How did a man who shits in a golden toilet convince the people who live paycheck to paycheck that he could relate to...

how did a man who shits in a golden toilet convince the people who live paycheck to paycheck that he could relate to them

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Who said I thought he was relatable? He said he was getting rid of you, Juan.

It's not equality of income they admire, it's equality of self-interest, self-consciousness, salt, and good old fashioned retardation.

yeah,he sure got rid of those mexicans didnt he.had to wait until he lost his own party the house majority to piss americans off even more and try to get his stupid wall built

maybe we can use your redneck moonshine jugs to build it

Yep, this was all that mattered to me.

of course,trump supporters are dumb then a box of shit.all they care about is chanting "build the wall"to the guy who couldnt even build it when his own party ran the house and senate

how's locking hillary up going for ya? LOL,you got conned by don

Just target people surrounded by illegal mexicans that make them feel out of place in their own country and refuse to learn English. Oh and by the way, have 20 other illegals “just visiting” with them. That’s how.

>illegal mexicans

lol,trump supporters dont care if they are legal or illegal.they want anyone who isnt white and hillbilly(just like trumps supporters)out of america


Immigration will cause civil war soon.

1.2 Million immigrants every year.
hundreds of thousands of illegals coming over because no wall.

There will be war soon.

because he speaks his mind, he aint afraid of that damn political correctness, or the deep state.

And you bitch ass white bois gon catch hands

I love that you don't give a fuck what's on his mind, so long as he speaks it. I'd love to come up with a wild exaggeration of what he could say and still gain your applause, just for comedic effect, but I couldn't possibly think of something more retarded than all the literal dog shit that has ACTUALLY poured from his mouth, only for you mongoloids to lick it up like subservient little bitches.

Please don't insult hillbillies. His supporters are far dumber.

>poes law
it was sarcasm my man.

He is a prosperity preacher. He will save us from invaders and he will bring us wealth.

Unfortunately you hit it on the head, that is the number one reason people voted for him, at least anyone on b

>are dumb than a box
Wow you're great with the insults, how's your EBT card holding up?

How is he going to do that?

eh, but if people are simple enough to go on the bandwagon effect(let alone on an taiwanese ladyboy milking website) they weren't the most informed of voters.

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>surrounded by illegal mexican
80,000 people in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan got him elected.

>hurr durr orange man bad npcs
>hurr durr let's post endless stream of pics strategically taken to make AOC look ugly

you sure showed them libs

Nobody in America is an informed voter. Something like 80% of the people who vote in elections can't name one policy either candidate supports. Democracy is a fucking joke when the population is a bunch of ignorant , easily controlled retards. Democracies tend to turn to fascism over time.

Damn, the Russians are pretending to be beaners now.

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aye, give people freedom they end up giving it up for "leadership", and there's always some faggot with a silver tongue that's glad to do it. it's tale as old as human civilization.

With his White power

>some faggot with a silver tongue
So every world leader ever?

i dunno if i would say every, but definitely most.

Wow, what an interesting and novel point you have there.


I'd vote for him again if it meant you liberal sjw pieces of shit had to sit on the bench for another 4 years. I mean holy fucking shit.. I would rather be a redneck than some cock sucking faggot looking for handouts

how did a woman who shits on law&order.
spends 2 billion dollars on her election campaign. pocketing loads of it through corrupt Clinton-Foundation dealings and illegal pay-to-play schemes.
whose only real job for decades was destroying ladies whose crime was being abused by her husband.
convince the women who live paycheck to paycheck without 24-7 SS security detail that she could relate to them & was "Fighting for us"

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You not understanding this is the reason why he will win again.

Are you saying they were convinced because more people voted for her?

>maybe we can use your redneck moonshine jugs to build it
That's a vicious stereotype. Most rednecks do not make moonshine whiskey because it's both illegal and a kind of work.

I don't think op has that kind of power.

