I'm a lonely cuck who's gf left and I have little to no physical contact with human beings ama

I'm a lonely cuck who's gf left and I have little to no physical contact with human beings ama

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How are you?

u kno

wow. what a fucking story.

The fuck does that mean

Soft /pol/ fucking retard.
Go to prison already or an hero.

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u kno from personal experience and current circumstance. feel bad yet?

life is going downhill but I'm alright I guess

fair point

Nah that's why your girlfriend left you. Learn to communicate

We are one comrade. We are one

what? lol

that isn't me lol

how's it feel to live in the modern world?

sucks nothing is fun anymore but I hope it gets better

i bet it will OP. we have to have bad times along with the good to remind us to enjoy it when we're up, or something like that.

I've been trying to think that I've found ways to distract myself from things but I'm holding out

Don’t feel too bad op, im a lonely hot guy who’s got a batshit insane gf that I’m getting ready to ditch soon for my own sanity

think of this as a time to better yourself. work on something, instead of just idling by this time.

Did you at least get nudes of her before she left you? Share them.

yeah I got over my gf leaving me but what really hurts not having anyone to talk you know

Get a coupe male friends that have similar interests, I even have a few from overseas I get advice from on Facebook

Ex left me so she could get back with her first "bf". She ended up having a mental breakdown a week or so later after she fucked him so I guess I won. Except I've been single for about a year or two now and it's getting real lonely around these parts. I share your loneliness, user. I know the sting. The only thing I'm proud of is that I haven't cried about losing her so I've got that going for me.

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it's ok user just power through it you just gotta get through it

Sounds like you need a good bro

I would just like one friend who I can sit down and just talk for hours

Thanks man. I'm expecting to join the air force this summer so at least I'll be getting chicks that are about the uniform but it probably won't be the same or as fulfilling. What's going on with you user?

just trying to get through my day