If the 2020 election were today. Who are you voting for Yea Forumsros?

If the 2020 election were today. Who are you voting for Yea Forumsros?

>Pic related

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Obviously trump

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Vermin Supreme

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The only correct answer

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Mitt Romney

The ghost of John McCain

Have fun paying for everyone's yang buks

Democratic nominee. Trump is an anti-democratic disgrace, a crook, a liar and probably mentally ill.

Anybody but Trump.


Hopefully Beto. But if not him, then any Democrat will do.

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Someone who will actually uphold American values. (Hint: not the orange dipshit.)


Beto is a manufactured hype machine

The Democratic nominee

who should Yea Forums meme to the Whitehouse next?

Anybody but the dumpster fire that currently occupies the white house.....

Trump is a manufactured hype machine. Imagine inheriting over $400 million from daddy and still having multiple bankruptcies.

A Democrat. And I write that as a longtime Republican. Enough is enough. Trump cozies up to dictators, disrespects veterans (including McCain, repeatedly, who has been dead since last summer.) Trump is deranged and unfit for office.

Give me someone who isn't a compulsive liar.

>compulsive liar

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I like Beto and Bernie.

Fuck off, comrade. There's a reason news orgs never had to compile lists of thousands of lies with any past president, dem or gop.

Please read about John McCain and why everybody hates him. They have good reasons. For decades he's been collecting money from weapons contractors, then going around and starting totally unnecessary wars so they can profit. He repeatedly met with and lobbied congress to fund known terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. This way contractors like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and so on can sell weapons to defeat the threat he created. It's like if I burn down your house and make you pay me $100 to put out the fire.


Hmm.... If he beats Trump in the primary the Dems are going to be in trouble. Then it will be a numbers game; who ever can get the most voters to turn out.


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write in Stalin

daddy, please come back

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Kasich is a weenus.

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Even if every word of that were true, what kind of person repeatedly speaks ill of a man who's been dead since August? It's not normal behavior by Trump.

Me too

That's Bill Weld

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Pic related ofcourse. Universal income for the wain. Fuck israel cut the financial support why the fuck do we pay billions to israel why not instead a universal basic income motherfuckers. Fuck israel doesnt deserve the money but us citizens do

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I just marked your ass fucking antisemit. Mossad will take good care of you. Even 7 proxies wont help you now


Andrew Yang

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I keked

President Big Boss, plz?

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Anybody who can restore normalcy to the republic.

is that jim ceary?

I will vote trump to maga

He will win so ez you libtards. All your candidates are jokes

If there was one person that could grab the nomination for republicans it would be Trey Gowdy and I would vote for him over Trump.

Andrew Yang

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Richard Spencer/David Duke ticket would be good for me. I want a strong White Nationalist ticket.

I think the word you're looking for is "should".

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yang can cook!

You're right 110% correct. That man would do laps around Trump talk about drain the swamp he'd flip that swamp into a fucking desert of white dry bones.

Motherfucking Trump. Another 4 years of watching leftists freaking the hell out is a comedy show.


Trump just to piss off the liberals that got molested/abuses/raped when they were kids

yang for the free $1000 per month

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are you guys literally retarded or ironically shitposting?

Ben Shaprio write in, just to trigger the trump fags.

The dude tweeted that guns are a privilege and not a right. Along with gun manufacturers should pay like $1 million for each kid killed during a shooting.

Fuck that guy.

Why would it trigger them, he is a big Trump supporter? If you really want to trigger a bunch of people vote White Nationalist.

I'm voting for Trump in 2020. But I would definitely vote for Ben Shapiro in 2020 or if he ever did run in the future.

Yea kike? Say goodbye to the israel aid you dont need it #yangforpresident


Anyone running against Trump. I mean ANYONE. Even a dead chimpanzee.

Check out this fucking retard.

And that's the dealbreaker for you?

Even putting politics aside, I don't like guns. I don't own a gun, I don't see how my life would be any better with a gun

>Anyone running against Trump. I mean ANYONE. Even a dead chimpanzee.
even a stump

There is no way he will get the nomination (and I'm not saying he should), but I would love to hear Peter Buttigieg debate Trump. Regardless your political views, the man is extremely intelligent and informed.

As far as debating, he would wipe the floor with Trump. Of course the Trump base wouldn't see it that way. Buttigieg has considered ideas and knowledge on his side. Trump is a self-proclaimed expert on about 22 topics in which he has shown he has no proficiency. He's a know-nothing across the board.

Again, his base would never see it this way. And Buttigieg won't make it that far.

acceptable answers:

republican lites who will sell out to wall street, continue the drug war, continue NSA spying, and continue illegal invasive foreign wars just like obama
pretty much most democrats really

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Zionists are white nationalists lol. supporting white europeans stealing land from brown natives

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Bernie's nice I guess,but yeah it's prob going to be Biden

based on fundraising it looks like the donors are backing beto. i think it's the creepy biden pics of him getting handsy with adults and chilluns that makes them shy away

This man will unite the south with the north and knows what he is doing.

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Polling At 5%, Bet On My Stork Magically Outraises Bernie

Oy vey!

