there's something i've never been able to understand regarding the mentality of you people
Everytime some non-muslim country decides to bomb the shit out of(and subsequently invade) a muslim country, you cheer it on. Also if there's a civil war in some muslim country you side with the faggot dictator because he bombs and kills the largest amount of civilians.
Then the civilians flee and they eventually end up here In europe adding to the amount of muslims which you hate and don't want here
I mean I know most right-wingers are retarded, but this is like basic kindergarten logic. Almost all muslims in western nations are there as a direct consequence of something a western nation did or supported.
Yeah sure you killed alot of muslims in their home countries, but now we roam your streets, in even greater numbers.
you honestly think amerifats care about your politics? We only do what we have to to defend our precious oil and jews.
Hunter Watson
the argument doesn't come down to logic silly boy, it comes down to the hatred of muslims period
Jaxson Cook
why is it that you people have been killing each other for thousands of years, but now only recently blame your entire history of problems on a culture thats only a few hundred years old?
Jackson Martinez
first we get flamed for hating innocent jews(despite the massive anti-muslim propaganda, we have no problem with jews)
then we are supposedly ruled and dicatated by jews kek
there are more jews in the entertainment industry than there are jews in politics fgt, i'd rather a world full of jews over a world full of scumbag sandniggers any day
Landon Robinson
You're on Yea Forums. Don't expect too much.
Cooper Martinez
Nathaniel Hughes
Lets try something of a serious take then. Imagine all western armies are pulled from muslim countries, no more interventions, just trading for oil (because you have nothing else to offer to the world). All muslims in western nations are sent back to their countries to live there in peace. How long before leaders like Erdogan call for war on the infidels? Islam in itself claims worldwide supremacy. You have been expanding for 1500 years now, the only thing that has stopped you is the sheer technological dominance of the west. How long until muslim armies are at the gates of Vienna again? If only to get some new blood in the gene pool and not to inbreed yourselves out of existence? Cousin marriage is still allowed and widespread in islamic countries as far as I know. You are the real-life version of /pol/-tards. You think you are born with some kind of superiority, while all observable facts point to the opposite. Also > Almost all muslims in western nations are there as a direct consequence of something a western nation did or supported.
Wrong. The vast majority of you is here because you get paid for doing nothing and life is better in the west than in the shitholes your exact ideology created.
Jonathan Davis
>to defend our precious oil and jews. exactly..
so your answer is to import us muslims to western nations ? I know you incels are going into mosques shooting innocent people from time to time, but at this rate? It's going to take fucking centuries...
You shouldn't expect to get any real answers here. The majority of people posting here are dinosaurs in their ways of thinking and will soon go the same way. It's just a matter of time
William Walker
>Then the civilians flee >and they eventually end up here
I know Muslims have basically zero rational thinking abilities (maybe due to the inbreeding), but explain this to me: why would you flee to the countries that are, supposedly, bombing you?
Logically, you'd go as far away from them as possible. But goatfucking inbreds can't into logic, can they?
Read up on some european/american history bud, you've been killing eachother relentlessly throughout history, and it's been going on up until ~75 years years ago.
After WW1 and later WW2, most muslim countries got indepedence, however, no muslim countries have actually existed with its current borders for even 100 years, while almost all of the successful western nations established their nations like a 1000 years ago. Don't tell me you didn't have chaos and disagreements for decades after your monarc king killed off all his opponents and established himself a ruler.
Your argument is not logically sound. "We shouldn't do anything to anyone ever on the off chance they might do something bad to us ever, and if they do actually do something bad we aren't allowed to be mad at them because it is our fault."
Blake Brooks
>that deflection
Carson Jones
Most people are not like that just the US government and their allies... civilians doesnt cheer them on when they do stupid shit down there
Chase Richardson
I don't really know what to say dude, you clearly do not know how muslims think, most likely you've never even met an actual muslim. You've been reading way to much /pol/ tier propaganda. Try going outside for once, meet people, talk to someone. Shooting a 3 year old that probably doesn't even know wtf religion is because you're a "soldier" who's "fighting" this fictional war to protect muh race, is fucking cringy I mean I know you're an incel but damn
So you admit Mudslimes are basically nigger tier gibsmedat inbreed leeches? Good to know.
