If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?

If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?
Also would you work in girl meat processing facility?
How would you organise entire process? (from meat decision to dispose of waste)

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why doesn’t this have replies it’s a good question tbh

I would if it was cheaper than any other meat.
I don't fucking care who or what I eat, as long as it's dirt cheap and tasty.

Eating meat of your own species isn't a good idea. I don't want no prions fucking up my brain.

milk cow

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Bad idea, our bodies get fucked up.


This guy has thought way more about eating people meat than any of you

A- you just posted, give it a minute!
B- yes, I'd take of some sexy long pork
C- I wouldn't work in the factory (my true passion is selling dildos) but if I did I think it'd be fun to put their faces on the packaging

As a feminist vegan I feel offended

Prime tiddy meat

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Meat is just fine. Brain is not.

Omg, back to your self righteous tumbltard blog already kek

No its not and it deserves a fucking
at its best...


CDC says mad cow disease came from feeding infected meat and bone meal to cows. Meat and bone meal is made from the parts of the cow humans can't eat. Humans eat cow brain. So it doesn't seem to me that cows eating cow brains was the source of prions.

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fuck man thats brutal

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another day another creepy post from creepy cannibal user
>why havent you anheroed yet creeps?

Human meat would be wildly expensive, I'm too poor for that unless its like hotdogs made out of their assholes and other scraps.
>cows take ~2 years to reach an appropriate age to butcher
>they reach breeding age around ~5 years old and have a gesticulation period of 9 months
>they produce roughly 500 pounds of edible meat per 1000 pounds of cow and weight between 1000 and 1500 pounds when butchered.
>Human females would reach breeding age after ~18 years. gesticulation period of 9 months
>They reach butcherable maturity around ~14 years old
>they would weight around 100-150 pounds and would only produce 50-75 pounds of edible meat
Using rough calculations, it would cost roughly 3x as much to feed a human than a cow over the same amount of time because humans cannot eat alfalfa or hay, only grains. Humans require roughly 7 times as much time to reach maturity than cows. A pound of ground beef costs roughly $3. Therefore, a pound of ground female human equals $3 x 7 x 3, or $63. And thats just for low quality ground meat, steaks could be even higher, $200 or more a pound

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You're assuming that literally nothing else has changed about OPs world. Let's assume the birth rate is heavily skewed in this fantasy and the value of an individual female life is dramatically reduced. 10:1 female:male, but in a world where men still run everything because the women being in charge would cause the apocalypse.

My calculation didn't even take into account that some of the births would be male and therefore not be butcherable...If I were to account for the fantasy 10:1 ratio of female to male births that would add, roughly, a 1.09 multiplier to the value of the women meat account for births ineligible for butchering.
I am calculating the value of a womans life in terms of how much meat she can produce; I'm not sure how much more you can devalue a woman.

I'd prefer free range bitch meat

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>would you

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Pathetic fetishized perma virgin faggot
If this turn you on kill your self

>trying to apply rationality to some incels sick fantasy

1. Of the butchering and sale of girl meat was so common you could get it from a local store it wouldn’t seem strange to us

2. In such case obviously we’d all eat it because it would seem normal

3. No I’m sure that job would not pay what I make in corporate America

4. I don’t really know how it would work unless women did not have full rights. I suppose if women were considered property like that of a cow or pig that’s how it would need to work.

In which case I guess most of the time the women/girls would be sent to slaughter once they outlived their usefulness to men either as a sex outlet or as an incubator for males.

I suppose in this world there’d really be no reason to educate women or anything, they’d just be for making Loren boys and eating.

Waste is easy, you ground up all the extra bits and feed it to pigs.

Tbh if this is how we operated we would probably already be colonizing the solar system without female concerns and wasting countless resources pointless shit for women.

Also this, the resources required to raise a human just to get 50/60 pounds of female meat is absurd.

Obviously women couldn’t be treated like anything more than animals so you’d have basically like a big stupid monkey in your house to produce sons, every time a girl is born you have to feed it and care for it or sell it off to a factory farm.

It’s just kind of retarded, not to mention the difficulty of trying to keep them from escaping and organizing.

So would we be lanotomizing them all as children to keep them docile?

That would be fun I guess, fucking a retarded zombie that you need to clean it’s ass every time it shits /s only to sell it once it hits 27 to a butcher

humans don't have a lot of muscle to eat. we have organs but even then, we can only eat certain parts like liver, kidneys, heart and brain. Then you have to worry about diseases and tainted meat because humans are chock full of parasites.

logistically if it takes 27 years to raise just one and the cost is super high to maintain for 27 years, doesn't seem like a good return in cost.
Spend $400,000 raising 1 for 27 years, then by the time you get another one, you'll already be in your 70s. And if you try to raise 2 or more, you best be a multi millionaire.

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is the female ugly?
yes = why would you eat her meat?
no = why waste the fuck material?

your whole kink is stupid, get a life AND over it.

No shit