New Zealand has the biggest gun massacre in history with a semi auto rifle and 50 people dead

>New Zealand has the biggest gun massacre in history with a semi auto rifle and 50 people dead
>gun massacre was the first in over 20 years
>Bans semi auto rifles and high capacity mags a week later
>USA get frequent mass shootings with over 300 dead in the same 20 years
>USA does fucking nothing in banning semi auto rifles and high capacity mags
Americans are so retarded with "don't ban muh guns" whilst happily allowing hundreds of people to be killed in mass shootings that happen every couple of months

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Other urls found in this thread:


freedom ain't free

>Americans are so retarded with "don't ban muh guns"

confessions of a tard

if your goal is to publicly humiliate us into following your commands. no. I bought 2 ARs, a shotgun and 5000 rounds 2 days ago.

in addition to my SMG, pistols, 12 gauge

try harder faggot

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Pol Pot took the guns away.
Then killed 3 million unarmed cucks
Try again. Stupid libtard fag

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Only 300 dead in mass shootings in 20 years I call that a win

we have this shit everyday just stfu liberal
stop being this gay

That's a nice lookin gun

cool story bro

Stop overcompensating for your small penis and shitty love life

we have the constitution and can legally war against the government if they try to take our guns

The planet is facing a population crisis anyway.

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all from democrats and muslims....says what we should be banning very clearly

You think guns will protect us from rge people that control almost every aspect of our lives?

See American revolution and war of 1812

>the absolute state of leftist trolling

>the left can't meme

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Got a fresh shipment of Americum for ya lad

That's how it should be you fucking piece of shit. Go fuck yourself


>>New Zealand has the biggest gun massacre in history with a semi auto rifle and 50 people dead

>Bans semi auto rifles and high capacity mags a week later

So you're saying terrorism works?

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Why don't they just pass a law saying that you can't murder people?
Then they wouldn't have a problem.

USA is behind on so many things. Healthcare(lol, good luck if you can't afford it), education(high student debts, expensive af books), democracy(losing election with majority of votes), not properly trained police etc etc

Yeah the total country of New Zealand has about 13,000 that would be banned
That’s not even close to the amount we have in one single state.
They’re vastly different situations
Educate yourself before you rek yourself

Don't forget schools. Everything can be blamed on the government getting its hands in things where it doesn't belong.

based slants

>USA is behind on so many things. Healthcare(lol, good luck if you can't afford it), education(high student debts, expensive af books), democracy(losing election with majority of votes), not properly trained police etc etc

I think the outside perspective of these issues are outdated. you'll hear things about healthcare occasionally that you're going to think confirm your stance, but that's not the case.

I get free healthcare all the time. i haven't paid a medical bill, besides a normal checkup in my life. and i'm 30 year old.

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>>>New Zealand has the biggest gun massacre in history with a semi auto rifle and 50 people dead
What about iraq war where some maniacs killed thousands on the search for oil?

>a state with a population of 327.2 million cannot provide for every single person there is. compromises have to be made.
>a state with a population of 4.794 million can easily change and compensate. fucking jake paul has more followers that are easier to control.

So you're just left with "dom"

Jelly much?

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>because capitalists hands belong everywhere

sloppy mossad faked shooting where no one died

I like how when we make these
>USA stupid for no action
Threads I like to point out we have a much larger population than the 6 people in New Zealand that just handed over their guns. How does anyone suggest we get 320+million legal citizens and the 90+ million illegals to hand over their guns with no bloodshed. Can you imagine the reaction to a ban in America?

Yeah well America currently being run by retards is WHY we don't want to ban guns.

It's mostly democrats fucking up the school system. What are you talking about?

Youre gonna use that cute little AR against a fucking drone? Good luck faggot

You're fucking retarded

I'm ready to lock and load. I don't trust the government as it is. I'd never hand them my firearms.


There's only three things getting their hands into stuff.

No doubt NGOs are a good thing sometimes, but let's not overestimate the possibilities.
The only real alternative to the government doing stuff is businesses in most cases.

So you have the choices of
paying taxes
getting a bill from the police/fire department/whatever.

With a U.S. population of 327 million, only 300 deaths over 20 years is fucking outstanding.

Well, seems I gotta join. According to FBI 98% of all mass shootings are done with an UNREGISTERED... ILLEGAL gun. Meaning banning the legal guns, won’t do shit to the illegal guns. Libtards study up.

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We aren't banning them at any point bruh. No matter who's elected.

