Be me

>be me
>gave girl best friend a bouquet of flowers cause maybe she'll like it
>she doesn't accept
>have to throw flowers into trash can while other students are watching

How was your day bros

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you cant give teachers bribe OP. it wont raise your failing grades. and stop pretending to have a gf.

LOL why would you do such a thing?

I punched the girl I like for rejecting me

It wasnt a teacher

I sperg out my affection i guess

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so you're the incel she embarrassed, don't worry bro, I got her back.

Pic related

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Ok. I guess. Im just really down bro

chin up my dude, you don't want her after she did this

pic related

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But she didn't do that

she totally did, why you tripping mother fucker?
she a slutty bom blutty whore.

Whatever dude

she obviously doesnt think of you as a best friend, moreover is embarrassed because she doesnt want anyone to think your 'friendship' is anything more than her feeling sorry for you. what a twat, but keep her as an acquaintance not as a best friend (it sounds like you need as much interactions with females as possible) also, dont let this corrupt your thoughts on females as it happens to the best of us. furthermore, know that anyone really worth your time would have gladly accepted your gift and felt special about it (maybe not the best timing for it, but still the thought was there) chin up, my dude...we live to fight another day

Yeah man. I already been friendzoned by her but i keep coming back to her

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It's posts like this that make me feel a little better about myself. Thanks for being a retarded OP.

>I keep coming back to her

Why don’t you join a co-Ed sports league or get a job at a restaurant with waitresses? I know it’s hard to get into new friend groups when you’re in HS so try finding people from other places. You’re fixating on her and that is a mistake my friend. You need to push your boundaries so you can meet other women.

You're one sad, miserable beta pinoy, OP. Don't be retarded and chase girls who aren't above-average looking. Sincerity doesn't mean a thing to girls, especially pinays, unless youre a foreigner with tons of money and a big dick

Damn OP, why would you even do that if she hasn't at least hinted at something?

Bloody christ, you are autistic

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That’s like, only something you do for your established GF on special occasions. Or if someone’s dying.

Hmmm i could do that but she like hot and then cold.

And im a fool that keeps falling for it.

She would build me up and then remind me we're nothing. Fuck

She's playin me and i am aware of it :(

Giving flowers in public to someone who doesn't like you will only make them dislike you more.

I just thought it would be sweet...and nice

She accepted gifts and flowers back then
So i was bit suprised and disappointed

Dude you don’t get it. You’ve misinterpreted your entire acquaintanceship with her.

But she likes me. Like...she would casually flirt with me. I mean i really treat her like a soul mate. She's smart,funny, and really gets me. Idk, screw it

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Stop talking to her. Move on with your life. There's no point in investing time into a bitch you'll never get to fuck. Man the fuck up.

If she "likes" you in private but is embarrased to be with you in public then you are getting hosed

Only exception is if you are getting laid at least

Dude you’re treating life like a shojo manga. No dude. The only thing that you signaled is that you’re way more emotionally invested in her than she is invested in you. And that’s creepy, flat out. It’s an unnerving, sickening, let-me-go-find-a-can-of-raid inducing feeling because it makes it obvious that you spend too much time thinking about her. By giving her those flowers, you basically said “Hey! I’ve been masturbating to you!”

Well, if you’re aware of it then do something about it. In fact, you need to move on and she’ll likely throw herself at you. Same thing happened to me with a gf I had at the end of HS and beginning of college. I was totally into her and she was blasé about the whole thing. I started seeing this new girl and was flirting with her openly on FB (this was in 2008) and my old gf called me up and sucked my dick. I immediately jumped back into worshipping her and she teased me along until she just outright rejected me. The best thing you can do in this situation would be to start talking to other girls and get her chasing you. The trick will be treating her the way she treats you right now and sticking with it. Trust me when I say this; she will never be a fully committed girlfriend to you. You may be able to fool around with her, date her etc. but as soon as you put your heart into it she’ll drop you. Try getting a little revenge if you can and teach her a lesson, but never believe she will commit to a relationship with you. She’s stringing you along because she doesn’t need to put effort into you liking her and it boosts her ego.

"Likes me in private" ughhhh thats close to home

This doesn't mean shit, you casual retard. If you get "friendzoned" already, that's the time you put a line between you and that girl. This isn't some anime shit lmao

Just because a girl is being nice to you doesn’t mean she’s flirting. Realities aside, don’t try to fuck your best friend. That’s the downfall of like every protagonist in romance novels.
Like I said, you’re treating life like a shojo manga. It’s like you read Ouran Highschool Host Club and took it as solid life advice.

Man i dont wanna think of her like this but it seems you're right

This is typical bitch behaviour. She likes the male attention you give her, more in private but not so much in public and she knows she can string you along.

Grow a back bone and forget about her. She is not your friend. Cut her out of your life because there's no point in wasting any more of your time and energy on her.

My advice is to move on. There are 3.5 billion women out there. So the only question is if you are putting yourself out there to meet them.

And please don't start with flowers with new chicks. Only give gifts after you're already dating...exclusively

Or you could grow up, learn more about emotions so you’ll stop being an autist, and find someone you don’t obsess over.

OP you win the daily beta olympics and it isn't even lunch time yet, congratulations!

