What do you guys legitimately think happened to her? I've started watching the Netflix discovery released some days ago...

What do you guys legitimately think happened to her? I've started watching the Netflix discovery released some days ago, just finished the 3rd episode. That scene in which a couple spotted an upset looking girl in a Moroccan petrol station, who asked “Will I see mummy now”?, and then saw the news about Madeleine and instantly noticed how the girl they saw resembled her was quite shocking. What theory do you think is most possible? It's been 11 years and 10 months now.

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your acting like we already know what case your talking about by just going off the picture. your a fucking retard at least post a link or video .

this what fucking case are you talking about?

For her sake it'd probably be best if she were just dead.

He said netflix you colossal homo, also lurk more.

yeah that really nails it down you fucknut, its not like there's tons of different shows/documentaries similar to this..


I'm surprised you have no idea about who she is! Maybe you guys are American? Her case was heavily publicized in Europe, maybe not in the US? You should read about the case, it's interesting - or watch the Netflix show, it's really well made. The abduction is still a mystery to this day, and some speculate it was the parents themselves who had something to do with it.


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def either eaten and roasted or killed/ dumped
for those not in the know its some brit girl called maddeline McCaan, her parents left her alone in a hotel room and then she dissapeared same day

seemed like the lone wolf guy they brought up at the end fit with what happened to her. probably panicked and killed her when the investigation got big, or shes still in his basement. im betting those people that sold their daughter and the orphanage scam people are all unrelated.

Also, here's the case:

Husband and wife, British, both Doctors - he's a surgeon I think? Anyway, they went to Portugal for holiday to a family friendly resort with their 3 children, including Madeleine, 3 years old.

Good to note that the resort offered some sort of childcare too, which the McCann parents rejected. They were having dinner one night, with I believe 5 other parents. They left the children sleeping in their room, while they were having dinner. This tapas bar was only a very short walk from the apartment in the resort where the children were. The parents claimed they were having rounds checking on the children every 20/30 mins, but further on the parents & tapas waiters apparently gave different times of when they checked on the children.

The McCann mum went to check, room is lit, Madeliene is not there, window is open. Beforehand one of the other parents claimed that when she went checking on the children, she saw a guy walking, holding a barefoot with a pyjama.

Panic started. Search started but to no avail.

I feel like her parents drugged her and their twins to keep them asleep while they went out to party with friends (it was said the babies didnt wake up even during the search ruckus and that Maddy had woken up and cried the night before while they were out)
but it accidentally killed her so they got rid of the body.

Probably killed because she'd be found by now

Everyone on this thread. Why don't you have a seat for me? I just want to ask you a few questions as to why you have come to this little girl's thread. Oh and I have a transcript too on the conversation you've had.

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Parents killed her.

No way she was randomly taken...no way and especially after all these years with zero leads.....BULLSHIT....who the FUCK leaves their kids alone in a foreign country whilst off for dinner...OH COME ON.

they got her

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Did he ever get stabbed? I'm amazed none of these whackos has never flipped out.

She's probably in some guys sex dungeon with a gaping pussy/asshole.

oh shit, its Chris Hansen

I do not want to get whacked, Podesta, Clintons, that is all.

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wtf i thought this was the daughter of casey anthony

Heres what most likely happened.

Muslims gangs kidnapped her and locked her in a basement somewhere.
She has been continuingly raped every day while being beaten into miscarriages every time she fell pregnant with their rape babies.
Shes most likely still alive in agonising pain in some shitskins basement while the UK police will never do anything to stop it.
Sad but most likely the truth.

nah it's a little more innocent but still fucked
they overdosed their daughter on accident so they could go out and party
they hid the body and tried successfully to make it look like some kind of kidnapping.

most likely? a parent or a sibling killed her (probably by accident) and then the family covered it up.

but since elisabeth smart happened, which almost nobody would have believed, some sort of random abduction isn't completely impossible.

this is ALL any sane person could possibly tell you.

this is what I believe

>I'm surprised you have no idea about who she is! Maybe you guys are American?