In NZ owning guns is a privilege
In the US owning guns is a right

That's a massive difference.

America is special. America isnt some cuck soy boy country.

weak and predictable

Found the uneducated 12 year old faggot.

Cool story bro, in which chapter do you shut the fuck up?

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Change the government derp.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Yea, cause taking away someone's right to protect themselves is so smart.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

>new Zealand had big massacre
>immediately equates this to American society
yeah ok op

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And you should do some studying. Banning all guns has never been proposed. Banning guns has never been a popular idea, even among only democrats.
The idea of a ban is an NRA selling tactic. How many guns did you buy after 2008? Yeah... thats a good goyim

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Learn to do research as we are not the worst countries for these mass shootings. Next we have the 2nd little fag. Last I really hope NZ stands up and tells that whore to fuck off.

Nuu o

weak and predictable

Maybe we should just ban murders? If we ban murders nobody will be able to kill anymore.

weak and predictable

this retarded

sure kid

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lol. You still think you're on Topix

The USA is being over run with South American trash and Islamic goat fuckers and people want to talk about disarming? Hell fucking No!!!

I say we ban conservatives.

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If you can't rally your countrymen and vote for change then fuck you. We don't really give a fuck anyway.


Let me help get your faggot ass banned.

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Id be more sympathetic if they at least exchanged for new rights, but anyone else realise it's just been take and take ever since 1776?

oh you do kid. you cry all the time about america tho you claim to have it better

weak and predictable

Didnt you just prove how retarded NZ is then? First mass shooting in over 20 years yet they have relative ease of access to weapons compared to most countries.

So the gun is the issue now? Wasnt the issue for more than 20 years.

Why do people have such knee jerk reactions to these things? If he was running down hundreds of people in a car not a single person would ever look at car restrictions.

Of the top 20 worst mass killings in the world, not a single one used a firearm. A majority of the top 20 used car bombs, where as two actually just used a vehicle.

Dont worry though... the gun is the issue because idiots think thats going to stop mass killings. Mass shootings? Maybe. But bombs are much deadlier :)

this retarded

You can have my gun...when you pry it from my curious 5 year old's cold dead hands

Is this a meme?

You clearly do tho, why else would you be in this thread. Also that's not the change we seek.
Again, you're being this retarded

This is the stupid thing that people don't get. They aren't going to just drone strike their own population. That is the point, and at the point they do that they have already lost

>USA get frequent mass shootings with over 300 dead in the same 20 years

It's a hell of a lot more than 300. Your statement is only accurate in the very technical sense that you said OVER 300.

Y E S .

370 millions guns 11k homicides
200k-1mio lives saved by lega guns saved

STFU libtard

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Its a Putin quote

He should have brought the GEP Gun.

I'll take getting the bill any time. I'll actually have money saved from taxes to afford it.

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Americans aren't pussies.

You would also rather catch a bullet from lower class thugs that can't afford shit, so they just decide to rob you

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

the left thinks so

its your accessment

Valid point.
It's never just about yourself.

weak and predictable

It is also a fact that protesting in large numbers is much more effective than any gun.
That is just using your same logic though, they won't attack everyone.

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Then why do they have guns?
You know, instead of shooting a family father over trash in an alley you could just have a round of fisticuffs.

But you're too obese to understand it.

It's almost comical how you are trying to get people to agree with your narrative of how the world is by linking some shock horror gore of a single, horrible event that happened.

In the US that image is a semi-regular occurrence. Except they don't happen in concert halls, they happen in elementary schools.

The reason that there are less massacres of this sort in france is because they don't have, and i can't believe i'm even reading this right, fucking 120 guns per 100 citizens.

source: t i n y u r l(d o t)c o m(s l a s h )g u n s o u r c e s
>On Page 4, Table 2.

It's insanity.

That logic is so fucking flawed. If a guy comes up to your house with a loaded pistol and threatens your life, you aren't gonna have a round of fisticuffs with him. You'll die unless you have a gun to defend yourself, or get incredibly lucky.

Those guns are gonna be real useful if the government goes tyrannical.

You're right.


Just shows that NZ has no freedom. We still have the 2nd amendment protecting our rights. They will regret not fighting harder when the Mudslimes and communist take over their country.

new zealand is puny compared to the US population wise, what do you expect, libtard?

Built in my workshop for $500.00 usd

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Lmao my country has LAXER gun laws than NZ and a lower total and gun homicide rate. Eat shit nanny state faggot.

