Your countries will fall to Islam. Gays and atheists will be executed. Women will be chaste once again

Your countries will fall to Islam. Gays and atheists will be executed. Women will be chaste once again.

Tell me, in your heart of hearts, that you know this is true. Not only that, but you want it to be true. Islam is the cure to degeneracy. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion. Islam is inevitabe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Whatever man. Why can't you just chill.

Yea Forums will be removed from the internet

Because your degeneracy offends me

Imagine hating yourself so much you need a guide to go to the toilet

That's like, your opinion dude

>worships a pedophile

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There is nothing wrong with child brides. Yea Forums of all places should know. You openly desire them. I see your loli threads.

Child brides prevent degeneracy.

>worships this piece of shit

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I love Muslim people man. People like you are causing trouble for them. My friends poor family is having so much trouble cause her little brother is gay. It's people like you who are making little boys fear for their lives just because your imaginary guy doesn't agree with something.

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We in the west are performing the experiment, for the first time in human history, of living without faith. And we’re a mess. We’re heavily medicated and in therapy, we’re addicted to anything we can get our hands on, fucking everything that moves, buying tons of ugly useless shit no one could possibly need, and making up wonky, jerry-rigged or retrofitted new religions even stupider than the old ones, all in a desperate effort to stop feeling so empty and afraid. I love us. I think we are heroic, even if we’re doomed. We are up against people who suffer no such spiritual malaise: they are flush with clear-eyed certitude, they think they know the mind and will of God, and they are wrong, wrong about absolutely everything. They are ignorant, bigoted, cruel, life-hating assholes. Doubt is no day at the beach, but certitude is more like a day at Dachau. That’s what certitude gets you: the Final Solution, Manifest Destiny, the Great Leap Forward, Jonestown. Evils so enormous it’s hard to believe mere human beings were their agents. We Godless infidels may be a bunch of fuckups and addicts and flakes, but we’re better people than they are. If our only alternatives are existential confusion or Assholism, I know which side I’m on.

I await the fatwa.

- tim kreider

You sound like a total pussy.

Reminder this is a Russian shit poster. Sage

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Whites do not breed. What a feeble race. We will outnumber you in ALL white countries within 50 years. Be glad of it. We will fix your mistakes

saging does nothing with an image

This thread is now a loli thread.

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Whites got rich through geographical advantages. But we will invade your countries. Outbreed you. When you are old, your neighbors will all be muslim, and you will be alone, left to die childless. Or you one child will perhaps marry one of my 9 and be converted to Islam.

What a future you have

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Too bad nobody wants to fuck ugly sandnigger men.

He got em lmaoooooo

The only reason you're still permitted to exist on this planet is because we've (unfortunately) developed a "humanitarian" side. Eventually you'll cause enough damage that we on a global scale will decide you are no longer worth keeping around. We've got the bombs, buddy. You and the rest of your cave dwelling sand niggers are on your last few minutes of existence. the NZ shooting is already proof tha the general population has gotten tired of your shit.

It's called lack of education, not lack of religion

quick where do i get illegal firearms for the race war

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Munch some falafal

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Bang bang

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Why do sand Niggers stink so bad? Almost like they roll in dog shit at the start of the day, why is this?

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your 10 children who do not speak in native language of country they live in will have no access to social benefits (as they are citizens of this country form the start) and due to lack of education will end up on production line further increasing the wealth gap between color poor ppl and rich whites, Europe needs cheap labor for the future and your kids will be it, they don't wont you and your kids to assimilate and learn language , you are designed to become cheap labor cattle, they investing big money into you so you can make as much kids as you can , the more kids you have the more money you getting now

The problem is stupidity. You've just demonstrated this with your rant.

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This again

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Lol hahahahaha religion LMFAO hahahaha I want to offend you in every way hahahahaha Islam is so stupid hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Islam is degeneracy you dipshit. You have the backwards morals of pedosexuals mixed with people from 600A.D.


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Your shit offends me, so where do we go from here?

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>. Islam is the cure to degeneracy. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion. Islam is BAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOM !

Just today fall last isis resistence in Syria, sorry u are wasted....continue?

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It's get pretty far... And then the crusades will make a comeback.

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Not likely. We've got a Jewish president for one thing.


So hey there fellow muslim-hater do know any other radical muslim-haters who are up for a swell time? Got any websites or forums I can "check out"?

hooly shit I had a laugh at that gif

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Europeans will soon have enough of muslim bs, the new crusade will happen

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>Your countries will fall to Islam. Gays and atheists will be executed. Women will be chaste once again.

Wait, is Islam that /pol/ thing I keep hearing about?


Your intolerance offends me.

Go ahead

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Keep your Islam. I like my degeneracy.


Sorry but you simply dont have a the capacity to defeat the west we are too powerful for you

Even if all the countries that practice Islam as their majority got together(highly unlikely as they hate each other ) in force to oppose the west it would be a costly and futile effort for you and just lead to more control from the west in the middle east

The terrorist groups are not a true threat we have been using them as target practice for 15+ years

What you should do is what many of your people suggested the americans/russians/British should of done. Meet with our local leaders speak with them work with them approach them as guests respect our traditions and maybe we can work out our differences.

Your paranoia is outstanding, you should kill yourself op

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>Women will be chaste once again.

Don't you mean "Women will be property once again" ?

Islam is child fucking and bestiality. Islam is more degenarate then even Judaism.

Degeneracy is the only thing keeping us from doing a crusade

Yeah. And than this will happen

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Islamics are pedophiles, faggots and goat fuckers. Inbreds.

just add some funny charlie chaplin music and its classic.

my eyes. it burns. god forgive me.

why is she so smug?

eurocucks think by accepting muslim refugees they can erase the past.

they dont realize is that this is a muslim crusade aimed at destroying western civilization. its already too late.

Allah sucks nigger dicks