How can we fix this, Yea Forums?

How can we fix this, Yea Forums?

I don't want some goonga record label/production company being the most-subscribed Jewtube channel. That's not only bad for business but it's also a shit statistic.

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After the NZ attack, the common folks now see PewDiePie as a disgusting human being. It's his fault the attack happened.

why the fuck do you care so much? pewdiepie doesnt even make good content anyway, he just browses reddit and kills memes.

>It's his fault the attack happened.

It had the opposite effect with me. I didn't care one way or another....but I subscribed to pewdiepie after that. It seemed like the right thing to do.

based and redpilled

He got a lot of people shot and killed recently. I'd say that's great content.

It's the power of the meme. It's more than just lulz. It's the power of politics and the difference between life and death. This us the highest form of trolling in the modern era. You have to think about it for a while for it to all sink in.

I'm not saying it is you fag. I'm saying that's what THEY believe.

Such utter horseshit.

Why would you even care, OP?
Almost half the world lives in that country, and now most of them are getting cheap internet access which amongst other things manifests in the sudden bump T-series got.
The fact that more people from countries like India are about to gain full internet access is hella scary!
Imagine how this will affect the internet on the long run.


>sub 2 pewds

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we could make a real retarded channel become first if we use our Yea Forumspowers.
fuck these 2

Pewdiepie makes absolute garbage content. His best vids like his YouTube rewind parody aren't even his. He was okay for a bit when he took h3h3's format but recently with meme reviews being his most popular I couldn't care less. Still subscribed but let him die, he never really deserved to be number one.

He was a shit gaming channel that overtook Smosh and everyone was sad about that too. Smosh used to make decent content though, Pewdiepie has always had shit content.


Yea Forums has about 8 million users, highly doubt that would happen. Most just lurk on porn threads. Not gonna happen.

T-Series was behind the NZ attack and that's why the shooter mentioned Pewdiepie so people would unsub to him and they will get ahead now

Go back to reddet you fucking faggot. Not the same guy you were arguing with, but my God only people from reddet ask for proof on shit that is well known. The media calls Pewdiepie a nazi/racist/sexist/pedophile every chance they get. Asking for proof when it is well-known just makes you look like a retard.

Wow the KKK said they supported Trump? Holy fuck I guess that made him look bad. Wow a mass shooter supported Pewdiepie? Weird how it has the same effect. Livestream your suicide you waste of oxygen.

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The man in a piss-poor village in rural India who pisses and shits at the same time in the river while another man standing in that river washing his clothes while filling up water buckets to cook his daily curry with. These men are listening to content presented by T Series.

Do you want their shitty music label to reign supreme over a literal sperg from Sweden?

Pewdiepie was a trash channel with trash content that overtook a better channel, the same thing is happening again. Most subscribed channels are fucking cancer nowadays, most are the products of corporations with sponsored content.

Guess what, Pewdiepie is also a company. Didn't start out as one but it is now. It isn't a lone wolf fighting back all by himself.

Pewdiepie 80 milion are mostly kids with multiple accounts


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well then you go ahead and steal his subscriptions

no one gives a shit
pewdiepie is a multi millionaire living in a nice big expensive house in brighton with a model girlfriend
he doesn't need your autistic help you pathetic turd