Proof Jews are vampires and suck baby dick blood

Proof Jews are vampires and suck baby dick blood

Attached: 1548129345864.jpg (600x590, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Vampires aren't real faggot. Some Texas faggot has an alien in his backyard. Go check that thread out.

Attached: suck-the-lifeforce.jpg (438x423, 55K)

The thread asking about the Protocols of Zion has been deleted just before I can answer, so here it is:

Ask yourself if jews are trustworthy or not.
Ask yourself how it's possible that the Protocols seem to have been so closely applied in the world despite having been written such a long time ago, if it is just "antisemitic fakery"...

Now they are even saying that the Talmud parts that show their true nature are also fake, while in the same time publishing new censored Talmuds versions, in case some smart Goy buys one to verify if it's true.

Attached: Eating foreskin (1).jpg (239x688, 237K)

Attached: blood libel against jews is true.jpg (2000x2000, 800K)

Attached: How non-jews are killed.jpg (887x204, 174K)

Attached: Herpes Mezizah.jpg (527x321, 164K)

I thought every culture they've had contact with for thousands of years has wanted to exterminate them because they're so awesome

Attached: Pessah-passover blood in bread and wine.jpg (727x877, 388K)

(((Because non-jews are just jealous of us)))

Attached: Kill those who report rape (rapport à Weinstein et metoo).jpg (587x397, 275K)

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Attached: Jewish kids raped (1).jpg (755x242, 139K)

Attached: Talmud pedo.jpg (489x282, 173K)

Attached: Source - Herve Ryssen.jpg (1024x526, 126K)

Attached: how-did-they-find-out.jpg (366x464, 19K)

Attached: cs Don&Ivanka luv jew cock.jpg (414x310, 37K)

>Trips powers him up

Attached: blood libel436759.png (1664x5472, 1.7M)

But I don't like that they write "christian" instead of "white" or "german", etc, it makes it look like this is an old religious conflict and that people nowadays don't need to care about it, that it doesn't happen anymore.
In reality Jews don't really care about christianism, their hate is a racist one, their victim don't have to be religious or baptized.

Attached: Source - Crowley quoted in Blood on the Altar.jpg (4032x1251, 490K)

There are many inforgraphics which give evidence that jews cause degeneracy in countries in which they have influence on via media or politics or culture (music movies porn). Big exception is israel though. Many things which are allowed in the US and contributes alot to degeneracy is prohibited in israel. So with other words. Jews thrive better in a degenerated divided society. This is their plan to destroy other countries from the inside due to the jews lack of population. They are just a tiny group compared to other groups so they have to resort to destabilizing and harming other groups

Antisemit detected

Their aim isn't just to destroy countries, it is to reign over a single mixed race who would have lost every piece of their identity (culture/traditions/languages, etc.), absolutely dumbed down and submissive, who would be controlled and used exactly as cattle is used by humans, with no chance of any kind of rebellion against their masters.

"When the Messiah comes, every jew will own 2800 slaves".

Prove it faggot goy. Right you cant

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All the accusations presented so far on this thread come from well documented facts. Logic would assume that -you- have to explain yourself.

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Really? You drag up that well-known and proven fake? Just how fucking retarded are you?

Attached: 13087559_1105390459520933_3166542232115184205_n.jpg (480x374, 41K)

>well documented facts
That's a big "no" there, good buddy

Topic 4 in the JIDF "how to troll" book
>Claim the other arguments are false/lies without providing any form of evidence

Lying kike spotted.

Attached: 1543612192974.gif (702x872, 222K)

Good grief - do some research - unless greetings to St Petersburg are required to our colleagues in the Internet Research Agency.

Here's a starter for you
that shows where the Protocols were plagiarised from. There's plenty more, but you won't be interested

-"Jews are normal white people just like you, and they just want to live in peace"

-"How can you DARE X?!"

-"You're so stupid/ridiculous/paranoid for asking X"

-"Shut it down!!!"

Attached: 52115528_10161363463215557_1046895615520276480_n.jpg (500x558, 60K)

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40 posts with 25 pictures, but only 10 posters. Some of the posters (like me) are pointing out that this thread is anti-Semitic and using fake "evidence" to try to justify it.

So there's just 6-7 of you. Welcome, Comrades. You're basically all posting to each other and influencing no-one. Go try somewhere else

apparently the christchurch shooter was in israel in 2016

He was also in Pakistan and praised the country and the people. Go figure.

10 posters
and you know the other 2 that are denying everything
>Did you just let slip that the 3 of you are JIDF??

>and you know the other 2 that are denying everything
No. You can just look and the posts critical of this thread and work it out the maximum posting in favour. And proving falsehood is not denying, but good effort
>>Did you just let slip that the 3 of you are JIDF
Not at all and you have as much evidence for that as you do for the Protocols. Good effort though, Comrade

Attached: 13221705_1022807011107175_1770364209815604262_n.jpg (600x613, 60K)

Attached: 3726467195.jpg (908x1586, 137K)

That picture cuts both ways - just needs a hammer and sickle flag

Tell us precisely which accusation is not true and why, then...