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>implying that you actually give a shit

what's your point? It's better to be prepared, because if the guns are gone the government can do whatever the fuck it wants including invade our rights. The guns are a fail safe for if the government does what a shit ton of governments do (go tyrannical).

that gun is illegal bud

Thank you

>one mass shooting
>a week later the government rolls out its pre-planned gun ban
Government is probably happy about the mass shooting

You "assembled" it.

Yeah it does bro it got you fucknuckles so wrapped up in wars that your own country probably orchestrated from the start.

After 9/11 you proud patriots just couldn't shove enough money into your military. 600b a year. fuckin sick.

You dumb fucks will pay like tens of trillions of dollars collectively in taxes for the military throughout your lifetimes, and then fuckin wonder why you fat cunts have to pay 50-100 dollars for an inhaler just to keep yourself alive. But hey bro fuck subsidy when you could take that money and pump it into killing niggers.

I expect you to justify why size exactly matters for policies. Any actual scientific evidence that being bigger necessarily increases violence or whatever.

"We're so big!" Is dumbass shit the right always says off the cuff but never qualifies. Quit being reactionary and fucking support that shi or shut up.

weak and quite retarded

weak and predictable

this guy is really retarded

new zealand is slowly but surely becoming more authoritarian, soon enough it'll be another communist utopia

weak and predictable

sure kid

weak and predictable

Criminals don't follow the law, so by definition any ban on guns will not deter them from obtaining and/or using them if that's what they want to do. The only people affected by gun bans are people who already follow the law and by taking our guns away you only empower the criminals by reducing our capacity to defend ourselves.

I hope you die in a mass shooting.

weak and predictable

I'm referring to population smartass. New Zealand has a little under 5 million people, while the US has over 300 million. Take that into account with the amount of deaths in a given time from mass shootings, the results will most likely be different.

this retarded

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Jesus, that looks like Chet from Weird Science, jarhead haircut & all.

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Shit happens.


I don't want to be one the 300 but it's a small price to pay.

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I'd vote for that.



Depends where he lives

>single, horrible event
>semi-regular occurrence
Both untrue / exaggeration

Also less guns = less gun crimes, or more guns = more gun crimes is not true either.
The only proof is, gun bans don't ban gun crimes.

See UK, see Swiss.

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im just assuming US because this conversation is about the US, and anybody else can fuck off

You can machine parts very easily... It's literally just metal. My uncle built an FN FAL after machining the parts.

That shit's been banned over there you dumb faggot.

Depends on which state in the US, friend. There are still some free states left.

California has the same featureless gun laws as New Zealand and 7 round max capacity magazine law.

>and the Keks continue

These laws did nothing to stop the massacre and neither will banning or bubble wrapping everything, because the real weapon is the person who committed this atrocity.

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>>we'd never beat Daddy Government anyway so let's just hand over our only defense
This is why Socialism leads to death.

Apparently. Thing is, unlike the Elon Musk, Andy Sixx turds & whatnot, THIS is fucking annoying.

Would not be upset at all if the mods started pruning these posts, since they contribute nothing of value to the discussions. That said, since I know they won't, I say fight fire with napalm: I'm gonna start doing this shit, trolling the fucktard conservatives who post stupid, nonsensical shit all the time.

I mean, since a carefully contructed, well-researched argument predicated on logic is completely lost, pearls before swine with these cretins. Maybe co-opting their faggotry & using it against them will have an effect. I recommend everyone do that.

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And it pales in comparison to all the gun violence that is inconvenient to the Left's agenda.

I have a strong feeling you have not been to new zealand. We're a pretty conservative country, we just don't tolerate mass shootings here, and are willing to go this far to deter another from happenning.

Not an argument

Rights don't come from the government.

you sound like a terrible person and irresponsible gun owner. you are the problem, not the gun.

You will only make the next one worse. What stopped the shooter finally? Another gun owner

New Zealand doesnt have a constitution that guarantees the right to bear arms.

You see, that right is not given by governments. It is a natural right that allows us to protect ourselves. Government's only job it to protect it.

>300 dead in the same 20 years

700 dead by terror attacks in the last 30 days

does op care? no. he just love the hate because lefty or worse

You do realize that banning guns won't prevent mass murders, right?

Anti-gun people are either ignorant or corrupt.

You're not the american kind of conservative that believes in freedom, you're the stupid kind of conservative

america doesnt have a gun problem, it has a mental health problem

> Banning all guns has never been proposed.
It's proposed all the time. No one attempts such regulation now but the sentiment certainly exists.

