Accidentally Famous Nudes Thread
A friend of mine who is local once posted her big white booty on tumblr and since then, people have edited it, reposted it, used it as album covers, on porn, etc.
I wonder if she knows. I can't ask her. Anyone up to the task?
Pic related, her.
Attached: 39079640_248823969307054_7541396160078938112_n.jpg (750x937, 87K)
March 23, 2019 - 16:03
Album cover? Pic or it didnt happen.
March 23, 2019 - 16:10
Sorry - to be clear, it seems to be some no name shit band and it's a preview image for the song/album. Not some mass produced thing.
March 23, 2019 - 16:12
here's the original pic
Attached: tumblr_lnlrqsdpf11qzrvuko1_250.jpg (250x375, 27K)
March 23, 2019 - 16:20
and one edit
can anyone ask her if she knows and post her response?
Attached: tumblr_lsrd7cwoGj1qjqxmoo1_500.jpg (467x700, 103K)
March 23, 2019 - 16:20
Going to need more info on this tattooed hun.
March 23, 2019 - 16:29
if you're willing to hit her up, ill give you whatever.
March 23, 2019 - 16:31
I'll message the fuck out of her
March 23, 2019 - 16:32
Attached: Tattoos.jpg (492x355, 29K)
March 23, 2019 - 16:33
"aeon__" and what's shes doing with her arm in the first pic.
post screenshot of your message
March 23, 2019 - 16:33
and thats two underscores
March 23, 2019 - 16:39
Yeah I figured but "aeonflex" has no results on Tumblr
March 23, 2019 - 16:40
Oh, I thought it was just blank space my bad
March 23, 2019 - 16:41
not on tumblr anymore. insta.
March 23, 2019 - 16:43
Wrestling, Model/ prop making, Lifting.
Seem's like a girl i could have a beer with.
March 23, 2019 - 16:48