Comfy thread

comfy thread

Attached: 1531972444107.png (2048x1152, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:


RIP thread

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Settle in boys.

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I keep trying to post but the clover app is autistic

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I feel comfortable bathrooms are way too rarely made. I'd like some shower/hottub/sauna room, maybe shitter separate.

Attached: shower (1).jpg (499x304, 50K)

Attached: 1540614359504.jpg (1024x1024, 475K)

comfy baths, sans shitters, are hard to come by.

Attached: 4e991bf457e01d89a649e82c43a765e6.jpg (564x564, 55K)

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in regular houses sure, but i see all these expensive houses with all sorts of other nice shit and then the master bathroom looks like any other standard bathroom, just with nicer materials or some extra space.

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>not a toyota
shit car shit thread

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This is great

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I love comfy threads. Thanks OP.

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my last one, goodnight. hope you like them

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all of my comf pics are just kinda architect shit
and the same stuff thats posted over and over

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I love these threads.

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Comfy threads are 90% of the reason I still hang around Yea Forums. I come in, look for something interesting, and when that fails, find the comfy thread.

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Same here, user.
Nice dubs.

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rev up ur engines...he's a great channel

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yikes, flimsy rail..."an-hero bar & nightclub"?

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>flimsy rail
Everything is sturdy in the future, user.

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Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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yikes don't post those people will rip you for lacking conveniences

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maybe I'm just high but "coffins" weirded me out pretty hard here

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Kek. I know that sake bar on Pontocho in Kyoto. Been there more than a few times.

Attached: Pontocho-Food-Alley-6.jpg?e27302.jpg (2100x1400, 391K)

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i guess this is comfy, if you're james sunderland
>silent hill

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RIP shep

Attached: 1543594347311-Smokin_Birds.png (620x620, 782K)

gotta remember where you are

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one of my favorites

Attached: rain.jpg (2048x1357, 1.18M)

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guess you live in a desert

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No, but i tried that once and the endless sunshine made me want to an hero. So boring and monotonous.

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here you go

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I basically ive for downpours and snow and storms now. Never gets old. Maybe should live in pacific northwest or British isles I enjoy it so much.

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but does it also come with the mechanic?

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that makes me think of the movie "Looper" for some reason

Attached: 667f205945d40ff4a7cd8189cded638a.jpg (1792x1240, 802K)

I gotta be up in 6 hours for college but this thread is keeping me awake

c' to bed with you

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i miss the old food porn threads. food is underated comfy, but faggots will say it sucks because it isn't their exact preference so i rarely post any.

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Eh, we image limit pretty soon.

Attached: pool_indoor.jpg (539x375, 67K)

Please just one more

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one more then nighty-night!

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I wish they allowed more images per thread.

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Twas a good thread, anons.

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Can always make another thread, my main complaint is the size limit. Yea Forums was way more interesting before tibeten m00t halved the filesize. We'd have space and nature and info and science threads. Now all that shit is too large, along with some of the better comfy pics i have.

Attached: lake_erie (21).jpg (2592x1936, 1.5M)

Attached: IMG_8299.jpg (1280x850, 373K)

I know, I have mass amazing comfy gifs just over 2MB

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Attached: giphy (5).gif (720x500, 533K)

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So how does one enjoy hot alcohol? The only hot alcohol I like is mulled wine. To me sake is kind of sickly tasting, which could be aproblem if invited by some Japanese and i didn't want to offend them.

Yeah that 2mb is killer.
I have so many larger comfy files.

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sure we could resize, but why should we change, indonesian m00t is the one that sucks ass

Attached: hobbit_house (11).jpg (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Nothing says comfy like gross rat invested commies

I feel I should know this place. Is that the Rhein?

Very cozy everyone, thank you.
I needed this.

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why would you keep a surfboard upstairs, having to carry it up there and set it up againt a wall near glass barriers? this is one of the more pretentious, classless ones.

yeah, red... the color of blood. very relaxing. god what happened to you whitey... real white people know better and our favorite color isn't blue.