Kevin Allen
racists and bigots are not generally intelligent people, you are probably wasting your time
Julian Campbell
Was that ever even up for debate?
Evan Wilson
>Wrong. I now live in a european christian country as a direct result of another european christian country bombing my parents house(my home) and their bank to nothing. So we had nothing, and needed to flee. You right wingers probably find that funny as hell, but now we're living a pretty good life in a western nation,
Real rightwingers know this and want peace. It's just the shitposters who laugh when people die.
Josiah Gutierrez
Do you drink?
Henry Cruz
Why would jewish people acting in self-interest want to import more of the most antisemetic culture on the planet?
This is pure, vapid paranoia. It's like a child who turns off the lights at the bottom of the stairs and then runs up, scared despite knowing that there is nothing dangerous in the dark. The fear itself is its own reality. Jewish conspiracy is so scary to you that it becomes true by default. The thought makes you feel powerless so you obsess over it and convince yourself of it.
Christopher Watson
I don't really understand your question. If USA bombs us, we flee to a country that is not USA, if russia bombs us, we flee to a country that is not russia
But ofcourse some people flee to the countries that are bombing them. You see people are usually alot nicer face-to-face instead of when they're dropping bombs and attempting to kill you and your children :))) We can actually live together and talk together, without the guns and the bombs and the violence. Most people in the west are normal and peaceful.
>Most people in the west are normal and peaceful. Their attitude is rewarded with off the charts robberies, gang violence, terror attacks, rapes and overall record high crimes.
We can't live together and talk together. You people are a menace. You will return to your desert after Euros stop giving a fuck and start carrying out more attacks against your "people".
Julian Wilson
Because of what happens in WW2, Jews feel safer living in a diverse/multicultural country instead of homogeneous white countries.
The actual answer is that jewish people can sympathize with refugees. Jewish people are not the ones dropping the bombs and creating the refugees, jewish people are the ones saying "we were refugees ourselves not too long ago." It's Occam's fucking razor.
Camden Bell
>Everytime some non-muslim country decides to bomb the shit out of(and subsequently invade) a muslim country, you cheer it on Nah shit's gay, wars for Israel are terrible and we shouldn't be involved. You should be free to do whatever the fuck you want in your countries. >Also if there's a civil war in some muslim country you side with the faggot dictator because he bombs and kills the largest amount of civilians. That's false and you know it. The State Department starts those wars. >Then the civilians flee and they eventually end up in Europe That's one goal of the people starting the wars. Also there are plenty of non-wartorn countries in the Muslim world, so you're being a little disingenuous.
Your elementary mistake is assuming that our leaders care about us or even like us. We're cannon fodder for their wars and cogs in their economic plans- cogs that they'd like to replace with you because of the Holocaust. I don't, on the whole, hate Muslims. But you don't belong here and you need to go home.
>"we were refugees ourselves not too long ago." Jewish people are also the ones saying "fuck white people I want them all to die" and "destroy all enemies of the Zionist state."
There's really no good approach to you barbaric sand people. Abroad, it's a difficult decision between a ruthless dictator or a brutal sharia regime. At home, the mitigation or relations between muslims and the rest of the population is the primary domestic concern. Your existence is a constant problem humanity is forced to deal with, you provide nothing of value and literally the ugliest thing humanity has to offer.
Jonathan Phillips
>Muslim here Fuck off from here, goatfucker. SAGE
Leo Campbell
Too true on many levels.
Jack Brooks
we're going to breed you out of your religion by allowing your young to become socialized the western way. You can keep them in the chains of islam until they leave home, no longer.
your children will be the new infidels. your religious insanity will be diluted as they marry across your racial barriers, and your religious/life leaders will become impotent and powerless.
the only way to remove unacceptable social traits is to breed them out. are you really that dense?
James Myers
>Wanting to breed with people who possess IQ below room temperature
Christopher Wilson
You seem to be telling me that the entire US military industrial complex is a jewish conspiracy to provoke muslim immigration, even though the backlash against all this immigration is destabilizing the entire political ecosystem of Europe and increasing the size and influence of European nazi movements.
Kayden Baker
That's basically what most Muslims want.
Justin Jones
"Muh ruthless dictators" is a fucking meme. Dictators like Assad/Gaddafi are/were the Arab version of fascists, which even if you're not a fan is not some kind of backward, fucked-up thing. Before the Arab Spring the Near East wasn't nearly as bad as it is now.
