Another night feeling suicidal as shit. Probably gonna kill myself. Is life worth living when you’re ugly?

Another night feeling suicidal as shit. Probably gonna kill myself. Is life worth living when you’re ugly?

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love u man dont do it

People = Shit, find things you enjoy that don't require people, Sex is overrated, dating is pointless, marriage is even dumber. You silly ugly faggot.

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Of course it is. Faggot. Go to sleep. Start again tomorrow. No one's ugly after a few drinks. It's just personality.


life is worth living. Depression is a habit. Break the habit and enjoy life.

No, thats why you should grow a fucking barbarian beard and stablish dominance over all men instead of crying with your goaty looking face

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Just don't be ugly.
Being ugly=/=being unattractive
Just be attractive
Get a job
Work out
Have an education
Have good social skill
Have good hygiene
And you will be fine

No life is not.

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me too user
recently after many years ive managed to see a doctor and get medication (not a therapist/psychologist yet though)
the medication has made things worse. much worse. i switched meds again recently and its starting to hit me now as bad.
think i might end it in a few years myself
i want to run away first. go on a trip across the country or something.

This scares me because I’m supposed to start medication soon but I feel like medication won’t change my perception and hatred of myself. Guess I’ll die.

if you have drug coverage might as well try
even if you dont some of them are cheap
theres many many but you're forced to suffer though which ever ones you try for 6+ weeks before you can switch.
if you have you have a parent or grandparent or anything that has depression and found one that works, it will likely work for you too.
some really suck because they make your dick stop working properly

Look, there are some pretty ugly guys out there that still manage to get girls.
Do you know why? Because they don't have terrible self esteem and realize that there is little they can do about their looks besides getting fit and better clothes. So they do those things. Then they get a job and actually brush their fucking teeth. They don't immediately ask a girl to fuck, they try and get into a relationship.

See, being ugly the only disadvantage you really have is that you have to work a little harder and probably miss out on casual sex unless you've got really good game.

Do the mentioned things and I promise you will eventually find a girl.

I have a girlfriend but i genuinely cannot feel much love anymore. We're going to break up very soon but that thought doesn't upset me much, it kind of relieves me because i don't have to upset her any longer.
Some days i feel good about how i look. i feel i look decent sometimes. My depression gets bad and i can't take care of myself well though. I can't groom myself. I'm too anxious to get a haircut. I haven't brushed my teeth in weeks. I can't bring myself to exercise. im trying to get better but i just end up worse

Fuck. Is it too late to mention I’m a girl? I’m already in a relationship but my perception of myself eats me up to the point where I’m probably gonna kill myself this year. Guys just don’t like girls that look like me and I’m sure my boyfriend looks at other girls so anyway so I just don’t see a point in living through these thoughts anymore.

This emulates my thoughts exactly

Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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its literally just anxiety making you think that. your boyfriend wouldn't be with you if he thought you were gross. you underestimate what guys can find attractive

You’re probably right. I’ll never get over my own insecurities and it kills me knowing I’m probably gonna have to live with them for the rest of my life.

you can always see a psychologist because you can be trained to kill these thoughts
though i know first hand how immensely difficult this can seem so
good luck

I’m so tired of being a pariah or the scapegoat in every friend group I am in. Am I just a natural born bitch or am I just way too passive? I can’t even take myself seriously anymore and it’s just dusappointing

fuck your own split identity

Lets see yr face first

Kek, more love points

Also, my goddamn jaw and small lips. Nothing screams gremlin more than they do.

Thanks dude. I appreciate the advice.

I had friends exactly like those in high school. Stop talking to them and dump them.