would imagine. A level of shock and adrenaline set in and pain is the last thing you think of.

Also had a kidney stone. That was far worse than my ankle

I didn't have a pack to put it in. Should I have carried it in my hand for an hour until I was ready to smoke it?

I was shot in the ribcage while having a pina colada at Trader Vic's.

On behalf of Iraqi people, we're sorry

>whilst* watering my garden

Got a good story, relates with thread well
>Be me
>17, in Louisiana for holiday with family
>Ask what people want to eat
>After a solid 10 minutes of arguing, decide on BBQ joint down the street
>Get in the car, head down
>Seems like decent place, sit down at a table and think about what to eat
>Get some wings, nice burger to go with them
>Waiter comes over to take our order
>Dad says he wants some off-menu item that he heard about from a work friend
>Waiter complies and leads him in to the back, I follow out of curiosity, some bigger dude comes behind
>Waiter opens a big metal door, after taking off a couple of locks
>We go into the room, pitch black
>Waiter turns on light
>Bones everywhere
>Hear a gunshot behind me, big dude holding a gun when I turn around
>Mfw I got shot in the rib cage

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Tell us your story

Shot in the ribcage while at school

I hitted my pinky toe at a table once. I thought I had to die

I was once forced to sit through Twilight. The entire movie.


What was dying like? Did your life flash before your eyes? Did it feel good right before you passed out from the endorphins?

A flying donkey


I once got shot in the rib cage while on vacation in Orlando.

Almost dying once is pretty bad luck. Twice is... Well

Shot a rib at a cage in iraq

Shot in the rib cage in Grozny

That's what my dad said the second time

Why are you so upset?

Thank fuck I've never had it then... goddamn.

What was dying like? Did your life flash before your eyes? Did it feel good right before you passed out from the endorphins?

What if I really did get shot in the ribcage? I wouldn't even post it ITT because no one would believe me

I've had shingles twice - it just feels like a scald
Whilst I've had earache and a bladder infection that felt worse.

Massive fracturing in like five different places, both tibia and fibula. Required surgery.
Worst pain I have ever felt in my life.
Eventually you go into shock so while you still feel it, you go extremely numb to it, even before they load you up with shit like fentanyl.

Never did pick up an opiate addiction, leg still hurts like fucking hell.

part of my skull was fractured when i was young when i got socked in the face with a golf club, i have never felt pain like that i have broken my femur before too lol


I got scalded once by an accident involving steam on a farm I managed. Wouldn't call the sensation "just scalding" lol

I had badly ingrown toe nails on both of my big toes years ago so I go to the doc and he does a surgery that day. The pain I remember from that asshole hitting my toe bone with that fucking needle, AND THEN SCRAPING IT, was almost too much. Luckily he prescribed me some strong pain killers or I would've killed myself

No. Really bad back pain means there is no way you are going to move.

I got shot in the Iraq while in Syria

Shot in the rib cage while in wasteland


The pain may be permanent, bro. I broke my ankle and fibula about four years ago, and I still get pain in my ankle sometimes. And Jesus Christ fuck me with a cactus if I step on an uneven part of the sidewalk. There's even more to look forward to in the future as well. According to all the doctors, I'm practically guaranteed arthritis in that ankle later in life.

The pain might never go away completely. Good luck to you


There's no pain receptors in the brain. Lots of people are conscious through brain surgery, it helps the surgeon judge response to the op.

You have no soul.

You might as well carried it, you would have known it was lit and saved yourself some aggrevation.

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I wasn't set on fire, I was involved in a blast. 39% of my body burned. It just felt like being smacked with warm sandpaper. It really didn't hurt much. Only started to hurt as they were sedating me an hour later. The months after were horrible though.

I feel you bro. I got grenade shrapnel in my let arm from Iraq and took a rock from and ied between the eyes in Afghanistan. Didn't get shot though

Been in a few fights and broke my nose in those, didnt really feel a lot until when i got home.

Also broke my clavicule during mountainbiking and had to walk 10 km through the forrest back home. Didnt feel a lot until after the adrenaline wore off and back home i saw the bone was fully sticking out of my shoulder. Called an ambulance and told them to come pick me up but wasnt in a hurry. Got a ton of painkillers so didnt feel anything the few weeks after because i was chilling at home on painkillers all day.

That's a bizarre conclusion to reach. Do you actually think that?

This, i got burned 25% i can only imagine the pain you had to go through mate.

Fuck me man.
Why are you taking it that far with user over there?
Is there a bug up your petooty?

Thats just gross

Stones are uncomfortable but the stent following stone removal was worse.the spasms from my urethra trying to push it out mind bending.