>miscegenation and destruction of culture to own the religitards epic
Justin Robinson
If you really hate muslim terrorists, you should really use your energy to just hate on actual muslim terrorists. Namely ISIS and al-qaida, they are salafi wahabis and khawarij. Most muslims adhere to a way different ideology, like sufism, regular salafism, shiasm, ibadi, madkhaki etc
Everytime you justify killing of innocent civilians, you explain it by pointing out ISIS terrorist attacks, meanwhile we're sacrifising ourselves in the battle against ISIS on the actual battlegrounds and you support a manlet beta incel because he shot 50 innocent unarmed civilians (youngest who was killed was a 3 year old girl btw) fucking cringe
To remove them from the Middle East and make it easier to expand Israel, you fucking dumbwit shitnigger cuntfag.
Dylan Robinson
>You seem to be telling me that the entire US military industrial complex is a jewish conspiracy to provoke muslim immigration Eh no, the European floods of migration are more a desirable side effect than a main objective. Middle Eastern wars are just Zionism plain and simple. >even though the backlash against all this immigration is destabilizing the entire political ecosystem of Europe and increasing the size and influence of European nazi movements. AfD, Lega and friends are not Nazis, despite what the Jewish press tells you. Call me when NRM or Casa have seats in parliament lmao
Owen Scott
>remove Muslims from the Middle East >weaken Arab states >short-term shore up Israel >long-term create Greater Israel wow super complex and shadowy nazis are totally silly for coming up with such a convoluted plan
>why would you flee to the countries that are bombing you Well they aren't going to bomb themselves, are they? It's the safest place to be.
Hunter Howard
No, it's much darker than that. It's a group effort of many people. Who see western civilization as inherently evil because of reasons.
Jews are just the most prominent members of these groups and the most active. US military is controlled by the government and financial sector, as well as public perception. Finical sector and the media is made up in over 90% of Jewish Marxist scum. They have a lot to say, and wars tend to be both profitable and a good way to fuck over white countries.
They might create more traction for Nazi movements, but as long as they fill white countries with a wall of third-world people and negative public perception. And switch the blame to other factors. They feel relatively safe.
Cooper Perez
I'm not really religious but westerners don't really give a shit about that, they'll kill anyone who's in the vicinity of some bullshit target they are attacking
We don't like your fascist dictators, but when we stop supporting them you savages revert to your default ISIS setting And that setting will always be your default position because it's exactly what mohamed did. He was a war lord who took sex slave and raped a 9 year old. That is your forever unshakable core belief. Christians might have done some bad shit, but we can evolve
Adam Myers
no worries, anyone claiming they hate a certain race or religion is trolling and burning time on the internet. if they do believe it, they have hate within them and are trying to release it with more anger which doesn't make any sense.
all religions are stupid. but i really don't care if you believe in one
Eli Allen
I'd push back against identifying them as Marxist. They sometimes use Marxist-sounding language by way of critical theory, but the (((people))) who developed critical theory did so in an effort to reconcile with capitalism. Marxists are like libertarians: They see part of the picture but they're prevented from seeing the full horror by economic autism. The people you're talking about are much, much worse than Marxists. I wasn't trashing the dictators. They did good work in their countries. Muslims can be civilized in their own way if they have a secular state to guide them.
We can't turn our back for two seconds without you reverting back to ISIS mode. This has happened at various times and various places. A generation won't help you, you need a fucking lobotomy
Ian Torres
What do you think of Kurds?
Grayson Lewis
Zionism definitely plays a role, AIPAC is a powerful lobby, but millions of white, evangelical voters are still the main force behind Zionist policy in the US. They want a white Jerusalem.
Also, Zionism isn't the only factor, it's not plain and simple. The US military is keeping its troops blooded, its military industrial complex funded, and its war patriotism useful to incumbent politicians.
There are also geopolitical concerns in the middle east. Pakistan has nukes, Saudi Arabia controls the petrodollar, and the oil production there is a check against Russian influence in Europe.
Ian Cruz
I think Rojava is a CIA-funded meme state but as an ethnic group I don't know enough about them to make a judgement either way.
Lincoln Walker
temperature in kelvin? :D
Justin Johnson
The only way Islam can reform is to accept the teachings of Sufism.
