Something is wrong with my dog
Something is wrong with my dog
that's a frog ya dumbass
That's a quail
hahha le epic funny reddit meme
fuck off and die
I think this specific one originated on Yea Forums
he looks like he needs to be dipped in a vat of rocksalt. he more than likely is low on electrolytes.
i’m a veternarian btw.
haha le epic edgy newfag
Hard to tell what you meant at first
But then it hit me hard
It is the lack of tits in this picture
Aren't those kind of toxic to held bare-hands?
To the snail it is.
Our skin is pretty salty thanks to sweat. Poor thing's skin is going to be irritated.
What actual snail is that and do they make OK pets
Giant African snail, they are controlled in most places -aka illegal to own
horrible pet unless you don;t mind it eating 1 cucumber/day and covering everything in slime/dirt.
They're pretty easy pets.
Illegal in the US though because they can survive in the wild there, and would devastate the ecosystem.
Meanwhile in the UK I collect their thousands of eggs from them and Stick insects that just eat free naturally growing shit and sell them on ebay. enjoy being poorfags with your stupid 1 baby pets
Sell me one cunt, do you ship them to Germany
Go away evil botter
I used to keep them. They reproduce like mad. But, they also require heating, calcium and food. In addition, very few people buy them until they are about 2-3 months old and they only sell for a couple of quid each at that size. So unless you literally have tens of thousands of them in your house, you are still a poor fag.
That's a good slime boy
That's a big hand
Those cook up very well...
Not being edgy, they have invaded Florida and you can collect them for good eats.
You think thats bad? You should see my goat... he likes to watch me play nintendo
it's a rabbit snail
That’s gamergirl, fuck off with your bullshit
Playing fetch must be a nightmare.