OK lads this is urgent I need jokes that make girls laugh

OK lads this is urgent I need jokes that make girls laugh

Attached: 1488210861217.jpg (699x485, 31K)

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Like I need them right fucking now

Please help

Just send them a dick pic.

That's not I viable option

Anymore suggestions that aren't autistic, come on I have faith that there at least one person who isn't an incel on this board

Whats the difference between queen elizabeth and NZ victims?

That's a nice one I'll save it for later after I've shown her the video of the NZ shooting

Just tell them your one rep max

That would only work against me as I rarely do excise

Hey are you an angel? Because it looks like you landed on your face

Look guys I was hoping you'd take this seriously with my virginhood on the line and everything


hey girl are you a school? because i want to shoot a load of kids inside of you?

Alright I'm not gonna lie that one did make me kek

This one works every time
"So this blind man was walking down the street, but he stops outside the fish market, takes a deep breath and says, 'Good morning ladies"

Very good this appeases me

A piece of afraid not walks into a bar

show her your penis.

here's a joke
[spoiler]if spoilers work, do we spoil a spoiler spoiling spoilers or do we spoil a spoiling spoiler spoiling spoilers?[/spoiler]

you forgot to decompress that joke

How long does it take to cook a baby in the microwave?
I dont know. I was too busy jerkin off

Why cant black kids play in the sandbox?
The cats keep trying to bury them

1. Show pener
2. Girls laugh
3. Profit!

Whats the best thing about taking a shower with an 8 year old girl?
You can slick her hair back and pretend its a 6 year old boy

2 niggers walk into a bar. The bartender gets robbed and murdered

Superb this is only a level of autism that only Yea Forums could achieve

don't use a formulaic generic joke you dumbass
it has to be situational or an observation that fits into your conversation
if you're not funny you wont make a girl laugh, unless she already crushes on you and just loves everything you say or do

Youre welcome bro. Girls love jokes like that