>Americans are so retarded with
Really great anti-2nd amendment argument OP, you must be a constitutional law scholar

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Whether we ban them for civilians or not, the CIA/billionaires/contractors will still have them, arm psychos with them and send them to kill more defenseless people to use that as an excuse to take our rights away.

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From what i'm looking at, the definition of a mass shooting is atleast 4 people shot.

From that definition, which i did not create myself, it seems to be very regular. people in this thread are throwing around a number like 300 people dead in mass shootings in 10 yrs or whatever, but just last year in 2018 there were " 323 shootings, 387 were killed and 1274 injured, and 3 mass shootings occurred at a school."

And it's all well and good to mention the swiss, but you guys aren't like the swiss are you? like for whatever reason the swiss can own swathes of guns and not have mass shootings, but you guys can't. And I think you need to acknowledge that maybe you guys aren't nearly as responsible. Also, the swiss still own 6 times less guns per person that citizens of the us. 24.45 per person in switzerland vs 120 in the US.

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>It's proposed all the time. No one attempts such regulation now but the sentiment certainly exists.

Lawmakers don't want to ban guns. The issue is too valuable to have as an ongoing debate, on both sides. Same applies to a lot of issues. The overlords just want the peasants to be riled up about something. It divides us up just like they want. It gets us voting.

fat fuck in a basement, disgusting

That's not actually true, the police ran him off the road and arrested him. There is video footage of him being detained, and he is not being detained at gunpoint.

That may be true, but you would have to stop cutting government funded mental care programs to have any effect on that at all. It's always just more and more money and cuts being given to either 1%'ers or the military.

Shut up faggot, you know you love my cock

You really think they would have attempted to arrest him if they didn't have guns?

If a government can ram through a kneejerk ban like that, then they have way too much power. The US government is set up in such a way that passing laws is hard by design. It keeps everyone in check nicely.

weak and predictable

not a fag, but kek

weak and predictable

I wonder how youll pick which one to use incase of a TyRaNicAL government

you actually looked
didn't you?

In America you have a bigger chance of getting killed with a blunt object than a rifle. So should they ban hammers?

weak and predictable

just build a flame thrower out of over the counter stuff. cant stop the human mind

Ya think. We're endowed by our creator. But if you live in NZ it's obviously otherwise. Liberty as deemed by the government.

why the fuck is there a bunch of kikes in that pic.

200 furious replies. I just looked, and my AR15s are still safe and sound in my possession. Looks like no matter how many retarded posts you make, you just aren't important enough to make any kind of difference.

you're trying to dismiss the chance that the government can go tyrannical, which is stupid. Governments have done it, and they will do it again. Part of the reason it won't happen in the US (at least not easily) is because of the second amendment. Also it's not even the only reason, self defense is a damn good one. I said this earlier, but what are you going to use to defend yourself against a guy with a handgun. Your fists? No, obviously not, you would use another gun. You know what stops gun violence? Good guys with guns.

Also as hard as this might sound for your ears, freedom has its price.
Would you ban cars, electricity, cigarettes and fast food also, because some poeple can't handle it?

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Our armed offender squad carries bushmasters in the trunk, and certainly members of the squad who were present in the pursuit were there, you can see one in the video armed and running to close off the street, but what i'm saying is they did not shoot him, and they did not hold him at gunpoint during an arrest. if this was the US, there would be like 5 officers all holding him at gunpoint. It did not look like the gunman was carrying a firearm on his person at the time of the arrest, it was most likely still in his SUV.

we actually are slowly pricing people out of cigarettes here in nz. they aren't illegal, but a packet of cigarettes costs almost 30 dollars.

USA is just retarded. It always had few times higher murder rate per capita than UK. Even when there were no gun restrictions in either country.


Are you saying having five guys aiming guns at you isn't a necessary precaution for somebody who just killed 50 people?

>USA doesnt have a murder problem, it has a nigger problem.


>muh gubmint ain't TyRaNicAL
Go ahead, post a disney movie for people to watch. Right now. See how totally not TyRaNicAL your gubmint is.

Yeah like it provably wasn't. He was safely detained shortly after the police caught up to him. I won't speak for the officers, but none of them have come forward saying they felt at risk.

Yes because these articles are totally fabricated by reptilians. Don't trust evil Wikipedia, the earth is flat.

Also I am not baiting you here, but I have often wondered: What makes you guys demonstrably more free than a country like new zealand, except for your ability to own guns? I mean even prostitution is legal here so depending on your state we may be demonstrably more free than you in some ways.

