Reminder: Socialism has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once

Reminder: Socialism has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once.

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AND...liberalism too.

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Keep fucking that chicken

K faggot

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Fuck off socialist scum

>Socialism has never succeeded

singapore say you are stupid.


oh shit. rock n roll plus elvis was conservative?

i cant believe people care about this stupid shit

Reminder: Americans havent got the slightest clue what "socialism" is.

>implying this somehow proves op wrong

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uhh professor, what counts as "succeeded"?

Every civilization that has engaged in ideological absolutism has failed.

Socialism: private property and income ($$) collected and redistributed by the gov.

Examples of Socialism in US: Police, Fire Dept., Public Schools, Interstate Hwy

It worked in germany

use common sense stupid

What institution in the US is both the most socialist in structure/orientation and the number 1 path for upward advancement for people with few options in life?

The socialists in France riot whenever the gov't wants to raise taxes to pay for socialism.

So, if succeeded mean had a great, booming economy, was internationally supported, (and feared) and attributed to the development of 1 o more countries, than I say the USSR, Canada, Singapore, and a collection of Nordic countries did in fact "Succeeded", unless you're definition of "succeeded" is "a system I like"

small business loans to Chaldeans to buy liquor stores

>implying that americans are intelligent enough to implement real socialism

I was going for the military but I'll take that

>private property
>public school

Canada's more socialist than some and is pretty awesome.

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and not a single one of those has anything to do with socialism

redistribution of individual wealth (taxes) for common good.

None of the nordic countries are socialist.

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your mom's socialist.

wheres this pic from, its way too familiar but i cant remember where i saw it

Not socialist at all, but libs aren’t educated so how would you know that

nice bait...

are you talking about the rigid, classic definition of socialism? Like the state owns the means of production, yada yada? Or the working, current definition of socialism. Cuz if you're talking Maxist shit than no fucking duh.

Anyone with the slightest of intelligence realizes how retarded socialism is.

There are a TON of socialists here

And... STILL nothing to do with socialism.

why are you so stupid?

please, professor...enlighten us all. "Socialism is..."

is it because your mom fucked her dad and then had you?

Depends on definition of succeed, and the natives peusdo socialism worked pretty good until they got fucked by Europeans

"...a contemptible abject failure of a system"

because it was never implemented made a post to tell us that "Reminder: [a contemptible abject failure of a system] has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once." Wow.

Socialism might not work, but social democracy (e.g. capitalism with a healthy mix of social policies) seems to work very well. Also note that unrestrained capitalism is a doorway into socialism. Big business beginning to buy out government to keep themselves in power and keep workers at bay is basically the beginning of the end for the opportunistic structure of capitalism. This creates a shit-ton of poor people who revolt, overthrow the government, the proletariats take over, you know the rest. What are you going to do when you've become the very thing you fear?

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better than "muh public skewls! see? socialism!"

burned. damn. I can't believe you went there...oh wait, that's not what I meant. I meant what the fuck are you talking about? It's like arguing with a 5 year old.

>actual liberal argument

Gee, is there an echo in here?

It's basically slavery. The people at the height of government end up with no accountability no matter their actions actions, fucktons of wealth because they don't have to show the people whaere their tax is being spent, the best homes and food no matter the suffering of their people, absolute power thanks to corrupt military and police, brainwashing their people through total control of what they can or can't learn about thanks to corrupt media and education systems etc (this is looking exactly like what the left is trying to do lol). The people in government lived like kings at the expense of everybody else. It definitely succeeded for them.


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Another 4chaner who failed social studies but thinks they are an expert on politics.

Capitalism didn't end well for Rome.

In USA we have for-profit Police with quotas, arresting and ticketing everyone they can.

What next? quotas for Fireman? Start their own fires? Then demand money to put them out.

The United States has gone back to medieval shit the way the billionaires control the politicians.

This country spends more on Healthcare than any other country and we have shitty healthcare.

The country also spends the most on the military. And if those funds are anywhere as corrupted as our healthcare system (they are) then our military sucks just as bad and they are just brainwashed nationalists like North Korea thinking NK is the best country in the world.

>Reminder: Socialism has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once.


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>Capitalism didn't end well for Rome.

Worked pretty fucking good for the western world. Can you name a single successful socialist country?

>In USA we have for-profit Police with quotas, arresting and ticketing everyone they can.

Police are a government entity. They don't make a profit. They are a cost that taxpayers bear.

>What next? quotas for Fireman? Start their own fires? Then demand money to put them out.

I have no idea what this retardation even means.

>The United States has gone back to medieval shit the way the billionaires control the politicians.

lol. lots of monarchies holding public elections....

>This country spends more on Healthcare than any other country and we have shitty healthcare.

We dont have shitty healthcare, we have very expensive healthcare, and that's almost entirely due to end of life expenses. Countries with socialized medicine will just let you die once healthcare get too expensive.

>The country also spends the most on the military. And if those funds are anywhere as corrupted as our healthcare system (they are) then our military sucks just as bad and they are just brainwashed nationalists like North Korea thinking NK is the best country in the world.

lol. The US is nothing like NK. You're a fucking moron.

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They don’t teach people to read in socialism?
Or is it they just don’t read, cause there’s someone else to do it and the reading is redistributed to you and the rest of the lazy?

The fact you can't raise an argument without making cheap insults shows how little you actually know about the world, governments, and history of politics.
Ireland, Norway, Sweeden, even United States has many social programs and is indeed a socialist country by every definition.

Can you name a pure capitalist country that is "successful" or even just name one pure capitalist country with zero social programs?

Doesn't mean it won't work in the future. Unlike you, who probably never works.

Infasctructure isnt socialism

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management

And all of the uneducated or strictly indoctrinated faggots point at social programs because they thing that's what socialism means

Socialism doesn't posit a planned economy. That's communism.

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This gay meme never makes sense
>socialism does work
>Norway is socialist
> no it’s not
>ok it let’s adopt their their non socialist policies