We need to do something.
We need to do something
its fucking snowing here retard. global warming is cuck myth
> "We need to do something"
says the nigga sitting in his cave ln Yea Forums
fake news, Oc. Cortex said we won't live past 2030
I, for one, look forward to the flooding caused by the ice melting. Also it will allow us to mine oil from the artic. Might even be a large scale war for the territory, there is already posturing by Canada, the USA and Russia for control of the artic.
what is cortex?
don't forget china.
I for one agree with OP,
No earth, no memes
Let's do something you faggots
You know, America’s Original-socialist Cunt, AOC.
Ok, I choose to do nothing because the claims of 12 years, or 31 years are both equally stupid and likely false.
Yeah, climate change is bullshit because I'm a good little consumer and I always do what my billionaire overlords tell me.
People with their entire legacy and fortune on the line would always do what's right when faced with losing it all. They wouldn't possibly dump millions of dollars into misinformation campaigns to confuse the poor uneducated masses.
There is no way these people would pay to get their interests represented at the highest levels of government. That just wouldn't happen because people are so goodly honest.
They wouldn't pay media outlets to lie either. That's just crazy talk. Everyone knows government and media always tell you the truth about everything and they're not protecting their cash flow or anything. You're nuts if you think that.
in the 70's they said we'd be in an ice age by y2k. In the 90's they said the polar caps would melt and cover CA by 2015. By 2019 I've stopped believing nonsense climate science.
It's a shame that science is used to push political agendas. Much of it cannot be trusted anymore because the "scientists" are threatened with funding withdrawals if they do not go out of their way to come to a specific conclusion. Anyways, check out the date on this article.
There literally needs to be a mass cull of human beings. Only if the human population is halved can the biosphere recover.
Let's start with the fatties.
Fuck the world! I hope it ends, the sooner the better.
>Poor, un-educated masses
>Al (I invented the Internet) is your god
yeah OP swim to hawaii and do you voodoo shit on the active volcano there. Volcanic eruption is still a bigger pollution than the civilisation.
start from africa, they are starving anyways, lets put them out of their misery.
this needs to happen regardless.
keep the fatties, we will need their fat for candles. Logically, the muslims must be first to go.
The climate change crowd is money lobby too, pushing things like solar cells (cost inefficient and environmentally damaging in their creation process), wind farms (noise produced by the rotor blades, and deaths of birds and bats that fly into the rotors (avian/bat mortality)) when compared to other options, like nuclear.
If we got rid of the N. Koreans, Indians, Pakistani, Muslims, Jews, Africans, and Liberals, the world would just fine.
The leftest have been pushing this lie since the 70s. They just move the date every time we pass the doomsday date.
Nuclear is a fucking mess. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer nuclear over any other energy source, but its a nightmare to maintain.
Go vegan. Kill 2 birds with one stone. no more fatties. no more global warming
well how much cost such a cheap study 100k$ for the research and 25-50k$ for the prof to know WHAT is needed to come out.
Example in europe in car and plane there are seatbelts but not on train or bus because there were no "study" for it and all say that seatbelt is for my safety but why not on public bus or train?
Oil companies knew about this since the 70s and deliberately kept the public from finding out, even paid scientists to manufacture evidence for the contrary.
Why aren't they sued? They fucked us over for almost 50 years.
It is, and the damage from fallout is immense, however cost per kilowatt is there.
Just don’t build them in earthquake or other natural disaster prone locations.
Because unlike you, bus drivers can actually competently maneuver their vehicle.
this is wrong and stupid. There is almost zero causal relationship between veganism and climate change. "Woke" is a lifestyle brand.
the planet will be just fine without us.
>Dead by 2050
Thank fuck
If you actually read the published climate change papers, they rank their best predictions at 50% chance of happening, most are 10% or 25%.
The truth is, there is too many variable to even predict what will happen with the climate if we change anything, or if we do nothing.
People thought the hole in the ozone layer would persist for a century, and that didn't happen.
Well there would be, all those crops take machines to harvest, and chemicals to grow...
There is research for seatbelts reducing injuries for passengers of cars. There aren't on trains because the cost to implement safety belts is greater than the benefit received. Planes have safety belts so that in the event of a crash, your body stays in it's seat to make it easier to identify your remains.
Because a train and/or bus is more likely to go THROUGH the obstacle than come to a jarring halt as a result of the struck obstacle, therefore a seatbelt, designed to negate inertia, is pretty useless.
still, the nuclear waste has nowhere to go. The reactor at San Onofre has been shut down for almost two decades, and they still have literal tons of waste just chillin by the shore. If an ICBM crosses the Pacific, thats where they're aiming.
>hey guise, lets stop nature from doing its thing
Just load it on a rocket and shoot it at the sun. I don't know why people have to make it hard.
Good plan. I always wondered how much better the Challenger disaster could have been with 200 tons of uranium waste added.
With the way things are going white people and western culture will both be extinct well before 2050 so honestly why bother? Just let the planet die, user...
As soon as space travel becomes more prominent, I suspect that waste like that will be one of the forefront of removing via space travel to launch it out into either Jupiter or deep space - maybe the sun.
God, can you imagine the liberal hissy fit that will be thrown over "polluting the sun"?
We should just dump the nuclear waste in africa. They don't mind.
Yeah and the flighing shool kid that fly forward by a emergency brake do not do as i know from physic in a car.
And i do not buy a cost reason so why on car, if it the cost for safety on bus and train are so high then and a community aka nation can not afford safety for me there why i am forced not only buy it with a car and forced to use it by low.
Fuck that. We don't need negro Toxic Avengers. NBA will have to raise the hoop by 6 feet or more.
settle down Pajeet. They don't put seatbelts on trains because the majority of you shitskins are clinging to the outside.
We can toss them in too for all I care.
Sun needs food too.
all gifts are accepted by Aranaktu
When a train collides with a vehicle, the train passengers are at no risk. If the train derails or collides with another train a seatbelt won't help the passengers. The cost of implementation is greater than the benefit, because there is no benefit.
With cars, your risk of injury is much higher without a seatbelt than with one. I disagree with it being legally mandated to wear it, but society as a whole doesn't.
Buses are more like trains than regular vehicles in this case. If they were to get into an accident, the passengers are at a low risk of an injury. In the event that the accident is so major that the bus gets flipped or goes from 80kph to 0, the seatbelts wouldn't be helping anyways.
massively underrated post
>oil companies said it wouldn't happen
India faggots will not stop reproducing. Bob vegana will live on. Faggots earn 400$ a month and have 5 children or more.
Nigga dont know the difference between weather and climate change kek