I have hundreds of infographics like those posted, but I am a bit too lazy to dump my folder. But if you keep Chutzpah'ing, I may very well dump them.

>40 posts with 25 pictures, but only 10 posters
>So there's just 6-7 of you
around a quarter of the posts are denying
but the anti-jew posters generally post several images, thus there could be as few as 3 of them
>So there's just 6-7 of you
You know the other 2 because they are sitting beside you

Attached: 958e7aef1e6532cc7a011178a0b8036b0da20e9c204b430b4a24f252b04cbf11.png (497x468, 147K)

english speaking board
no-one in here is speaking with broken english

Attached: 1550948036542.jpg (749x500, 135K)

>I have hundreds of infographics like those posted
I'm sure you have. And I'm sure the majority are simple coincidence, conspiracy theory or fake.

I've already pointed out that the Protocols, the subject of OP's post, is a fraud. That set the tone for the whole thread.

Dump away - you'll be dumping to yourself and your friends

>You know the other 2 because they are sitting beside you
Nice try. You'll know from my IP where I am - just a lone Englishman commenting on a retarded anti-Semitic thread

Attached: 1455833387548.png (600x482, 484K)


Attached: ugly typical jew26899513.gif (298x556, 72K)

>its ok if us jews are bad because there are others who are bad too!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1469046045754.png (280x272, 3K)

Here look it up- See pic

Attached: Capture.jpg (1622x1197, 175K)

>simple coincidence, conspiracy theory or fake
Can't get more JIDF bot than that

"Tell us precisely which accusation is not true and why, then..."
Still waiting

Attached: 1552818232511.jpg (1126x1080, 148K)

huh retard...that pic illustrates how communism & free masonary are jew controlled

(cont) and back to the page to show it's me and now

Attached: Capture.jpg (1624x1193, 197K)

Still nice try. Im living the good english life in the english countryside with my black wife and my 3 kids

>Still waiting
Protocols of the Elders of Zion - proven fake
There you go. Evidence in the link I posted

JIDF steals another meme and changes it because they can't into meme's themselves

Nice strawman. And shouldn't that have been Muslim wife? - blacks are an American problem - bit of a slip-up there, Ivan

Bored now Englishman out. Still just 12 posters, and one was the CandidGirls 'bot

Saying "it's proven" doesn't prove shit
But for the sake of demonstration, let's say that they are indeed a fake, and so close to reality just by "coincidence", now you are admitting that the other stuff is true, namely:
-Eating the foreskins of babies
-Torturing then eating non-jewish children
-That the holocaust is a total fake
-9/11 Israeli involvment
-Jews harvesting child organs
-Christchurch Mossad false flag operation
-Attack on the USS Liberty
-Jewish full time paid trolls (you're probably one...)
-Jews raping their own kids is an usual thing
-Talmud views on non jews being seen as cattle, that it's allowed and good to kill non jews, to rape childs under 3 years old, etc.
-Jews censoring the internet
-Jews role in mass immigration and promotion of interracial relations for everyone except themselves
Should I go on?

Attached: 1552931492151.jpg (594x479, 95K)

it shows that communism and free masonry are the same as the jews
3 rich fat guys, the only real difference is their allegiance

maybe Paki would suit the pommy identity best

>when i know the jewish agenda too good because im a insider sitting right here at the source in the holy land people left and right sitting on their desk doing their job next to me dont even know what im doing

you do realise murika will be waking up soon
every time you post bumps it, and more will see

We are witnessing JIDF damage control and attempt at derailing the thread.

Btw, the two most jewish watched boards are /pol/ (hence they always tell you to go there) and /k/ (very important for them to shape the minds of gun owners, as long as there still are gun owners).

Attached: 1552611020673.jpg (474x573, 33K)

>now you are admitting that the other stuff is true
False equivalence, and no, I'm not.

Of your list the only proven incident was the attack on the Liberty.

I'm not interested in supposed "facts" from religious "holy" books as you can go back to the old testament, the koran, etc as they are mediaeval ideas written in the past, call them up and point out how horrific the beliefs are.

>Should I go on?
I'm sure you can and will. But Not to me as I'm gone after this post

What about Yea Forums promoting racemixing white man with black women? Every second post is to impregnate and breed mixed babies. Is this a jewish thing aswell?

>every time you post bumps it,
using the internet
>doesn't know how Yea Forums post bumps work
For info Yea Forums bumps on new content, which is why 3 people can't keep a thread on page 1

>Is this a jewish thing aswell?
No. It's a retarded Yea Forums thing on a Mongolian Nose-flute Image board can tell by their noses & facial features they are all jews with the communist & free mason jews being deceptive or hypocritical as the text indicates

Ok i believe you goldstein

yeah it is, as is the trap stuff etc.

Attached: 092-LTzSvGY.jpg (401x599, 37K)

>No argument or proof whatsoever
You're jewish alright

>Of your list the only proven incident was the attack on the Liberty.
You're not paid well if that's the best you can do...
>I'm not interested in supposed "facts" from religious "holy" books
Nice derailing attempt, no one mentioned anything about such thing.

