medicfag here. 1 day off out of 15
ask questions.
Dubs get a game under $50 on steam.
Trips gets any game under $100
bumping with ambulance porn
medicfag here. 1 day off out of 15
ask questions.
Dubs get a game under $50 on steam.
Trips gets any game under $100
bumping with ambulance porn
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm kinda drunk so don't be a douche and post your steam shit in your first roll.
Most scarring/memorable call?
If I miss something just yell fag. I might get to it.
Oh yeah hmu w dat bambulance.
Most calls blend together, to be honest. Worst usually involve children dying.
>got u fam
How many times have you masturbated about dead animals today? Steam zachhammer
0. No ambo porn for you.
Going to take the EMT national exam in may, is it true all EMS girls are whores? I've got quite a few hotties in my class that all seem dtf with me.
how long did it take you to get comfortable/confident with starting IVs?
Oohh too late for the not posting steam shit in the first roll. What do you drink?
I just want Lisa the joyful and painful
I'd say about 65% will fuck anything in sight. Chase the hotties, but never settle in ems. Female EMT/Medics are only good for fucking.
About 3 weeks to get comfortable stabbing someone in the arm with a needle. About 4 months to actually learn the technique to hit every single I.V. (I credit my amazing partner teaching me.)
Today is Captain. I don't drink much, but when I do, I make a giveaway post on Yea Forums.
Best/Worst part about the job?
Steam: FatherJonathan
hey dubs. Grats
I'll still do the trips shit.
Best part is just helping people. I particularly enjoy the bullshit calls where I can sit down and relax. Talk to them. Have a good time.
Worst is and always will be kids.
Not dubs here cause not scum. How are you going to give dubs their prize though?
Question: If you could go back in time, would you choose to become an EMT again, or would you go into a different profession? If so, what would you go into?
Fully disregard my retard ass
I messaged them their post number. If they're clueless then they can go suck a giant dick.
have there been any days where you decide that you just cant handle it and you take a break?
Steam: Doomsentinal
ever had to deal with a bitches implants popping
also roll
emts don't hit every single iv because they deal disproportionately with iv drug addicts and collapsed veins. this is how i know you're a liar.
Nursing.I can be a nurse on an ambulance and make 20 extra dollars an hour.
I have taken exactly 3 days off because I was about to have a mental breakdown. That was many years ago though.,
No haha.
do you ever really get used to the accidents OP?
Hopes for trips, what's the most bullshit thing you've done since you started? Steam:jedimaster4545
Generally EMTS dont hit any I.Vs because that's not in their scope. Obviously, there are exceptions to everything. I know you are a fucking cuck because about 5% of my calls involve overdoses. Increased volume on paydays and weekends.
What exactly is a collapsed vein? if it's collapsed I can't cannulate it you cuck nugget. Fuck off.
What's the most gruesome thing you've seen?
that's funny dickhead. i've watched the entire er series several times over. i know what i'm talking about.
How much of your time do you spend ubering blue hairs back and forth from the hospital and the rest home?
Public or private?
is OP actually buying shit?
Tractor trailor vs Passenger car on the I476. She got pretty much skull fucked by a semi.
Ah. I get it now. You must be in EMS or ER. How are ya mate.
My service does 911 primarily and will never do a blue hair discharge out of a hospital.
The dubs guy went to sleep. So if someone can get dubs before his bitch ass wakes up I'll buy them a game.
what was the "messiest" incident you had to deal with if you are willing to share
i had dubs and im awake
you also didn't put your steam shit there. I'm working with the first dubs on a game. His first pick was civ 5 complete but I can't give it as a gift.
Dude. The hot ones immediately start fucking firefighters. Give it a few years once you get your medic and then you can fuck the second tier ones that just became EMTs. But if you want the hot ones get on a fire department
fuckit. Prove you had the dubs. You can have a 25 game.
nice dubs. This only applies to cities with paid FFs. My township has fuck lazy volly fucks on the fire department.
hell yeah
do u ever sneak morphine to have a fun night when ur off?
i hope i roll trips so i take the game without dropping a link
>File: Screenshot_23.png (35 KB, 901x97)
this happened in er. dr carter stole drugs to get high. then they caught him and sent him to rehab.
No it has to be signed in and out of at every shift. I do sneak 500 bags of saline and zofran for parties.
Steam is being a tard but op is not a faggot
bro why does saline make me cold?
i donate plasma to get ez drug $ but when im done they pump me full of saline and it makes me feel like the room is 40°F
also wht does it do in large amounts? (mind change?)
hacked account obviously.