But there are instances she ap me in public like...we had a lot of pics together and she was my prom date...

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If this IS legit you’re best off avoiding her for a while.
I’ve been there bro.
She’ll either realise what she’s missing and come looking for you or find someone else.
But also unless you have good money and a good job with your face it ain’t happening soon

You’re her emotional tampon my dude. She probably secretly likes someone else. If you take your affection away from her she will probably do a lot to get it back. I WISH someone had given me the advice that I’m giving you. You can manipulate her back by seeking out other girls. Don’t be a spaz about it and announce it to the whole world for the purpose of getting her interested in you. You need to straight up cut her off. She will be BEGGING to have you be her emotional tampon again. This is when you can have your way with her.

You need to be inconsiderate about her feelings. Women love getting fucked with, at least the selfish bitches you’ll encounter do. Ever wonder why bad boys get the most pussy? It’s because they treat emotionally needy women like shit. The woman, in return, wants to master the bad boy, so she throws her body and money and everything else in her life at him so he’ll give her an ounce of real affection. The bad boy never capitulates and continues slaying pussy because he is innately predisposed to do so.

Be a bad boy. Don’t be some poor sap falling all over yourself. Especially because you’re graduating from HS and moving in with your life. Go out and slay some bitches. You’re a little kid and you shouldn’t worry about settling down or finding your soulmate.

Yey another creative way to say op is a loser

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All sound advice. Just stop talking to her. Just ask chicks on dates bro. If they say no, no problem. If they say yeah, youre in son. Dont befriend them first and try to weasle your way in, because that will not work.

Op are you in HS or college or what

>graduating shs.

Thats the point dude. I cant stay being mad or indifferent to her.

Im afraid this would be our last days together

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Look buddy, I’m married. I’m 29 years old and I have seen it all. From abusive relationships to fuck buddies and real genuine love. Trust me when I say that she probably likes you but she doesn’t need to make a decision and she thinks she can do better. Take away yourself as an option and watch as her whole ego comes crashing down. She’ll put in an effort to get you caring about her again. When she’s vulnerable you need to twist the knife (if you want to fuck her that is). Make her suck your dick for your affection. She’s probably not a bad person either, she just thinks she can do better than you but wants you as an ego boosting, emotional tampon, not a boyfriend.

Just cut ties with her completely man. Move on with your life. You will probably feel 10,000 pounds lighter

Hey OP, you should just go ahead and do this to yourself immediately you'll never need it LMAO

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You’re both huge cunts... why are giving advice to a 4th grader?

Do you live in the Philippines

She probably thinks you’re her gay bff

You do look like you smoke a cock or too.
Anyone ever assumed you were gay before?

>gave girl best friend a bouquet of flowers cause maybe she'll like it
you're not being honest about your intentions. at best you're wishy washy and that is going to drive any and every girl away. you know full well the connotations giving a bouquet of flowers has. it's a romantic gesture, you weren't doing something just for her enjoyment.

I dont wanna let this one go bros :(

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Are you going to the same college? If not then these are your last days with her. If you are going to college with her then I feel bad for you because like me you’ll be chasing her for a few years until she grows weary and cuts you off totally. You’ll wonder if youre inadequate and if you can ever get another girl to like you and everything else that comes with having your ego crushed. Just skip all of that. TAKE MY FUCKING ADVICE FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. Your emotions are leading you down a depressing path. You could be meeting better women and fucking them instead of feeling sorry for yourself and obsessing over a girl who doesn’t really like you.

Ffs dude! She rejected you in front of your peers! She could’ve had the decency to let you down soft but she doesn’t even care enough about you to help you save face in front of your friends! You took her to prom and she isn’t even giving you pussy?! GOD DAMNIT TAKE MY ADVICE YOU LITTLE BITCH. STOP ARGUING AND DO WHAT IM TELLING YOU!!!!

Just try not talking to her for a month. See where you’re at then. Please, I’m trying to help you. Do it for your own mental health. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CUT HER OFF. The road you’re traveling will never get the result you seek. Sometimes the only way into a pussy is away from a pussy.

Listen to me, I am older and wiser than you. I have lived in this earth and been an adult more than half of your life. Take my experience and advice to heart. It is good advice.

she gives you chances to act like a man and you fail everytime.
grow up. don't focus on her like a love sick teenager. find a goal in life and pursue it so she can finally respect you as a man.

Ok sir. A month? A month it is it then

So at april 23,11:38 pm (here) i would post and update again. A month from now this exact time

Choose what pic i would use for the thread

Bro if you cut her off you’ll feel a million bucks. Stop being a god damn beta. Take mine and anons advice. Just delete her off facebook etc and stop talking to her in class. Sit with your boys or whatever

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Good on you brother. Fuck that bitch. Man i guarantee after a week you will feel actual physical relief

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But the thing is, i already did that and just gave up and start talking to her again, i mean damn she sure can wait, and she knows i would give in

Make the new thread pic thr one of her praying and you putting yoyr hand out, the graduating one.

Choose the pic sir, for the next thread next month

Good on you man try it again. Just snub her in hallways and shit and ignore her. Even if you have to be a rude cunt. Just. stop. All. Contact.