Which gives me the opportunity of talking about one of the jewish poor argumentation strategies: trying to damage control by derailing the subject.

For ex, if someone says "jews are behind the porn industry", a jewish activist (they all are) will answer something like "it's only because they are rich / why does it matter anyway, since Jews are white / what's wrong with it, don't you like porn?" etc, everything so you end up not talking anymore about the original issue "jews are behind porn".
Probably, yes. There's too much fanatic dedication to it for being just the result of some fetishists. That I cannot prove, but it makes sense considering how much they push it on their porn websites, on their TV channels, etc.

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It is interesting that he confirmed the attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and planned

Ok thats enough antisemit youre a real one. You should have known before now its too late for you that mossad finds you wherever you hide. Your ISP will be contacted and your location will be extracted. You about to disappear you hardcore antisemit

Attached: 1461884755386.png (1334x2465, 504K)

We've got a winner here
What's "antisemite"? The truth?

Attached: Jewish kids raped (2).jpg (772x115, 57K)

Antisemites are people who hate jews and not who jews hate

Attached: 1507346768322.jpg (1471x4282, 778K)

where ?

looks like the JIDF have abandoned the thread
I wonder if its an attempt to have it shut down, or because they realise everyone was on to them and they had no counter arguments

Attached: 1466739616188.jpg (2040x3160, 658K)

Whatever fgt stats show that were winning. Rant as much you want in the end you lose game over

JIDF "how to troll" guide book topic 7
>when you run out of ideas, just claim to have won

Attached: 1472403223126.jpg (480x360, 12K)

what happens when America stops sending you grief monies??

They have probably reported the thread as soon as they saw it, then tried their tricks, and saw that id didn't work here, so right now they are probably monitoring other places on the web (look at the retard who screencapped all his opened /k/ tabs).

Audit on

You dont want this interest rates go up i promise you. So keep yourself seated and let the big guys deal with the important issues


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interest rates were going up to give the central banks something to use when the crash happens
when it does happen, all payments to israel will be cut

Are you saying that jews do murder people just for having expressed their opinion?
Are they really as immoral as the antisemites say they are?
Do they not respect the laws?
Why would they murder people based on opinions... why would they fear opinions that much? Is it because their entire existence is based on lies?
Man I really don't get it, it's too complicated for me, but I guess those antisemites have a point, I will listen more closely to what they have to say from now on

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april 6 is coming up

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Antisemitism is wrong

that's retarded, those rituals predate the existence of Christians by almost 2000 years.

To be honest why are you all so scared of jews? They are only something like 16 million people. China has 1.3 billion people. So why dont you focuse on China instead??? Serious question

Attached: 1526469298020.jpg (248x400, 42K)

>ITT: new JIDF recruits

Attached: 23467141_1710524395625953_1253517258989893392_o.jpg (1076x1447, 200K)

>yes goy, don't focus on us, we are an small percentage.
>get fucked Schlomo, fucking piece of shit.

thats as good as they get

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Looks like they have started a thread to counter this one

Isnt it tiresome to post all these fake n gay antisemit memes and nobody cares? Even though i hate antisemites but i also feel pity for you and what you do with your life. I ask myself what went wrong in your life that it ends so miserable

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>tiresome to post all these memes
are you having problems keeping up? or is there too much truth to argue against?
>Even though i hate you and what you do with your life
seeking the truth and educating others causes you hate??

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He was talking about communists you retard. There are pair commie shitposters. Look at Shareblue.

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No, he was claiming russians were manipulating everything
He was made to look foolish
Now you are claiming that he meant something else so he was the winner
where are the goalposts going to be moved now??

Attached: daily_picdump_2154_640_34.jpg (600x600, 25K)

Attached: 3.jpg (600x422, 54K)

And you base that on...?

the ability to read

Attached: 3-1.jpg (600x486, 20K)

Attached: 3-2.jpg (620x829, 91K)

Provide citation

the fact that I'm answering you should be proof enough that I can read

Attached: 4nrQRJA-1-533x800.jpg (533x800, 68K)

So then you've pulled the Russia connection from your asshole? Surely you can do better than simple declaration.

It was a JDIF fag like that was claiming that this thread was russian meddling with out proof
Now you want me to prove his lies right??

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they're using porn to shut it down, turning on peoples sex instinct to keep them from learning

Attached: 1496031963634.jpg (459x321, 13K)

Holy shit this thread is still on the catalog, and still zero valid arguments from JIDF!
They must be absolutely seething!

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Pic very related

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trap porn*

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Pic 100% related

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2012 isnt

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You still here posting these fake memes?

What is wrong with you? How can you waste your free time with this? This thread is going on for hours.

Attached: Holocaust-demotivational-3.jpg (554x537, 61K)

>give up goyim! no one cares anyway! are you crazy?! nice tinfoil! the Mossad is coming for you! what have the jews done to you?! this is all fake! SHUT IT DOWN!!!

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Attached: IMG_20150216_204248.jpg (851x1701, 125K)

What do you want to see:
WW2 caricatures?
Black and white drawings?
Holohoax ?

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Would have been nice if we finally would have got a president that would stand up to this BS

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