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>Massive fracturing in like five different places,
Fuck, don't go to those places again.

I'm a different user, agreeing with the user with the bug up his petooty, showing solidarity whilst he's taking on poor English tards.

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I was playing soccer once in a wet field in gym class. I slipped at one point. There was some wooden stake in the ground that was barely visible. It ripped my calf muscle right open. A big piece of it was hanging outside the wound

Me and my brother about 10 years ago was climbing an old sewer over flow pipe that goes out to see we both slipped did the splits and fell off and our legs we're peeled by a bed of Barnicles stuck on the pipe never seen so much fucking blood and the salt from the water mixed with sand made it feel like the legs were on fire our entire thighs were like degloved

Dam user thanks reply

How long did it take to pull it out whilst you were pulling on it?

Fucking lost

Hospital sent me home because insurance said I didn't require the hospital (not hooked up to a machine or receiving an IV anymore) so I went home and got an infection and had to go back. It reversed the healing and required me to get two more skin grafts. I'm pissed they sent me home without antibiotics and ignored my home nurse's calls.

More details of the story

I had your grandma suck it out thru my asshole faggot

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What happend?

she sucked whilst you pulled?


Doesn't look that bad


You must be a qt

I once had my head sliced completely off by the cartels. Hurt like fuck. Luckily I was a paid actor so I had it reattached.

My brother died in a car crash, derailed
I found out I have brain cancer 1 year before, nothing like loosing a younger brother

2 surgeries in 4 months due to diverticulitis. colostomy bag for 4 months. hope to never do this shit again. the hole is where the bag was after reversal surgery.

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I reckon this guy tops it

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Wtf is wrong with you

Did she die?

I broke my big toe in a nasty stairs accident


Kinda.i pulled it while she slurped on my taint.i shot a blood streaked rope of semen across your mother back.she was shucking corn for a late lunch.shit was cash

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So list of all my accidents

2 days after having my braces out I went out on St Pats day after 1 an half bottles of vodka and 4 gusiness I ran face first at full sprint into a roadside plant pot mounted on railings resetting my teeth to before my braces and put a tooth through my lip.

Tore my ACL three times in 6 months when playing football

Fell over at full sprint onto a broken beer bottle which created a 6 inch long gash down my palm/arm

Got smashed in the nose (it was broken) with a cricket bat because I was impatient a couple of day before I was due to fly to Spain

How did you end up in fire?

I had to read this shitty post by you op
>I've had some pain in my life

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I've split my leg open down to the bone and narrowly missed the artery, it wasn't painful because I severed the nerves or something along those lines. I ended up with it open for three hours and it got infected a few weeks after it got stitched up, didn't hurt though not even in recovery. I'd say my most painful experience would either be the time I made a bet with my friends to say waterboarding didn't work (boy was I wrong) and when I caught my skin with a multitools pliers while closing it.

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do you live in eastern europe bro ?
they fucked you up

I got "Karate Chop" ped in th booty buttcheek.
Twas painful and bloody.
Never again.

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was shot in my ribcage in Serbia while having my tonsils removed at age of 34

Sounds like Serbia.

Bad luck. Feelsbadman. I'm gonna have the body of an 80 year old by the time I'm 50, and probably dementia/Old Timer's at an early age. Whatever. Life has been fun.

stabbed in the shoulder while fighting off a persian invasion in 528 B.C.

Jesus user. If that happened to me, ESPECIALLY as a teen, I without a doubt would have killed myself. You are a stronger person than I am.

Raped by my girlfriend. Oh, wait, nevermind. That felt good.

I don't get it..


It was pretty stupid and I was able to tend to it by myself because I didn't want to pay the hospital.

I was really into throwing knives and I made my own pair of throwing knives out of an old saw blade. I was getting pretty good at it and I was experimenting with different angles and stuff. IDK why I didn't realize this but I stood too close too the board and threw the knife too hard so it just ricochet back at my leg. Luckily I knew basic first responder stuff from yt videos. It hurt so bad that I wasn't able to walk for 3 days and I have no sense in the area around the cut.

You sound like a pussy. Most people wouldn't kill themselves

We were fishing for my dad's birthday and the wind carried the hook. It went into my face right under my eye and curved up into my eyeball and was poking it. I was not allowed to move my eyeball until after it was removed.

