Joined a 18+ discord some days ago

>joined a 18+ discord some days ago
>look around, multiple members are under 18
>”members under 18 cannot see nsfw channels”
>guess its fine then

>15 year old wannabe trap
>posts pic of himself crossdressing in the media channel
>me, the normal human in that server :”not a good idea to post yourself (whos under 18) in a server designed around sex topics”
>mods have lengthy arguments with me why its okay if its in the right channel and that there was nothing wrong with the pic
>mfw pedophiles essentially that are allowing kids in a adult server to post themselves
>mod “something something bla bla THIS TOPIC ENDS HERE NOW”
>same mod who says its okay for under 18 people to be in a 18+ server

Discord is at this point full of shit like this, what happened to society, I thought pedophiles were universally hated

Attached: B72BF5B2-B3A2-4DF2-9CC3-6A041F75CB8C.jpg (326x294, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Pedophiles are okay with pedophiles.

>using voice chat services


dont be a fag, post the link.

The people who are attracted to those places are broken.
You probably wanted someone to talk to, just some interaction and a place to attempt to build some bonds since its so difficult to do as an adult in 2019.
They are not looking for someone to talk to, they are looking for people to make them feel normal because the world has told them everyone is normal - but they, and everyone else knows its untrue, the hypocrisy is rife, but if you begin to make levels of acceptability and unacceptability then it becomes obvious that the approach is flawed, that things are unacceptable.
This ruins the narrative of being normal, so they wont engage with it.

They want to feel normal but they know they are not, they know there is no place for them and that if the narrative of "acceptance" was removed, then so would they. The majority would deem them undesirable.

old Yea Forums: pic related
neo Yea Forums: soccer moms like op

Attached: 244pmih.jpg (593x399, 28K)

Post a link i dare you

The majority of Yea Forums never supported paedophilia, but they did support freedom and the luls.
The subject allows for lots of freedom talk and luls.
mods r asleep post sinks AMIRITE?


I mean, i could post it, but im not gonna shame the poor boy.

what was she dressed in?

absolutely disgusting

You’re in the server too retard so by your own definition you’re a pedo, also I know you saved it so show us that trap ass.

aww, that's a shame, did you give her some fashion tips then?

you are absolutely disgusting.

Attached: 372A3C21-57DA-47A0-AC01-58B73E7FF754.jpg (450x450, 44K)

you're ill.

I agree with your statement.

Attached: 13E4E42F-DA58-4F95-A275-8ED640E07550.jpg (567x383, 60K)

Not ill just not correct. The trap is an 'it'.

>also faggot
delete sys32

The trap is a "he". A "he" in clothes typically designed for women.

>falling for da b8

>I was only pretending to be retarded.

Attached: 1AC0CAAE-514C-4C32-AF44-A0349B1E7EC5.jpg (567x557, 42K)

jokes on you
i was only pretending to be retarded :D

I love it when newfags come here to lecture us about what Yea Forums was REALLY like back in the 'good ol days' that they experienced exclusively through le epic screencaps

it was always shit but at least everyone had their own "opinions" instead of nonstop literal bot-shill posting