Cooper Myers
are you really this retarded, though?
Compare the numbers of how many actually committed the crimes you mentioned, to how many muslims there are in your country
>but millions of white, evangelical voters are still the main force behind Zionist policy in the US "No." Nobody in the Republican party that's not a boomer or a Jew cares about Israel. My Xer father, an evangelical himself, doesn't even give a fuck about them. AIPAC and groups like it are the root cause.
I'll concede that there are geopolitical concerns beyond Israel, but Israel takes precedence. There's a reason for that.
>Almost all muslims in western nations are there as a direct consequence of something a western nation did or supported It's like the west is trying to bring stability to your country but anything that lives East of germany is literally too retarded to wipe their own ass so they manage to fuck it up somehow everytime. It's like your religion is stopping you from advancing beyond savagery and join the 1st world.
Imagine that.
Ofcourse we don't want to those fuckups here.
Brayden Lee
There was -already- a secular fascist state in Syria. And Iraq. And Libya. And Egypt. And so on. Now there aren't, except in Syria.
Pushing globohomo values in the Near East is incredibly gay and the fascination of liberals with the Kurds is akin to the fascination of 20th-century liberals with Catalonia.
Bentley Sanders
boomers ARE the republican party, that is their main voting cohort
Nathaniel Brooks
So you're right wing?
Mason Murphy
Whoever figures out how to make a conservative mind understand logic, reason, and compassion will win the nobel peace prize of the millenium
Christian Ramirez
You're a complete faggot who is just as bad as everyone else trying to justify you parasites being in Western countries.
Gavin Garcia
It's called an education.
Logan Hall
Only insofar as boomers are the main people who vote. The actual cohort is the most evenly split of those alive today. Third position. I don't use "liberal" to mean "leftist" if that's why you're asking- there are plenty of communists that will trash the Kurds too.
>Muslim here >there's something i've never been able to understand Such as poo in loo >Muslim country What you mean, sandnigger, is muslim-majority country, we're bringing diversity.
>Everytime some non-muslim country decides to bomb the shit out of(and subsequently invade) a muslim country, you cheer it on. One less muslim country is a good thing >Also if there's a civil war in some muslim country you side with the faggot dictator because he bombs and kills the largest amount of civilians. also if there is a civil war business driven governments always support the faggot dictator because he stabilizes the country for business at all cost and cheap slave workers are a location advantage for western companies
Ian Perry
But an anarchist government is pretty fascinating for everyone.
It's funny cuz republicans are all about igoring basic human physiology, ignoring factual statements, ignoring statistics and would rather act on feelywheelies. .
To quote one of their retarded heroes: "Its more important to be morally right, than it is to be factually right."
It's a bunch of reds and pinks going around ethnoreligiously cleansing people with NATO material support. I get why left-liberals are interested in it but I can't say it's fascinating seeing as we've seen it before.
>but they're in a war But it did happen. On some level I don't really care: if the Kurds want to expel non-Kurds from their desired nation-state then fine. But on another level the globohomo press's praise for their effort and the State Department support for it makes me very suspicious. They glow in the dark just like Azov does.
Jaxon White
you're not making any sense you bomb us, kill us, and destroy absolutely everything we have
Then you complain about refugees I mean how retarded can you be
The problem is in your argument. You seem to be having this constant them-vs-us mentality. I don't know any Western civilian who is positive about the attacking of your country. Just live and let live. I wouldn't even be against refugees if they would adhere to that simple rule. But for some reason many people come here and start attacking the locals and generally ruining something which was good for everyone, for no other reason than Islam. If you want to be religious, that's fine, but just keep it to yourself.
Chase Ward
>"One less muslim country" the actual country doesn't just disappear though. It's still a country, and it's still muslim... >"because he stabilizes the country" sure. enjoy the influx of more then 1 million syrians who are now in europe, all thanks to muh stable dictatorship lmao
>Just live and let live You destroyed my house and my parents savings so no sorry can't do that. >for no other reason than Islam kek, you're literally describing non-religious criminal thugs who run around at night, stealing and raping? surprise surprise, we also have faggots from our country, just like you. The irony is that if they actually believed in religion they wouldnt do things like that.
Muslims don't like them Non-muslims don't like them
But all muslims are still to blame, for everything