Petition to move all trap, cuck, rate, incest stories, family fap and similiar to a new board named /fe(tish) under adult...
All in favor?
Petition to move all trap, cuck, rate, incest stories, family fap and similiar to a new board named /fe(tish) under adult...
All in favor?
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A thousand times Aye. Can we make this a place of worship? Of Jesus Christ name!
its all just porn
I'm with you, but it'll never happen.
I do, I go on Yea Forums to see or read weird and amazibg shit, not to see frustrated cocks or to know how much user wants to pound his fat sister
>implying this is a democracy
>implying gookm00t will shill out for the extra bandwidth and domains
>implying implications
>>Implying one isn’t allowed the hope that /bee one day will be a better place
The feedback functionality can be found here:
Please go in and request the owners of the site, what i suggest in the first post of this thread. Thank you.
Fuck you.
Aye aye
Here’s what i submitted for inspiration
Shit it should have been under “board suggestion” instead
tfw gookmoot just renames Yea Forums to /fe/
I would still come in here and post gay scat videos. just because it bothers OCD normies like you. "B-but it says Random... Sh-sh-shouldnt that m-mean whatever 'I' want?"
Admit it, you feel the stir when you see those bubble-bum posts. Accept yourself for what you are, cock-hungry.
As long as a real /b would be found elsewhere
The autism level of this post is astronomic
This is actually a great idea
>ITT: people who don't understand what Yea Forums is
fuck off newfags. this has always been the containment board for that kind of shit
pure autism
I think the traps need their own board. It's eggsactly what we did to /mlp/ and everyone is happy
Concerning text pron/stories i prefer it to stay at Yea Forums
Aye.. I'm sick of that shit. Miss the old /b before all that trap, gay, lolli shit
this was basically invented on Yea Forums and you want it removed? sure, they have gotten a little out of hand because most of the content is just straight up shemales but you can blame newfags for that.
these arent real threads. it was part of a /pol/ invasion that hasnt stopped. just like the white boi threads and black breeding threads.
>incest stories
idk about this one. i dont see enough of them on the front page for me to consider it cancer. they have always been here.
>family fap and similiar
if you are including the fb fap shit, then you need to understand that it doesnt need a new board; it needs Yea Forums to ban phone posters. 90% of most of the cancer here would clear up in a week if they did that.
And replace it with what?
YLYL threads that stopped being funny long before spiderman first invaded them?
/pol/ threads?
Memes that haven't been funny since 2007?
Porn threads are the highest quality threads on this fucking board these days because people only come here because of Yea Forumss reputation. There hasn't been any sort of good OC in like 5 fucking years.
Look, gay scat videos are one thing and even acceptable compared to old Yea Forums mainstays like shitting dick nipples. Its another thing entirely when the front page is literally always covered in totally generic amateur porn threads. Nobody here has an actual problem with porn and we can find it any time we like on millions of other sites, but it is annoying to have a fairly unique board like Yea Forums be turned into just another porn site. If there were better dedicated boards for porn life would be better for all of us.
It's not the content, it's how fucking redundant it is. Same threads over and over on what used to be a pretty diverse board some years ago. Even the cuck and incest shit is ok, but an average of 17 trap threads at any given moment is kind of eggsasperating.
And ban people who post it outside of /fe/
YLYL was always hit and miss, and IMHO is a matter of opinion.
They would be good if raypist, and whatever goofy jap incest comics or whatever replaces banana guy next would back off.
ALSO-Spiderman was originally to derail wincest threads. Not YLYL
the redundancy of the threads is because of the lack of janitors and, again, new fags just spamming shemales. if they stuck to trap content, there wouldn't be enough to have 4 threads at once. I still disagree about the cuck threads, because those aren't real threads. its a /pol/ operation.
Fucking agree.
I used to go in Yea Forums whenever I could, now I have to scroll carefully so no one see me like a pervert
He was still invading YLYL threads before the banana. He just didn't start in YLYL.
>ylyl threads
that shit was born on fb and made its way here. they were universally accepted as cancer back when that word meant something. its why they get spammed to shit
You would be moving all of Yea Forums faggot, this IS the containment board lmfao
Lets do it.
Never thought I'd say this, but a lot of this shit would be fixed by W.T.Snacks being turned loose in here dual-wielding banhammers berserker style.
>Yea Forums loses 90% posters
^^^^ this to 1 billion
Yea Forums has gone from mildly crappy with a little porn to a fetish hub.
Fucking move it...
This - trolling someone with a surprise scat vid is one thing, but 500 dick rate threads is just needy kids looking for jerk material.
Upvoted subscribed followed favorited endorsed and funded
Keep this thread bumped, a new one must go up as soon as this hits limit
Gone the way if Tumblr
No, the incest threads stay.
They existed well before facebook even really took off. They were very much a thing late 2006 at the very least.
Got my vote.
>make Yea Forums random again
also the cum roulette threads stay
Aye, but... what will be left then?
dick rate should be sent to /hm where those faggots belong.
the rest sure
It won’t happen because Yea Forums is too popular. And the reason it’s popular is because it’s one of(if not the) fastest generating board content and comment wise. There’s a reason stuff shows up on both Yea Forums and /soc/.
People post it on /soc/....comments generate once every 25min then they post it on Yea Forums and get more and faster comments in a minute.
There is nothing gay about rating other man's genitalia
>back in your closet, Lance