>Would you ban cars, electricity, cigarettes and fast food also, because some poeple can't handle it?
Cars with "bad" emissions are getting banned, cigarettes are semi banned by ridiculous stickers and taxes on them, electricty becomes green and super expensive, which equals to taking it away ("banning it"), fast food, they won't touch that. Makes you fat, ill and slow, a no-brainer to keep that.

There's nobody alive out there.

US has no national citizen registry nor federal IDs. Most if not all EU contries do have them.
You can own lockpicking tools and locksport is legal.
States have much to say, not just the federal govt. Overall power is somewhat decentralized.
Free speech is interpreted very broadly.

I wouldn't say i've noticed the power cost increase, and i myself live in an expensive and remote part of the country. And with car emissions? well shit we'll see. i doubt it tbh. Beach hop is next weekend and those old, rich bastards will fuckin riot before giving up their classics.

And leave the bungas and their kfc alone bro. its sacred.

Oh and cops can't search or arrest you without a reason.

>the Muslim kind of conservative

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fuck u op u homo

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I think that we do actually have all of those things here, we don't really follow the EU that much. Like we're an ex colony in the same way the the US is an ex colony.

The only one i can't say for sure is citizen registry cuz it'd be pretty fuckin easy to find somebody through their inland revenue or through passport/immigration. but don't you guys have social security? isn't just about everyone signed up to social security? what differs that from a national registry.

Also, and this is sort of playing devils advocate, but i think that in some ways your free speech is challenged more in the US. The don't taze me bro incident is indicative of that. College student asks Bush jr and Kerry about their membership of skull and bones and he gets fuckin tazed and forced to apologize on national tv. for asking a political question.

cuz obviously "freedom of speech" doesn't mean you can say whatever the fuck you want, it has to be of some political nature, like a state school teacher complaining about a state school has different rights from a private school teacher complaining about a private school. But his question was definitely covered by freedom of speech.

Tell me again how criminals follow the laws? Taking my weapons won't help against the criminals who have theirs illegally. Think.

Underrated post.
Take away the gun and you're still left with a guy who wants to kill someone

weak and predictable

because we arent stupid asshole pussies. same as we dont ban kitchen knives. most used instrument of bodily harm in domestic disputes.

I don't know man.

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we taze assholes here

actually knives in the uk are designed so they cannot induce a stabbing wound

USA banned semi auto rifles and high cap mags in California then had a massacre soon after. Does not work that way. Especially when you have spics bringing illegal guns across the border by the thousands every day. This has worked for other countries because they aren't bordered by Mexico

Well it’s common knowledge liberals don’t know history so look up the Vietnam war and tell me technological superiority instantly means victory

They were showing solidarity for the people who died btw. Samantha hayes isn't muslim lmao.

NZ street gangs held watch outside of the mosques that the shootings happenned at yesterday. Are they muslim too?

Fuck me the whole world's gone muslim!

Wallah habibi!

I think the earth’s carrying capacity for humans is less than 7 billion

We banned them before
There was no change in shootings

Huh? In the US we use them for butter.

Slants are the only good minority


well the queen mum said slashing wounds are not nearly as fatal as stabbing wounds.
she really does love us you know.

this retarded

Any old fags here tired of this pussy shit? What happened to /b

its only going to get worse

when were guns banned tho?

>happily allowing hundreds of people to be killed in mass shootings

and hundreds of thousands saved
by those same guns

retards for doing the shooters work for free

everyone grew up

Who does everyone come crying to every time there’s an armed conflict

Clinton administration
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Attached: Total_deaths_in_US_mass_shootings.png (420x300, 4K)

the funny part will be when their houses are searched.
just to be sure, you never can be too careful

Sad friend. Protect yourself somehow.

When in doubt, get bigger guns.

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MFW New Zealand already had laws preventing the magazines that got used and they didn't work

MFW people think there's not gonna be a percentage of the population that doesn't comply

MFW people believe gun laws preventing criminals from breaking other laws

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The biggest gun massacres in history have involved government employed secret police mowing down hundreds if not thousands of (unarmed) civilians at once.
Stopping this from ever happening again is far more important than preventing some random shootings where deaths occasionally happen to reach double digits.
Not that confiscating guns will do you any good for your violent crime rate regardless

Didn't read the thread but even though this is bait, sounds like the US is doing way better with their guns than NZ.
The US has 1/10th the per capita deaths with more rights given to the citizens.