Hypnospace please, I haven't seen an OP that isn't a fag in a while
one last time
is the saline heated to 98.6 f before it's pumped into you or is it at room temperature?
I am just here for the games steam name ricklowdis
OP delivered faggot
is this what your going to be doing the rest of you life or are your going to move on to something else eventually...
Usually saline is given at room temp so It feels like it is cold.
Saline is only used as a volume replacement. So you will still feel dizzy because the oxygen doesn't bind to anything in crystollid fluids.
medicfag always delivars
not too sure, if its room temp will it always feel cold like that?
Yes it will
/medicfag rolling for trials rising or far cry 5
Doubles get free game?
I'm only interested in that, Mr expensive taxi driver.
do you like your job?
Worst thing you’ve ever seen?
rolling for dark souls 3
one more roll
I’ll roll with a question
What’s the most disgusted you’ve been on a job?
last one
I love my job
kids dying
fuck so close
drug addicts unresponsive in front of their children. You've never heard a scream until you've heard a child scream for their parent because they;re drug fucked.
uh room temp is 20 degrees lower than your core temp. come on man.
ok last one for real
How often do you run into psychotic people? Do you have to restrain them?
go to chatcrypt . com
groupname: Votrix
password: Reddit420
Well shit man, being a medic sounds like a hell of a job. Buddy was a combat medic, had friends die in his arms. Intense
Not very often. Adults we snowball with drugs.
Kids we soft retrain to the stretcher.
Got certified as an EMT last feb, tried a private company and fucking hated it, haven't tried since.
I'm also a giant pussy. Were you intimidated by the job when first starting work? How'd you get over it?
do airmed you pussy
Rolling for something cheap, maybe Peggle Deluxe?
Tell me something interesting.
Don't need any steam charity, just a good story.
depends what you are afraid of.
DLC for Warhammer Vermintide 2 plz
just kind of general dread. doing something wrongs means hurting someone, or worse getting fucked by that person's lawyer
Pre-hospital CPR within seconds of an arrest jumps survival rate up about 20%.
88888 check
rolling for DUSK
How often are you called out to an accident/injured person, etc.?
there is no such thing as a more dead, dead person. Follow your protocols and you will never have an issue in that regard.
When it comes down to business. You go into a sort of robotic mode and just do what needs to be done.No lawyer can ever touch you.
mr op do you put the kids in the back of the ambulance?
I wanna die
Op did not deliver
44 GET
suck a giant dick. Not my fault you suck assholes
Wtf just accept the gift
one more roll
gonna kms
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? FBI . Also I'm not your cousin you fucking retard.
The tard only sent the dlc, I don't have base game. Can't accept only the dlc.
What a tard hahahaha got damn he must be dumbest tard in ems
Ever had someone fuck in your ambulance?
Steam: severindrax
Company of heroes plx
Fuck. So close. Reroll
Third times the charm
then buy the base game you fucking cuck. I delivard to someone not as retarded as you. I'm sorry free wasn't free enough for you.
How the fuck do I pay for medical school cuz I'm considering it. Also what do you do specifically? I was thinking about being a medical technician because I'm not social but wouldn't mind lab work. Steam BringOutTheSun btw
How many rolls do I get? I have all night.
>Get dubs
>Op is too retarded to understand how steam works
>Gives game to person who got dubs after
>Calls me a cuck
Neck yourself you inbred nigger, I hope that the ambulance you drive crashes.
Hey look, dubs!
the silly cuck crying he wanted a dlc without the base game annoyed me. Go all fucking night my friend.
Added you
far cry 5, papa bless.
You stupid fucker you broke the rules of your own thread. This is why nobody loves you, you're a silly nigger with dicks for brains. They'll probably shoot you with a morphine bullet before they pay you any more money for peeling kids off the road. You're just not qualified son, they make tampons with more medical capability than your dingus ass. Out.
Rolling for amazon giftcard because fuck it
[email protected]
Stupid fucker can't read, I told him I wanted a game with dlc. What a tard
Trips winrar
sweet. Tekken 7 please. Steam ID: ieatwhalecum
OP fucking delivers you massive tardEnjoy your crying. Send a waambulance.
