Girlfriend says she needs space and needs to think for a while because we had a huge fight about how she thinks I’m...

Girlfriend says she needs space and needs to think for a while because we had a huge fight about how she thinks I’m interested in another woman when in reality I’ve never been attracted to anyone else but her, she is the love of my life and even when i keep shouting the truth and saying that i have truely never had feelings for another woman, she keeps thinking that I’m lying, and i don’t lie to her ever, what can i do to make things up to her Yea Forums?

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Kinda sounds like she just wants to leave you my guy

We were perfectly happy for a long time, she is amazing and she treats me like king and i treat her like a queen, but since she’s been overthinking so much about how someone i talked to a long time ago who i had legitimately no interest in, we had a huge argument about it and we both felt depressed for weeks, we talked everything out and i changed my habits to better myself, her and our relationship, but at my workplace there is a complete whore who works at the same time that i do, (total Stacey) she’s dumb af and she tries to flirt with everyone so i just casually do my work and be civil when something needs to be done at work, my girlfriend is on high alert still because of our argument and she starts thinking that I’m interested in THAT dumb whore, so i keep trying to tell her that it’s really nothing. We go on a bunch of dates and we start feeling normal again because we are rebuilding, but she starts thinking about it again and messages the girl from work that i never even talk to, she says that she is my friend and that we talk all the time, my girlfriend thinks I’m interested in her now and i told her the same thing i said in 1st post, that i have really never been interested in anyone else, now that she’s saying she wants space and needs a break to think, she said to give her the weekend to herself and not text or call, I’m still pretty nervous about the whole situation

Yeah this, but she's a cunt and is trying to pin it on you. Call her put on her bullshit.

sounds like some shit only a beta would be worried about
dump that bitch

You don’t understand we’ve been through a lot together and we’ve been a pair for years, i know that sounds like a fag thing to say but I’m just looking for any advice on how i can express that it’s not what it seems like

> she needs space to think
AKA getting horsefucked 24/7 behind your back, just dump her, before it will hurt you too much

Make her see a specialist, cause she sounds mental. Or youre lying. Its one or the other

She's gonna leave you. Face it OP.... and you sound like a whiny faggot soiTboi. I hope she does leave you and a real Chad takes her from you, you faggot. HAHAHAHAHA!!! OP an hero for us!

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She’s projecting because she either
>already cheated on you
>would likely cheat on you
You don’t simply make false accusation like that
Plus a break? Dude get the fuck outta here or you’re a niggercuck

i dunno ive had similar retarded bitch and broke up

I understand you. I think she might be projecting.. read up on it. dont be gaslighted by someone you care about. this will just cause you mental scaring

She’s projecting, I can pretty much guarantee she has met somebody that she wants to have sex with. Now she is trying to force you into a “break” scenario so she can fuck him guilt free and then return to you after she’s had her fun. Your relationship is dead, you just don’t realize it yet

Kick her out and break up with her

She's cheating on you man


Ex did the same to me.
Loved her and would've never even thought about cheating.
She constantly thought I was cheating on her.
Found out she cheated on me. Multiple times.

Sad story but bitches work in fucked up ways.

Don't give her any power. She needs to make it up to you. Don't be a bitch

>inb4 samefag

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She's insecure and there's nothing you can do to change that or convince her you aren't cheating/interested in other chicks, etc. No win sitch until she straightens her own shit out.

Just rekt your ass
Close your phone and cry like a bitch or go dump your whorebag gf nigger

I still trust that she wouldn’t do that to me the same that i trust myself that i wouldn’t do it to her. I want this relationship to last and i don’t want it to end sour

OP c'mon, this is the kind of bla bla bla that women talk to get you off her way in a simple manner, put the guilty on you DUDE! Please, dump this motherfucker... You'll get worse than now, trust me.

I was a fucking cunt in past relationships so I know this from experience: if you dont leave her shes gonna dump your ass and or cheat on you. Doesnt matter how good you've treated each other, once she says she wants a break it's over bud. Find somebody who won't pick apart every word you say & will appreciate ya. Gl bro


>Close your phone and cry like a bitch or go dump your whorebag gf nigger
I dumped her 4 years ago.
Wouldn't take her back if you made me rich doing so.

53 year old user here. Let me give you some advice. Stop crying like a bitch. That's #1. #2 would be to tell her to get the fuck out. What's she's doing is attempting to pin the blame of HER WANTING OUT on your. Do not fall for this shit. #3. Get some new clothes, a haircut, new cologne and go fuck some bitches.


Son, women are CUNTS. They don't care about your "feelings".

The sooner you learn this, the better. Now stop crying and get some new pussy on you.

this too. Told here

yea this is about right if you stay with her she's gonna dumb you and a week later she'll be with another guy

This! Sry user but you got accept that. She's interested in someone else

That genuinely sounds like she's trying to cheat on you.

100000000x THIS

Even if i do it’s still going to take a long ass time for me to want to get back out there, I know that she wouldn’t cheat on me, and i wouldn’t cheat on her, she’s shown every bit of her love to me and I’ve done the same, just really hoping what you anons are saying isnt true cause she’s been legitimate wife material since we met

i'm 34 years old user. I got this kind of relationship in the past and it was the same shit you're passing through... Simply dump her man and go for another bitches... World's 60% of women gtfo


It's gonna sting. Then post her nudes please.

>pic related

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>I know that she wouldn’t cheat on me

You poor man. Whatever you say. Don't come here asking for advice and then tell us we're wrong.

Is this her, OP?

