How do we fix this board?

how do we fix this board?

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Kill it

by you leaving it

Take it down for a couple of years, no thinking about, keep it going. Keeps an eye on societies 'nutters'

By not responding to porn and spam threads.

its always

just give up and do nothing

Buy it and ban everyone that frequents it.

Ban until it looks like 2003 2004. Keep it private until the right people are in, anonymous people young new oldfags. Highschool kids.

I don't mean the content, no gore no porn. I mean things to talk about. Fight club matrix themed shit, you get out of your waiter job or college you need a break from the political bullshit. You come here to your friends people who are valuable

This board was what, anime and something awful? Anonymous as a concept?

Keep it like that, matrix fight club.

Everything else besides the right needs to fuck off. This is a haven for the right.

we dont

No more porn

Have snacks ban faggots. You know where snacks is? That catch mma guy erik paulson.

This board got ruined in 07 before the meme templates.

First thing is: there is no "we". Theres just a bunch of stranges. Secondly dont get so arrogant. Just because you think somethink, doesnt make it absolute truth. Nothing needs changing (see what i did here?).
>"Yea Forums used to be better back in the day"
Bla di bla. It havent changed, your perception of it changed with time. As always, feel free to fuck off if you dont like it. Internet is a big place, find one that suits you.

fuck back off to plebbit

easy there kid, i think theres smoke coming out your ear. Dont tax that brain of yours too much...

Permanent bans for dick spammers, Elon musk and Andy posters

Not him, but what made you think that he's from leddit?

Can you fix raw sewage?

By banning all those dildos posting sixx shit logs threads

We can't, it's beyond us. Stop trying.

It's always been filled with piss & shit, with a few sprinkled gems amongst it.

>Yea Forums used to be good
That's like saying my shit used to smell better.