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>Clinton administration
>The Federal Assault Weapons Ban
A very, very quick google search revealed to me that "the ban applied only to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban's enactment." So like, no shit. it's amazing that the ban had any effect at all when they didn't buy back the weapons that existed before it like they are in new zealand. They didn't remove any of the weapons already existing in the pool. It's actually amazing that the weapons ban had so many years so low despite this when compared with previous and certainly the years following. Fuck one year they had NONE and that hadn't happened since like 1985!

If anything your graph demonstrates the effectiveness of the ban given its circumstances, and the fact that it was more of a cease-production and less of a ban.

cuz its a monogamous white country... if you have trash 'people' you shouldn't give them guns

Murders by gun in the United States per year - 11,000 (CDC-listed deaths by cause, excluding suicides by gun totaling roughly 30,000/year)
Defensive gun uses in the United States per year - between 500,000 to 3,000,000 (CDC extrapolation based on data from 4 states)

Answer: In the United States of Freedom unlike New Zealand, guns are successfully used in defense of life at a rate 45 time greater than they are used maliciously. That's a huge net win that the (((media))) don't want you to know about.

Let me repeat: In the US, guns are used in defense of lives FORTY FIVE TIMES MORE OFTEN than they are used for murder.

It's almost like... most people are good or something? And they shouldn't be punished for the acts of a select few shitheads? Or something, I don't know, I'm not a lawyerstorian.

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those deaths include suicide rates. our suicide rates are some of the highest in the world. even i have had 1 family member commit suicide with a firearm.

>In the US, guns are used in defense of lives FORTY FIVE TIMES MORE OFTEN than they are used for murder
hmmm, its almost as killing people is not murder if you do it in self defense.... hmmm

If there was no guns they'd have killed themselves another way. Don't blame the weapon.

The best way to describe liberals is that they are smeared in shit. They are so smeared in shit that only other liberals who are also smeared in shit can't smell the shit over their own stench. The mass media found that if they also smear themselves in shit, it gets the attention of the shit smears. They reward each other for smearing shit thick and will turn on each other if they believe that the smeared shit isn't thick enough. The average free thinker can see and smell the shit and may be contaminated with the idea of finding a group that will tell them how to think and apply the shit. The liberal art professors are grooming young minds and are teaching old failed methods of shit smearing as new techniques for long lasting shit shows. The free thinkers without weak minds stay away from the shit smeared freaks. Some people hate the shit smeared freaks so badly that they act in an equal but opposite way, and that's how we get psychos who shoot fish in a barrel. I guarantee that coward wouldn't have stood man to man and had a fist fight with any of the Muslims. Now the massive shit smeared prime minister has banned freedoms for the mass public because of one misguided soul that was most likely abused by the shit smeared because he didn't fall into a protected category

It's not that important how many weapons there are for one citizen I think, it's more imortant what percentage has at least one gun and what kind of gun.
Because a shooter seldom actually needs more than one gun to harm people.

Attached: gun_swiss.jpg (582x582, 63K)

So we need to ban lightning?

the guns are already banned in new zealand tho and the guy still got guns easy without breaking a sweat. Banning guns will solve nothing dumb fuck. Number 2 who cares when humans die there is 8 billion of them and they are killing the planet so who gives a fuck you little spec in the universe that no one will remember.

we should legalize chemical weapons then... and have them available in every hardware stores ready to use... they killed less people than guns after all

I'd be interested in what constitutes a "defensive gun use". Are they just brandishing the weapon? Are they firing? Because if there are 500k-3mil defensive uses and only 11,000 deaths, those numbers don't seem to add up. What makes me skeptical is that 500k to 3mil is a massive range, and i suspect that the range is so huge because the definition of a "defensive gun use" is extremely vague and probably falls anywhere between just having a firearm holstered on your person to de-escalate an incident, to firing with the intent to harm.

>over 300 dead in the same 20 years

With a population of 300,000,000, 300 dead in 20 years is statistically irrelevant...

>data doesn't confirm what you think
>Google "reasons why I'm right"

Gun buybacks have been tried too.
We share a boarder with Mexico you know. Bans don't really work.
Also, the shooter in nz in his manifesto said he used guns to force liberals to push harder towards gun control so that the conservatives will push back even harder and hourly create a civil war or balkization.
He literally had bombs on him.