Beto Gets GRILLED for Lack Policy Substance by College Student

Ashkenazi and Sephardi Y-DNA is Middle Eastern, and mDNA is Southern European (Italian for Ashkenazi and Iberian for Sephardi)

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white people with trace of ancestral blood steal fatherland from brown people whose country it actually is because muh lebensraum.

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I don't usually talk about politics or criticize others. I guess I shouldn't care about the freedom of speech.

I'd vote for Trump.
I voted for Hillary in 2016, Obama 2x, and Democrat my whole life.
The U.S. has never been better. Frankly, I am shocked that he did exactly what he said he was going to do, AND that he pulled us out of the international messes we were in around the planet (and even fixed some), AND that the economy is great and unemployment is at a record low.

The guy has just delivered and I and anybody else would be a complete fool to kill the goose that is laying the golden eggs. Honestly, demeanor aside, there has never been a better "President" (doing the actual job of President and busting his ass at it, and succeeding) like Trump.

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Trump will win again, because the election campaigns of all others will rotate around making Trump look bad, while forgetting to actually make themselves look god, while Trump will campaign to make himself look good only, and let the others just talk for everyone to hear. All you hear is the name "Trump" - virtually everywhere and from everyone.

wages are low, people don't have benefits, infrastructure is shit, college is unaffordable, we are meddling in syria and venezuela and no wars have been ended, but yeah the stock market is pretty adequate and homeless people have part time jobs. rich people are doing fine

Beto O'Rourke is a fake. He is a criminal. A fraudster.

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1k a month

>complete fool to kill the goose that is laying the golden eggs

He didn't do any of that what you just said. But thanks for playing

>I don't usually talk about politics or criticize others
Somehow I find that hard to believe.

isnt it obvious you cucks?

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>wages are low
Wrong. Wages are 180% higher than they were at their highest under Obama.

>people don't have benefits
Exactly what are you babbling about??? What "benefits" is it you think you had under Obama. You paid more money. You got penalties if you didn't chip in to Obamacare a few grand--to pay for healthcare you yourself never used. Unless you are fucking 50+ years old, free healthcare (it's not free, the young pay for the old, so it's the opposite) is screwing the younger generations. No "benefits" at all. Just screwing. Thank Trump that is now gone. Enjoy the extra few grand in your pocket from this, and oh yeah, take another few grand from the tax cuts he gave you too. Enjoy your completely fabricated bitching. "Benefits", lol.

>infrastructure is shit
Who is to blame for that? The guy who has tried 4x to get some infrastructure bill passed (Trump) in just a couple years in office (that the Dems blocked inasmuch as they required it to be packaged with a bunch of other fat/waste projects to pad their own bank accounts and that of their "friends" (payback under the table), or Obama who had 8 years and did not even ONCE attempt to pass any infrastructure legislation (but campaigned on it and promised it: liar)? "Infrastructure", lol. Why not just blame the guy who comes in years later to clean up the milk someone else spilled long, long ago. Trump is trying on infrastructure. Blame the Democrats for not getting on board and playing political games.

>College is unaffordable
And who owns and runs all of the colleges? Oh yeah, the Democrats. Try to reflect on who is screwing you, if any of those issues you mentioned actually count to you at all. You've got it all backwards.

not him, but your hurr-durr response is about as dumb as it gets, even around here
why the fuck are you in a political thread if that's all you got?

i am a solid trump vote
was a berniefag
the dems don't play fair and fucked him and all of us out of a democratic vote
then bernie showed his true colors by flipping and going with hillary
he never even called the dems out on their shit
shameful really
sorry i spent time and money on him
learned my lesson

What do you mean? How many times do we need to provide proof to you morons who quickly dismiss it and go back sucking on Trumps tiny cheeto dick.


So you blame Trump for the federal reserve system? You know that started the downfall of 'we the people' becoming 'we your people'? Democrats btw dont help the middle class, but the poor and i dont mean help get them back to being productive citizens. Democratic policies keep the poor, poor. Trump is doing what he said he would do. I think Mexico needs to discipline themselves. Its people like Soros and Israel that need to back off. The media in between creates a narrative where both sides continue to fight. So we need not to vote for anyone. Four or eight years is not fixing the problems because the disease is near impossible to fix through policy making. Time for a separation of government. A new revolutionary war between the citizens and our 'beloved' government.

Whoever is most communist, obviously.

Ironically retarded.

I am going to vote for the Incumbent coward in chief, I mean if he can get out of going to war because he is captain bone spurs, fuck porn stars, have russia help him win the election, fuck 90% of the people with his tax plan then why not I say.
Maybe one day i will leave my son money and he can create and bankrupt countless companies and not pay people who actually work for a living.

Shut up, Kyle, no one likes your dumb nicknames

This. THIS. Trump is no majesty but he's doing more for the country than any democrat has in years. He's not a republican or a democrat. He's Trump. Pelosi and Shumer will keep trying. AOC is a dumb cunt controlled by the alt left. Its a circus and were watching it. The tax system has to go or be restructured. I pray for a recession but also for people to self sustain themselves so no one has to beg borrow or steal in case martial law or when shtf. Last thing you want is riots and panic in the streets. But so be it i guess.