You already get handouts, galaxy brain. what happens when your house catches fire? Fire engine paid for by your taxes turns up, on the road paid for by your taxes, then you go to hospital and get treated by doctors paid by... uh oh! someone fucked up! you. you fucked up.

So mexicans are only on the border, is that what you're saying? Clearly never been to the US. They're overrunning the whole country. Like how France is turning into north Africa.

That statement was more aimed towards the sentiment of people not understanding how/why he got elected in the first place.

>Like how France is turning into north Africa.
Sure, apart from they're not terrorists, have the same religion as America's majority and start businesses at a rate higher than the native born.

Yes, she is unfit for politics because her teeth are too big. Logical thinking

Wondering how he got elected does not make Trump more popular. He is less popular than he was when he was elected. Ops questions on his fitness if felt by more people will actually point to less people voting for Trump.

but you wanted Hillary instead.

No, I wanted Bernie

weak and predictable

The same way a millionaire has convinced everyone he's a socialist.

>lol,trump supporters dont care if they are legal or illegal.they want anyone who isnt white and hillbilly(just like trumps supporters)out of america

Unbased and Bluepilled

Yes, a sorta pro gay rights and sort of not racist, pro choice, warmongering, republican is better than trump.

His one exceptional skill is convincing idiots he's great. You can go quite far with that these days. especially in america.

If everything he says is so awful how are you able to hang out here with a bunch of anti-semetic racists and homophobes snowflake?. Youre the worst kind of hypocrite. Its ok for you but not for him.

easy: the people he "convinced" are really stupid

the same way peasants have always bent to the will of their Lord.

He tailored his rallies tp the regions they were in (dc heard pro war, rust belt heard anti outsourcing, etc.) Then he just did what he wanted. Plus he got the vote of people who wanted a shake up in Washington (though he hasnt really changed anything important, so i wouldn't count on that 2020), and compared to cliton he did seem relatable

Same way Bernie did it. He drives a 180000 dollar car. Most of his supporters will not make that in their entire lives

So Im supposed to think voting the other way would have been better because you did even though youre on the" taiwanese ladyboy milking website" too.You could use a little self awareness dumbfuck.

8 years of obama

All politicians are fake and full of shit. Where have you been?

>So Im supposed to think voting the other way would have been better
did i say that? didn't think so faggot.
>You could use a little self awareness dumbfuck.

i voted for him, i thought he seemed a better vote that has he shown his true colours. he was meant to drain the swamp not just replace it with his own fucking swamp monsters.

His supporters don't use Yea Forums as a news site, so I guess they will just keep supporting him. I'm sure he had an awesome batcave where he hides his fancy cars.

Being oblivious to the reason why people elected him makes him a shoe in because the opposition are clearly not capable of addressing the concerns of the people that voted for him.
His approval rating has been steadily rising recently, so I think you're wrong.

Nice trips. Are you pretty young or something? I keep hearing young people surprised at how corrupt Trump is, but I suspect they must have been born after Pecker took over the Enquirer and started writing nice headlines about him. In the 80's everybody knew he was human garbage, running with mobsters.

>His supporters don't use Yea Forums as a news site
Now don't indict all Yea Forums for the actions of The Containment Board.

rich elite republicans convincing the poor and middle class that they are one of them is the 2nd greatest scam in the history of the world

second only to religion... same suckers

Also just fuck you. Bernie is capitalist he just believes their needs to be more government programs to help people and less income inequality. Never has Bernie sad no one should be able to afford nice things. If Bernie does own a fancy car, then good for him.

I take it youre not a Sanders fan either then?

shit dude, cheers. i forgot to check em'!

nah, i'm 33 but i totally see where you are coming from. not many of my buddies or their wives that voted for him will be voting that way again. probs just wont vote this time.

>If Bernie does own a fancy car, then good for him.
He doesn't.

Trump never said any of that either so why are you so mad?

>so why are you so mad?
Not your user, but I agree, fuck you for spreading false bullshit. Liars like you piss people off.