9/11 is statistically irrelevant... tobacco kills more people than that every year.

literally no one cares fag

The Swiss are not required to own guns. After required military service you can choose to keep your gun. You are not allowed to have ammo though, unless you have a good reason like being a registered hunter (as a profession not a hobby). Also, it is one of the richest and most homogeneous countries in the world probably has something to do with the lower homicide rate, too. But all those are obviously minor details for you. Unless......... Oh! I KNow!!! U dont care and are just here to sow unrest you fucking Ivan

OP is confirmed retard.

Semi auto guns being banned? Do you have any idea how many guns are semi auto? High capacity magazines being banned won’t make a fucking difference.

Go to a gun range and figure out how a gun works and maybe purchase one, faggot cock sucker libtard nigger.

You know how many countries and previous versions of socialism/communism took guns from the people? The unity of an armed population is terrifying to the government. Why do you think the media skews everything to make racial tension?

Fucking libtard.

ignoring the rest of the fags on this thread-
new zealand doesn't have an NRA
their lobbying in congress is on of the biggest obstacles to any hypothetical gun ban, and as long as they exist it's extremely unlikely anything will be pushed through

I know it's a meme war, but in all actuality the US won like 90%+ of the engagements. It's the politics and media that lost us the war.

So when big brother comes knocking on your door, remember to control the narrative as best as you can.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

retards thinking gun ownership has anything to do with rights in the US. its a militaristic state, they want you to own a gun and they want you to like using it so you can join the army and get ptsd for your country

NZ has a population less than most US states and effectively 1.5 different cultural/ethinc groups that matter, including the sheep.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Oh no, our whole country is armed and protected from possible foreign invasions.
How horrible!

Our military is the worlds military the american people have paid for your peace and prosperity the least you could do is be greatful

Your living in the pax Americana remember that

i want the video

god this hurt to read

That is an interesting point you've made, and you're right, knowing how many citizens own at least 1 firearm is more important than knowing how many firearms are owned collectively per 100 people.

But, in regards to the image you posted i don't think I agree with the sentiment it presents, and I have used my own picture to illustrate why that is.

Attached: ss.png (582x582, 658K)

I think i should have been clearer. I wasn't blaming the guns in that post, i was saying that showing gun death statistics from new zealand instead of gun homocide statistics is misleading. Because most of our gun deaths are self inflicted.

HEY OP you btich faggot Time to get you banned! oh and fuck PISSLAM and kikes!


What an absolute corporate cuck.

Jesus. NRA shills are out in force today

sure kid

weak and predictable

But gun buybacks weren't tried at the same time. I didn't google why i'm right, i googled to see if i was wrong, or if i was missing information. I'm just 1 person for fucks sake, but i'm trying to do my part and see if what people are saying is represented with facts.

In the shooters manifesto he didn't target "liberals" as a generalization, he was specifically targeting gun reform in the US to make all the gun owners clutch their pearls.

And it's also a bit ridiculous to call it shitposting, i'm trying to have a discussion and to use facts fully represented, and not taken out of context which is what i felt the clinton gun ban post was doing. it wasn't a ban.

you believe everything you read don't you?

What? Bro you started a war for oil it's that simple. There is verifiable less peace in the middle east now than there was before the cold war and oil wars of today.

anyone have a link to the full vid? the old link i was using is down.

I shouldn't double post, but if you think that the united states cares for even 1 second about the freedom of a tribe of sandniggers, and that this isn't entirely for money, you're utterly delusional. why the fuck would they care about democracy in the middle east. and if they do then where's the war on saudi arabia theyre basically a fuckin dictat lol.

weak and predibtacle

So inferring that the honduras has a higher homocide rate than switzerland because the people there are so extremely poor makes me a child?


Correct, and no one is banning airplanes.

Started a war for oil? man you drank deep from the Kool-Aid.

The US did not get Iraqi oil. Nor did our allies.

So in your eyes then, this war was started exclusively as show of brute force to deter terrorist organizations from attacking the US?

I mean they're not wrong

That's what makes it range from 500,000 to 3,000,000, estimates vary depending on conditions, it's tough to nail down. Not everybody reports their defensive usage either, while virtually every murder is detected.

Even if it were just brandishing, doesn't that count if it stops violence or death? In fact isn't that preferable as it doesn't result in more death or injury?

Grow up, pussy. We aren't giving up our rights because you're scared of your own shadow.