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OP, man up.

classic female tactics
she accused you of that and since it’s so untrue you will waste all your energy in trying to convince her
and I say waste because she doesn’t even care if you did that, she just wants out of your relationship to get with someone else, she probably already know with who

same bullshit as usual
>thread about faggot OP having girl problems
>i love her but lately she has been xyz
>accuses me of cheating
>[insert classic red flags of a cheating gf and a relationship about to end badly]
>Replies: 455
>Posters: 268
>Image: 150
>basic gist of the thread: posters comes up with millions of possible ways that his gf will possibly cheat on him and that relationship is doomed
>OP keeps on arguing back
>eventually OP get rekt
>OP thinks about how the hack Yea Forums was right all these years
>become an hero while committing an hero and taking local mosque down setting a new high score in the process
I’m calling it niggers

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I’m a hairy ass mother fucker so that bandaid is gunna hurt like a bitch if i rip
It, so I’m going to stick it out until the end of the weekend and see what she says, if indeed she does say anything. I’ll make a thread Monday or whenever she decides to text me.

Uh huh.
I said the same back then.
And I was equally "serious" about this.
I too could've sworn in blood that this would last because I felt it.

Boy was I wrong.

>and see what she says

That's your problem. YOU'RE NOT IN CHARGE. She's in charge and you're being pulled along in the wind by your pecker.

MAN THE FUCK UP. You tell her how it's going to be. Or suffer the consequences.


He was talking to OP fag

I mean to say that your post confirmed what i said earlier in the thread

Here’s a screenshot

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IT’S OVER!!!!!111!!!!!!ONE!!11!

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You see, shit like this does not add up.
If she needs space she can have it whenever, right?
She could just say I want some breathing room for 2 days, or even say she's gonna hang with friends.
But "WE need a BREAK" is fishy af.

ask her to get tested before you get back together. See how that goes over.

Also you may want to get tested, because she just fucked you in the ass.

If real, she needs space to test out that new dick. It's over OP.

Reply back with "Does this mean I can fuck other girls this weekend?"

That will handle it. One way or the other.

Jesus Christ OP.. The condition of your relationship in the past doesn't mean shit. The condition of it right now is the only thing that matters. And right now she wants out. She doesnt care about you and is likely taking nigger cock right this second. Text her saying you want to break up. All in one simple, not too complicated text. Just say, I think we should break up. Dont text her back. Dont let her back. If you dont do this she will. You'll feel better if you do it first. Yeah it's hard yeah it hurts but it's a more relieving sort of pain. Quit being afraid of it. Believe me I had a relationship several years back that was very similar to how yours is now and it was agony to drag it on as long as we did. Mercy kill this shit.

You niggers don’t know any better...

Accurate as fuck lmao

It just sucks hearing her say “I’m sure ____ would love to hear from you again” and her shaming me for someone i supposedly had feelings for but in reality never happened, but i feel backed into a corner whenever i try to say the truth

She’s fucking done with you, if she really loves you she would never “want a break” and the fact she doesn’t believe you wouldn’t cheat on her either makes her too paranoid to be with or guilty from either wanting to be with someone else or already beening with someone else. Just reply with ok and never talk to her again.

Just answer back "What's his name?" And then watch her go on full meltdown mode finally admitting she's fucking a guy behind your back. It will work. She will show her true nature when you ask something so simple yet devastating.

Still set on sticking it out, any remedies to get rid of the pain of waiting?

Here’s what’s gonna happen, she’s gonna be on your “weekend break” where she’ll fuck the guy she’s been wanting too for weeks guilt free since you are on a break. Then she’ll want to “give it another try” and you’ll crawl back like a true soyboi faggot. Whenever you all have a big fight she’ll admit to it and you’ll probably end up staying with her because “she’s not the same girl she used to be”.

Or you can chose option 2 where you call her out on this behavior now, leave her ass then start fucking girls like a chad.

>Or you can chose option 2 where you call her out on this behavior now, leave her ass then start fucking girls like a chad.
>leave her ass then start fucking girls like a chad.
>start fucking girls like a chad.

Does OP sound like a fucking Chad to you? This entire post, not once does he ring as being a Chad...he's going to be full incel when he gets dumped.

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Exactly my thoughts.
Christchurch 2.0 here we come

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OP you're fuckin hopeless. I look forward to your pathetic thread Monday when she comes back and gives you AIDS


Before she said all this she said “is there a chance for things to get better for us?”

Fucking ask who she's banging already you faggot!

Hey, ACTUAL chick here.

You just need to calmly explain to her, in real life, how you feel and how it’s true. Don’t yell at her, don’t force anything, just tell her the truth. If you truly mean what you’re saying, she will believe you. Good luck user.

>actual chick
>not posting tits

You know the rules femanon.... Tits or GTFO.

>we had a huge fight about how she thinks I’m interested in another woman when in reality I’ve never been attracted to anyone else but her,
She's fucking someone else.

Nut up or shut up. You have to fight for love.


i'd let my bf do whatever with another girl as long as he makes me feel loved
don't think i deserve him and having him putting up with me is so much to ask of him, that even if it hurts, i wouldn't be able to tell him to stay with me and either just rather die than blaming him

Op, I genuinely want to give you advice and hopefully make your life a bit better. I think she's cheating or at least interested in someone else. She sounds like she's projecting, ie accusing you of something she's doing, because if she is capable of doing it, why wouldnt you be able to? She "wants space" because she's talking to this other guy, and wants to see if there's a possibility for a relationship with him. If it doesn't work out, she'll come back to you. Get the fuck away from her OP, you deserve absolute respect and faithfulness. You sound like a very nice guy, please take time to evaluate whether she is being honest with you. Faggot :)

Fuck off newfag or read the rules again

Hes already passed the point of delusion tbh... he needs to ride it out and get hurt to learn from it.

Lmao one could only hope

End it with her

OP doesn’t and won’t see the obvious signs in front of him. Fucking hopeless cuck.

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