Bernie realized it was important to keep Trump out of office, even if it didn't work. After, he has maintained unity for a perceived greater good. Were here to become president he would be better able to address those problems. I'm not excusing what members of the DNC did. I'm talking about Bernie's response. Further, much if the Democratic Party now supports and pushes his policies.

Also, there is no way a person who liked Bernie enough to donate could vote for Trump. I'm calling bullshit or an idiot who doesn't know what he supports.


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corporate democrats are republican lite. obama and trump are interchangeable. 0/10

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Ron Paul bitches.

Arguably life could be a lot worse if the population around you did not have access to guns. That’s not really some paranoid dribble, it’s extreme but true. Look at Britain talking about knife control. Fucking retarded

Trump, this time.
The Dems have been disappointing since they lost '16.

Ban all knives. They're bad bad. No knives in UK. Next we ban spoons. NO SPOONING. Spooning gives you the clap.

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If that's not irony, I don't know what is.

Literally this....

or you mean Putin....

Trump. Something tells me it'll be even funnier a second time around and we might actually see people collectively lose their shit for real.

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good fucking question. we can't sit back and let the DNC decide the nominee again.

i say gabbard, what do you guys think

holy shit i agree with someone on Yea Forums

get rid of warren and youre fucking golden

How do wages now compared to 8 years under Obama? Unemployment has definitely gone down that's for sure.

What doe you mean infrastructure is shit? That's a blanket statement. Give some examples.

College is unaffordable? How has college been more unaffordable compared to 8 years under the Democrats? I do not feel responsible for paying for your college so don't try and sell free college.

We were meddling in Syria under Obama. Last I heard Trump was talking about getting us out of there, but I haven't heard any details lately.

We haven't really done shit in Venezuela as far as I'm tracking other than say which politician we are backing and sending aid. At least that is all I've heard.

We have kicked the shit out of ISIS compared to the 8 years fighting them under Obama.

It's not only the rich people that are doing fine. It appears you just hate Trump. If that is the case then just keep it short and say so.


There's no way he's going to get close to the face off with Trump.

No he said trump you incel. Can you read? Oh no you want to start shit cause hes voting for someone you hate sweetie (:

I'm gonna keep sucking on Trumps tiny Cheeto dick when I vote to keep him in office. Another 4 years of watching leftist freaking the fuck out on 10 tweets a day. It's going to be amazing.

Nice counter-argument. You really proved your point.

Kinda this. He stops illegal immigration I'll vote for him next time. He's actually doing what he said he'd do unlike every other politician.

So I joined Yea Forums recently because I've read multiple times where Yea Forums brigaded stuff and did crazy shit as a massive group. Where do I get in on that fun stuff?

I'd vote for Putin before I would any of the Democrats who want to kill babies up until the mom is 9 months pregnant and "have a discussion" with the mother if the baby survives the abortion. How do people take those Democrats serious?

Peppe is the only way

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That's like cutting yourself in a different spot everyday and then celebrating this victory online by saying that'll teach those filthy leftists for messing with me.

As a non-white democrat, will never vote for a white men.

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Trump is doing amazing in office. The tweets and the people freaking out over there is just the cherry on top.

Is this one of those bots I keep hearing about?

If you think being a bumbling fool and getting nothing done is amazing. And if you think literally whining and trolling like a Yea Forums incel on twitter is funny for someone that's supposed to be President. 90% of dems and republicans are embarrassed by him. yeah no, I'm not 13 anymore, 4 the LULZ wore out on me in 2008.

Don't worry, the Dems won't have my white vote.

John McCain fucked over the votes before he died and the Senate and House both Repubs and Demos have been getting in the way of Trump's platform.
Trump has been doing the most he can possibly do within the powers of the presidency

Fuck off retarded beaner

Immigration will cause a war soon

yet you still voted for trump regardless of the fact you could of been intelligent enough to know he would be shit in the first place

>immigration will cause a war soon

yeah,i cant wait to watch all the redneck trump supporters get off their couch's and hurl their moonshine bottles at people while they grin with their 2 teeth and think thats what a war is

if you want a president that starts wars,id suggest not voting for a draft dodger like you did with cadet bone spurs

plus,its hilarious how much disrespect trump supporters do to real republicans yet seem to still believe they somehow are still considered republican themselves.real republicans know where your president and you stand on important issues,your as much of a cuck liberal as your president.now fuck off

What war did he started?

Tulsi Gabbard


but seriously I'm voting for trump

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Which one will give me free money for watching hentai all day?

Dude didn't want to fight in a war. Especially a war that a lot of people in America didn't agree with. Do you blame him really?

I see this talking point a lot but I'd love to see those people be drafted and see how they'd react to being drafted for a war. Especially one they don't agree with.

I wouldn't vote for either side of the aisle. One thing Trump has shown is the presidency is not all that important. Almost any schlub can take the reins and the country will somehow survive.

the only man that can defeat liberals

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You realize America isn't a democracy, right?