Isnt it funny how america complains about donald trump being a nazi...

isnt it funny how america complains about donald trump being a nazi,but had no problem with making a kenyan muslim their president for 8 years

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What is wrong with being Kenyan or Muslim

Very good, Ivan.
Keep on the grind and get those rubles

I hated this nigger with a passion, the fuck are you talking about?

not that he was either one

>what is wrong with being muslim

i dont know,ask the people who died on 9/11 that.religion of peace? more like religion of terrorism

>gets Nobel Peace Prize for being a nigger

meanwhile,what has donald trump gotten? NOTHING



white males:0

Christianity is no different than Islam.
Imaginary friends.
Kenya is no different than U. S.
Imaginary democracy.
Can't see the similarities because, well, racism.
Imaginary superiority.


typical libtard

But white christian men commit more terrorist acts.
According to a 2017 report by theU.S. Government Accountability Office, "of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, farright wingviolent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73%) while radicalIslamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27%)".
Banning Muslims and trying to build a wall but letting white supremacists commit 73% of terrorist attacks since 9.12.2001 seems like an issue.


its funny how stupid americans are,they truely believe that a white cuck who's lived his life in a democrat city is suppose to somehow be responsible for white supremacy

also,its ironic how you libtards will complain about a ban on muslims but not banning guns.its the same ideology,why do support banning guns to prevent gun crime.but not banning muslims to prevent terrorist attacks

That asshole cheated. The people in power couldn't handle Dr Ron Paul fucking their shit up

Unlike niggers, white people have to actually work to get rewards. Niggers get them for doing nothing.

>white people have to actually work to get rewards

really cleetus? your meth lab in your garage isnt a real job

>You know, like being elected president

More of a job than standing on a corner smoking weed and selling heroin all fucking day, jamal

>smoking weed

your right,except for the fact that you can find more white people doing this then black people.retard

O'Bummer gave really good fingers. Remember?
The Barking Pumpkin's hands are too small to be effective.

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Personally I'd never stand on a corner. I'd rather have a small customer base, but loyal. Idk why anyone would want to post that as a job. I don't think the feds would like that very much

White people outnumber niggers by the millions, retard, no shit you're gonna see more of them smoking weed. Difference is they do it after work or study, where as niggers smoke weed while sitting on their fucking porch and selling drugs all day

That doesn't sound half bad. I fucking hate working

Meh. Is there actually a good meme in the leftie arsenal?

that ship sank
Guess the news is slow on Chinese troll farms

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nope not a single 1

>spouts nigger every chance they can while online
>claims getting called racist invalidates any points made against them and retorts with LIBRUL LOL

Wew lad

The fact you need your hand held on why is truly frightening user.

Lol. Mueller report Is out and so are the troll farm employees. Weak bait, Boris.

>muh russia
It's been 2 years already. You shills ever gonna come up with something new?