Stupid, poor Americans all believe that they will someday be rich. In this sense, Trump is their perfect avatar, as he has the cultural makeup of most poor whites (racist, unintelligent, tasteless, etc.) while at the same time possessing a lot of money (which all poor whites think they will have some day).

im not a fan of whataboutism

Your best rebuttal is acceptance. That's what you get for spouting obvious bullshit in an attempt to be relevant.

Also fuck you again.. You think Bernie supporters won't make 180000 dollars in their lifetime? The average lifetime income is a million dollars.

Obamacare was a tough sell and didn't go all that well. I'll give you that one. Everything else he supposedly did wrong was manufactured by conservative media because the country was mean to Bush Jr.

If you think about it, most of the conservative hate for Obama comes from unsubstantiated claims about things he may or may not have done behind closed doors. Most of the hate for Trump comes from the shit spewing directly out of that idiots mouth on camera in front of millions of people.

same religion. Catholic/Protestant. Ask Ireland if this is the same religion.
Not terrorists. Yeah, true.
Start business. Sure, under the table,cash only, employed by more illegals. I fail to see how this is helpful.

It's like adopting a dog that shits on your carpet every day but you think you can train him lol. I'm enjoying life.

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Audi r8. Parked at one of his mansions.

>vs the Clintons
Oh yes. The theme from “Good Times” plays automatically every time Hillary comes out of hovel because she’s that damn poor

So an excessively expensive toilet is a sin , but a car is ok. Lol.
This is why no one takes you seriously.

Awesome, I hope he has 1, and awesome for him if he has mansions. Fuck you for thinking he is against people having money. He is a capitalist that wants more government regulation, and less income inequality.... It's called a social democracy.

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You are equating being well off to someone who takes trips on the Lolita express, have some perspective.

He is a Very Stable Genius.

You know trump doesnt represent white people but stupid as him white people. Trump represents stupid rural cattle having a massive body but a small brain

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>galaxy brain
That's a new one. You pay premiums for insurance for all of those things you listed. You're fucking retarded.

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Why are they watching us.. What do they want?

All of you got played and now we have watch as the country slowly burns to the ground. Upsetting is what it really is.

Yeah and Hillary Clinton bathes in the blood of children and Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard person. Got any citations to back up your shit? Or are you the atypical hypocrite lib?

Considering his opposition. I'm sure it wasn't difficult.


Uh yeah, the released court evidence of Jeffrey Epstein's passenger logs?

Racist pieces of shit will just vote for the candidate who hates womn, homos and minorities. I. E. the republican.

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years,” Trump said. “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.


Big difference.

Bernie doesn't mind paying high taxes.

By being cool.

Suurrrrree it was. I’d bet a shitload of money that you’ve shitposted Trump hero worship all over these boards and inn reddit. Lying little fag.

cry more, lie more, little triggered leftard.

whaaa, whaaa, whaaa, whiny little leftard.

>anyone who isnt white
there're mexicans whiter than some rednecks

Millionaires are laughing their asses off in their tax excempt private jets, while your people are dying of easily preventable diseases.

You are A grade a moron, through and through.


by saying the mass what they wanted to hear

Do you think women have the right to decide if they can have an abortion?

Do you think same sex marriage should be legal?

Do you think migrants should have an easy pathway to citizenship?

Republicans are against all of these and many more, which is why the blanket Republicans suck in those categories is a fact.

Your entire movement is based on an emotional response against stuff you hate for strictly personla reasons, such as people with non-white skin, homosexuals, and women.

You elected one of the biggest morons in the world, because leftists hurt your feelings by pushing for justice, equality, and other really American issues.

Look how pro israel trump is. Total submission to his true overlords. Probably also a huge cash flow behind the show. And you want that jew puppet for another term? Fucking rural cattle

Same way Hillary did.

I dont want white babies to be aborted but imagine niggers are forced to hatch their babies. Year 2050 niggers 20% population of the US. 2100 50%. You want that?