That shit happens like every fucking day here. We've gotten sick of all the true crime stories over here in the states.

I dont know, all it takes is one group in a car to kidnap her Kyrgyzstan style.
The only thing seperating her from the thousands of other girls these fuckers have gang raped is that her parents mannaged to kick up enough of a fuss about it for it to last longer than the BBCs silence.

I said the morning the news broke that the parents did it.

Said the same every fucking time it got mentioned.

Parents did it.

Watched this series...

The sheer amount of bullshit that was pushed as "news", that the series clearly evidences was bullshit...

The number of tips and leads that the Portuguese police have been found to have fucking ignored...

That whole sniffer dog thing, finding scents in their hire car... I remember thinking that was a smoking gun...

...until it gets revealed they got that car 25 days AFTER she went missing...

How the fuck could they hide a body for 25 days in the apartment?

From day one, they were literally surrounded by police and press, so how did they dispose of the body if they used that car?

And the DNA results showing nothing?

By episode 6 I was doubting my stance... by the end of episode 8, I am more sure that the only thing the parents did wrong was leaving the kids alone in the first place.

It's worrying just how much stuff WASN'T reported back then, otherwise I'm sure only a small handful of people would ever have accused them.

TLDR - I've gone full circle and I now believe the McCanns are only guilty of leaving Maddie alone, nothing more.

Everybody always forgets about the podestas.

is it possible that she's a sex slave now?

Either that, or like the others they talk about, outlived their use.

this happened

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Is has to be a Cult
Like this one

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They killed her and dumped her in a ditch then called the cops.

yeah basically same thing here i turned 100%, The absolute worst part was all the sightings of men hanging around that the hotel/police etc did nothing about, that bloke that was in the womansd living room with her kid, those people collecting for an orphanage, know pedos in are aand the girls that was sold by her family.

The shocking thing is the state of southern europe(north african border) and the police forces in thse tinpot countries, Fine for blokes but women/kids it just aint safe

and the police there tried to cover it up by saying it was the parents to protect tourism/reputation.

it's just all so sad i feel sorry for he family and obv maddie.

>Imagine getting stabbed on a staged show

Hahaha dick hahaha

by the god someone better find this lil bitch soon so you would stop making threads about her

she would be a perfect sex slave

I said the exact same the police especially when they did the same on another case went straight to try proving guilt on the family and nothing on finding the girl and we all believed it because it looked super legit.
I came to conclusion that parents were fucking idiots ruining the crime scene and just really negligent

sadly the only outcome I come to now is a human trafficing situation.. like from the movie taken and the fact she was so young fetched a higher price for the really fucked up black market buyer
she will be dead the poor girl and just tossed away in like a furnace or w.e with the rest of the 'stock' they collected and failed to survive the sex which is often the case like the doc mentioned early on about another girl who was sexually abused at such a young age she died from it :/

I remember that but did anything come of it? You’d think even with what a shit show of a site this really is.. and I mean this place is a god damn dumpster fire their would be some way to track that

Yea we dont give a fuck about crime anymore user
They beat us over the head with mass shootings and crimes every day to the point of desensitization to the actual act
>oh, another one

need to see both eyes really she has trauma in one that would really have shown if her or not... seems like another poor girl in basement

how u not know who mccann is?

>>doesn’t know something literally everyone knows
>>calls person who knows retard

You must have been a star pupil

jesus fucking christ, that basement photo was so obviously staged. nobody held in a basement for that many years would still look like that.

its from a movie

I mean, it's a 6 year old girl. I doubt she's very hard to overpower and clean.

OP should have pieced together a better post anyway
What a faggot

Ive seen a pic of a girl her age and haircut sucking dick before a while ago.

Go on youjewb and look up Rich Planet, he’s got a series of videos about what he thinks happened, shocking stuff

What are the met supposed to do? Invade Portugal and take up jurisdiction to find her? Fucking lol

>It's been 11 years and 10 months now.

Time fucking flies...... This girl is either a skeleton in the ground out in the plains or she's in an illegal brothel as I Type.

I'm gonna say the latter.

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