Truing to explain to crush that muslims are are bad. Anyone got some webm files to assist? Or links

Truing to explain to crush that muslims are are bad. Anyone got some webm files to assist? Or links

Pic unrelated

Attached: received_373794713372864.jpg (640x480, 24K)

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Show your crush this picture. It sums up Muslims quite nicely.

Attached: religionofpeace.png (800x800, 934K)

Attached: Khaled-Sharrouf-isis-islam-muslim-white-beheading-victim.jpg (598x706, 47K)

Who's this guy?

When u say muslims are bad u sound ignorant to girls. Instead attack islam and its core tenants. If shes a woman all u need to do is bring up anything islam says about women. Cant be head of house hold, must submit to a man, talk about hijabs and how islam doesnt trust men to not rape women. Then u can point out honor killings, stonings, what just happened to that Iranian lawyer fighting for womens rights who is now serving jail time and got fucking lashed lol

It's not hard. Islam is its own worst enemy. If its followers werent primarily brown we would have outlawed it already

Fucking all religions are bad. So acting like Stone age shills and grow up

The same goes for Christianity

I've been in a relationship with a muslim for 2 years and at the first place, she was a believer, she didnt want to eat pork, or even to fuck if the Coran was in the same room.
By the time she kinda left all of these habits behind her, so she was eating pork, drinking alcohol, and not giving a fuck about where was her stupid sacred book anymore
As I said we've been together for 2 years, and we broke because she was a slut that was trying to get laid with her friends but couldnt because all of them found her too fat to be fucked (true story)
Conclusion : If these people are able to betray their God, what makes you think that they will respect you in any way?

Threads about muslims
>durrrr what abt Christians

Yea all abrahamic religions. This thread is about islam tho.


Attached: 4 allah.webm (640x360, 1.92M)

It is that hard, women seem to buy into the 'not all X' and 'a few bad ones' fallacies
Try as you might, most women will just say: no facebook say's its like totally a religion of peace, they choose to wear burkas of their own free will, they're just misunderstood don't be ignorant get educated! Meanwhile their knowledge of the world ends with the furthest coffee shop away from where they live.

Mosin sucks

Attached: GS-7.jpg (735x530, 82K)


you're going to die alone and unloved

u suck

Yea thats forsure the problem. Thats why u gotta study up bud. If u kno more than them and ur information is correct then the things u say cant be ignored and u cannot be labeled as ignorant. Most people who make these excuses for islam are ignorant of the religion lol. I follow a few instagram pages of ex muslims, including ex muslim women. Very hard to just ignore that.

why do they have afros?

Attached: IMG_20140823_093036.jpg (500x514, 48K)

No u

Attached: 287212.jpg (1094x1080, 140K)

Attached: qbpz3i354ci21.jpg (640x568, 62K)

Sure, but you can quote all the verses you want, and tell them about all the atrocities, and how many people where beheaded in mecca this year for the crime of being gay, and it's all dismissed with, 'nah, that just like, the radicals and stuff, all religions have fanatics'

100% not worth

Who dis?

Attached: Clipboard01asdasdasd.png (571x473, 631K)

Attached: 1529085217109.png (960x639, 864K)

Attached: Muslim_Islam-Goat_Loving_Faggot.jpg (500x666, 74K)

I've played that game a lot.

Attached: Islam_Truth-religion_of_peace.jpg (373x527, 54K)

I wish I was this much of a fuckwitted incel. This level of ignorance must take bliss to a whole new level.

Yet you're the one using the term incel made up my who knows what. Who's the moron now?