What will Libtards start screeching about now?

What will Libtards start screeching about now?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>best and brightest

"best and brightest"
Boy, you've really chugged the Flavor Aid and sucked the orange cock, haven't you, cutie?


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God bless our saviour GEOTUS!
We would be lost without him!

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whatever irritates you the most. which lets be honest, is basically anything at this point.

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No, there's a difference between being mentally ill and having a personality disorder.

Yeah - the great negotiator. Winning! (if you're N Korean)

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What? Me worry?

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Okay... no snow - just flake.

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Fossil fuel puppet needs to hide the truth.

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there is NO ONE more mentally ill in Washington than trump.
as hard as that may be to imagine to the delusional trumpies

Yeah, stand for America!
Unless Trump has a personal need.

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we all know he's a complete fucking retard already. He proves it every time he tries to talk. Why both hiding his stupidity at this point?

Don't want the truth to get out...

Attached: AttackOnBBC.png (636x918, 543K)

Fuck North America!

Attached: ToughOnChina.png (639x867, 387K)

MAGAts are animals and should be dealt with like animals.

Bolton was an idiot the first time around.
So let's hire him again!

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Build the wall !!!

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That's the best you can do? Kiddie memes?
Grow up and read something serious for once.

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You seem upset. Did something happen today that made you upset?

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Trump a hypocrite? Nah....

Attached: HiringIllegals.png (875x876, 79K)

Wasting the country's money on his useless shit wall when nothing will change.
The mexican dude who cuts your grass for way less than any other folk would will not instantly dissapear just because that old cuckold built that shit (if he ever does)... But eh, it fulfills white flacid people's wet and wildest dreams, for sure.

Literally watched her today, she was all smiles...so WTF are you talking about?

you know what libtards are like? rhey will constantly call trump a fascist and hitler but when you single one out and ask them how they either dont talk to you or bs that they never called him as such. its like they can only think when they are in a group, otherwise they have nothing to say

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Da, Komrade - traitors like you.

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The shills are out in force running full scale damage control for the orangutan turd right now. It's kind of funny how obvious they all are, actually.

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Turn off the Fox. It's made you retarded.

You could edit a cumstained retard red hat once the report does its thin.

Still going with "muh Russians" huh? That has worked out well so far. It is amazing how few left wing shill threads there are on Yea Forums tonight. I guess they are all in this thread.

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Trump is allowing America to be poisoned, too.
That's a Chinese tactic!

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You vitamin-deficient circus clowns sound just like you did on election night. "b-b-but there's still a chance!"

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You obviously didn't read that. It's Chinese, they've build islands in the South China Sea, and they've established them as military bases.
All Trump does is talk about how badly he's being treated.
And you support that with no thought process involved.

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Yeah, this is straight up jive that the right is creaming itself over at the moment. They're so desperate, it's cringey.

>left wing
LOL, is this your attempt at reverse psychology, Ivan?

You know perfectly well that I was referring to your comment and not the pic that you posted.

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That subhuman criminal maggot WILL answer for his crimes. We won't permit him to walk free. Start getting over that fact now.

Goddam cheating Mexicans - fixing the vote for Republicans!

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After today, do you not see the irony in calling everyone who isn't a far-left lunatic a Russian?

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You got one for how the right looked when Obama was elected? Of course not. Because you're a single-minded, pathetic retard.

I agree - no collusion necessary. Trump is doing your job out of sheer idiocy on his own. Why would the Russians risk such a great deal? All you have to do is egg the unthinkers on.

Not him but I don't remember them spamming the shit out of Yea Forums all day every day for almost three years.

This is how a REAL president should deal with ruskies,

Attached: ObamaLaysIntoPutin.png (1625x973, 970K)

LOL, so your strategy is to claim that the web brigades and cyber operations branches of the Russian military we KNOW FOR A FACT EXIST and have been in use for over a decade, aren't real? Is that really what you're going with? HERE of all places, where we watched thread after thread of landing platforms for them colluding with /pol/ and Stormfaggots to rig polls and spread fake news articles?





youtube.com/watch?v=OauLuWXD_RI (Samantha Bee interviewing a Russian Web Brigade worker)







That's because the ones who are doing that shit are all from /pol/ and this is their paycheck.