>protected from possible foreign invasions.
kek, you fuckers have been attacking countries around the globe for resources for as long as you exist

Well the Swiss also don't have niggers. Take away the niggers here and you take away like 9/10 of gun homicides in the US. I'd sooner ban niggers here than guns.
(Not all black people, just the ghetto niggers of all races)

it did start a war and they do look up your rectum before you get on one, so cleanly its not insignificant like you originally implied

I have personally seen brandishing a weapon de-escalate a situation, so i will not argue that. And of course it is preferable to escalation of violence, but the question i then pose is how does the rest of the world de-escalate similarly dangerous situations without the use of firearms? While you cannot successfully communicate with all dangerous individuals, you can work to improve communication skills such that you can prevent violence without the threat of violence. Again, i can see both sides, but i am just providing counterpoint since you took the time to respond.

Many of the large mass shootings in the US have been perpetrated by white and asian people haven't they?

>large mass shootings
we categorizing them by size now?

Population of NZ: 5 million
Population of US: 350 million
Result: the US has less mass shootings than NZ.

That is the reason America is so bad ass compared to those fucking New Zealand faggots


Even people who argue that Iraq wasn't a "war for oil money" do still argue that it was a war for oil in the broadest sense. The argument being that they did not want iraqi oil being traded to enemies of the united states.

Yeah alright that's fair, and i recognize that the definition is 4+, so i'll take the time to look into the demographics more, although it may be harder since not every single one of the shooters of 4+ people will be part of public record.

I wasn't trying to be tricky or misleading, I said the large mass shootings because those are all of the massacres that have received media attention, making them more memorable to us as a people.

There'd be nothing to be upset about if either A) they could all behave and assimilate or B) they all left

Attached: 1542939400670.jpg (1024x668, 139K)

Sorry I have a hard time giving a shit about sand faggots being murdered. Fu m you and your laws.

It's called thinning the herd you retarded commie piece of shit

You have to be 21 to own a handgun and not have a felony yet niggers and underage niggers still get them,almost like they steal them hell you can smuggle other full auto weapons over the border you brain dead liberal nigger cunt

Attached: green_mario_ain't_buying_your_shit_1540666262152.jpg (245x245, 5K)

This. The fuckers tried trading oil in something other than $US. Every other middle east country that tried that got 40 tons of freedom dropped on them.

If need objective information look at hand gun deaths vs assault weapons deaths.
Hand guns are way more likely to kill people.
Also suicides are the most common deaths for guns. Not murders.
Also compare the murders committed in countries like Australia before and after gun controls and bans. They are either non effective or minimally effective.

you what mate since when

Why do you think we worry?

>have received media attention, making them more memorable to us as a people.
media likes sensations and new things to make huge stories... drive-by shootings never get reported on anymore not because they don;t get the high score of larger more organized shootings but because they happen so often people get bored of them. right now school shootings in the US don't even make first page on national level, simply due to frequency... its just another school shooting...

No, it was to kill Saddam. Good enough reason for me. He still possessed undeclared chemical weapons (we found tons, but they would have needed to be refurbished to be used, a matter of months of labor to do so). Everybody in the region, and his people thought he still had a weapons program, when he really didn't have much left (he was broke). The oil for food program was being used to corrupt EU and UN officials, while the food and medicine wasn't actually being purchased and instead paid for the lavish lifestyle of his sons.

When we overthrew the government, the first mistake was disbanding the Iraqi army. That gave the insurgency a huge manpower pool and access to military equipment. The 2nd mistake was mission creep and underestimating the strength of the Sunni v Shiite grievances. Getting stuck in the middle was an expensive mistake.

The war itself lasted a matter of weeks. The insurgency caused by the disbanding of the domestic military has lasted nearly 15 years. The US is really good at shock warfare and open field battles. but really sucks at dirty war and counter insurgency. For that you need to look to the French, since its their specialty.

When looking at conflict it is very important to look past the media narrative. The reality is the Cheney and Bush both had personal grudges against Saddam, Cheney due to his time in the defense department during the 80s and 90s, and Bush because Saddam attempted to assassinate his father. Add in the very real williness for Americans to support a foreign adventure and a close enough to being legitimate Casus Belli... Saddam did after all violate the terms of end of the First Gulf War.

In the NZ shooter's instance, his goal was to stir up conflict and he even chose weapons to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of feature banning in hopes of forcing action on gun control. Hell some of that shit is right there in his manifesto. He also is lefty on most issues, and had a definitely weird travel itinerary.

Hilarious that these dumb fuck ultra liberal foreigners think it's fine to strip rights from law abiding citizens due to the actions of a tiny fraction of criminals. If we had a knee jerk reaction like that to every crime, we would all be under house arrest and intensely monitored with zero freedoms.

wow thats super gay good job being a bootlicking fagget bitch

link to that fbi claim