Actually, none of those points are popular with the American public. They all poll less than 50% nationally, abortion in particular falling the furthest.

>In the 80's everybody knew he was human garbage, running with mobsters.

Have another drink Hillary, and stop posting.

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Which is why republican voters are now in the minority

He doesn't. He sells people a fantasy of what peoples lives could be like if you just follow his example.

I've already got a few offers for some jobs outside of the US. What happens if he gets re-elected ain't my problem. America isn't the country I thought it was. I see how much of a minority I am, so rather than try to argue and fight, I'll just build a life elsewhere. Easier and cheaper anyways.

cause hes employed us all his life, not lived off the taxpayer like every other worthless government official


sexism and racism

not people that vote republican tho, im a used to be democrat and ill vote anything that goes against leftist bullshit

I don't even know what you're saying. He says terrible things himself... and I'm as bad as him because I'm on the same website as people who say terrible things? Fucking genius.

>how did literally any other president get elected
Ftfy. retard

How did you come to that conclusion?

Because the elites are playing chess while the population can’t even play checkers because they keep trying to eat the pieces

The United Snakes is arguably the stupidest country on earth.

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Because he's a retard who speaks with a third grade vocabulary (if said third grade was held back twice and suffered a recent head injury), and apparently about a quarter of Americans are just like him.

You're a fucking moron.

You know who's NOT in trouble right now? Hillary.

You know who did exactly what Hillary did? Jared and Ivanka.

You know who's fucking going to prison? Well, it's not Hillary, faggot!

Hi Ivan! Nice to see you tarding it up!

By the way, no one falls for the "walkaway" propaganda should probably report that up to your superiors.

Trump is still due for a court appearance to address the 14 year old he raped and threatened, by the way.

we got tax breaks too. also the rich wont take a hit outta pocket, prices will go up on everything if theyre taxed more, therefor we pay more if they do. this applies in all countries dumbass

That’s a hell of a misunderstanding of how economics works

The Russians pretend to be everyone and everything to pollute and obfuscate social media.

Putin's been at it for over a decade now.

Democrats can't meme

You can’t meme. YOU personally. Stop trying to take credit for something that someone that you agree with does.

Bernie does not own that car. Misinformation from Yea Forums

Go to /pol newfag. DJ Donnie T knows how to drop the beat, that's why

He hit himself in the fucking dome with a golf club and tried to blame his caddy.

He's a complete retard and a felon about twenty times over.

Prices aren’t dictated by how much the CEO wants to make.
Prices are dictated by demand.
If the rich are taxed more and raise prices demand will decrease and they will make less money. Someone will inevitably decide they can live with less money and sell it for less driving prices back down.
The only way raising taxes would raise prices is raising taxes on the company and the things they need to do business to very high level. This would raise the cost of doing business and if it raises enough companies will decide to fold since the price of doing business is too high. When companies fold supply goes down and prices go up.

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He inherited his wealth from his father. He made no real money on his own, and just conned people and played a rich businessman character. You guys fell for it.

GEOTUS does not shit. His body is perfect.

Do your taxes first. Then tell us about how much you got back.

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>we got tax breaks

No, we PAID MORE in taxes you fucking mong.

The rich WILL take a hit because we've been squeezing and destroying the middle class for decades and there is literally nowhere else left to find money in our economy.

The RICH are the fucking enemy here. They will pay a fair share or we will sharpen the guillotines.


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So where are the orange imbecile's tax returns, please? A flawless character surely can present them, can it not?

He didn’t. He was just better then the best of what the democratic party has to offer. Which apparently isn’t all that much. I’m glad he won. It proves just how shitty dems are because he beat them

I never thought he could relate to me.
I voted for him because he's not Hillary.

Russia helped by helping elect the shittiest candidate humanly possible, and ya'll took the bait.

Hurr dee durr dee durr imma kommie look at teh politkz hurr durr hayt drumph hayet shillarie hurr durr i pozt bayte an homoz argueez aboat it hurrrr durrrr