Thanks again medicfag
yeah. suck a dick
Not rolling
Can I have something pls, always late on those threads
One roll cause why not
LOL already winrar for me
please let me be lucky
Lucky man
neither of you posted your steam
I posted above and I replied to it
Shut the fuck up crying baby and roll
roll roll roll daddy needs a new game
rol l
This is my goodbye. I have had a good time with 2 good people and gave 2 great games to them. In several weeks I will come back and EVERY single person that replies to my next medicfag thread will get baba is you on steam, as long as you reply within 30 minutes. saying
imma roll for for that steam shit
any game for 50 hmmm
pay up op
I paid twice already., prove you are user an I might just give you a good game on good faith.
did you ever have to break real hard because of traffic or something and the ppl in the back got fucked up real bad or the patient injured even worse or something? must be dangerous driving around highspeed in traffic.
did you ever have a stable patient that died because of an accident on the way to the hospital?
Eh, why not
also how fast can an ambulance drive? and do you have to stick to any speedlimits?
did you ever hit someone with your ambulance?
too drunk to read thid
we are limited to 80mph
good to know....
Let's go. dub time
is that op?
why are most of you so fucking fat?
So, I've got this inside of me right now. Like... all the way in somehow, and it managed to get turned sideways. Now it doesn't want to come out. I can probably get my fingers in far enough to maneuver the pointy end down, but if I bear down on the flat end there's like a 50/50 shot it'll either come out or a the lip of it will press into my sigmoid and it'll end up going deeper.
How fucked am I?
On the plus side... it feels REALLY fucking good with all that pressure on my prostate right now. I've been leaking non-stop for like an hour.
Medic is salty because he has to start lines all by himself. Us Colorado EMTs have to be trained to start lines, since we all do on a daily basis, Also IM, and IO. Unless you're a hosehugger. Not to mention our ability to administrate wayyy more drugs than most states
Found the kid who just ditched weed for coke
Lmfao, for real. Every male paramedic ive ever seen was a goddamn planet with a half grey goatee
hi OP,i have epilepsy. ive woken up quite a few times from people calling ambulances on me from having seizures in public. im just curious how often you see people fake having a seizure and roll around on the floor and moan and shit compared to actually seizing. seems every time im in the hospital there is some 20 yr old junkie chick who could honestly win an oscar for her performance fooling people who have never seen a seizure before.
Could being sick and certain medication affect you from cumming
>tl;dr: I was going to get into EMS but went for nursing instead. Mistake or no?
I was on the path to become an EMT-B. I had taken a semester long course and took my practical exam. I only had to do the written NREMT exam when my job bumped up my pay pretty signifigantly. I went from making $12.50 to $15 and shortly thereafter got a promotion for an additional $0.50.I would have been making $11 at the EMS company I was going to go for.
I sometimes wonder if was a mistake and if I should've stuck with EMS. I'm in school now knocking out the last bit of pre-reqs I have left to get into a nursing program offered at my school. I''ve always wanted to do healthcare and nursing feels like the better option to me but a part of me wonders if I should've done EMT before nursing to get more experience although I know EMS is vastly different from a hospital environment.
What do you think of my colleague?
rainbow six siege pls
jew nose, more wrinkles than jabba/4head. throw her down a well
I got my dubs... OP?
Op isn't here
Dassa bump
are you OP? are you going to deliver?
Get up, a get get get down.
911 is joke in yo town.
Who remembers that shit?
Show your true age
>Ambulance porn
I can fap to this
How do I get rid of cyst? Doctor gave me cortisone cream but all it is doing is thinning out the skin? What do?
oh shit
Do you think being around fucked up shit take it's toll on your sanity?
Fucking close fml
What's your favorite way to unwind after a particularly troubling day?
how hard is your job?
OP you still here
Did you tried steal wallet from unconscious person?
Same dude..
What's the most gruesome suicide/assault/murder call you've had to attend?
Also rolling for trips.
i'll bite
Any sketchy shit you guys do on the job?
Rollin for sekiro or RE7
Eu4 + dlcs
What's the youngest you've seen?
Is there ever a risk of ambulance workers getting the illness the patient has? I feel like thatd be more prevalent.
Tropico 6
Sup OP
rolling for insurgency
EMT here. A lot of the time we just race around our town with the lights and sirens blaring and make extra money delivering for Dominos.
RIP Brave first EMT responders RIP.
That happened to us once while delivering a dozen Sicilian style extra cheesey pies we hit one of those tard buses. Full of kids but luckily all of them were black so no one complained.
That's not eve really an amblance its for carting around half dead old folks from hospital to nursing home.
Rolling for kenshi too broke to buy it myself
How many penises did you have to suck to get where you are today?
Thanks for your generosity user. Former medicfag here. Left in 1989.