This is how trump deals with putin, so far it's worked really well

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and /b was the same in 08 as it is today?
Facebook was the same then too, right?

>invisible gimp collar

Helsinki was SO pathetic. Trump might as well have gotten on the podium to express how tasty Vlad-daddy's crummies were.

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I honestly can't tell if you struggle with reading comprehension or if you are really trying to create a straw man with that post you had on your clip-board and my post was the closest fit.

And he brought back jobs that Obama said would require a magic wand. Trump has a magic wand motherfuckers!


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

No, it wasn't, they would have b& you autists who want to say the same shit to each other all day about politics. If it was after 2011 they would have just made you go to /pol/ where you belong.

>Trump has a magic wand motherfuckers!
and it's Putins cock in his ass

heu heu ha hoo ha hee hea hah ya dem librbrals r so dum heeeeheeeheheh MAGaAAAAAA@@@

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Jesus was a Palestine Jew moron

Whats sad is that he'll probably win again. It won't be his merits more than the fact that your boys over at the DNC are in equal parts just as inept. American politics, might as well watch comedy, at least you're supposed to laugh at that.

That's precisely what you tried to claim and you know it.

"nearly wiped out isis''????
Bitch please, isis as doubled in numbers sinse his ban on immigration from muslim states. His actions there alone, was the biggest recruitment drive isis have ever had.

I like him though, better than most of these political pansies. Not afraid of people power, rather ebraces it

As long as the republican party exists we will continue to have mentally ill people in Washington.

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1488 is a joke,Germany lost 2 major wars.

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you realize Trump has done more for the Jews and Israel, than any President, and most Americans ever?

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If Trump is innocent why did he attack and discredit the investigation over 1100 times?

Fair warning: If I see any of you retards marching in my city carrying your shameful swastika flags and "blood is soil" banners, I will uphold my oath to support and defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. You retarded kekistanis won't make it out alive.

Because fuck you, that's why.

way to miss the point dumbass.
I'll speak slow for you.
not "spamming the shit...."
there were not NEAR AS FUCKING many people on ALL OF FUCKING CHAN then there is now.

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What if we just wore this?

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Fake quote but it IS 100% accurate. I'm surprised right wing voters don't drop dead left and right from forgetting how to breathe these days.

>“We had to write ‘ordinary posts’, about making cakes or music tracks we liked, but then every now and then throw in a political post about how the Kiev government is fascist, or that sort of thing,” she said.

No proof given, just some retard claiming to have followed troll accounts that thought were Russian trolls, without evidence.

>youtube.com/watch?v=OauLuWXD_RI (Samantha Bee interviewing a Russian Web Brigade worker)
This is honestly retarded, anyone can fake this, user

Pic related...

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He has narcissistic personality disorder

Close, but nah. Showing up in public wearing that embarrassing as fuck thing is damaging enough as it is. I will probably infiltrate and Pineapple you though to expose you as a MAGAt to everyone you know, just for good measure.

>What if we just wore this?
then you'd just be making you an easier target.
>and confirming you are an imbecile

Have you ever actually seen someone wearing one of these retarded things?

They're so obnoxiously bright red that they actually look like they were photoshopped on. It's quite the amusing effect.

I wear it all the time

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>I wear it all the time
just like all of of you missitukky inbreds

Where? To the family reunion and cracker barrel?

No, everywhere I go. The grocery store, the gas station, work

I live in a deep blue state and people flip me off and say sarcastic shit but I don’t really care

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>sarcastic shit

No, user. You TRULY are a retard. That's not sarcasm. They're trying to enlighten you to the fact of how pathetic you are.

I've been on a business trip in Georgia for over a week and haven't seen a single one.

Trump's support isn't concentrated, it's scattered. Blue state or red, it makes no difference. Trump support transcends politics and goes straight to human decency and basic intellect. Conservatives hate him. Liberals hate him. ALL decent people hate him. Only very specific groups of nationalist nut jobs, gamma males who are butthurt as fuck that they can't get laid and a select few other subcliques, each more pathetic than the last are capable of seeing Trump "speak" and then say "yeah, this is the guy I want to support.".