This, felt like someone was seizing it in their hands while pushing a piece of rebar through it. Dilaudid was the only thing that helped, but you can't really keep using that stuff. What really helped were the anti inflammatory drugs that reduced the swelling enough to let some piss pass through and relieve the pressure. I had a stone stuck in my uretur (the tube from your kidney to your bladder) for a week and a half. I was a golden gloves boxer, I broke most of the ribs on my right side in a trampoline accident, I've torn my acl and pcl and I had 3rd degree laser burns on 80 percent of the inside of my throat. Kidney stones hurt the most, by a long way.

He tried yo kill himself?

I am. This has very little influence on me killing myself if that happened, but I ran track in school. Even if I wasn't a runner, I'd still kill myself.

Brother had a battle axe propping his door open. Him and I had a bet i couldn't stay up for 2 days so I stayed up a day and a half gave up and rested on his dog bed next to the door. ( i was 9 ) he woke me up asking if i wanted something to eat as he walked to the kitchen. I stood up and tripped on as my blanket caught my foot that he put over me and the axe went straight through my hand


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I got meningitis and had my brain swell and press agasint the inside of my skull.

If someone had passed me a gun, I would have thanked them with all my heart and fucking shot myself dead.

Shot in the rib cage in columbine

did you lose the hand?

You know they make those running blade things. They make you faster than your average human

Was very sick when I was younger, not really that bad but I couldn’t get up and I couldn’t use the toilet properly so I had to go back in the second I came out. Doctor came and gave a shot on the butt cheek, I screamed

You got shoot for no reason?

You know I most likely wouldn't be able to learn to use them before my school career was over, and I most likely couldn't afford them unless I was really lucky and people donated for me.

I also had to have a lumbar puncture, and their first time the nurse missed my spinal collum and hit bone.

I couldn't move because huge needle in spine, but I made a noise I've not made before or since.

So what happend?

Yes unfortunately

That's really unfair, especially for a little kid. Why the fuck did your older brother have a battleaxe?

Not quite. Almost lost my pinky and it cut a nerve so from the beginning of my pinkie onward was just tingly if touched or just numb. Almost died of blood loss since brother panicked and didn't take me to the Emergency room so I was just pouring blood in the since until my dad came home. I was told i was as pale as a ghost and docs just sewed me up and didn't seem to care to check for how much blood i lost.

Quite the complainer aren't you

It happens to the best of us

Ok which one of you two is bullshitting now. The question still stands, why did he have a battle axe?

no i haven't but i stepped on a rusty nail trust me its more worst than just a mass amount of pain for a couple of minutes

Yeah, I know. This happened years ago. The whole thing is still swollen lmao.

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I cut my finger with paper once. It hurt like hell

One of my testicles once did a octettal pirouette. Everything hurt. Breathing was painful enough to make me faint a couple of times. I passed out twice during my medical examination.

It wasn't serious; it fixed itself during the night. But it was definitely the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I'm having a hard time imagining how anything could be more painful. I mean, I passed out from only the pain. I couldn't have felt more pain.

Why did you got stabbed?

He's a fucking neckbeard that likes to collect weapons. Sorry for shit quality phone is old as shit

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What am I looking at in this picture? I don't see a scar, just palm lines.

Fell on my back when I was 12 from the roof of my old house, broke 3 ribs and passed out because couldn't breathe without feeling an excruciating pain.

Had to go under surgery. Worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I have acrophobia because of this now.

I was head above the eye with a shovel
Broken fingers, toes, collar bone and wrists and fractured hands.
And one time at a fare there was a slide with burlap sacks you ride down on and I skinned my elbow so bad it was to that second layer of skin

Scar is on the left right below the top palm line

I think the worst thing that happened to me was when i was playing with my cousin and she throws me in a shelf that had some glass bottles in it. I had a bad cut near my knee and it almost severed a nerve. I can't remember the pain though.

You can be totally immune to it. About 1 in 100k are immune to opiates in any form

Came pretty close to death with relatively no pain. Here's a greentext story

>new years eve 2013
>empty house for the most part, family moving
>brilliant idea
>invite friends over for festivities
>everyone who shows up offers me alcohol
>shitfaced by 12 am
>on patio
>girl walks up to me
>"user, someone just pulled down your chandelier!"
>drunk ape mode engaged
>walk into the middle of the party
>friends trying to calm me down
>not having it
>kid walks up to me, "I did it."
>pretty foggy after this
>last thing i remember is walking outside the front door with about 30 other people wanting to spectate
>got knocked out with one punch
>fell and hit my head on the concrete
>woke up in my bed 24 HOURS later
>lip split the fuck open
>so much blood
>dried blood between my head and my pillow makes it stick to my head when i sit up
>i realize my "friends" left me there to die
>my macbook pro is gone as well as my dads flatscreen tv



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are your friends niggers by chance?